1000 resultados para transmissão vertical do HIV
INTRODUCTION: We describe the epidemiology of intestinal parasites in patients from an AIDS reference service in Northeastern São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: Retrospective evaluation was done for all HIV-1/AIDS-positive patients whose Hospital de Base/São José do Rio Preto laboratorial analysis was positive for enteroparasites after diagnosis of HIV-1 infection, from January 1998 to December 2008. Statistical analysis was performed using the R statistical software version 2.4.1. The level of significance adopted was 5%. RESULTS: The most frequent protozoan was Isospora belli (4.2%), followed by Giardia lamblia (3.5%), Entamoeba coli (2.8%), and Cryptosporidium parvum (0.3%). Ancylostoma duodenale (1.4%) was the most frequently detected helminth, while Taenia saginata and Strongiloides stercoralis were found in 0.7% of the samples. The results showed that diarrhea was significantly associated with giardiasis and isosporiasis. However, no association was observed between CD4+ cell counts, viral load, and the characteristics of any particular parasite. CONCLUSIONS: Our data may be useful for further comparisons with other Brazilian regions and other developing countries. The data may also provide important clues toward improving the understanding, prevention, and control of enteric parasites around the world.
INTRODUCTION: The co-infection Trypanosoma cruzi/HIV has been described as a clinical event of great relevance. The objective of this study wasto describe clinical and epidemiological aspects published in literature. METHODS: It is a systematic review of a descriptive nature from the databases Medline, Lilacs, SciELO, Scopus, from 1980 to 2010. RESULTS: There were 83 articles (2.8 articles/year) with a total of 291 cases. The co-infection was described in 1980 and this situation has become the defining AIDS clinical event in Brazil. This is the country with the highest number of publication (51.8%) followed by Argentina (27.7%). The majority of cases are amongst adult men (65.3%) native or from endemic regions with serological diagnosis in the chronic stage (97.9%) and indeterminate form (50.8%). Both diseases follow the normal course, but in 41% the reactivation of the Chagas disease occurs. The most severe form is the meningoencephalitis, with 100% of mortality without specific and early treatment of the T. cruzi. The medication of choice was the benznidazole on doses and duration normally used for the acute phase. The high parasitemia detected by direct or indirect quantitative methods indicated reactivation and its elevation is the most important predictive factor. The lower survival rate was related to the reactivation of the Chagas disease and the natural complications of both diseases. The role of the antiretroviral treatment on the co-infection cannot yet be defined by the knowledge currently existent. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the relevance of this clinical event there are still gaps to be filled.
Carlos Chagas se apercebe precocemente da necessidade do controle da doença, frente ao seu impacto social e grande dispersão. O vetor é o elo mais vulnerável e a melhoria da habitação a estratégia mais exeqüível. Em paralelo, há que dar-se visibilidade à doença, para justificar o controle. Como primeiras tentativas concretas, Souza Araújo pleiteará reformas de vivendas, no Paraná (1918), e Ezequiel Dias e cols ensaiarão inúmeros compostos químicos contra os triatomíneos (1921). A luta anti triatomínica será retomada por Emmanuel Dias a partir de 1944, em Bambuí, re testando compostos antigos, lança chamas e gás cianídrico. Em 1946 decepciona-se com o DDT, mas, em 1947, com Pellegrino ensaia com êxito o gammexane (BHC PM). Aliando-se a Pinotti, logo partem para ensaios de campo no Triângulo Mineiro, justificando expansão para outras áreas. A estratégia básica é a luta química continuada, em áreas endêmicas contínuas. Em 1959, Pedreira de Freitas descreve o expurgo seletivo, formatando a etapa de avaliação, da SUCEN e da futura SUCAM. Em 1975, o programa nacional é normatizado e armam-se inquéritos nacionais (triatomíneos e sorológico). Em 1979 ensaiam-se novos piretróides e em1983 o programa nacional é expandido. Estudada desde 1950 pelo grupo de Nussenzweig, em São Paulo, a transmissão transfusional mostra-se vulnerável ao controle por quimioprofilaxia e seleção sorológica de doadores, mas só se implementa, em definitivo, nos anos 1980, com a emergência da pandemia de HIV/AIDS. Praticamente desde os trabalhos pioneiros, o controle da tripanossomíase evidenciou-se eficiente, desde que continuado e sustentado por ações educativas e por decisão política.
Entre 1950 e 1951, foi realizada a primeira Campanha de Profilaxia da Doença de Chagas, no Brasil, conduzida pelo então Serviço Nacional de Malária. Abrangeu, com ações de controle vetorial químico, 74 municípios ao longo do Vale do Rio Grande, na divisa dos Estados de Minas Gerais e São Paulo. Desde então até o ano de 1975 as atividades de controle foram exercidas de forma mais ou menos regular e com maior ou menor alcance, o que dependeu de um aporte descontínuo de recursos. A doença de Chagas não representava prioridade, relativamente a outras enfermidades endêmicas prevalentes no país. Ainda assim, a julgar pelos dados acumulados ao longo daqueles 25 anos, o volume de trabalho não foi desprezível, mas pouco conseqüente em termos de seu impacto sobre a transmissão. Em 1975, com um aporte adicional de recursos, excedentes do programa de controle da malária; com a sistematização metodológica das operações; e, com base em dois extensos inquéritos epidemiológicos realizados no país, entomológico e sorológico, as ações de controle vetorial passaram a ser exercidas de forma regular, seguindo dois princípios básicos: intervenções em áreas sempre contíguas e progressivamente crescentes e sustentabilidade das atividades, até que cumpridos determinados requisitos e metas, previamente estabelecidos. Essas ações levaram ao esgotamento das populações da principal espécie de vetor, Triatoma infestans, alóctone e exclusivamente domiciliar, e ao controle da colonização intradomiciliar de espécies autóctones com importância na transmissão. A transmissão é hoje residual por algumas dessas espécies nativas, notadamente por Triatoma brasiliensis e Triatoma pseudomaculata; há o risco de domiciliação de espécies, antes consideradas de hábitos silvestres, como é o caso de Panstrongylus lutzi e Triatoma rubrovaria; além da possibilidade de que ocorram casos de infecção humana, diretamente relacionados ao ciclo enzoótico de transmissão. Por tudo isso, é ainda indispensável que se mantenha estrita vigilância entomológica.
A alta prevalência de doadores chagásicos nos bancos de sangue do Brasil (6,9%) e da América Latina (6,5%), nas décadas de 60 e 70, aliada ao combate ao vetor a partir dos anos setenta, fez com que a doença de Chagas transfusional, a partir da década de oitenta, se tornasse o principal mecanismo de transmissão da doença na maioria dos países endêmicos. Contudo, os resultados altamente favoráveis do combate ao vetor e da cobertura sorológica dos doadores, reduziu a prevalência de soropositividade para 0,2% e 1,3%, respectivamente, no Brasil e América Latina e o índice de transmissão anual, via transfusão de sangue no Brasil, de 20.000 para 13 em quatro décadas. Entretanto, paralelamente aos grandes avanços obtidos pelos países endêmicos, a doença de Chagas alcançou, via processo migratório, os países não endêmicos da América do Norte e da Europa, além do Japão e Austrália, colocando em risco os receptores de sangue destes países e transformando a doença de Chagas num problema de saúde global. A segurança transfusional, propiciada pela triagem sorológica, trouxe, porém outro importante problema, qual seja, a alta proporção de reações inconclusivas e dois grandes desafios: o significado de tais exames e que orientação proporcionar ao doador. Contudo, as estratégias adotadas pelos países não endêmicos e os avanços alcançados pelos endêmicos, prenunciam o breve, auspicioso e intensamente sonhado controle vetorial e transfusional da doença de Chagas.
Consideram-se habituais em doença de Chagas humana os mecanismos vetorial, transfusional e congênito de transmissão. Acidental, oral e por transplantes são ditos alternativos. Possibilidades como por outros vetores, sexual, criminal e por secreção de marsupiais são consideradas excepcionais. A prevenção dos mecanismos alternativos, incluindo o congênito, está hoje consensuada: TRANSMISSÃO CONGÊNITA: detecção precoce do caso e seu tratamento específico. Se possível começar, no pré-natal com sorologia de gestantes. Quando viável, pesquisar parasitologicamente o RN de mães reagentes, tratando-se imediatamente os que resultarem positivos. Sendo negativos, sorologia convencional aos 8 meses de vida, tratando imediatamente os que estiverem reagentes. TRANSMISSÃO ACIDENTAL: Usar treinamento e equipamentos de proteção. Se acidente, desinfecção local, sorologia convencional e inicio de tratamento específico por dez dias. Revisão da sorologia em 30 dias, seguindo-se o tratamento até a dose total, no caso de reação positiva. TRANSPLANTES DE ÓRGÃOS: sorologia prévia no doador e receptor. Sendo o primeiro positivo e o segundo negativo, evitar o transplante ou tratar especificamente o doador por 10 dias antes da cirurgia e o receptor nos dez dias subsequentes à mesma. TRANSMISSÃO ORAL: de modo geral, higiene alimentar e cozimento de carnes de possíveis reservatórios. Hoje se recomenda a detecção precoce e tratamento imediato do caso, com intensa busca ativa entre os circunstantes mais próximos do paciente.
Discute-se o controle dos transmissores da doença de Chagas, no Estado de São Paulo, e as atividades que levaram à eliminação do Triatoma infestans. São destacados os fatores coadjuvantes as ações de controle, particularmente o êxodo rural. A partir de 1965, o combate tomou a forma de uma verdadeira campanha, com fases distintas em função das alterações epidemiológicas, experiência adquirida e pressão dos custos. Após 25 anos de trabalho a campanha foi considerada encerrada, com a eliminação dos focos da espécie do planalto paulista. Porém, em função da possibilidade da reintrodução de Triatoma iinfestans(transporte passivo) e da presença, em diversas localidades, de exemplares de espécies vetoras semidomiciliares (Triatoma sordida e Panstrogylus megistus) as atividades de controle não foram interrompidas. Em consequência, continuam em andamento as ações de vigilância entomológica.
INTRODUCTION: In Brazil there is a large area of overlap of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and HIV infection, which favored a increased incidence of coinfection Leishmania/HIV. METHODS: This study evaluated 65 consecutive patients with VL and their clinical response to treatment in two health care settings in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. RESULTS: At baseline, the clinical picture was similar between both groups, although diarrhea and peripheral lymphadenomegaly were more frequent in HIV-infected subjects. HIV-positive patients had lower median blood lymphocyte counts (686/mm³ versus 948/mm³p = 0.004) and lower values of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (48IU/L versus 75.6IU/L p = 0.016) than HIV-negative patients. HIV-positive status (hazard ratio = 0.423, p = 0.023) and anemia (HR = 0.205, p = 0.002) were independent negative predictors of complete clinical response following antileishmanial treatment initiation. CONCLUSIONS: This study reinforces that all patients with VL should be tested for HIV infection, regardless of their clinical picture. This practice would allow early recognition of coinfection with initiation of antiretroviral therapy and, possibly, reduction in treatment failure.
INTRODUCTION: Since the emergence of antiretroviral therapy, the survival of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus has increased. Non-adherence to this therapy is directly related to treatment failure, which allows the emergence of resistant viral strains. METHODS: A retrospective descriptive study of the antiretroviral dispensing records of 229 patients from the Center for Health Care, University Hospital, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil, was conducted between January and December 2009. RESULTS: The study aimed to evaluate patient compliance and determine if there was an association between non-adherence and the therapy. Among these patients, 63.8% were men with an average age of 44.0 ± 9.9 years. The most used treatment was a combination of 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors with 1 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (55.5%) or with 2 protease inhibitors (28.8%). It was found that patients taking lopinavir/ritonavir with zidovudine and lamivudine had a greater frequency of inadequate treatment than those taking atazanavir with zidovudine and lamivudine (85% and 83.3%, respectively). Moreover, when the combination of zidovudine/ lamivudine was used, the patients were less compliant (χ2 = 4.468, 1 degree of freedom, p = 0.035). CONCLUSIONS: The majority of patients failed to correctly adhere to their treatment; therefore, it is necessary to implement strategies that lead to improved compliance, thus ensuring therapeutic efficacy and increased patient survival.
INTRODUCTION: Studies strongly indicate Dientamoeba fragilis as one of the causes of diarrhea in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients. METHODS: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of D. fragilis associated with the causes of diarrhea in 82 HIV/ AIDS patients hospitalized at the Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas from September 2006 to November 2008. RESULTS: In total, 105 samples were collected from 82 patients. Unprotected sex was the most frequent cause of HIV infection (46.3%), followed by the use of injectable or non-injectable drugs (14.6%). Patients presented with viral loads of 49-750,000 copies/ mL (average: 73,849 ± 124,850 copies/mL) and CD4 counts ranging of 2-1,306 cells/mm³ (average: 159 ± 250 cells/mm³). On an average, the odds of obtaining a positive result by using the other techniques (Hoffman, Pons and Janer or Lutz; Ritchie) were 2.7 times higher than the chance of obtaining a positive result by using the simplified iron hematoxylin method. Significant differences were found between the methods (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The other techniques can detect a significantly greater amount of parasites than the simplified iron hematoxylin method, especially with respect to Isospora belli, Cryptosporidium sp., Schistosoma mansoni, and Strongyloides stercoralis, which were not detected using hematoxylin. Endolimax nana and D. fragilis were detected more frequently on using hematoxylin, and the only parasite not found by the other methods was D. fragilis.
INTRODUCTION: Approximately 30% of hepatitis C virus (HCV) monoinfected patients present persistently normal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. Most of these patients have a slow progression of liver fibrosis. Studies have demonstrated the rate of liver fibrosis progression in hepatitis C virus-human immunodeficiency virus (HCV-HIV) coinfected patients is faster than in patients infected only by HCV. Few studies have evaluated the histological features of chronic hepatitis C in HIV-infected patients with normal ALT levels. METHODS: HCV-HIV coinfected patients (HCV-RNA and anti-HIV positive) with known time of HCV infection (intravenous drugs users) were selected. Patients with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive or hepatitis C treatment before liver biopsy were excluded. Patients were considered to have a normal ALT levels if they had at least 3 normal determinations in the previous 6 months prior to liver biopsy. All patients were submitted to liver biopsy and METAVIR scale was used. RESULTS: Of 50 studied patients 40 (80%) were males. All patients were treated with antiretroviral therapy. The ALT levels were normal in 13 (26%) patients. HCV-HIV co-infected patients with normal ALT levels had presented means of the liver fibrosis stages (0.77±0.44 versus 1.86±1.38; p<0.001) periportal inflammatory activity (0.62±0.77 versus 2.24±1.35; p<0.001) and liver fibrosis progression rate (0.058±0.043 fibrosis unit/year versus 0.118±0.102 fibrosis unit/year) significantly lower as compared to those with elevated ALT. CONCLUSIONS: HCV-HIV coinfected patients with persistently normal ALTs showed slower progression of liver fibrosis. In these patients the development of liver cirrhosis is improbable.
INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, studies have shown that HTLV seroprevalence among pregnant women varies from 0 to 1.8%. However, this seroprevalence was unknown in the State of Pará, Brazil. The present study describes, for the first time, the HTLV seroprevalence among pregnant women from the State of Pará, Northern Brazil. METHODS: 13,382 pregnant women were submitted to HTLV screening during prenatal care, and those with non-seronegative results to anti-HTLV were submitted to Western blot (WB) test to confirm and separate HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 carriers. RESULTS: HTLV seroprevalence in the population of pregnant women was 0.3%, and HTLV-1 was identified in 95.3% of patients. The demographic profile of HTLV carriers was as follows: women with age between 20 and 40 years old (78.4%); residing in the metropolitan region of Belém, Pará (67.6%); and with educational level of high school (56.8%). Other variables related to infection were as follows: beginning of sexual intercourse between the age of 12 and 18 years old (64.9%) and have being breastfed for more than 6 months (51.4%). Most of the women studied had at least two previous pregnancies (35.1%) and no abortion (70.3%). Coinfections (syphilis and HIV) were found in 10.8% (4/37) of these pregnant women. CONCLUSIONS: Seroprevalence of HTLV infection in pregnant women assisted in basic health units from the State of Pará, Northern Brazil, was 0.3% similar to those described in other Brazilian studies. The variables related to infection were important indicators in identifying pregnant women with a higher tendency to HTLV seropositivity, being a strategy for disease control and prevention, avoiding vertical transmission.
Although modern combined antiretroviral therapies (cART) result in lower morbidity and mortality and a visible improvement of clinical and laboratory parameters in HIV-infected, it is known that their long-term use contributes to appearance of the many events unrelated to AIDS such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and osteoporosis, comorbidities which have been proposed as some of the most important that deprive the majority of infected to present an even better prognosis. This is because even with a decrease in inflammation and immune activation after drug intervention to the patient, these parameters remain higher than those shown by healthy individuals and the imbalance of cytokine profiles also persists. Therefore, evaluations of other biomarkers in clinical practice are needed to complement the exams already carried out routinely and allow more effective monitoring of HIV patients. This review aims to investigate the role of cytokines as potential markers showing studies on their behavior in various stages of HIV infection, with or without cART.
INTRODUCTION: The present study investigated cancer prevalence and associated factors among HIV-infected individuals attending an AIDS outpatient clinic in Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. METHODS: A sectional study was conducted among HIV infected adults attending an AIDS outpatient clinic in Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Demographic, epidemiological and clinical data were abstracted from medical records, including cancer diagnoses; nadir and current CD4 cell count, HIV viral load, time on antiretroviral treatment (ART), type of ART and smoking status. RESULTS: A total of 730 (91.3%) patients were included in the study. Median age was 44.0 [interquartile range (IQR): 35-50.3] years; median time since HIV diagnosis was 5.5 years (IQR: 2-10); 60% were male; and 59% were white. Thirty (4.1%) cases of cancer were identified of which 16 (53%) were AIDS defining cancers and 14 (47%) were non-AIDS defining malignancies. Patients diagnosed with cancer presented higher chance of being tobacco users [OR 2.2 (95% CI: 1.04-6.24)]; having nadir CD4 ≤200 cells/mm³ [OR 3.0 (95% CI: 1.19-7.81)] and higher lethality [OR 13,3 (95% CI: 4,57-38,72)]. CONCLUSIONS: These results corroborate the importance of screening for and prevention of non-AIDS defining cancers focus in HIV-infected population, as these cancers presented with similar frequency as AIDS defining cancers.
INTRODUCTION: Food security remains to be one of the world's biggest problems and is found to be related to HIV/AIDS. The objective was to examine food insecurity in HIV/AIDS patients from Brasilia, Brazil. METHODS: Short version of the Food Security Scale was applied to patients with HIV/AIDS. RESULTS: A total of 103 patients participated (65 HIV+ and 38 with AIDS). Food insecurity was found in 33.8% of HIV+ patients and 36.8% of patients with AIDS. A relation between food insecurity and low educational and social levels was established. CONCLUSIONS: Food security should be an important component in HIV/AIDS treatment programs.