884 resultados para transfer of resistance


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We have employed Arabidopsis thaliana as a model host plant to genetically dissect the molecular pathways leading to disease resistance. A. thaliana accession Col-0 is susceptible to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000 but resistant in a race-specific manner to DC3000 carrying any one of the cloned avirulence genes avrB, avrRpm1, avrRpt2, and avrPph3. Fast-neutron-mutagenized Col-0 M2 seed was screened to identify mutants susceptible to DC3000(avrB). Disease assays and analysis of in planta bacterial growth identified one mutant, ndr1-1 (nonrace-specific disease resistance), that was susceptible to DC3000 expressing any one of the four avirulence genes tested. Interestingly, a hypersensitive-like response was still induced by several of the strains. The ndr1-1 mutation also rendered the plant susceptible to several avirulent isolates of the fungal pathogen Peronospora parasitica. Genetic analysis of ndr1-1 demonstrated that the mutation segregated as a single recessive locus, located on chromosome III. Characterization of the ndr1-1 mutation suggests that a common step exists in pathways of resistance to two unrelated pathogens.


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S-Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) is a key enzyme in transmethylation reactions that use S-adenosylmethionine as the methyl donor. Because of the importance of SAHH in a number of S-adenosylmethionine-dependent transmethylation reactions, particularly the 5' capping of mRNA during viral replication, SAHH has been considered as a target of potential antiviral agents against animal viruses. To test the possibility of engineering a broad type of resistance to plant viruses, we expressed the antisense RNA for tobacco SAHH in transgenic tobacco plants. As expected, transgenic plants constitutively expressing an anti-sense SAHH gene showed resistance to infection by various plant viruses. Among those plants, about half exhibited some level of morphological change (typically stunting). Analysis of the physiological change in those plants showed that they contained excess levels of cytokinin. Because cytokinin has been found to induce acquired resistance, there is also a strong possibility that the observed resistance was induced by cytokinin.


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Background: Chitosan oligosaccharide (COS), a deacetylated derivative of chitin, is an abundant, and renewable natural polymer. COS has higher antimicrobial properties than chitosan and is presumed to act by disrupting/permeabilizing the cell membranes of bacteria, yeast and fungi. COS is relatively non-toxic to mammals. By identifying the molecular and genetic targets of COS, we hope to gain a better understanding of the antifungal mode of action of COS. Results: Three different chemogenomic fitness assays, haploinsufficiency (HIP), homozygous deletion (HOP), and multicopy suppression (MSP) profiling were combined with a transcriptomic analysis to gain insight in to the mode of action and mechanisms of resistance to chitosan oligosaccharides. The fitness assays identified 39 yeast deletion strains sensitive to COS and 21 suppressors of COS sensitivity. The genes identified are involved in processes such as RNA biology (transcription, translation and regulatory mechanisms), membrane functions (e.g. signalling, transport and targeting), membrane structural components, cell division, and proteasome processes. The transcriptomes of control wild type and 5 suppressor strains overexpressing ARL1, BCK2, ERG24, MSG5, or RBA50, were analyzed in the presence and absence of COS. Some of the up-regulated transcripts in the suppressor overexpressing strains exposed to COS included genes involved in transcription, cell cycle, stress response and the Ras signal transduction pathway. Down-regulated transcripts included those encoding protein folding components and respiratory chain proteins. The COS-induced transcriptional response is distinct from previously described environmental stress responses (i.e. thermal, salt, osmotic and oxidative stress) and pre-treatment with these well characterized environmental stressors provided little or any resistance to COS. Conclusions: Overexpression of the ARL1 gene, a member of the Ras superfamily that regulates membrane trafficking, provides protection against COS-induced cell membrane permeability and damage. We found that the ARL1 COS-resistant over-expression strain was as sensitive to Amphotericin B, Fluconazole and Terbinafine as the wild type cells and that when COS and Fluconazole are used in combination they act in a synergistic fashion. The gene targets of COS identified in this study indicate that COS’s mechanism of action is different from other commonly studied fungicides that target membranes, suggesting that COS may be an effective fungicide for drug-resistant fungal pathogens.


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In this thesis, I offer an exploration of what it means to be Palestinian, and constructions of identity, belonging and community, through drawing on the experiences of younger generations of Palestinians who have not lived in Palestine. This project seeks to investigate how understanding of our own individual, familial and community’s history plays in shaping our own understandings of identity, place, belonging and indigeneity, as a younger generation of Palestinians now living and studying in the diaspora. In particular, this project examined how the process of remembering and sharing memories in community act as a form of resistance to 68 years of settler colonial violence and erasure of Palestinian land and peoples, asking what our responsibilities this therefore entails from each and every one of us.


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Through a case study of the diffusion of the celebrated West Gennan "dual system" of vocational training to the territory of the fonner German Democratic Republic, we develop the argument that local sociopolitical relations matter crucially for the successful transfer and implementation of institutional arrangements. Notwithstanding massive levels of government funding, the presence of complementary supports, and the concerted efforts of Ger­many's social partners, the dual system is experiencing significant difficulties in the new federal states of the East. These difficulties are not due simply to the particular politics of unification (the wholesale transfer of West German institutions whether or not they were appropriate to Eastern Germany) nor even simply to the paucity of dynamic private firms capable of and willing to train new apprentices. The difficulties stem also from the under­ lying weaknesses of the East German sociopolitical infrastructure on which the entire dual system rests. This. hy­ pothesis is elaborated and substantiated through a range of data on training in the East and especially through the use of detailed case studies of Leipzig and Chemrutz.


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Resistance to antibiotics used against Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections is a major public health concern. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) testing relies on time-consuming culture-based methods. Development of rapid molecular tests for detecting AMR determinants could provide valuable tools for surveillance, epidemiological studies and to inform individual case management. We developed a fast (<1.5 hrs) SYBR-green based real-time PCR method with high resolution melting (HRM) analysis. One triplex and three duplex reactions included two sequences for N. gonorrhoeae identification and seven determinants of resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs), azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, and spectinomycin. The method was validated by testing 39 previously fully-characterized N. gonorrhoeae strains, 19 commensal Neisseria spp., and an additional panel of 193 gonococcal isolates. Results were compared with culture-based AMR determination. The assay correctly identified N. gonorrhoeae and the presence or absence of the seven AMR determinants. There was some cross-reactivity with non-gonococcal Neisseria species and the detection limit was 10(3)-10(4) gDNA copies/reaction. Overall, the platform accurately detected resistance to ciprofloxacin (sensitivity and specificity, 100%), ceftriaxone (sensitivity 100%, specificity 90%), cefixime (sensitivity 92%, specificity 94%), azithromycin and spectinomycin (both sensitivity and specificity, 100%). In conclusion, our methodology accurately detects mutations generating resistance to antibiotics used to treat gonorrhea. Low assay sensitivity prevents direct diagnostic testing of clinical specimens but this method can be used to screen collections of gonococcal isolates for AMR more quickly than with current culture-based AMR testing.


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In the early 1900s, the Yakima Indian Agency welcomed non-Native ranching operations onto Yakama tribal lands, taxing rangelands, and resulting in widespread overgrazing. By the 1920s, agency concern for the welfare of ranchers facilitated a need to gain access to tribal grazing lands sustaining Yakama horses. As a result, agency officials launched systematic assaults on Yakama horse herds, citing horses as culprits of overgrazing and land degradation. However, Yakamas showed little interest in removing their horses, and instead actively opposed settler encroachment on tribal grazing lands. Through analyzing archival sources, conducting interviews, and reviewing scholarly sources, I argue that Yakamas and settlers used horses as a terrain of struggle, whereby they asserted competing claims to Indigenous lands and resources. Examining horses as a tool of resistance provides a useful lens for understanding forms of Native opposition to colonial hegemony, while interrogating problematic tropes settlers utilized to justify divesting Native communities.


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The emergence of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic and commensal bacteria has become a serious problem worldwide. The use and overuse of antibiotics in a number of settings are contributing to the development of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. The class 1 and 2 integrase genes (intI1 and intI2, respectively) were identified in mixed bacterial cultures enriched from bovine feces by growth in buffered peptone water (BPW) followed by integrase-specific PCR. Integrase-positive bacterial colonies from the enrichment cultures were then isolated by using hydrophobic grid membrane filters and integrase-specific gene probes. Bacterial clones isolated by this technique were then confirmed to carry integrons by further testing by PCR and DNA sequencing. Integron-associated antibiotic resistance genes were detected in bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Aeromonas spp., Proteus spp., Morganella morganii, Shewanella spp., and urea-positive Providencia stuartii isolates from bovine fecal samples without the use of selective enrichment media containing antibiotics. Streptomycin and trimethoprim resistance were commonly associated with integrons. The advantages conferred by this methodology are that a wide variety of integron-containing bacteria may be simultaneously cultured in BPW enrichments and culture biases due to antibiotic selection can be avoided. Rapid and efficient identification, isolation, and characterization of antibiotic resistance-associated integrons are possible by this protocol. These methods will facilitate greater understanding of the factors that contribute to the presence and transfer of integron-associated antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial isolates from red meat production animals.


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Wolbachia is an endosymbiont of diverse arthropod lineages that can induce various alterations of host reproduction for its own benefice. Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) is the most common phenomenon, which results in embryonic lethality when males that bear Wolbachia are mated with females that do not. In the cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi, Wolbachia seems to be responsible for previously reported patterns of incompatibility between populations. Here we report on the artificial transfer of two Wolbachia variants (wCer1 and wCer2) from R. cerasi into Drosophila simulans, which was performed with two major goals in mind: first, to isolate wCer1 from wCer2 in order to individually test their respective abilities to induce Cl in the new host; and, second, to test the theoretical prediction that recent Wolbachia-host associations should be characterized by high levels of CI, fitness costs to the new host, and inefficient transmission from mothers to offspring. wCer1 was unable to develop in the new host, resulting in its rapid loss after successful injection, while wCer2 was established in the new host. Transmission rates of wCer2 were low, and the infection showed negative fitness effects, consistent with our prediction, but CI levels were unexpectedly lower in the new host. Based on these parameter estimates, neither wCer1 nor wCer2 could be naturally maintained in D. simulans. The experiment thus suggests that natural Wolbachia transfer between species might be restricted by many factors, should the ecological barriers be bypassed.


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This manuscript provides a summary of the results presented at a symposium organized to accumulate information on factors that influence the prevalence of acaricide resistance and tick-borne diseases. This symposium was part of the 19th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP), held in New Orleans, LA, USA, during August 10-14, 2003. Populations of southern cattle ticks, Boophilus microplus, from Mexico have developed resistance to many classes of acaricide including chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT), pyrethroids, organ ophosphates, and formamidines (amitraz). Target site mutations are the most common resistance mechanism observed, but there are examples of metabolic mechanisms. In many pyrethroid resistant strains, a single target site mutation on the Na+ channel confers very high resistance (resistance ratios: >1000x) to both DDT and all pyrethroid acaricides. Acetylcholine esterase affinity for OPs is changed in resistant tick populations. A second mechanism of OP resistance is linked to cytochrome P450 monooxygenase activity. A PCR-based assay to detect a specific sodium channel gene mutation that is associated with resistance to permethrin has been developed. This assay can be performed on individual ticks at any life stage with results available in a few hours. A number of Mexican strains of B. microplus with varying profiles of pesticide resistance have been genotyped using this test. Additionally, a specific metabolic esterase with permethrin-hydrolyzing activity, CzEst9, has been purified and its gene coding region cloned. This esterase has been associated with high resistance to permethrin in one Mexican tick population. Work is continuing to clone specific acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and carboxylesterase genes that appear to be involved in resistance to organophosphates. Our ultimate goal is the design of a battery of DNA- or ELISA-based assays capable of rapidly genotyping individual ticks to obtain a comprehensive profile of their susceptibility to various pesticides. More outbreaks of clinical bovine babesisois and anaplasmosis have been associated with the presence of synthetic pyrethroid (SP) resistance when compared to OP and amidine resistance. This may be the result of differences in the temporal and geographic patterns of resistance development to the different acaricides. If acaricide resistance develops slowly, herd immunity may not be affected. The use of pesticides for the control of pests of cattle other than ticks can affect the incidence of tick resistance and tick-borne diseases. Simple analytical models of tick- and tsetse-bome diseases suggest that reducing the abundance of ticks, by treating cattle with pyrethroids for example, can have a variety of effects on tick-bome diseases. In the worst-case scenario, the models suggest that treating cattle might not only have no impact on trypanosomosis but could increase the incidence of tick-bome disease. In the best-case, treatment could reduce the incidence of both trypanosomosis and tick-bome diseases Surveys of beef and dairy properties in Queensland for which tick resistance to amitraz was known were intended to provide a clear understanding of the economic and management consequences resistance had on their properties. Farmers continued to use amitraz as the major acaricide for tick control after the diagnosis of resistance, although it was supplemented with moxidectin (dairy farms) or fluazuron, macrocyclic lactones or cypermethrin/ chlorfenvinphos. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Abstract Resistance in insect pests against the endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) (Bt) is a major threat to the usefulness of this biopesticide, both used as traditional formulations and in transgenic crops. A crucial requirement for the development of successful resistance management strategies is a molecular understanding of the nature and inheritance of resistance mechanisms. This information can be used to design management strategies that will delay or counteract Bt resistance. The best known Bt resistance mechanism is inactivation of brush border membrane receptors. This type of resistance has a largely recessive mode of inheritance, which has enabled the design of resistance management approaches involving high dose and refuge strategies. Recent observations suggest that other resistance mechanisms are possible, including a mechanism that sequesters the toxin in the gut lumen through inducible immune reactions. The elevated immune status associated with tolerance to the toxin can be transmitted to subsequent generations by a maternal effect, which has implications for resistance management in the field. The high dose/refuge strategy may not be appropriate for the management of these alternative resistance mechanisms and other strategies have to be developed if inducible dominant resistance or tolerance mechanisms occur frequently in the field.


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The clinical use of potent, well-tolerated, broad-spectrum antibiotics has been paralleled by the development of resistance in bacteria, and the prevalence of highly resistant bacteria in some intensive care units is despairingly commonplace. The intensive care community faces the realistic prospect of untreatable nosocomial infections and should be searching for new approaches to diagnose and manage resistant bacteria. In this review, we discuss some of the relevant underlying biology, with a particular focus on genetic transfer vehicles and the relationship of selection pressure to their movements. It is an attempt to demystify the relevant language and concepts for the anaesthetist and intensivist, to explain some of the reasons for the emergence of resistance in bacteria, and to provide a contextual basis for discussion of management approaches such as selective decontamination and antibiotic cycling.


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This study examined the effect of transfer to increased environmental salinity on the circulating levels of angiotensin II (ANG II), C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), and arginine vasotocin (AVT) in the euryhaline elasmobranch, Carcharhinus letteas. Plasma levels of ANG 11 and CNP were significantly increased in C. leucas chronically acclimated to seawater (SW) in comparison to freshwater (FW) acclimated fish. There was no difference in plasma AVT levels. Acute transfer of FW fish to 75% SW induced an increase in plasma ANG II levels within 12 h, and subsequent transfer from 75 to 100% SW further increased plasma ANG 11 levels at both 24 and 72 h. No change in plasma CNP was observed during acute transfer to increased salinity. However, a significant increase in plasma AVT levels was observed following 96 h in 75% SW and 24 h in 100% SW. In chronically SW acclimated C leucas plasma osmolality, sodium, chloride, and Urea were all significantly higher than FW acclimated fish but there was no difference in haematocrit. Acute transfer of C letteas to 75% SW induced a significant increase in plasma osmolality, sodium and urea concentrations within 96 h of transfer. Subsequent transfer from 75 to 100% SW induced a further increase in these variables within 24 h in addition to a significant increase in plasma chloride above control levels. Haematocrit did not differ between the experimental and control groups throughout the acute study. Circulating levels of ANG 11 were significantly correlated to plasma, sodium, chloride, and urea concentrations during acclimation to SW. Conversely, circulating levels of CNP and AVT did not correlate to plasma osmolytes, however, CNP was significantly correlated to haematocrit during acclimation to seawater. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Summary: Prevalence studies indicate that transmission of drug-resistant HIV has been rising in the adult population, but data from the perinatally infected pediatric population are limited. In this retrospective study, we sequenced the pol region of HIV from perinatally infected infants diagnosed in New York State in 2001-2002. Analyses of drug resistance, subtype diversity, and perinatal antiretroviral exposure were conducted, and the results were compared with those from a previous study of HIV-infected infants identified in 1998-1999. Eight of 42 infants (19.1%) had provirus carrying at least 1 drug-resistance mutation, an increase of 58% over the 1998-1999 results. Mutations conferring resistance to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, and protease inhibitors were detected in 7.1%, 11.9%, and 2.4% of specimens, respectively. Consistent with previous results, perinatal antiretroviral exposure was not associated with drug resistance (P = 0.70). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that 16.7% of infants were infected with a non-subtype B strain of HIV. It seems that drug-resistant and non-subtype B strains of HIV are becoming increasingly common in the perinatally infected population. Our results highlight the value of resistance testing for all HIV-infected infants upon diagnosis and the need to consider subtype diversity in diagnostic and treatment strategies.


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The flat plate system is currently widely used in construction. It permits architectural flexibility, more clear space, less building height, easier formwork, and shorter construction time. However, there remains the problem of brittle punching failure due to the transfer of shearing forces and unbalanced moments at the flat plate-column connection. It is the purpose of this paper to investigate the effects of various interdependent factors that govern the punching shear resistance and behaviour of the flat plate-column connection, as well as their inclusion in current Codes.