917 resultados para tin organometallics


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We have used the fusible tin coating method to detect shear band heating in amorphous Zr57Ti5Cu20Ni8Al10 loaded under quasi-static uniaxial compression. High-rate load data allowed a precise determination of the duration of shearing events and final fracture. When loading was halted prior to fracture we saw no evidence of melted tin despite the presence of shear offsets up to 6μm on some shear bands. Samples loaded to fracture showed evidence of tin melting near the fracture surface. We attribute the difference to the duration of the events, which is much longer for shear banding (milliseconds) than for fracture (microseconds).


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Desferrioxamine inhibits cortical necrosis in neonatal rats with experimental pneumococcal meningitis, suggesting that iron-induced oxidative damage might be responsible for neuronal damage. We therefore examined the spatial and temporal profile of changes in cortical iron and iron homeostatic proteins during pneumococcal meningitis. Infection was associated with a steady and global increase of non-haem iron in the cortex, particularly in neuronal cell bodies of layer II and V, and in capillary endothelial cells. The non-haem iron increase was associated with induction of haem oxygenase (HO)-1 in neurones, microglia and capillary endothelial cells, whereas HO-2 levels remained unchanged, suggesting that the non-haem iron increase might be the result of HO-1-mediated haem degradation. Indeed, treatment with the haem oxygenase inhibitor tin protoporphyrin (which completely blocked the accumulation of bilirubin detected in HO-1-positive cells) completely prevented the infection-associated non-haem iron increase. The same cells also displayed markedly increased ferritin staining, the increase of which occurred independently of HO activity. At the same time, no increase in DNA/RNA oxidation was observed in infected animals (as assessed by in situ detection of 8-hydroxy[deoxy]guanosine), strongly suggesting that ferritin up-regulation protected the brain from iron-induced oxidative damage. Thus, although pneumococcal meningitis leads to an increase of cortical non-haem iron, protective mechanisms up-regulated in parallel prevent iron-induced oxidative damage. Cortical damage does not appear to be a direct consequence of increased iron, therefore.


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Bacteriorhodopsin (bR), an optoelectric protein found in Halobacterium salinarum, has the potential for use in protein hybrid sensing systems. Bacteriorhodopsin has no intrinsic sensing properties, however molecular and chemical tools permit production of bR protein hybrids with transducing and sensing properties. As a proof of concept, a maltose binding protein-bacteriorhodopsin ([MBP]-bR) hybrid was developed. It was proposed that the energy associated with target molecule binding, maltose, to the hybrid sensor protein would provide a means to directly modulate the electrical output from the MBP-bR bio-nanosensor platform. The bR protein hybrid is produced by linkage between bR (principal component of purified purple membrane [PM]) and MBP, which was produced by use of a plasmid expression vector system in Escherichia coli and purified utilizing an amylose affinity column. These proteins were chemically linked using 1-ethyl-3-[3-dimethylaminopropyl]carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS), which facilitates formation of an amide bond between a primary carboxylic acid and a primary amine. The presence of novel protein hybrids after chemical linkage was analyzed by SDSPAGE. Soluble proteins (MBP-only derivatives and unlinked MBP) were separated from insoluble proteins (PM derivatives and unlinked PM) using size exclusion chromatography. The putatively identified MBP-bR protein hybrid, in addition to unlinked bR, was collected. This sample was normalized for bR concentration to native PM and both were deposited onto indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass slides by electrophoretic sedimentation. The photoresponse of both samples, activated using 100 Watt tungsten lamp at 10 cm distance, were equal at 175 mV. Testing of deposited PM with 1 mM sucrose or 1 mM maltose showed no change in the photoresponse of the xiv material, however addition of 1 mM maltose to the deposited MBP-bR linked hybrid material elicited a 57% decrease in photoresponse indicating a positive response for targeting of maltose. This chemically linked MBP-bR hybrid protein, with bacteriorhodopsin, as a photoresponsive transducing substrate, shows promise for creation of a universal sensing array by attachment of other pertinent sensing materials, in lieu of the maltose binding protein utilized. This strategy would allow significant reduction in sensor size, while increasing responsiveness and sensitivity at nano and picomolar levels.


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BACKGROUND: Tissues are endowed with protective mechanisms to counteract chronic ischemia. Previous studies have demonstrated that endogenous heme oxygenase (HO)-1 may protect parenchymal tissue from inflammation- and reoxygenation-induced injury. Nothing is known, however, on whether endogenous HO-1 also plays a role in chronic ischemia to protect from development of tissue necrosis. The aim of this study is, therefore, to evaluate in vivo whether endogenous HO-1 exerts protection on chronically ischemic musculocutaneous tissue, and whether this protection is mediated by an attenuation of the microcirculatory dysfunction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In C57BL/6-mice, a chronically ischemic flap was elevated and fixed into a dorsal skinfold chamber. In a second group, tin-protoporphyrin-IX was administrated to competitively block the action of HO-1. Animals without flap elevation served as controls. With the use of intravital fluorescence microscopy, microcirculation, apoptotic cell death, and tissue necrosis were analyzed over a 10-day observation period. The time course of HO-1 expression was determined by Western blotting. RESULTS: Chronic ischemia induced an increase of HO-1 expression, particularly at day 1 and 3. This was associated with arteriolar dilation and hyperperfusion, which was capable of maintaining an adequate capillary perfusion density in the critically perfused central part of the flap, demarcating the distal necrosis. Inhibition of endogenous HO-1 by tin-protoporphyrin-IX completely abrogated arteriolar dilation (44.6 +/- 6.2 microm versus untreated flaps: 71.3 +/- 7.3 microm; P < 0.05) and hyperperfusion (3.13 +/- 1.29 nL/s versus 8.55 +/- 3.56 nL/s; P < 0.05). This resulted in a dramatic decrease of functional capillary density (16 +/- 16 cm/cm(2)versus 84 +/- 31 cm/cm(2); P < 0.05) and a significant increase of apoptotic cell death (585 +/- 51 cells/mm(2)versus 365 +/- 53 cells/mm(2); P < 0.05), and tissue necrosis (73% +/- 5% versus 51% +/- 5%; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Thus, our results suggest that chronic ischemia-induced endogenous HO-1 protects ischemically endangered tissue, probably by the vasodilatory action of the HO-1-associated carbon monoxide.


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The purpose of this paper is to furnish a qualitative method of comparing the degree of wetting of various solders upon different plate metals when several fluxes are used.


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In metallurgical practice today some of the relatively rare metal Indium is recovered as a by-product from the ores of other metals. Indium is a soft, silvery—white metal belonging to the third group of the periodic classification. It is situated just above tin in the electrochemical series.


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Solders are not new alloys, since they were known in late Roman times when they were mentioned by Pliny. These solders differed very little from our modern ones. Tertiarium, consisting of one part of tin to two parts of lead, is known today as plumbers solder; and argentarium, consisting of equal parts of lend and tin, is still extensively used for many purposes.


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Powder metallurgy is a branch of metallurgy which produces metallic compacts in their final forms by means of pressure and heat-treatment from the pow­ders. The products of powder metallurgy are being used in our daily lives quite often. For example, the tungsten wires in the electric bulbs to the silver-tin fillings of our teeth.


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The role of platelets in hemostasis is to produce a plug to arrest bleeding. During thrombocytopenia, spontaneous bleeding is seen in some patients but not in others; the reason for this is unknown. Here, we subjected thrombocytopenic mice to models of dermatitis, stroke, and lung inflammation. The mice showed massive hemorrhage that was limited to the area of inflammation and was not observed in uninflamed thrombocytopenic mice. Endotoxin-induced lung inflammation during thrombocytopenia triggered substantial intra-alveolar hemorrhage leading to profound anemia and respiratory distress. By imaging the cutaneous Arthus reaction through a skin window, we observed in real time the loss of vascular integrity and the kinetics of skin hemorrhage in thrombocytopenic mice. Bleeding-observed mostly from venules-occurred as early as 20 minutes after challenge, pointing to a continuous need for platelets to maintain vascular integrity in inflamed microcirculation. Inflammatory hemorrhage was not seen in genetically engineered mice lacking major platelet adhesion receptors or their activators (alphaIIbbeta3, glycoprotein Ibalpha [GPIbalpha], GPVI, and calcium and diacylglycerol-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor I [CalDAG-GEFI]), thus indicating that firm platelet adhesion was not necessary for their supporting role. While platelets were previously shown to promote endothelial activation and recruitment of inflammatory cells, they also appear indispensable to maintain vascular integrity in inflamed tissue. Based on our observations, we propose that inflammation may cause life-threatening hemorrhage during thrombocytopenia.


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Bathurst Harbour in World Heritage southwest Tasmania, Australia, is one of the world’s most pristine estuarine systems. At present there is a lack of data on pollution impacts or long-term natural variability in the harbor. A ca. 350-year-old 210Pb-dated sediment core was analysed for trace metals to track pollution impacts from local and long-range sources. Lead and antimony increased from AD 1870 onwards, which likely reflects remote (i.e. mainland Australian and global) atmospheric pollution sources. Variability in the concentrations of copper and zinc closely followed the history of mining activities in western Tasmania, which began in the AD 1880s. Tin was generally low throughout the core, except for a large peak in AD 1989 ± 0.5 years, which may be a consequence of input from a local small-scale alluvial tin mine. Changes in diatom assemblages were also investigated. The diatom flora was composed mostly of planktonic freshwater and benthic brackish-marine species, consistent with stratified estuarine conditions. Since mining began, however, an overall decrease in the proportion of planktonic to benthic taxa occurred, with the exception of two distinct peaks in the twentieth century that coincided with periods of high rainfall. Despite the region’s remoteness, trace metal analyses revealed evidence of atmospheric pollution from Tasmanian and possibly longer-range mining activities. This, together with recent low rainfall, appears to have contributed to altering the diatom assemblages in one of the most pristine temperate estuaries in the world.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) causes hepatic injury that is mediated, in part, by upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Ketamine has been shown to prevent these effects. Because upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) has hepatoprotective effects, as does carbon monoxide (CO), an end product of the HO-1 catalytic reaction, we examined the effects of HO-1 inhibition on ketamine-induced hepatoprotection and assessed whether CO could attenuate LPS-induced hepatic injury. One group of rats received ketamine (70 mg/kg ip) or saline concurrently with either the HO-1 inhibitor tin protoporphyrin IX (50 micromol/kg ip) or saline. Another group of rats received inhalational CO (250 ppm over 1 h) or room air. All rats were given LPS (20 mg/kg ip) or saline 1 h later and euthanized 5 h after LPS or saline. Liver was collected for iNOS, COX-2, and HO-1 (Western blot), NF-kappaB and PPAR-gamma analysis (EMSA), and iNOS and COX-2 mRNA analysis (RT-PCR). Serum was collected to measure alanine aminotransferase as an index of hepatocellular injury. HO-1 inhibition attenuated ketamine-induced hepatoprotection and downregulation of iNOS and COX-2 protein. CO prevented LPS-induced hepatic injury and upregulation of iNOS and COX-2 proteins. Although CO abolished the ability of LPS to diminish PPAR-gamma activity, it enhanced NF-kappaB activity. These data suggest that the hepatoprotective effects of ketamine are mediated primarily by HO-1 and its end product CO.