886 resultados para tin electrode
New chlorpromazine selective electrodes with a tubular arrangement and no internal reference solution are proposed. Selective membranes are of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) with the tetraphenylborate•chlorpromazine (TPB•CPZ) ion-exchanger dissolved in o-nitrophenyl octyl ether (oNPOE). Analytical features of the electrodes were evaluated on a single-channel flow assembly having 500 µl injection volumes and flow-rates of 4.5 ml min−1. For a carrier solution of 3.3×10−3Min sodium sulphate, Nernstian responsewas observed over the concentration range 1.0×10−5 to 1.0×10−2 M. Average slopes were about 59mVdecade−1 and squared correlation coefficients were >0.9984. Slight hiper-Nernstian behaviour was observed in buffer solutions of 4.4 pH; average slopes were of 62.06mVdecade−1. The electrode displayed a good selectivity for CPZ, with respect to, several foreign inorganic and organic species. The selective electrodes were successfully applied to the analysis of pure solutions and pharmaceutical preparations. Proposed method allows the analysis of 84 samples h−1, producing wastewaters of low toxicity. The proposed method offers the advantage of simplicity, accuracy, applicability to coloured and turbid samples, and automation feasibility.
In this study, a method for the electrochemical quantification of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in beverages was developed. The method is based on the oxidative damage to the purine bases, adenine or guanine, that are immobilized on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) surface. The oxidative lesions on the DNA bases were promoted by the sulfate radical generated by the persulfate/iron(II) system. The presence of antioxidants on the reactive system promoted the protection of the DNA bases immobilized on the GCE by scavenging the sulfate radical. Square-wave voltammetry (SWV) was the electrochemical technique used to perform this study. The efficiencies of five antioxidants (ascorbic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid and resveratrol) in scavenging the sulfate radical and, therefore, their ability to protect the purine bases immobilized on the GCE were investigated. These results demonstrated that the purine-based biosensor is suitable for the rapid assessment of the TAC in flavors and flavored water.
To counteract and prevent the deleterious effect of free radicals the living organisms have developed complex endogenous and exogenous antioxidant systems. Several analytical methodologies have been proposed in order to quantify antioxidants in food, beverages and biological fluids. This paper revises the electroanalytical approaches developed for the assessment of the total or individual antioxidant capacity. Four electrochemical sensing approaches have been identified, based on the direct electrochemical detection of antioxidant at bare or chemically modified electrodes, and using enzymatic and DNA-based biosensors.
The indiscriminate use of antibiotics in foodproducing animals has received increasing attention as a contributory factor in the international emergence of antibiotic- resistant bacteria (Woodward in Pesticide, veterinary and other residues in food, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004). Numerous analytical methods for quantifying antibacterial residues in edible animal products have been developed over years (Woodward in Pesticide, veterinary and other residues in food, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004; Botsoglou and Fletouris in Handbook of food analysis, residues and other food component analysis, Marcel Dekker, Ghent, 2004). Being Amoxicillin (AMOX) one of those critical veterinary drugs, efforts have been made to develop simple and expeditious methods for its control in food samples. In literature, only one AMOX-selective electrode has been reported so far. In that work, phosphotungstate:amoxycillinium ion exchanger was used as electroactive material (Shoukry et al. in Electroanalysis 6:914–917, 1994). Designing new materials based on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) which are complementary to the size and charge of AMOX could lead to very selective interactions, thus enhancing the selectivity of the sensing unit. AMOXselective electrodes used imprinted polymers as electroactive materials having AMOX as target molecule to design a biomimetic imprinted cavity. Poly(vinyl chloride), sensors of methacrylic acid displayed Nernstian slopes (60.7 mV/decade) and low detection limits (2.9×10-5 mol/L). The potentiometric responses were not affected by pH within 4–5 and showed good selectivity. The electrodes were applied successfully to the analysis of real samples.
An electrochemical method is proposed for the determination of maltol in food. Microwave-assisted extraction procedures were developed to assist sample pre-treating steps. Experiments carried out in cyclic voltammetry showed an irreversible and adsorption controlled reduction of maltol. A cathodic peak was observed at -1.0 V for a Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode versus an AgCl/Ag (in saturated KCl), and the peak potential was pH independent. Square wave voltammetric procedures were selected to plot calibration curves. These procedures were carried out with the optimum conditions: pH 6.5; frequency 50 Hz; deposition potential 0.6 V; and deposition time 10 s. A linear behaviour was observed within 5.0 × 10-8 and 3.5 × 10-7 M. The proposed method was applied to the analysis of cakes, and results were compared with those obtained by an independent method. The voltammetric procedure was proven suitable for the analysis of cakes and provided environmental and economical advantages, including reduced toxicity and volume of effluents and decreased consumption of reagents.
Bread is consumed worldwide by man, thus contributing to the regular ingestion of certain inorganic species such as chloride. It controls the blood pressure if associated to a sodium intake and may increase the incidence of stomach ulcer. Its routine control should thus be established by means of quick and low cost procedures. This work reports a double- channel flow injection analysis (FIA) system with a new chloride sensor for the analysis of bread. All solutions are prepared in water and necessary ionic strength adjustments are made on-line. The body of the indicating electrode is made from a silver needle of 0.8 mm i.d. with an external layer of silver chloride. These devices were constructed with different lengths. Electrodes of 1.0 to 3.0 cm presented better analytical performance. The calibration curves under optimum conditions displayed Nernstian behaviour, with average slopes of 56 mV decade-1, with sampling rates of 60 samples h-1. The method was applied to analyze several kinds of bread, namely pão de trigo, pão integral, pão de centeio, pão de mistura, broa de milho, pão sem sal, pão meio sal, pão-de-leite, and pão de água. The accuracy and precision of the potentiometric method were ascertained by comparison to a spectrophotometric method of continuous segmented flow. These methods were validated against ion-chromatography procedures.
A norfloxacina e o trimetoprim são dois antibióticos antibacterianos usados para o tratamento de infeções urinárias, intestinais e respiratórias. A maioria dos fármacos exige uma dosagem que garanta os níveis de segurança e eficácia de atuação. A necessidade de dosear os medicamentos e os seus metabolitos é assim um controlo imperioso e em muitos casos regular no tratamento de um paciente. Neste trabalho desenvolveram-se dois sensores eletroquímicos para a deteção da norfloxacina (NFX) e do trimetoprim (TMP), usando como superfície de suporte o carbono vítreo. A busca de novos materiais que conferiram maior seletividade e sensibilidade aos sistemas de deteção e por outro lado apresentem menores riscos para o paciente quando usados em dispositivos que permitam uma análise point-of-care, é especialmente importante e pode ser uma parte crucial do processo de decisão clínica. Assim, os polímeros molecularmente impresos enquadram-se nesse perfil e o seu uso tem vindo a ser cada vez mais avaliado. A impressão molecular é uma tecnologia capaz de produzir polímeros que incorporam as moléculas do analito e que após remoção por solventes específicos, permitem dotá-los de locais específicos de reconhecimento estereoquímico. A seleção do pirrol como polímero molecularmente impresso (MIP) permitiu construir com sucesso os sensores para doseamento dos antibióticos. A fim de aumentar a sensibilidade do método incorporou-se grafeno na superfície do elétrodo. Este material tem vindo a ser largamente utilizado devido às suas propriedades: estrutura molecular, condutividade elétrica e aumento da superfície são algumas das características que mais despertam o interesse para a sua aplicação neste projeto. Os sensores desenvolvidos foram incorporados em sistemas eletroquímicos. Os métodos voltamétricos aplicados foram a voltametria cíclica, a voltametria de onda quadrada e ainda a impedância. As condições de análise foram otimizadas no que respeita à polimerização do pirrol (concentração do polímero, número de ciclos de eletropolimerização e respetivos potenciais aplicados, tempo de incubação, solvente de remoção do analito), ao pH da solução do fármaco, à gama de concentrações dos antibióticos e aos parâmetros voltamétricos dos métodos de análise. Para cada um dos antibióticos um elétrodo não-impresso foi também preparado, usando o procedimento de polimerização mas sem a presença da molécula do analito, e foi usado como controlo. O sensor desenvolvido para o trimetoprim foi usado no doseamento do fármaco em amostras de urina. As amostras foram analisadas sem qualquer diluição, apenas foram centrifugadas para remoção de proteínas e algum interferente. Os sensores construídos apresentaram comportamento linear na gama de concentrações entre 102 e 107 mol/L. Os resultados mostram boa precisão (desvios padrão inferiores a 11%) e os limites de deteção foram de 8,317 e 1,307 mol/L para a norfloxacina e o trimetoprim, respetivamente. Para validação do método foram ainda efetuados ensaios de recuperação tendo obtido valores superiores a 94%.
In this work, tin selenide thin films (SnSex) were grown on soda lime glass substrates by selenization of dc magnetron sputtered Sn metallic precursors. Selenization was performed at maximum temperatures in the range 300 °C to 570 °C. The thickness and the composition of the films were analysed using step profilometry and energy dispersive spectroscopy, respectively. The films were structurally and optically investigated by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and optical transmittance and reflectance measurements. X-Ray diffraction patterns suggest that for temperatures between 300 °C and 470 °C, the films are composed of the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase. By increasing the temperature, the films selenized at maximum temperatures of 530 °C and 570 °C show orthorhombic-SnSe as the dominant phase with a preferential crystal orientation along the (400) crystallographic plane. Raman scattering analysis allowed the assignment of peaks at 119 cm−1 and 185 cm−1 to the hexagonal-SnSe2 phase and those at 108 cm−1, 130 cm−1 and 150 cm−1 to the orthorhombic-SnSe phase. All samples presented traces of condensed amorphous Se with a characteristic Raman peak located at 255 cm−1. From optical measurements, the estimated band gap energies for hexagonal-SnSe2 were close to 0.9 eV and 1.7 eV for indirect forbidden and direct transitions, respectively. The samples with the dominant orthorhombic-SnSe phase presented estimated band gap energies of 0.95 eV and 1.15 eV for indirect allowed and direct allowed transitions, respectively.
Background: Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a neurological disorder that directly affects cortical areas responsible for auditory processing. The resulting abnormalities can be assessed using event-related potentials (ERP), which have high temporal resolution. However, little is known about TLE in terms of dysfunction of early sensory memory encoding or possible correlations between EEGs, linguistic deficits, and seizures. Mismatch negativity (MMN) is an ERP component – elicited by introducing a deviant stimulus while the subject is attending to a repetitive behavioural task – which reflects pre-attentive sensory memory function and reflects neuronal auditory discrimination and perceptional accuracy. Hypothesis: We propose an MMN protocol for future clinical application and research based on the hypothesis that children with TLE may have abnormal MMN for speech and non-speech stimuli. The MMN can be elicited with a passive auditory oddball paradigm, and the abnormalities might be associated with the location and frequency of epileptic seizures. Significance: The suggested protocol might contribute to a better understanding of the neuropsychophysiological basis of MMN. We suggest that in TLE central sound representation may be decreased for speech and non-speech stimuli. Discussion: MMN arises from a difference to speech and non-speech stimuli across electrode sites. TLE in childhood might be a good model for studying topographic and functional auditory processing and its neurodevelopment, pointing to MMN as a possible clinical tool for prognosis, evaluation, follow-up, and rehabilitation for TLE.
The relation of automatic auditory discrimination, measured with MMN, with the type of stimuli has not been well established in the literature, despite its importance as an electrophysiological measure of central sound representation. In this study, MMN response was elicited by pure-tone and speech binaurally passive auditory oddball paradigm in a group of 8 normal young adult subjects at the same intensity level (75 dB SPL). The frequency difference in pure-tone oddball was 100 Hz (standard = 1 000 Hz; deviant = 1 100 Hz; same duration = 100 ms), in speech oddball (standard /ba/; deviant /pa/; same duration = 175 ms) the Portuguese phonemes are both plosive bi-labial in order to maintain a narrow frequency band. Differences were found across electrode location between speech and pure-tone stimuli. Larger MMN amplitude, duration and higher latency to speech were verified compared to pure-tone in Cz and Fz as well as significance differences in latency and amplitude between mastoids. Results suggest that speech may be processed differently than non-speech; also it may occur in a later stage due to overlapping processes since more neural resources are required to speech processing.
A glutathione-S-transferase (GST)based biosensor was developed to quantify the thiocarbamate herbicide molinate in environmental water.The biosensor construction was based on GST immobilization onto a glassy carbon electrode via aminosilane–glutaraldehyde covalent attachment. The principle supporting the use of this biosensor consists of the GST inhibition process promoted by molinate. Differential pulse voltammetry was used to obtain a calibration curve for molinate concentration, ranging from 0.19 to 7.9 mgL -1 and presenting a detection limit of 0.064 mgL- 1. The developed biosensor is stable,and reusable during 15 days.The GST-based biosensor was successfully applied to quantify molinate in rice paddy field floodwater samples. The results achieved with the developed biosensor were in accordance with those obtained by high performance liquid chromatography. The proposed device is suitable for screening environmental water analysis and, since no sample preparation is required, it can be used in situ and in real-time measurements.
The first electrochemical immunosensor (EI) for the detection of antibodies against deamidated gliadin peptides (DGP) is described here. A disposable nanohybrid screen-printed carbon electrode modified with DGP was employed as the transducer's sensing surface. Real serumsampleswere successfully assayed and the results were corroborated with an ELISA kit. The presented EI is a promising analytical tool for celiac disease diagnosis.
Celiac disease (CD) is a gluten-induced autoimmune enteropathy characterized by the presence of antibodies against gliadin (AGA) and anti-tissue transglutaminase (anti-tTG) antibodies. A disposable electrochemical dual immunosensor for the simultaneous detection of IgA and IgG type AGA and antitTG antibodies in real patient’s samples is presented. The proposed immunosensor is based on a dual screen-printed carbon electrode, with two working electrodes, nanostructured with a carbon–metal hybrid system that worked as the transducer surface. The immunosensing strategy consisted of the immobilization of gliadin and tTG (i.e. CD specific antigens) on the nanostructured electrode surface. The electrochemical detection of the human antibodies present in the assayed serum samples was carried out through the antigen–antibody interaction and recorded using alkaline phosphatase labelled anti-human antibodies and a mixture of 3-indoxyl phosphate with silver ions was used as the substrate. The analytical signal was based on the anodic redissolution of enzymatically generated silver by cyclic voltammetry. The results obtained were corroborated with commercial ELISA kits indicating that the developed sensor can be a good alternative to the traditional methods allowing a decentralization of the analyses towards a point-of-care strategy.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica - Processos Químicos
Copper zinc tin sulfide (CZTS) is a promising Earthabundant thin-film solar cell material; it has an appropriate band gap of ~1.45 eV and a high absorption coefficient. The most efficient CZTS cells tend to be slightly Zn-rich and Cu-poor. However, growing Zn-rich CZTS films can sometimes result in phase decomposition of CZTS into ZnS and Cu2SnS3, which is generally deleterious to solar cell performance. Cubic ZnS is difficult to detect by XRD, due to a similar diffraction pattern. We hypothesize that synchrotron-based extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), which is sensitive to local chemical environment, may be able to determine the quantity of ZnS phase in CZTS films by detecting differences in the second-nearest neighbor shell of the Zn atoms. Films of varying stoichiometries, from Zn-rich to Cu-rich (Zn-poor) were examined using the EXAFS technique. Differences in the spectra as a function of Cu/Zn ratio are detected. Linear combination analysis suggests increasing ZnS signal as the CZTS films become more Zn-rich. We demonstrate that the sensitive technique of EXAFS could be used to quantify the amount of ZnS present and provide a guide to crystal growth of highly phase pure films.