994 resultados para tag-recapture


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This paper investigates the diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT) of a time-division duplex (TDD) single-input multiple-output (SIMO) system with perfect channel state information (CSI) at the receiver (CSIR) and partial CSI at the transmitter (CSIT). The partial CSIT is acquired through a training sequence from the receiver to the transmitter. The training sequence is chosen in an intelligent manner based on the CSIR, to reduce the training length by a factor of r, the number of receive antennas. We show that, for the proposed training scheme and a given channel coherence time, the diversity order increases linearly with r for nonzero multiplexing gain. This is a significant improvement over conventional orthogonal training schemes.


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A team of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with limited communication ranges and limited resources are deployed in a region to search and destroy stationary and moving targets. When a UAV detects a target, depending on the target resource requirement, it is tasked to form a coalition over the dynamic network formed by the UAVs. In this paper, we develop a mechanism to find potential coalition members over the network using principles from internet protocol and introduce an algorithm using Particle Swarm Optimization to generate a coalition that destroys the target is minimum time. Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out to study how coalition are formed and the effects of coalition process delays.


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An angle invariance property based on Hertz's principle of particle dynamics is employed to facilitate the surface-ray tracing on nondevelopable hybrid quadric surfaces of revolution (h-QUASOR's). This property, when used in conjunction with a Geodesic Constant Method, yields analytical expressions for all the ray-parameters required in the UTD formulation. Differential geometrical considerations require that some of the ray-parameters (defined heuristically in the UTD for the canonical convex surfaces) be modified before the UTD can be applied to such hybrid surfaces. Mutual coupling results for finite-dimensional slots have been presented as an example on a satellite launch vehicle modeled by general paraboloid of revolution and right circular cylinder.


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The developing seeds of Actinodaphne hookeri were investigated to delineate their ability to synthesize large amounts of trilaurin. Until 88 days after flowering the embryos contained 71% neutral lipids (NL) and 29% phospholipids (PL) and both these components contained C-16:0, C-18:0, C-18:2, and C-18:3 as the major fatty acids (FA). At 102 days after flowering the seeds began to accumulate triacylglycerols (TAG) and to synthesize lauric acid (C-12:0). By 165 days after flowering, when the seeds were mature, they contained about 99% NL and 1% FL. At this stage the TAG contained exclusively C-12:0, while the PL consisted of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) only. Leaf lipids in contrast did not contain any C-12:0. Experiments on [1-C-14]acetate incorporation into developing seed slices showed that at 88 days after flowering only 4% of the label was in TAG, 1% in diacylglycerols (DAG), and 87% in FL. One hundred two days after flowering seeds incorporated only 2% of the label into TAG, 30% into DAG, and 64% into FL. In contrast at 114 days after flowering 71% of the label was incorporated into TAG, 25% into DAG, and only 2% into FL. Analysis of labeled FA revealed that up to 102 days after flowering it was incorporated only into LCFA, whereas at 114 days after flowering it was incorporated exclusively into C-12:0. Furthermore, 67% of the label in PL at 114 days after flowering was found to be dilaurylglycerophosphate. Analysis of the label in DAG at this stage showed that it was essentially in dilaurin species. These observations indicate the induction of enzymes of Kennedy pathway for the specific synthesis of trilaurin at about 114 days after flowering, Homogenates of seeds (114 days after flowering) incubated with labeled FA in the presence of glycerol-3-phosphate and coenzymes A and ATP incorporated 84% of C-12:0 and 61% of C-14:0, but not C-16:0, C-18:2, and C-18:3, into TAG. In contrast the LCFA were incorporated preferentially into FL. It is concluded that, between 102 and 114 days after flowering, a switch occurs in A. hookeri for the synthesis of C-12:0 and trilaurin which is tissue specific. Since the seed synthesizes exclusively C-12:0 at 114 days after flowering onwards and incorporates specifically into TAG, this system appears to be ideal for identifying the enzymes responsible for medium-chain fatty acid as well as trilaurin synthesis and for exploiting them for genetic engineering. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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An approximate dynamic programming (ADP)-based suboptimal neurocontroller to obtain desired temperature for a high-speed aerospace vehicle is synthesized in this paper. A I-D distributed parameter model of a fin is developed from basic thermal physics principles. "Snapshot" solutions of the dynamics are generated with a simple dynamic inversion-based feedback controller. Empirical basis functions are designed using the "proper orthogonal decomposition" (POD) technique and the snapshot solutions. A low-order nonlinear lumped parameter system to characterize the infinite dimensional system is obtained by carrying out a Galerkin projection. An ADP-based neurocontroller with a dual heuristic programming (DHP) formulation is obtained with a single-network-adaptive-critic (SNAC) controller for this approximate nonlinear model. Actual control in the original domain is calculated with the same POD basis functions through a reverse mapping. Further contribution of this paper includes development of an online robust neurocontroller to account for unmodeled dynamics and parametric uncertainties inherent in such a complex dynamic system. A neural network (NN) weight update rule that guarantees boundedness of the weights and relaxes the need for persistence of excitation (PE) condition is presented. Simulation studies show that in a fairly extensive but compact domain, any desired temperature profile can be achieved starting from any initial temperature profile. Therefore, the ADP and NN-based controllers appear to have the potential to become controller synthesis tools for nonlinear distributed parameter systems.


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Surface flashover characteristics of solid spacers in a rod-plane configuration have been investigated in SF6, at pressures to 400 kPa, for switching impulse voltages to determine the effect of spacer, spacer materials and polarity of applied impulses. The effect of spacer material on the flashover voltage is not significant. For negative polarity impulses, the influence of the spacer is also insignificant. But for positive polarity impulses, at pressures < 200 kPa, the spacer efficiency becomes > 1.0. On the other hand, at pressures > 200 kPa, the presence of spacer drastically reduces the flashover voltage of the system. At about atmospheric pressure also, the spacer efficiency in air has been found to be > 1.0, with the same electrode geometry.


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Multistress aging/weathering of outdoor composite polymeric insulators has been a topic of interest for power transmission research community in the last few decades. This paper deals with the long-term accelerated weathering of full-scale distribution class silicone rubber composite insulators. To evaluate the long-term synergistic effect of electric stress, temperature and UV radiation on insulators, they were subjected to accelerated weathering in a specially designed multistress-aging chamber for 30,000 h. All the insulators were subjected to the same level of electrical and thermal stresses but different UV radiation levels. Chemical, physical and electrical changes due to degradation have been assessed using various techniques. It was found that there was a monotonous reduction of the content of low molecular weight (LMW) molecules with the duration of the weathering. Further, due to oxidation and weathering there is an appreciable increase in surface roughness and atomic percentage of oxygen. There is no change in the leakage current of new and aged insulators under both wet and dry conditions at the end of the aging. The results also indicate that there is no influence of UV radiation on the silicone rubber for the durations and conditions under which the studies were made.


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Beavers are often found to be in conflict with human interests by creating nuisances like building dams on flowing water (leading to flooding), blocking irrigation canals, cutting down timbers, etc. At the same time they contribute to raising water tables, increased vegetation, etc. Consequently, maintaining an optimal beaver population is beneficial. Because of their diffusion externality (due to migratory nature), strategies based on lumped parameter models are often ineffective. Using a distributed parameter model for beaver population that accounts for their spatial and temporal behavior, an optimal control (trapping) strategy is presented in this paper that leads to a desired distribution of the animal density in a region in the long run. The optimal control solution presented, imbeds the solution for a large number of initial conditions (i.e., it has a feedback form), which is otherwise nontrivial to obtain. The solution obtained can be used in real-time by a nonexpert in control theory since it involves only using the neural networks trained offline. Proper orthogonal decomposition-based basis function design followed by their use in a Galerkin projection has been incorporated in the solution process as a model reduction technique. Optimal solutions are obtained through a "single network adaptive critic" (SNAC) neural-network architecture.


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The capturability of a realistic generalized true proportional navigation (RGTPN) guidance law, against a nonmaneuvering target, is analyzed. The RGTPN law is obtained by relaxing the somewhat unrealistic assumption of constant closing velocity, made in all earlier studies on generalized true proportional navigation (GTPN), and incorporating the actual time-varying value in the guidance law. Closed-form solutions for the complete capture region of RGTPN is obtained in terms of both zero and acceptable non-zero miss distances. It is shown that the capture region of RGTPN in the initial relative velocity space is significantly smaller than that of GTPN, for reasonable values of navigation constant (N) and angular direction (eta) of the missile commanded latax. However, for certain values of N and eta, capturability of RGTPN is found to be better. It is also shown that if in one of the versions of GTPN, which uses constant values of both the closing velocity and the line-of-sight (LOS) angular velocity in the guidance law, the corresponding realistic time-varying quantities are used, the capture region actually expands to cover the whole of the initial relative velocity space. A number of examples are given to compare the capture performance of RGTPN with other versions of the GTPN guidance laws.


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This paper addresses the problem of automated multiagent search in an unknown environment. Autonomous agents equipped with sensors carry out a search operation in a search space, where the uncertainty, or lack of information about the environment, is known a priori as an uncertainty density distribution function. The agents are deployed in the search space to maximize single step search effectiveness. The centroidal Voronoi configuration, which achieves a locally optimal deployment, forms the basis for the proposed sequential deploy and search strategy. It is shown that with the proposed control law the agent trajectories converge in a globally asymptotic manner to the centroidal Voronoi configuration. Simulation experiments are provided to validate the strategy. Note to Practitioners-In this paper, searching an unknown region to gather information about it is modeled as a problem of using search as a means of reducing information uncertainty about the region. Moreover, multiple automated searchers or agents are used to carry out this operation optimally. This problem has many applications in search and surveillance operations using several autonomous UAVs or mobile robots. The concept of agents converging to the centroid of their Voronoi cells, weighted with the uncertainty density, is used to design a search strategy named as sequential deploy and search. Finally, the performance of the strategy is validated using simulations.


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This paper presents a fast algorithm for data exchange in a network of processors organized as a reconfigurable tree structure. For a given data exchange table, the algorithm generates a sequence of tree configurations in which the data exchanges are to be executed. A significant feature of the algorithm is that each exchange is executed in a tree configuration in which the source and destination nodes are adjacent to each other. It has been proved in a theorem that for every pair of nodes in the reconfigurable tree structure, there always exists two and only two configurations in which these two nodes are adjacent to each other. The algorithm utilizes this fact and determines the solution so as to optimize both the number of configurations required and the time to perform the data exchanges. Analysis of the algorithm shows that it has linear time complexity, and provides a large reduction in run-time as compared to a previously proposed algorithm. This is well-confirmed from the experimental results obtained by executing a large number of randomly-generated data exchange tables. Another significant feature of the algorithm is that the bit-size of the routing information code is always two bits, irrespective of the number of nodes in the tree. This not only increases the speed of the algorithm but also results in simpler hardware inside each node.


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A new linear algebraic approach for identification of a nonminimum phase FIR system of known order using only higher order (>2) cumulants of the output process is proposed. It is first shown that a matrix formed from a set of cumulants of arbitrary order can be expressed as a product of structured matrices. The subspaces of this matrix are then used to obtain the parameters of the FIR system using a set of linear equations. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation studies are presented to characterize the performance of the proposed methods.


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The problem of quantification of intelligence of humans, and of intelligent systems, has been a challenging and controversial topic. IQ tests have been traditionally used to quantify human intelligence based on results of test designed by psychologists. It is in general very difficult to quantify intelligence. In this paper the authors consider a simple question-answering (Q-A) system and use this to quantify intelligence. The authors quantify intelligence as a vector with three components. The components consist of a measure of knowledge in asking questions, effectiveness of questions asked, and correctness of deduction. The authors formalize these parameters and have conducted experiments on humans to measure these parameters


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In this letter, we propose a method for blind separation of d co-channel BPSK signals arriving at an antenna array. Our method involves two steps. In the first step, the received data vectors at the output of the array is grouped into 2d clusters. In the second step, we assign the 2d d-tuples with ±1 elements to these clusters in a consistent fashion. From the knowledge of the cluster to which a data vector belongs, we estimate the bits transmitted at that instant. Computer simulations are used to study the performance of our method


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Genetic Algorithms are efficient and robust search methods that are being employed in a plethora of applications with extremely large search spaces. The directed search mechanism employed in Genetic Algorithms performs a simultaneous and balanced, exploration of new regions in the search space and exploitation of already discovered regions.This paper introduces the notion of fitness moments for analyzing the working of Genetic Algorithms (GAs). We show that the fitness moments in any generation may be predicted from those of the initial population. Since a knowledge of the fitness moments allows us to estimate the fitness distribution of strings, this approach provides for a method of characterizing the dynamics of GAs. In particular the average fitness and fitness variance of the population in any generation may be predicted. We introduce the technique of fitness-based disruption of solutions for improving the performance of GAs. Using fitness moments, we demonstrate the advantages of using fitness-based disruption. We also present experimental results comparing the performance of a standard GA and GAs (CDGA and AGA) that incorporate the principle of fitness-based disruption. The experimental evidence clearly demonstrates the power of fitness based disruption.