958 resultados para solid-phase extraction


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A prática da troca de óleo lubrificante usado, particularmente óleos automotivos, representa um grave problema ambiental em função de sua natureza perigosa, do manuseio incorreto e do descarte indiscriminado no meio ambiente. A investigação quanto à remediação de áreas contaminadas por esse resíduo torna-se necessária, particularmente para solo de natureza argilosa. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a biorremediação de um solo argiloso contaminado por óleo lubrificante utilizando biorreatores de fase semi-sólida. Frascos tipo Erlenmeyer, contendo 20 g de solo contaminado com 3% (m/m) de óleo lubrificante, em triplicata, foram mantidos em temperatura e agitação constantes, segundo as seguintes estratégias de tratamento: (i) Bioestímulo com ajuste de nutrientes (BIOE); (ii) Bioaumento com adição de inóculo microbiano aclimatado (BIOA); (iii) Bioestímulo e adição de surfactante sintético Tween-80 (BIOES); (iv) Bioaumento, bioestímulo e surfactante sintético Tween-80 (BIOAS) e (iv) controle, com água destilada purificada (CONT). A eficiência de remoção do contaminante foi avaliada após 68 dias de tratamento por análises de evolução de CO2, redução de COT, decaimento de HTP, de n-alcanos e frações de hidrocarbonetos saturados, aromáticos e compostos polares. O tratamento BIOAS resultou na maior produção de CO2 acumulada (1247,0 mg.20g-1 de solo) seguida pelo tratamento BIOES (1077,6 mg.20g-1 de solo). Ao final do experimento, todos os tratamentos reduziram significativamente os teores de HTPs quando comparados ao controle (11,14,2%). Os tratamentos BIOAS e BIOES não apresentaram diferenças significativas quanto à redução de HTPs (42,03,7% e 37,46,3%, respectivamente). Tanto o bioestímulo quanto o bioaumento mostraram-se estratégias com potencial para aumentar a eficácia da biorremediação de solos argilosos, sendo que a adição de surfactante foi o fator mais importante, tendo aumentado significativamente a capacidade de remoção em ambas as estratégias. O uso de biorreatores em fase semi-sólida na biorremediação de solo argiloso contaminado com óleo lubrificante mostrou-se bastante promissor e tal estratégia pode ser aplicada em escala imediatamente superior


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Phosphorescence has been observed in a highly purified fluid solution of naphthalene in 3-methylpentane (3-MP). The phosphorescence lifetime of C10H8 in 3-MP at -45 °C was found to be 0.49 ± 0.07 sec, while that of C10D8 under identical conditions is 0.64 ± 0.07 sec. At this temperature 3-MP has the same viscosity (0.65 centipoise) as that of benzene at room temperature. It is believed that even these long lifetimes are dominated by impurity quenching mechanisms. Therefore it seems that the radiationless decay times of the lowest triplet states of simple aromatic hydrocarbons in liquid solutions are sensibly the same as those in the solid phase. A slight dependence of the phosphorescence lifetime on solvent viscosity was observed in the temperature region, -60° to -18°C. This has been attributed to the diffusion-controlled quenching of the triplet state by residual impurity, perhaps oxygen. Bimolecular depopulation of the triplet state was found to be of major importance over a large part of the triplet decay.

The lifetime of triplet C10H8 at room temperature was also measured in highly purified benzene by means of both phosphorescence and triplet-triplet absorption. The lifetime was estimated to be at least ten times shorter than that in 3-MP. This is believed to be due not only to residual impurities in the solvent but also to small amounts of impurities produced through unavoidable irradiation by the excitation source. In agreement with this idea, lifetime shortening caused by intense flashes of light is readily observed. This latter result suggests that experiments employing flash lamp techniques are not suitable for these kinds of studies.

The theory of radiationless transitions, based on Robinson's theory, is briefly outlined. A simple theoretical model which is derived from Fano's autoionization gives identical result.


The blue color of oxygen is mostly derived from double transitions. This paper presents a theoretical calculation of the intensity of the double transition (a 1Δg) (a 1Δg)←(X 3Σg-) (X 3Σg-), using a model based on a pair of oxygen molecules at a fixed separation of 3.81 Å. The intensity enhancement is assumed to be derived from the mixing (a 1Δg) (a 1Δg) ~~~ (X 3Σg-) (X 3Σu-) and (a 1Δg) (1Δu) ~~~ (X 3Σg-) (X 3Σg-). Matrix elements for these interactions are calculated using a π-electron approximation for the pair system. Good molecular wavefunctions are used for all but the perturbing (B 3Σu-) state, which is approximated in terms of ground state orbitals. The largest contribution to the matrix elements arises from large intramolecular terms multiplied by intermolecular overlap integrals. The strength of interaction depends not only on the intermolecular separation of the two oxygen molecules, but also as expected on the relative orientation. Matrix elements are calculated for different orientations, and the angular dependence is fit to an analytical expression. The theory therefore not only predicts an intensity dependence on density but also one on phase at constant density. Agreement between theory and available experimental results is satisfactory considering the nature of the approximation, and indicates the essential validity of the overall approach to this interesting intensity enhancement problem.


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The measurement accuracy of a parallel-plate interferometer for angular displacement measurement is analyzed. The measurement accuracy of angular displacement is not only related to the accuracy of phase extraction, but also related to initial incident angle, refraction index and thickness of plane-parallel plate as well as wavelength's stability of laser diode, etc. Theoretical analysis and computer simulation show that the measurement error of the angular displacement bears a minimum value when choosing an optimal initial incident angle in a large range. These analytical results serve as a guide in practical measurement. In this interferometer, reducing the refraction index or increasing the thickness of the parallel plate can improve the measurement accuracy; and the relative error of the phase measurement is 3.0 x 10(-4) corresponding to 1 degrees C temperature variation. Based on these theoretical and experimental results, the measurement accuracy of the parallel-plate interferometer is up to an order of 10(-8) rad. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the volatile fraction of unsmoked and smoked Herreno cheese, a type of soft cheese from the Canary Islands, has been characterized for the first time. In order to evaluate if the position in the smokehouse could influence the volatile profile of the smoked variety, cheeses smoked at two different heights were studied. The volatile components were extracted by Solid Phase Microextraction using a divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane fiber, followed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. In total, 228 components were detected. The most numerous groups of components in the unsmoked Herreno cheese were hydrocarbons, followed by terpenes and sesquiterpenes, whereas acids and ketones were the most abundant. It is worth noticing the high number of aldehydes and ketones, and the low number of alcohols and esters in this cheese in relation to others, as well as the presence of some specific unsaturated hydrocarbons, terpenes, sesquiterpenes and nitrogenated derivatives. The smoking process enriches the volatile profile of Herreno cheese with ketones and diketones, methyl esters, aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes, hydrocarbons, terpenes, nitrogenated compounds, and especially with ethers and phenolic derivatives. Among these, methylindanones or certain terpenes like a-terpinolene, have not been detected previously in other types of smoked cheese. Lastly, the results obtained suggest a slightly higher smoking degree in the cheeses smoked at a greater height.


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O Leito Móvel Simulado (LMS) é um processo de separação de compostos por adsorção muito eficiente, por trabalhar em um regime contínuo e também possuir fluxo contracorrente da fase sólida. Dentre as diversas aplicações, este processo tem se destacado na resolução de petroquímicos e principalmente na atualidade na separação de misturas racêmicas que são separações de um grau elevado de dificuldade. Neste trabalho foram propostas duas novas abordagens na modelagem do LMS, a abordagem Stepwise e a abordagem Front Velocity. Na modelagem Stepwise as colunas cromatográficas do LMS foram modeladas com uma abordagem discreta, onde cada uma delas teve seu domínio dividido em N células de mistura interligadas em série, e as concentrações dos compostos nas fases líquida e sólida foram simuladas usando duas cinéticas de transferência de massa distintas. Essa abordagem pressupõe que as interações decorrentes da transferência de massa entre as moléculas do composto nas suas fases líquida e sólida ocorram somente na superfície, de forma que com essa suposição pode-se admitir que o volume ocupado por cada molécula nas fases sólida e líquida é o mesmo, o que implica que o fator de residência pode ser considerado igual a constante de equilíbrio. Para descrever a transferência de massa que ocorre no processo cromatográfico a abordagem Front Velocity estabelece que a convecção é a fase dominante no transporte de soluto ao longo da coluna cromatográfica. O Front Velocity é um modelo discreto (etapas) em que a vazão determina o avanço da fase líquida ao longo da coluna. As etapas são: avanço da fase líquida e posterior transporte de massa entre as fases líquida e sólida, este último no mesmo intervalo de tempo. Desta forma, o fluxo volumétrico experimental é utilizado para a discretização dos volumes de controle que se deslocam ao longo da coluna porosa com a mesma velocidade da fase líquida. A transferência de massa foi representada por dois mecanismos cinéticos distintos, sem (tipo linear) e com capacidade máxima de adsorção (tipo Langmuir). Ambas as abordagens propostas foram estudadas e avaliadas mediante a comparação com dados experimentais de separação em LMS do anestésico cetamina e, posteriormente, com o fármaco Verapamil. Também foram comparados com as simulações do modelo de equilíbrio dispersivo para o caso da Cetamina, usado por Santos (2004), e para o caso do Verapamil (Perna 2013). Na etapa de caracterização da coluna cromatográfica as novas abordagens foram associadas à ferramenta inversa R2W de forma a determinar os parâmetros globais de transferência de massa apenas usando os tempos experimentais de residência de cada enantiômero na coluna de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). Na segunda etapa os modelos cinéticos desenvolvidos nas abordagens foram aplicados nas colunas do LMS com os valores determinados na caracterização da coluna cromatográfica, para a simulação do processo de separação contínua. Os resultados das simulações mostram boa concordância entre as duas abordagens propostas e os experimentos de pulso para a caracterização da coluna na separação enantiomérica da cetamina ao longo do tempo. As simulações da separação em LMS, tanto do Verapamil quando da Cetamina apresentam uma discrepância com os dados experimentais nos primeiros ciclos, entretanto após esses ciclos iniciais a correlação entre os dados experimentais e as simulações. Para o caso da separação da cetamina (Santos, 2004), a qual a concentração da alimentação era relativamente baixa, os modelos foram capazes de predizer o processo de separação com as cinéticas Linear e Langmuir. No caso da separação do Verapamil (Perna, 2013), onde a concentração da alimentação é relativamente alta, somente a cinética de Langmuir representou o processo, devido a cinética Linear não representar a saturação das colunas cromatográficas. De acordo como o estudo conduzido ambas as abordagens propostas mostraram-se ferramentas com potencial na predição do comportamento cromatográfico de uma amostra em um experimento de pulso, assim como na simulação da separação de um composto no LMS, apesar das pequenas discrepâncias apresentadas nos primeiros ciclos de trabalho do LMS. Além disso, podem ser facilmente implementadas e aplicadas na análise do processo, pois requer um baixo número de parâmetros e são constituídas de equações diferenciais ordinárias.


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O lixiviado gerado em aterro sanitário possui substâncias de difícil degradação e amônia, que dificulta o tratamento biológico. O tratamento do lixiviado gerado em aterros sanitários requer uma série de processos de elevado custo e, outras técnicas de tratamento têm sido investigadas no intuito de reduzir custos e aumentar a eficiência do tratamento. A evaporação do lixiviado é uma técnica que aproveita o gás de aterro como fonte de calor, e é utilizada na redução do volume a tratar; porém as emissões atmosféricas geradas durante essa evaporação indicam a presença de amônia, o que pode causar impactos negativos em torno do aterro. Desta forma, é importante a realização de estudos que aprimorem esta técnica, para que a evaporação torne-se ambientalmente e economicamente viável. A amônia presente em amostras com pH em torno de 8,0 e temperatura em torno de 25C, está na forma de íon amônio, o que favorece ao processo de troca iônica. A troca iônica é um processo que tem sido estudado por muitos pesquisadores e consiste na troca de um ou mais constituintes de uma fase fluida para a superfície de uma fase sólida (resinas poliméricas). Este trabalho apresenta a eficiência de quatro tipos diferentes de resinas poliméricas: Amberlyst 15 Wet, Lewatit VPOC 1800, Dowex Mac-3 e Purolite MN250 na remoção e posterior, recuperação do íon amônio presente nos vapores condensados da evaporação de lixiviados. A princípio foi investigado a quantidade e o momento em que o amônio é lançado durante o processo de evaporação. Em seguida, caracterizaram-se as resinas quanto à eficiência de remoção, o tempo de contato e a quantidade ideal da resina. Estão apresentadas neste estudo as isotermas de adsorção de Langmuir, Freundlich e Temkin em diferentes temperaturas (298-318 K) e as condições ideais do processo. Os resultados apontaram duas resinas com eficiência de remoção, em torno de 40%, para concentrações acima de 1000 mg dm-3 de amônio, utilizando 0,5 g de resina e um tempo de contato de 20 minutos. Diferentes modelos cinéticos foram aplicados: Pseudo-Primeira Ordem, Pseudo-Segunda Ordem, difusão intrapartícula, Elovich e o modelo cinético de difusão externa e os resultados discutidos. Foi possível tratar Através da condensação dos vapores emitidos durante a evaporação do lixiviado, foi possível tratar foi possível obter uma recuperação em torno de 70% do íon amônio contido no vapor condensado proveniente da evaporação do lixiviado.


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Este trabalho objetiva a construção de estruturas robustas e computacionalmente eficientes para a solução do problema de deposição de parafinas do ponto de vista do equilíbrio sólido-líquido. São avaliados diversos modelos termodinâmicos para a fase líquida: equação de estado de Peng-Robinson e os modelos de coeficiente de atividade de Solução Ideal, Wilson, UNIQUAC e UNIFAC. A fase sólida é caracterizada pelo modelo Multisólido. A previsão de formação de fase sólida é inicialmente prevista por um teste de estabilidade termodinâmica. Posteriormente, o sistema de equações não lineares que caracteriza o equilíbrio termodinâmico e as equações de balanço material é resolvido por três abordagens numéricas: método de Newton multivariável, método de Broyden e método Newton-Armijo. Diversos experimentos numéricos foram conduzidos de modo a avaliar os tempos de computação e a robustez frente a diversos cenários de estimativas iniciais dos métodos numéricos para os diferentes modelos e diferentes misturas. Os resultados indicam para a possibilidade de construção de arcabouços computacionais eficientes e robustos, que podem ser empregados acoplados a simuladores de escoamento em dutos, por exemplo.


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采用固相微萃取(SPME)高效液相色谱法(HPLC)同时测定了水中苯酚、4-硝基酚、3-甲基酚、2,4-二氯酚、2,4,6-三氯酚、五氯酚等六种酚类化合物的含量.采用ZORBOX SB-C18柱,以甲醇-1%乙酸水溶液为流动相进行梯度洗脱,流速为1.0 mL/min.紫外检测波长为254、280 nm.六种酚类化合物的检出限为0.31~1.90μg/L,加标回收率为88%~103%.该方法操作简单,能快速、准确地检测水中的酚类化合物.


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The usage of semiconductor nanostructures is highly promising for boosting the energy conversion efficiency in photovoltaics technology, but still some of the underlying mechanisms are not well understood at the nanoscale length. Ge quantum dots (QDs) should have a larger absorption and a more efficient quantum confinement effect than Si ones, thus they are good candidate for third-generation solar cells. In this work, Ge QDs embedded in silica matrix have been synthesized through magnetron sputtering deposition and annealing up to 800°C. The thermal evolution of the QD size (2 to 10 nm) has been followed by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques, evidencing an Ostwald ripening mechanism with a concomitant amorphous-crystalline transition. The optical absorption of Ge nanoclusters has been measured by spectrophotometry analyses, evidencing an optical bandgap of 1.6 eV, unexpectedly independent of the QDs size or of the solid phase (amorphous or crystalline). A simple modeling, based on the Tauc law, shows that the photon absorption has a much larger extent in smaller Ge QDs, being related to the surface extent rather than to the volume. These data are presented and discussed also considering the outcomes for application of Ge nanostructures in photovoltaics.PACS: 81.07.Ta; 78.67.Hc; 68.65.-k.


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We investigated the thermal evolution of end-of-range (EOR) defects in germanium and their impact on junction thermal stability. After solid-phase epitaxial regrowth of a preamorphized germanium layer, EOR defects exhibiting dislocation loop-like contrast behavior are present. These defects disappear during thermal annealing at 400 °C, while boron electrical deactivation occurs. After the whole defect population vanishes, boron reactivation is observed. These results indicate that germanium self-interstitials, released by EOR defects, are the cause of B deactivation. Unlike in Si, the whole deactivation/reactivation cycle in Ge is found to take place while the maximum active B concentration exceeds its solubility limit. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Toxic metals introduced into aquatic environments by human activities accumulation in sediments. A common notion is that the association of metals with acid volatile sulfides (AVS) affords a mechanism for partitioning metals from water to solid phase, thereby reducing biological availability. However, variation in environmental conditions can mobilize the sediment-bound metal and result in adverse environmental impacts. The AVS levels and the effect of AVS on the fate of Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni in sediments in the the Changjiang River, a suboxic river with sandy bottom sediment and the Donghu Lake, a anoxic lake with muddy sediment in China, were compared through aeration, static adsorption and release experiments in laboratory. Sips isotherm equation, kinetic equation and grade ion exchange theory were used to describe the heavy metal adsorb and release process. The results showed that AVS level in the lake sediment are higher than that of the river. Heavy metals in the overlying water can transfer to sediments incessantly as long as the sediment remains undisturbed. The metal release process is mainly related to AVS oxidation in lake sediment while also related to Org-C and Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide oxidation in river sediment. The effect of sulfides on Zn and Ni is high, followed by Cd, and Cu is easy bound to Org-C. AVS plays a major role in controlling metals activity in lake sediment and its presence increase the adsorption capacity both of the lake and river sediments.


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Raman spectroscopy technique has been performed to investigate the stress induced in as-grown silicon-on-sapphire (SOS), solid-phase-epitaxy (SPE) re-grown SOS, and Si/gamma-Al2O3/Si double-heteroepitaxial thin films. It was demonstrated that the residual stress in SOS film, arising from mismatch and difference of thermal expansion coefficient between silicon and sapphire, was reduced efficiently by SPE process, and that the stress in Si/gamma-Al2O3/Si thin film is much smaller than that of as-grown SOS and SPE upgraded SOS films. The stress decrease for double heteroepitaxial film Si/gamma-Al2O3/Si mainly arises from the smaller lattice mismatching of 2.4% between silicon top layer and the gamma-Al2O3/Si epitaxiial composite substrate, comparing with the large lattice mismatch of 13% for SOS films. It indicated that gamma-Al2O3/Si as a silicon-based epitaxial substrate benefits for reducing the residual stress for further growth of silicon layer, compared with on bulk sapphire substrate. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The microstructure and its annealing behaviours of a-Si:O:H film prepared by PECVD are investigated in detail using micro-Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Infrared absorption spectroscopy. The results indicate that the as-deposited a-Si:O:H film is structural inhomogeneous, with Si-riched phases surrounded by O-riched phases. The Si-riched phases are found to be nonhydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si) clusters, and the O-riched phases SiOx:H (x approximate to 1. 35) are formed by random bonding of Si, O and H atoms. By high-temperature annealing at 1150 degreesC, the SiOx:H (x approximate to 1.35) matrix is shown to be transformed into SiO2 and SiOx ( x approximate to 0.64), during which all of the hydrogen atoms in the film escape and some of silicon atoms are separated from the SiOx:H ( x approximate to 1.35) matrix; The separated silicon atoms are found to be participated in the nucleation and growth processes of solid-phase crystallization of the a-Si clusters, nano-crystalline silicon (ne-Si) is then formed. The microstructure of the annealed film is thereby described with a multi-shell model, in which the ne-Si clusters are embedded in SiOx (x = 0.64) and SiO2. The former is located at the boundaries of the nc-Si clusters, with a thickness comparable with the scale of nc-Si clusters, and forms the transition oxide layer between the ne-Si and the SiO2 matrix.


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Carbon ions were implanted into crystal Si to a concentration of (0.6-1.5)at% at room temperature. Some samples were pre-irradiated with S-29(i)+ ions, while others were not pre-irradiated. Then the two kinds of samples were implanted with C-12(+) ions simultaneously, and Si1-xCx alloys were grown by solid phase epitaxy with high-temperature annealing. The effects of preirradiation on the formation of Si1-xCx alloys were studied. If the dose of implanted C ion was less than that for amorphizing Si crystals, the implanted C atoms would like to combine with defects produced during implantation, and then it was difficult for Si1-xCx alloys to form after annealine, at 950 degreesC. Pre-irradiation was advantageous for Si1-xCx alloy formation. With the increase of C ion dose, the damage produced by C ions increased. Pre-irradiation was unfavorable for Si1-xCx, alloy formation. If the implanted C concentration was higher than that for solid phase epitaxy solution, only part of the implanted C atoms form Si1-xCx alloys and the effects of pre-irradiation could be neglected. As the annealing temperature was increased to 1050 degreesC, Si1-xCx alloys in both pre-irradiated and unpreirradiated samples of low C concentration remained, whereas most part of Si1-xCx alloys in samples with high C concentration vanished.


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Carbon ions with concentration of (0.6-1.5)% were implanted into silicon crystals at room temperature and Si1-xCx alloys were grown by solid phase epitaxy with high temperature annealing. The formation and characteristics of Si1-xCx alloys under different implanted carbon doses were studied. If the implanted carbon atom concentration was less than 0.6%, carbon atoms would tend to combine with the defects produced during implantation and it was difficult for Si1-xCx alloys to form during annealing at 850-950 degreesC. With the increase of implanted C concentration, almost all implanted carbon atoms would occupy substitution positions to form Si1-xCx alloys, but only part of implanted carbon atoms would occupy the substitution position to form Si1-xCx alloys as the implanted dose increased to 1.5 %. Most Si1-xCx alloy phases would vanish as the annealing temperature was increased higher.