932 resultados para sol-gel combustion


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Die vorliegende Dissertation zeigt eine erfolgreiche Verknüpfung der Triplett-Triplett-Annihilations-Aufkonversion (TTA-UC) mit möglichen biologischen Anwendungen. Die Grundlage für solche Anwendungen ist ein Transfer der TTA-UC aus seinem üblicherweise verwendeten organischen Medium in eine wässrige Umgebung. Um diesen Transfer zu realisieren, wurden, unter Anwendung der Technik des Miniemulsionsprozesses, in Wasser dispergierte Nanokapseln herstellt. Der Kern dieser Nanokapseln besteht aus einem flüssigen hydrophoben Medium (meist Hexadekan oder Phenylheptadekan), in dem die zur TTA-UC notwendigen Farbstoffe gelöst sind. Dieser flüssige Kern ist vollständig von einer festen Polymerhülle umschlossen und somit isoliert von seiner wässrigen Umgebung. Es wurden insgesamt drei Generationen solcher Nanokapseln hergestellt, die sich hauptsächlich im Herstellungsprozess, aber auch beim Material von Kern und Hülle unterscheiden. Mittels dieser Variationen konnten die Nanokapseln in Bezug auf Effizienz, Anregungswellenlänge und Sauerstoffempfindlichkeit optimiert werden. Bei der ersten Generation wurde die radikalische Miniemulsionspolymerisation zur Kapselbildung verwendet. Die zweite Generation wurde durch die Kombination des Lösungsmittelverdampfungsprozesses mit dem Miniemulsionsprozess entwickelt und liefert somit eine alternative Möglichkeit der Kapselbildung unter milden Reaktionsbedingungen, was eine uneingeschränkte Auswahl der UC-Farbstoffpaare ermöglicht. Durch den Einsatz unterschiedlicher Sensitizer konnte die Anregungswellenlänge der TTA-UC in den roten und in den nahen Infrarot-Bereich des sichtbaren Spektrums verschoben werden. Diese Verschiebung ist im biologischen Anwendungsbereich von enormer Bedeutung, da dort eine Überlappung mit dem natürlichen optischen Fenster von menschlicher Haut und Gewebe stattfindet. Dies reduziert die Streuung der Anregungsquelle im zu untersuchende Medium und ermöglicht hohe Eindringtiefen. Mit den Kapseln der zweiten Generation wurde zum ersten Mal TTA-UC in lebenden HeLa-Zellen (Krebszellen) und MSCs (Mesenchymale Stammzellen) nachgewiesen. Die verzögerte Fluoreszenz aus den Zellen wurde mit biologischen Standardverfahren, sowohl mit der Durchflusszytometrie (FACS) als auch am cLSM nachgewiesen. Besondere Vorteile gegenüber direkter Fluoreszenz konnten bei der Bildgebung von Zellen erreicht werden. Die relativ energiearme Anregungswellenlänge und die dazu anti-Stokes verschobene, detektierte verzögerte UC-Fluoreszenz lieferte eine bessere Bildqualität und eine sehr geringe Phototoxizität der Zellen. Die Kapseln der dritten Generation zeichnen sich durch ihre anorganische, tetraedrisch verknüpfte SiO2-Hülle aus und wurden mittels einer Grenzflächenreaktion (Sol-Gel-Prozess) in Miniemulsion hergestellt. Diese Kapseln weisen im Vergleich zu den Polymernanokapseln eine bessere UC-Effizienz auf und sind zusätzlich stabiler und robuster.


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Diese Arbeit ist ein Beitrag zu den schnell wachsenden Forschungsgebieten der Nano-Biotechnologie und Nanomedizin. Sie behandelt die spezifische Gestaltung magnetischer Nanomaterialien für verschiedene biomedizinische Anwendungsgebiete, wie beispielsweise Kontrastmittel für die magnetische Resonanztomographie (MRT) oder "theragnostische" Agenzien für simultane optische/MR Detektion und Behandlung mittels photodynamischer Therapie (PDT).rnEine Vielzahl magnetischer Nanopartikel (NP) mit unterschiedlichsten magnetischen Eigenschaften wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit synthetisiert und erschöpfend charakterisiert. Darüber hinaus wurde eine ganze Reihe von Oberflächenmodifizierungsstrategien entwickelt, um sowohl die kolloidale als auch die chemische Stabilität der Partikel zu verbessern, und dadurch den hohen Anforderungen der in vitro und in vivo Applikation gerecht zu werden. Diese Strategien beinhalteten nicht nur die Verwendung bi-funktionaler und multifunktioneller Polymerliganden, sondern auch die Kondensation geeigneter Silanverbindungen, um eine robuste, chemisch inerte und hydrophile Siliziumdioxid- (SiO2) Schale um die magnetischen NP auszubilden.rnGenauer gesagt, der Bildungsmechanismus und die magnetischen Eigenschaften monodisperser MnO NPs wurden ausgiebig untersucht. Aufgrund ihres einzigartigen magnetischen Verhaltens eignen sich diese NPs besonders als (positive) Kontrastmittel zur Verkürzung der longitudinalen Relaxationszeit T1, was zu einer Aufhellung im entsprechenden MRT-Bild führt. Tatsächlich wurde dieses kontrastverbessernde Potential in mehreren Studien mit unterschiedlichen Oberflächenliganden bestätigt. Au@MnO „Nanoblumen“, auf der anderen Seite, sind Vertreter einer weiteren Klasse von Nanomaterialien, die in den vergangenen Jahren erhebliches Interesse in der wissenschaftlichen Welt geweckt hat und oft „Nano-hetero-Materialien“ genannt wird. Solche Nano-hetero-partikel vereinen die individuellen physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der jeweiligen Komponenten in einem nanopartikulärem System und erhöhen dadurch die Vielseitigkeit der möglichen Anwendungen. Sowohl die magnetischen Merkmale von MnO, als auch die optischen Eigenschaften von Au bieten die Möglichkeit, diese „Nanoblumen“ für die kombinierte MRT und optische Bildgebung zu verwenden. Darüber hinaus erlaubt das Vorliegen zweier chemisch unterschiedlicher Oberflächen die gleichzeitige selektive Anbindung von Katecholliganden (auf MnO) und Thiolliganden (auf Au). Außerdem wurde das therapeutische Potential von magnetischen NPs anhand von MnO NPs demonstriert, die mit dem Photosensibilisator Protoporhyrin IX (PP) funktionalisiert waren. Bei Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht initiiert PP die Produktion von zytotoxisch-reaktivem Sauerstoff. Wir zeigen, dass Nierenkrebszellen, die mit PP-funktionalisierten MnO NPs inkubiert wurden nach Bestrahlung mit Laserlicht verenden, während sie ohne Bestrahlung unverändert bleiben. In einem ähnlichen Experiment untersuchten wir die Eigenschaften von SiO2 beschichteten MnO NPs. Dafür wurde eigens eine neuartige SiO2-Beschichtungsmethode entwickelt, die einer nachfolgende weitere Anbindung verschiedenster Liganden und die Einlagerung von Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen durch herkömmliche Silan- Sol-Gel Chemie erlaubt. Die Partikel zeigten eine ausgezeichnete Stabilität in einer ganzen Reihe wässriger Lösungen, darunter auch physiologische Kochsalzlösung, Pufferlösungen und humanes Blutserum, und waren weniger anfällig gegenüber Mn-Ionenauswaschung als einfache PEGylierte MnO NPs. Des Weiteren konnte bewiesen werden, dass die dünne SiO2 Schicht nur einen geringen Einfluss auf das magnetische Verhalten der NPs hatte, so dass sie weiterhin als T1-Kontrastmittel verwendet werden können. Schließlich konnten zusätzlich FePt@MnO NPs hergestellt werden, welche die individuellen magnetischen Merkmale eines ferromagnetischen (FePt) und eines antiferromagnetischen (MnO) Materials vereinen. Wir zeigen, dass wir die jeweiligen Partikelgrößen, und damit das resultierende magnetische Verhalten, durch Veränderung der experimentellen Parameter variieren können. Die magnetische Wechselwirkung zwischen beiden Materialien kann dabei auf Spinkommunikation an der Grenzfläche zwischen beiden NP-Sorten zurückgeführt werden.rn


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Boron is one of the trace elements in the human body which plays an important role in bone growth. Porous mesopore bioactive glass (MBG) scaffolds are proposed as potential bone regeneration materials due to their excellent bioactivity and drug-delivery ability. The aims of the present study were to develop boron-containing MBG (B-MBG) scaffolds by sol-gel method and to evaluate the effect of boron on the physiochemistry of B-MBG scaffolds and the response of osteoblasts to these scaffolds. Furthermore, the effect of dexamethasone (DEX) delivery in B-MBG scaffold system was investigated on the proliferation, differentiation and bone-related gene expression of osteoblasts. The composition, microstructure and mesopore properties (specific surface area, nano-pore volume and nano-pore distribution) of B-MBG scaffolds have been characterized. The effect of boron contents and large-pore porosity on the loading and release of DEX in B-MBG scaffolds were also investigated. The results have shown that the incorporation of boron into MBG scaffolds slightly decreases the specific surface area and pore volume, but maintains well-ordered mesopore structure and high surface area and nano-pore volume compared to non-mesopore bioactive glass. Boron contents in MBG scaffolds did not influence the nano-pore size distribution or the loading and release of DEX. B-MBG scaffolds have the ability to maintain a sustained release of DEX in a long-term span. Incorporating boron into MBG glass scaffolds led to a controllable release of boron ions and significantly improved the proliferation and bone-related gene expression (Col I and Runx2) of osteoblasts. Furthermore, the sustained release of DEX from B-MBG scaffolds significantly enhanced alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and gene expressions (Col I, Runx2, ALP and BSP) of osteoblasts. These results suggest that boron plays an important role in enhancing osteoblast proliferation in B-MBG scaffold system and DEX-loaded B-MBG scaffolds show great potential as a release system to enhance osteogenic property for bone tissue engineering application.


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Nitric oxide has the potential to greatly improve intravascular measurements by locally inhibiting thrombus formation and dilating blood vessels. pH, the partial pressure of oxygen, and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide are three arterial blood parameters that are of interest to clinicians in the intensive care unit that can benefit from an intravascular sensor. This work explores fabrication of absorbance and fluorescence based pH sensing chemistry, the sensing chemistries' compatibility with nitric oxide, and a controllable nitric oxide releasing polymer. The pH sensing chemistries utilized various substrates, dyes, and methods of immobilization. Absorbance sensing chemistries used sol-gels, fumed silica particles, mesoporous silicon oxide, bromocresol purple, phenol red, bromocresol green, physical entrapment, molecular interactions, and covalent linking. Covalently linking the dyes to fumed silica particles and mesoporous silicon oxide eliminated leaching in the absorbance sensing chemistries. The structures of the absorbance dyes investigated were similar and bromocresol green in a sol-gel was tested for compatibility with nitric oxide. Nitric oxide did not interfere with the use of bromocresol green in a pH sensor. Investigated fluorescence sensing chemistries utilized silica optical fibers, poly(allylamine) hydrogel, SNARF-1, molecular interactions, and covalent linking. SNARF-1 covalently linked to a modified poly(allylamine) hydrogel was tested in the presence of nitric oxide and showed no interference from the nitric oxide. Nitric oxide release was controlled through the modulation of a light source that cleaved the bond between the nitric oxide and a sulfur atom in the donor. The nitric oxide donor in this work is S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D-penicillamine which was covalently linked to a silicone rubber made from polydimethylsiloxane. It is shown that the surface flux of nitric oxide released from the polymer films can be increased and decreased by increasing and decreasing the output power of the LED light source. In summary, an optical pH sensing chemistry was developed that eliminated the chronic problem of leaching of the indicator dye and showed no reactivity to nitric oxide released, thereby facilitating the development of a functional, reliable intravascular sensor.


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The hydrogen ion activity (pH) is a very important parameter in environment monitoring, biomedical research and other applications. Optical pH sensors have several advantages over traditional potentiometric pH measurement, such as high sensitivity, no need of constant calibration, easy for miniaturization and possibility for remote sensing. Several pH indicators has been successfully immobilized in three different solid porous materials to use as pH sensing probes. The fluorescent pH indicator fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate (FITC) was covalently bound onto the internal surface of porous silica (pore size ~10 nm) and retained its pH sensitivity. The excited state pK* a of FITC in porous silica (5.58) was slightly smaller than in solution (5.68) due to the free silanol groups (Si-OH) on the silica surface. The pH sensitive range for this probe is pH 4.5 - 7.0 with an error less than 0.1 pH units. The probe response was reproducible and stable for at least four month, stored in DI water, but exhibit a long equilibrium of up to 100 minutes. Sol-gel based pH sensors were developed with immobilization of two fluorescent pH indicators fluorescein-5-(and-6)-sulfonic acid, trisodium salt (FS) and 8-hydroxypyrene- 1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (HPTS) through physical entrapment. Prior to immobilization, the indicators were ion-paired with a common surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in order to prevent leaching. The sol-gel films were synthesized through the hydrolysis of two different precursors, ethyltriethoxysilane (ETEOS) and 3- glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GPTMS) and deposited on a quartz slide through spin coating. The pK a of the indicators immobilized in sol-gel films was much smaller than in solutions due to silanol groups on the inner surface of the sol-gel films and ammonium groups from the surrounding surfactants. Unlike in solution, the apparent pK a of the indicators in sol-gel films increased with increasing ionic strength. The equilibrium time for these sensors was within 5 minutes (with film thickness of ~470 nm). Polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel was of interest for optical pH sensor development because it is highly proton permeable, transparent and easy to synthesize. pH indicators can be immobilized in hydrogel through physical entrapment and copolymerization. FS and HPTS ion-pairs were physically entrapped in hydrogel matrix synthesized via free radical initiation. For covalent immobilization, three indicators, 6,8-dihydroxypyrene-1,3- disulfonic acid (DHPDS), 2,7-dihydroxynaphthalene-3,6-disulfonic acid (DHNDS) and cresol red were first reacted with methacrylic anhydride (MA) to form methacryloylanalogs for copolymerization. These hydrogels were synthesized in aqueous solution with a redox initiation system. The thickness of the hydrogel film is controlled as ~ 0.5 cm and the porosity can be adjusted with the percentage of polyethylene glycol in the precursor solutions. The pK a of the indicators immobilized in the hydrogel both physically and covalently were higher than in solution due to the medium effect. The sensors are stable and reproducible with a short equilibrium time (less than 4 minutes). In addition, the color change of cresol red immobilized hydrogel is vivid from yellow (acidic condition) to purple (basic condition). Due to covalently binding, cresol red was not leaching out from the hydrogel, making it a good candidate of reusable "pH paper".


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El gran desarrollo industrial y demográfico de las últimas décadas ha dado lugar a un consumo crecientemente insostenible de energía y materias primas, que influye negativamente en el ambiente por la gran cantidad de contaminantes generados. Entre las emisiones tienen gran importancia los compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV), y entre ellos los compuestos halogenados como el tricloroetileno, debido a su elevada toxicidad y resistencia a la degradación. Las tecnologías generalmente empleadas para la degradación de estos compuestos presentan inconvenientes derivados de la generación de productos tóxicos intermedios o su elevado coste. Dentro de los procesos avanzados de oxidación (Advanced Oxidation Processes AOP), la fotocatálisis resulta una técnica atractiva e innovadora de interés creciente en su aplicación para la eliminación de multitud de compuestos orgánicos e inorgánicos, y se ha revelado como una tecnología efectiva en la eliminación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles clorados como el tricloroetileno. Además, al poder aprovechar la luz solar como fuente de radiación UV permite una reducción significativa de costes energéticos y de operación. Los semiconductores más adecuados para su empleo como fotocatalizadores con aprovechamiento de la luz solar son aquellos que tienen una banda de energía comparable a la de los fotones de luz visible o, en su defecto, de luz ultravioleta A (Eg < 3,5 eV), siendo el más empleado el dióxido de titanio (TiO2). El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el estudio de polímeros orgánicos comerciales como soporte para el TiO2 en fotocatálisis heterogénea y su ensayo para la eliminación de tricloroetileno en aire. Para ello, se han evaluado sus propiedades ópticas y su resistencia a la fotodegradación, y se ha optimizado la fijación del fotocatalizador para conseguir un recubrimiento homogéneo, duradero y con elevada actividad fotocatalítica en diversas condiciones de operación. Los materiales plásticos ensayados fueron el polietileno (PE), copolímero de etil vinil acetato con distintos aditivos (EVA, EVA-H y EVA-SH), polipropileno (PP), polimetil (metacrilato) fabricado en colada y extrusión (PMMA-C y PMMA-E), policarbonato compacto y celular (PC-C y PC-Ce), polivinilo rígido y flexible (PVC-R y PVC-F), poliestireno (PS) y poliésteres (PET y PETG). En base a sus propiedades ópticas se seleccionaron el PP, PS, PMMA-C, EVA-SH y PVC-R, los cuales mostraron un valor de transmitancia superior al 80% en el entorno de la región estudiada (λ=365nm). Para la síntesis del fotocatalizador se empleó la tecnología sol-gel y la impregnación multicapa de los polímeros seleccionados por el método de dip-coating con secado intermedio a temperaturas moderadas. Con el fin de evaluar el envejecimiento de los polímeros bajo la radiación UV, y el efecto sobre éste del recubrimiento fotoactivo, se realizó un estudio en una cámara de exposición a la luz solar durante 150 días, evaluándose la resistencia química y la resistencia mecánica. Los resultados de espectroscopía infrarroja y del test de tracción tras el envejecimiento revelaron una mayor resistencia del PMMA y una degradación mayor en el PS, PVC-R y EVA SH, con una apreciable pérdida del recubrimiento en todos los polímeros. Los fotocatalizadores preparados sobre soportes sin tratamiento y con tres capas de óxido de titanio mostraron mejores resultados de actividad con PMMA-C, PET y PS, con buenos resultados de mineralización. Para conseguir una mayor y mejor fijación de la película al soporte se realizaron tratamientos químicos abrasivos con H2SO4 y NaOH y tratamientos de funcionalización superficial por tecnología de plasma a presión atmosférica (APP) y a baja presión (LPP). Con los tratamientos de plasma se consiguió una excelente mojabilidad de los soportes, que dio lugar a una distribución uniforme y más abundante del fotocatalizador, mientras que con los tratamientos químicos no se obtuvo una mejora significativa. Asimismo, se prepararon fotocatalizadores con una capa previa de dióxido de silicio con la intervención de surfactantes (PDDA-SiO2-3TiO2 y SiO2FC-3TiO2), consiguiéndose buenas propiedades de la película en todos los casos. Los mejores resultados de actividad con tratamiento LPP y tres capas de TiO2 se lograron con PMMA-C (91% de conversión a 30 ppm de TCE y caudal 200 ml·min-1) mejorando significativamente también la actividad fotocatalítica en PVC-R y PS. Sin embargo, el material más activo de todos los ensayados fue el PMMA-C con el recubrimiento SiO2FC-3TiO2, logrando el mejor grado de mineralización, del 45%, y una velocidad de 1,89 x 10-6 mol· m-2 · s-1, que dio lugar a la eliminación del 100 % del tricloroetileno en las condiciones anteriormente descritas. A modo comparativo se realizaron ensayos de actividad con otro contaminante orgánico tipo, el formaldehído, cuya degradación fotocatalítica fue también excelente (100% de conversión y 80% de mineralización con 24 ppm de HCHO en un caudal de aire seco de 200 ml·min-1). Los buenos resultados de actividad obtenidos confirman las enormes posibilidades que ofrecen los polímeros transparentes en el UV-A como soportes del dióxido de titanio para la eliminación fotocatalítica de contaminantes en aire. ABSTRACT The great industrial and demographic development of recent decades has led to an unsustainable increase of energy and raw materials consumption that negatively affects the environment due to the large amount of waste and pollutants generated. Between emissions generated organic compounds (VOCs), specially the halogenated ones such as trichloroethylene, are particularly important due to its high toxicity and resistance to degradation. The technologies generally used for the degradation of these compounds have serious inconveniences due to the generation of toxic intermediates turn creating the problem of disposal besides the high cost. Among the advanced oxidation processes (AOP), photocatalysis is an attractive and innovative technique with growing interest in its application for the removal of many organic and inorganic compounds, and has emerged as an effective technology in eliminating chlorinated organic compounds such as trichloroethylene. In addition, as it allows the use of sunlight as a source of UV radiation there is a significant reduction of energy costs and operation. Semiconductors suitable to be used as photocatalyst activated by sunlight are those having an energy band comparable to that of the visible or UV-A light (Eg <3,5 eV), being titanium dioxide (TiO2), the most widely used. The main objective of this study is the test of commercial organic polymers as supports for TiO2 to be applied in heterogeneous photocatalysis and its assay for removing trichloroethylene in air. To accomplish that, its optical properties and resistance to photooxidation have been evaluated, and different operating conditions have been tested in order to optimize the fixation of the photocatalyst to obtain a homogeneous coating, with durable and high photocatalytic activity. The plastic materials tested were: polyethylene (PE), ethyl vinyl acetace copolymers with different additives (EVA, EVA-H and EVA -SH), polypropylene (PP), poly methyl (methacrylate) manufactured by sheet moulding and extrusion (PMMA-C and PMMA-E), compact and cellular polycarbonates (PC-C PC-Ce), rigid and flexible polyvinyl chloride (PVC-R and PVC-F), polystyrene (PS) and polyesters (PET and PETG). On the basis of their optical properties PP, PS, PMMA-C, EVA-SH and PVC-R were selected, as they showed a transmittance value greater than 80% in the range of the studied region (λ = 365nm). For the synthesis of the photocatalyst sol-gel technology was employed with multilayers impregnation of the polymers selected by dip-coating, with intermediate TiO2 drying at moderate temperatures. To evaluate the polymers aging due to UV radiation, and the effect of photoactive coating thereon, a study in an sunlight exposure chamber for 150 days was performed, evaluating the chemical resistance and the mechanical strength. The results of infrared spectroscopy and tensile stress test after aging showed the PMMA is the most resistant sample, but a greater degradation in PS, PVC-R and EVA SH, with a visible loss of the coating in all the polymers tested. The photocatalysts prepared on the untreated substrates with three layers of TiO2 showed better activity results when PMMA-C, PET and PS where used. To achieve greater and better fixation of the film to the support, chemical abrasive treatments, with H2SO4 and NaOH, as well as surface functionalization treatments with atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) and low pressure plasma (LPP) technologies were performed. The plasma treatment showed the best results, with an excellent wettability of the substrates that lead to a better and uniform distribution of the photocatalyst compared to the chemical treatments tested, in which no significant improvement was obtained. Also photocatalysts were prepared with the a silicon dioxide previous layer with the help of surfactants (SiO2- 3TiO2 PDDA-and-3TiO2 SiO2FC), obtaining good properties of the film in all cases. The best activity results for LPP-treated samples with three layers of TiO2 were achieved with PMMA-C (91% conversion, in conditions of 30 ppm of TCE and 200 ml·min-1 air flow rate), with a significant improvement of the photocatalytic activity in PVC-R and PS samples too. However, among all the materials assayed, PMMA-C with SiO2FC-3TiO2 coating was the most active one, achieving the highest mineralization grade (45%) and a reaction rate of 1,89 x 10-6 mol· m-2 · s-1, with total trichloroethylene elimination in the same conditions. As a comparative assay, an activity test was also performed with another typical organic contaminant, formaldehyde, also with good results (100% conversion with 24 ppm of HCHO and 200 ml·min-1 gas flow rate). The good activity results obtained in this study confirm the great potential of organic polymers which are transparent in the UV-A as supports for titanium dioxide for photocatalytic removal of air organic pollutants.


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Recently, a novel method to trap and pattern ensembles of nanoparticles has been proposed and tested. It relies on the photovoltaic (PV) properties of certain ferroelectric crystals such as LiNbO3 [1,2]. These crystals, when suitably doped, develop very high electric fields in response to illumination with light of suitable wavelength. The PV effect lies in the asymmetrical excitation of electrons giving rise to PV currents and associated space-charge fields (photorefractive effect). The field generated in the bulk of the sample propagates to the surrounding medium as evanescent fields. When dielectric or metal nanoparticles are deposited on the surface of the sample the evanescent fields give rise to either electrophoretic or dielectrophoretic forces, depending on the charge state of the particles, that induce the trapping and patterning effects [3,4]. The purpose of this work has been to explore the effects of such PV fields in the biology and biomedical areas. A first work was able to show the necrotic effects induced by such fields on He-La tumour cells grown on the surface of an illuminated iron-doped LiNbO3 crystal [5]. In principle, it is conceived that LiNbO3 nanoparticles may be advantageously used for such biomedical purposes considering the possibility of such nanoparticles being incorporated into the cells. Previous experiments using microparticles have been performed [5] with similar results to those achieved with the substrate. Therefore, the purpose of this work has been to fabricate and characterize the LiNbO3 nanoparticles and assess their necrotic effects when they are incorporated on a culture of tumour cells. Two different preparation methods have been used: 1) mechanical grinding from crystals, and 2) bottom-up sol-gel chemical synthesis from metal-ethoxide precursors. This later method leads to a more uniform size distribution of smaller particles (down to around 50 nm). Fig. 1(a) and 1(b) shows SEM images of the nanoparticles obtained with both method. An ad hoc software taking into account the physical properties of the crystal, particullarly donor and aceptor concentrations has been developped in order to estimate the electric field generated in noparticles. In a first stage simulations of the electric current of nanoparticles, in a conductive media, due to the PV effect have been carried out by MonteCarlo simulations using the Kutharev 1-centre transport model equations [6] . Special attention has been paid to the dependence on particle size and [Fe2+]/[Fe3+]. First results on cubic particles shows large dispersion for small sizes due to the random number of donors and its effective concentration (Fig 2). The necrotic (toxicity) effect of nanoparticles incorporated into a tumour cell culture subjected to 30 min. illumination with a blue LED is shown in Fig.3. For each type of nanoparticle the percent of cell survival in dark and illumination conditions has been plot as a function of the particle dilution factor. Fig. 1a corresponds to mechanical grinding particles whereas 1b and 1c refer to chemically synthesized particles with two oxidation states. The light effect is larger with mechanical grinding nanoparticles, but dark toxicity is also higher. For chemically synthesized nanoparticles dark toxicity is low but only in oxidized samples, where the PV effect is known to be larger, the light effect is appreciable. These preliminary results demonstrate that Fe:LiNbO· nanoparticles have a biological damaging effect on cells, although there are many points that should be clarified and much space for PV nanoparticles optimization. In particular, it appears necessary to determine the fraction of nanoparticles that become incorporated into the cells and the possible existence of threshold size effects. This work has been supported by MINECO under grant MAT2011-28379-C03.


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Melanina é um polímero constituído por uma grande heterogeneidade de monômeros tendo como característica comum a presença de grupos indóis. Por outro lado, a eumelanina produzida pela oxidação enzimática da tirosina é um polímero mais simples constituído principalmente de monômeros 5,6-dihidroxindol (DHI) e de indol-5,6-quinona (IQ). Tirosinase é a enzima chave na produção de melanina, sendo que a sua atividade cinética é medida em função da formação do intermediário dopacroma. Nanopartículas (NPs) de sílica são partículas nanométricas compostas de oxido de silício e são obtidas pelo processo sol-gel desenvolvido por Stöber de hidrólise e condensação de tetraetilortosilicato (TEOS), usando etanol como solvente em meio alcalino. As NPs foram funcionalizadas com 3-Aminopropiltrietoxissilano (ATPES) e depois com glutaraldeído. Este último permitiu a imobilização da tirosinase na superfície da sílica. Caracterizamos as NPs antes e após a reação da enzima, a atividade catalítica da enzima ligada à NP e o mecanismos de formação de melanina na superfície da sílica. As NPs foram caracterizadas por espectrofotometria de absorção e de reflectância, termogravimetria e microscopia eletrônica. A síntese da NP de sílica retornou partículas esféricas com 55nm de diâmetro e a funcionalização da partícula mostrou modificar eficientemente a sua superfície. A imobilização da tirosinase por ligação covalente foi de 99,5% contra 0,5% da adsorção física. A atividade da tirosinase foi caracterizada pela formação de dopacroma. O Km da enzima imobilizada não sofreu alteração em comparação com a tirosinase livre, mas a eficiência catalítica - que considera a eficiência recuperada - foi de apenas 1/3 para a enzima ligada covalentemente, significando que 2/3 das enzimas ligadas não estão ativas. Obtivemos NPs revestidas com melanina a partir de oxidação de tirosina solubilizada em duas preparações: NP com tirosinase ligada covalentemente na superfície e NP funcionalizada com glutaraldeido dispersa em solução de DHI e IQ. O revestimento de melanina foi na forma de um filme fino com espessura ~1,9nm, conferindo perfil de absorção luminosa equivalente ao da própria melanina. Mostramos que o mecanismo de polimerização passa pela oxidação da tirosina pela tirosinase, que gera intermediários oxidados (principalmente DHI e IQ) que vão para solução (mesmo quando a tirosinase está ligada covalentemente na sílica). Estes intermediários ligam-se ao glutaraldeido e a superfície da sílica passa a funcionar como ambiente de polimerização da melanina.


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A nanotecnologia tem sido aplicada para o desenvolvimento de materiais para diversas aplicações inclusive na inativação de patógenos. As nanopartículas de sílica (npSi) destacam-se pela alta área superficial, facilidade na alteração da superfície para aumento da eficiência adsortiva, penetrabilidade e toxicidade para bactérias gram-negativas sendo biocompatíveis para células de mamíferos e mais foto-estáveis que a maioria dos compostos orgânicos. Devido as suas vantagens, as npSi podem ser usadas para veicular fotossensibilizadores (FSs) uma vez que permitem sua utilização em solução aquosa em que os FSs geralmente são insolúveis. Além disso, o uso de FSs em vez de antibióticos, permite a inativação microbiológica pela Terapia Fotodinâmica sem que as bactérias adquiram resistência por mecanismos genéticos. Esse processo ocorre pela interação entre um FS, luz e oxigênio molecular produzindo oxigênio singleto que é extremamente reativo danificando estruturas celulares. O objetivo desse estudo foi otimizar a fotoinativação dinâmica de E .coli utilizando Azul de Metileno (AM) e Azul de Toluidina O (ATO) veiculados por npSi. As npSi foram preparadas pela metodologia sol-gel, caracterizadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e submetidas à adsorção de AM e ATO em sua superfície. A presença de AM e ATO na superfície das npSi foram analisadas por espectroscopia no infravermelho; espectroscopia de fluorescência por raio-X e análise termogravimétrica. O planejamento experimental, iniciado pelo fatorial 23 e modelado ao composto central em busca das condições ótimas foi adotado pela primeira vez nessa aplicabilidade, visando a fotoinativação de E. coli empregando AM e ATO em solução e em seguida com npSi. AM e ATO veiculados por npSi permitem a fotoinativação em concentrações mais baixas de FS (20 e 51% respectivamente), causando desestruturação da integridade bacteriana demonstrada por MEV. Os resultados sugerem que a veiculação de AM e ATO por npSi é extremamente efetiva para a fotoinativação dinâmica de E. coli e que o planejamento composto central pode levar à completa inativação das bactérias.


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Nanostructured TiO2 photocatalysts with small crystalline sizes have been synthesized by sol-gel using the amphiphilic triblock copolymer Pluronic P123 as template. A new synthesis route, based on the treatment of TiO2 xerogels with acid-ethanol mixtures in two different steps, synthesis and extraction-crystallization, has been investigated, analyzing two acids, hydrochloric and hydriodic acid. As reference, samples have also been prepared by extraction-crystallization in ethanol, being these TiO2 materials amorphous and presenting higher porosities. The prepared materials present different degrees of crystallinity depending on the experimental conditions used. In general, these materials exhibit high surface areas, with an important contribution of microporosity and mesoporosity, and with very small size anatase crystals, ranging from 5 to 7 nm. The activity of the obtained photocatalysts has been assessed in the oxidation of propene in gas phase at low concentration (100 ppmv) under a UVA lamp with 365 nm wavelength. In the conditions studied, these photocatalysts show different activities in the oxidation of propene which do not depend on their surface areas, but on their crystallinity and band gap energies, being sample prepared with HCl both during synthesis and in extraction-crystallizations steps, the most active one, with superior performance than Evonik P25.


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The direct electron transfer between indium–tin oxide electrodes (ITO) and cytochrome c encapsulated in different sol–gel silica networks was studied. Cyt c@silica modified electrodes were synthesized by a two-step encapsulation method mixing a phosphate buffer solution with dissolved cytochrome c and a silica sol prepared by the alcohol-free sol–gel route. These modified electrodes were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, UV–vis spectroscopy, and in situ UV–vis spectroelectrochemistry. The electrochemical response of encapsulated protein is influenced by the terminal groups of the silica pores. Cyt c does not present electrochemical response in conventional silica (hydroxyl terminated) or phenyl terminated silica. Direct electron transfer to encapsulated cytochrome c and ITO electrodes only takes place when the protein is encapsulated in methyl modified silica networks.


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El presente proyecto se enmarca en el contexto del desarrollo de vectores de energía, particularmente aquellos destinados a almacenar la energía captada desde fuentes alternativas y sustentables, como son las energías eólica y solar, entre otras. Uno de los vectores de energía actualmente más importante lo constituyen las baterías de ión-Litio, las que por sus características de pequeño tamaño, alta densidad de energía y potencia, y larga ciclabilidad, son ampliamente utilizadas para alimentar todos los dispositivos electrónicos de pequeño tamaño (teléfonos móviles, notebooks, etc.). Este tipo de batería es, hasta el momento, la única que puede satisfacer la demanda de voltaje e intensidad de corriente, junto con bajo peso y volumen, del motor de un vehículo eléctrico, por lo que se espera un gran crecimiento de su demanda cuando comience la consolidación del mercado de este tipo de vehículos. Sin embargo, esto sólo será posible con importantes mejoras en los materiales activos que componen ambos electrodos, ánodo y cátodo, y/o con el desarrollo de nuevos materiales activos, que incrementen aun más la densidad de energía almacenada en dichas batería. En la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba hemos constituido un grupo de trabajo abocado a la investigación y desarrollo de materiales activos para ser utilizados como electrodos en este tipo de baterías, un área de investigación que concentra cada vez más la atención de científicos y tecnólogos en todo el mundo, particularmente, de países líderes del sector de electrónica y automotriz. Entre los objetivos del proyecto se pueden mencionar la intención de desarrollar capacidades científicas y técnicas en aspectos de investigación básica y tecnológica de sistemas electroquímicos de almacenamiento de energía, mediante la instalación de un laboratorio de síntesis, caracterización, investigación y ensayo de materiales activos para electrodos de baterías de ión-Litio. Específicamente, se llevará adelante la preparación y estudio electroquímico de materiales de ánodo en base a diferentes tipos de carbonos, de diferentes compuestos de titanatos de metales alcalinos, y de materiales de cátodo en base a diferentes tipos de compuestos de espinelas de fosfato de M-Litio, donde M puede ser Fe, Mn, Ni, Co o mezclas, y el ensayo posterior de celdas prototipo. La metodología de trabajo a aplicar es la del estado-del-arte a nivel mundial, que consiste en las etapas de síntesis, caracterización y estudio de funcionamiento de diferentes tipos de materiales activos para electrodos (ánodo o cátodo) de baterías de ión-Litio. Los procesos de síntesis comprenderán métodos por vía seca desde precursores adecuados (tratamientos térmicos) o por vía húmeda (hidrotermal, sol-gel). La caracterización física, química, estructural y morfológica abarcará la aplicación de técnicas de análisis de área específica y porosidad por método BET, microscopías SEM y TEM, análisis químico EDX, difracción de rayos X, espectroscopías XPS y Raman, y RMN, entre otras. Los estudios electroquímicos se llevarán a cabo utilizando técnicas potenciodinámicas, de multipulsos de potencial, galvanostáticas a diferentes densidades de corriente, espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica y de ciclados de carga/descarga. Con la ejecución del proyecto se espera obtener materiales activos para electrodos de baterías de ión-Litio que cumplan con características tales como: alta capacidad de carga, adecuada densidad de potencia, alto grado de ciclabilidad, alto grado de seguridad, alta resistencia al envejecimiento, tanto estático como dinámico, y bajo costo del material. Teniendo en cuenta la inminente crisis en la producción mundial de combustibles fósiles líquidos, la necesidad de mudar la tecnología de vehículos actuales a la de vehículos eléctricos, y la disponibilidad nacional de recursos minerales de litio, la importancia del proyecto es directa para avanzar hacia un desarrollo tecnológico regional propio e independiente.


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Hybrid magnetic carbon composites have been recently proposed as the next step in the evolution of catalysts for catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO), with several synergistic effects arising from the combination of the high catalytic activity of metal species with the proven catalytic properties of carbon-based materials in CWPO [1]. Bearing this in mind, this work sought the development of novel magnetic carbon xerogels, composed by interconnected carbon microspheres with iron (Fe) and/or cobalt (Co) microparticles embedded in their structure. As inferred from the extensive characterization performed, materials with distinctive properties were obtained upon inclusion of different metal precursors during the sol-gel polymerization of resorcinol and formaldehyde, followed by thermal annealing.


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Granular gamma-Al2O3 support and 8 wt % CuO/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst were synthesized by a sol-gel granulation method. The pore structure, crush strength, hardness, and elasticity of these sol-gel-derived catalysts were studied and compared with similar commercial catalysts prepared by non-sol-gel methods. Alumina and CuO-coated alumina granular particles prepared by different methods have different macro- and microstructure. The sol-gel-derived granular gamma-alumina and CuO-coated gamma-alumina granular particles have a structure defined by compact packing of uniform, nanosized gamma-alumina crystallites. They are characterized by a more uniform pore size distribution and larger surface area as compared to similar commercial samples with a structure defined by packing of aggregates consisting of nonuniform gamma-alumina crystallites. Because of the differences in the macro- and microstructure, the sol-gel-derived granular samples offer higher crush strength and greater hardness than the commercial samples.


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High-quality nanometer thick ultramicroporous membranes were prepared from silica sol-gel processes and tested for the permeation of binary gas mixtures of He, H-2, CO2, and CH4 across different temperature and partial pressure regimens. Pore size distribution by molecular probing showed that the majority of pore sizes had dimensions below 2.9 Angstrom. In 50:50 binary mixtures, the fluxes of gases increased as a function of temperature, indicating an activated transport mechanism. The ultramicroporous membranes showed high selectivities at 150 degreesC for He/CO2 (30), He/CH4 (93), H-2/CO2 (10), and H-2/CH4 (9) with lower selectivities for CO2/CH4 (5). High activation energies (E-a) were observed for the permeance of 50:50 binary mixtures containing He and H-2 of 22.1-27.5 and 17.6-23.1 kJ.mol(-1), respectively. The E-a for the permeance of the total mixture approached the E-a for the permeance of the molecule with the smaller kinetic diameter (He or H-2).