973 resultados para software creation infrastructure


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El presente proyecto consiste en el análisis y búsqueda de soluciones para el control de producción de la unidad de rodajes de la compañía CAF S.A. Para ello, se ha tenido que analizar procesos de producción, capturar requerimientos, desarrollar unas herramientas de control de producción temporales y elaborar una especificación de requisitos. Sin olvidar la gestión e interlocución con proveedores. Estas líneas de trabajo se encuentran descritas en esta memoria, junto con análisis de resultados, conclusiones y unas líneas futuras donde se seguirá trabajando.


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En los últimos años, la dinámica de mercado de productos y servicios ha cambiado sustancialmente: los clientes demandan cada vez productos y servicios más personalizados a sus necesidades específicas. Esta dinámica también ha llegado a la industria de producción de software. Para dar respuesta a esta demanda, se utilizan técnicas para, a partir de un producto común, generar variantes del mismo y cubrir las diferentes exigencias de los clientes. Estas técnicas se agrupan bajo la disciplina de líneas de producto software. Sin embargo, incluso con este paradigma, el número de artefactos a gestionar puede ser elevado. Ante esta situación se plantea un proyecto de investigación acerca de metodologías, técnicas y tecnologías de gestión para ofrecer soluciones eficientes. Este proyecto se apoya en diversos escenarios de proyectos software de una empresa concreta para estudiar las dificultades que revelan y a partir de ellas definir una estrategia. Asimismo, se presenta una herramienta que implementa esa estrategia y facilita su uso a los usuarios.


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Using the technique of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage, we propose schemes for creating arbi- trary coherent superposition states of atoms in four-level systems: a A-type system with twofold final states and a four-level ladder system. With the use of a control field, arbitrary coherent superposition states are created without the condition of multiphoton resonance. Suitable manipulation of detunings and the control field can create either a single state or any superposition states desired. (c) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


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Commercially available software packages for IBM PC-compatibles are evaluated to use for data acquisition and processing work. Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) acquired computers since 1978 to use on shipboard data acquisition (Le. CTD, radiometric, etc.) and data processing. First Hewlett-Packard desktops were used then a transition to the DEC VAXstations, with software developed mostly by the author and others at MLML (Broenkow and Reaves, 1993; Feinholz and Broenkow, 1993; Broenkow et al, 1993). IBM PC were at first very slow and limited in available software, so they were not used in the early days. Improved technology such as higher speed microprocessors and a wide range of commercially available software made use of PC more reasonable today. MLML is making a transition towards using the PC for data acquisition and processing. Advantages are portability and available outside support.


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In the past many different methodologies have been devised to support software development and different sets of methodologies have been developed to support the analysis of software artefacts. We have identified this mismatch as one of the causes of the poor reliability of embedded systems software. The issue with software development styles is that they are ``analysis-agnostic.'' They do not try to structure the code in a way that lends itself to analysis. The analysis is usually applied post-mortem after the software was developed and it requires a large amount of effort. The issue with software analysis methodologies is that they do not exploit available information about the system being analyzed.

In this thesis we address the above issues by developing a new methodology, called "analysis-aware" design, that links software development styles with the capabilities of analysis tools. This methodology forms the basis of a framework for interactive software development. The framework consists of an executable specification language and a set of analysis tools based on static analysis, testing, and model checking. The language enforces an analysis-friendly code structure and offers primitives that allow users to implement their own testers and model checkers directly in the language. We introduce a new approach to static analysis that takes advantage of the capabilities of a rule-based engine. We have applied the analysis-aware methodology to the development of a smart home application.


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[EU]Proiektu honek automobilen antzinako direkzio sistemak ordezkatuko dituen steer-by-wire-ren inplementazioa deskribatuko du, software-aren garapena, hain zuzen. Lan hau garatzeko, ezinbestekoa izango da orain arte egindako lanen bilketa eta azterketa egitea, baita nolako zailtasunak, arriskuak egongo diren eta posiblea izango litzatekeen etorkizun batean teknologia hau instalatzea. Programazio, mekanika eta automatika ezagutzaren bidez teknologia berri hau ordenagailu batean simulatuko da eta orain arte erabili izan diren teknologiekin alderatuko dira, ateratako emaitzekin ondorio nabarmenak ezarriz. Programazio eta simulaziorako “Labview” eta “Matlab-Simulink” software-ak erabiliko dira, beharrezkoak diren tresnen ezagutzak aurretik lortuz.


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[EU]Lan honen gaia SCARA errobot motaren mugimendu gaitasunen analisia egitea da, eta ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodoekin batera software grafiko batean inplementatzea mugimenduaren simulazioa egin ahal izateko. Errobot serieen zinematikaren oinarrizko ezagutzatik hasita, mota konkretu batetara aplikatu egiten da eta honek aurkezten dituen berezitasunak garatu egiten dira, bi helburutara bideratuta: SCARA errobotaren mugimendu gaitasunak ezagutzea. Ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodo baten inplementazioa. Hasteko, gaiaren egoera aztertu da, aplikazio nagusien eta ibilbide moten informazioa batzeko. Halaber ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodoak arakatu dira, erabilera honetarako aproposena aurkitzeko. Jarraian, errobotaren analisia burutu da, ohizko erreminta matematikoak erabiliz, funtsezkoak diren lan eremua eta kokapen singularrak lortzeko. Ostean, software grafikoa garatu da mugimendu gaitasun hauek simulatzeko. Ohiko aplikazioetan oinarritutako ibilbideak sortzeko aukerak gehitu dira. Amaitzeko, oztopoak saihesten dituen ibilbideen sorkuntzarako metodoa inplementatu da, “pick and place” ibilbide motaren barruan.


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[ES]El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido desarrollar una herramienta software que permita medir el rendimiento de redes con tecnología móvil 4G, también conocida como LTE. Para ello se ha creado un sistema software que está compuesto por una aplicación móvil y un servidor de aplicaciones. El sistema en conjunto realiza la función de recoger indicadores de calidad de la red móvil de diversa índole, que posteriormente son procesados utilizando herramientas software matemáticas, para así obtener gráficas y mapas que permiten analizar la situación y el rendimiento de una red 4G concreta. El desarrollo del software ha llegado a nivel de prototipo y se han realizado pruebas reales con él obteniendo resultados positivos de funcionamiento.


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Um Atlas Digital é um atlas que foi concebido através de técnicas computacionais e que, consequentemente, pode ser acessado através de um computador. Estruturado em um ambiente gráfico, além dos mapas, pode-se contar também com textos, fotografias, dados estatísticos, gráficos e tabelas. Por estar em meio digital existe a possibilidade de utilização de uma expressiva gama de temas, formatos e escalas. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se um protótipo de Atlas Digital como uma colaboração ao Sistema de Informação Municipal SIM, para o município de São João de Meriti, RJ. O referido SIM, que tem como meta os serviços municipais, visa atender ao próprio município, ao cidadão e a outros interessados na cidade, sendo as suas informações fundamentais para a melhoria da gestão das prefeituras. A pesquisa foi direcionada para o tema da habitabilidade, que consiste num conjunto de condições voltadas para a construção de habitat saudável, abrangendo temas físicos, psicológicos, sociais, culturais e ambientais. Dentro do tema habitabilidade, foram trabalhados os subtemas relativos a infraestrutura de abastecimento de água, esgoto, coleta de lixo, saúde e educação, esses subtemas foram confrontados entre si para uma comparação entre os bairros do município. O SIM e a habitabilidade são contemplados no plano diretor da cidade e representa uma grande parte da sustentação teórica da dissertação. A modelagem e implementação do protótipo do Atlas Digital foram feitas com auxílio de softwares gratuitos, sendo possível acessar mapas temáticos e outras informações sobre São João de Meriti


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More than 4000 ponds have been created or restored in Denmark since 1985 as part of a large-scale pond-digging programme to protect endangered amphibians in particular and pond flora and fauna in general. Most ponds are created on private land with public financing. The programme was triggered by, among other factors, a drastic decline in amphibian populations in Denmark between 1940 and 1980. However, in recent years there has been an increased awareness in Denmark that temporary ponds are important for the conservation of some of the most rare amphibian species, such as fire-bellied toad Bombina bombina, natterjack toad Bufo calamita and green toad Bufo viridis. Other rare species such as moor frog Rana arvalis and European tree frog Hyla arborea also benefit from temporary ponds. The last 15 years of work on the conservation of endangered species and their habitats has resulted in a last-minute rescue and a subsequent growth in the size of most Danish populations of fire-bellied toad and green toad; some populations of the relatively more common natterjack toad have also increased. The creation of temporary ponds plays an important role in the success of these three species. The creation of ponds to help restore viable populations of the most rare amphibians has not been easy. To study the conditions that may need to be created, Danish herpetologists searched for areas with temporary ponds that had good water quality, natural hydrological conditions and a management regime influenced by traditional agricultural methods. The paper gives an overview of pond creation and restoration projects in Denmark and Poland and their significance for amphibian diversity.


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The article compares a recent aerial photograph of the lowlands of the Isle of Anglesey area with a German surveillance photograph from 1941. The authors aim to infer the environmental changes made to this sand dune and lake system as a direct consequence of constructing the airfield. Part of Tywyn Trewan, the extensive sand dune system, was completely destroyed in order to create runways and the technical and domestic accommodation to house a strategic airfield. As part of the dredging, six new water bodies with a combined surface area of approximately 6 ha were created.


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While synoptic surveys in the optical and at high energies have revealed a rich discovery phase space of slow transients, a similar yield is still awaited in the radio. Majority of the past blind surveys, carried out with radio interferometers, have suffered from a low yield of slow transients, ambiguous transient classifications, and contamination by false positives. The newly-refurbished Karl G. Jansky Array (Jansky VLA) offers wider bandwidths for accurate RFI excision as well as substantially-improved sensitivity and survey speed compared with the old VLA. The Jansky VLA thus eliminates the pitfalls of interferometric transient search by facilitating sensitive, wide-field, and near-real-time radio surveys and enabling a systematic exploration of the dynamic radio sky. This thesis aims at carrying out blind Jansky VLA surveys for characterizing the radio variable and transient sources at frequencies of a few GHz and on timescales between days and years. Through joint radio and optical surveys, the thesis addresses outstanding questions pertaining to the rates of slow radio transients (e.g. radio supernovae, tidal disruption events, binary neutron star mergers, stellar flares, etc.), the false-positive foreground relevant for the radio and optical counterpart searches of gravitational wave sources, and the beaming factor of gamma-ray bursts. The need for rapid processing of the Jansky VLA data and near-real-time radio transient search has enabled the development of state-of-the-art software infrastructure. This thesis has successfully demonstrated the Jansky VLA as a powerful transient search instrument, and it serves as a pathfinder for the transient surveys planned for the SKA-mid pathfinder facilities, viz. ASKAP, MeerKAT, and WSRT/Apertif.


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[ES]Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objeto crear un programa que sirva como herramienta para los cálculos en las propiedades a fatiga de una pieza. El conjunto del trabajo se centra en su creación mediante la herramienta Excel. El programa cuenta con tres diferentes pestañas: una para los datos que debe introducir el usuario, otra correspondiente a los cálculos y por último una en la que aparecen los resultados. El usuario debe conocer las propiedades de la probeta del material a ensayar, así como el rango de ciclos en el cual se va a trabajar (siempre en un rango de ciclos medio alto). A partir de estas informaciones de la probeta, y gracias a la curva de Basquin y la ecuación de Marin, el programa será capaz de obtener la curva de resistencia a fatiga correspondiente para la pieza. Se incluyen también casos especiales en los que se realicen tratamientos mecánicos de mejora, con una tensión límite del proceso. Para obtener la curva S-N de la pieza se pedirá información en la pestaña de interfaz con el usuario sobre distintas propiedades de la pieza, que permitan así calcular los valores de los coeficientes de Marín gracias a la base de datos que contiene el programa. El usuario tiene también la opción de introducir él mismo los valores de los coeficientes para así obtener una curva que se aproxime más a sus resultados experimentales. En resumen, la función del programa es la de ser una calculadora de la resistencia fatiga de la pieza a partir de los datos que se disponen de la probeta.


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STEEL, the Caltech created nonlinear large displacement analysis software, is currently used by a large number of researchers at Caltech. However, due to its complexity, lack of visualization tools (such as pre- and post-processing capabilities) rapid creation and analysis of models using this software was difficult. SteelConverter was created as a means to facilitate model creation through the use of the industry standard finite element solver ETABS. This software allows users to create models in ETABS and intelligently convert model information such as geometry, loading, releases, fixity, etc., into a format that STEEL understands. Models that would take several days to create and verify now take several hours or less. The productivity of the researcher as well as the level of confidence in the model being analyzed is greatly increased.

It has always been a major goal of Caltech to spread the knowledge created here to other universities. However, due to the complexity of STEEL it was difficult for researchers or engineers from other universities to conduct analyses. While SteelConverter did help researchers at Caltech improve their research, sending SteelConverter and its documentation to other universities was less than ideal. Issues of version control, individual computer requirements, and the difficulty of releasing updates made a more centralized solution preferred. This is where the idea for Caltech VirtualShaker was born. Through the creation of a centralized website where users could log in, submit, analyze, and process models in the cloud, all of the major concerns associated with the utilization of SteelConverter were eliminated. Caltech VirtualShaker allows users to create profiles where defaults associated with their most commonly run models are saved, and allows them to submit multiple jobs to an online virtual server to be analyzed and post-processed. The creation of this website not only allowed for more rapid distribution of this tool, but also created a means for engineers and researchers with no access to powerful computer clusters to run computationally intensive analyses without the excessive cost of building and maintaining a computer cluster.

In order to increase confidence in the use of STEEL as an analysis system, as well as verify the conversion tools, a series of comparisons were done between STEEL and ETABS. Six models of increasing complexity, ranging from a cantilever column to a twenty-story moment frame, were analyzed to determine the ability of STEEL to accurately calculate basic model properties such as elastic stiffness and damping through a free vibration analysis as well as more complex structural properties such as overall structural capacity through a pushover analysis. These analyses showed a very strong agreement between the two softwares on every aspect of each analysis. However, these analyses also showed the ability of the STEEL analysis algorithm to converge at significantly larger drifts than ETABS when using the more computationally expensive and structurally realistic fiber hinges. Following the ETABS analysis, it was decided to repeat the comparisons in a software more capable of conducting highly nonlinear analysis, called Perform. These analyses again showed a very strong agreement between the two softwares in every aspect of each analysis through instability. However, due to some limitations in Perform, free vibration analyses for the three story one bay chevron brace frame, two bay chevron brace frame, and twenty story moment frame could not be conducted. With the current trend towards ultimate capacity analysis, the ability to use fiber based models allows engineers to gain a better understanding of a building’s behavior under these extreme load scenarios.

Following this, a final study was done on Hall’s U20 structure [1] where the structure was analyzed in all three softwares and their results compared. The pushover curves from each software were compared and the differences caused by variations in software implementation explained. From this, conclusions can be drawn on the effectiveness of each analysis tool when attempting to analyze structures through the point of geometric instability. The analyses show that while ETABS was capable of accurately determining the elastic stiffness of the model, following the onset of inelastic behavior the analysis tool failed to converge. However, for the small number of time steps the ETABS analysis was converging, its results exactly matched those of STEEL, leading to the conclusion that ETABS is not an appropriate analysis package for analyzing a structure through the point of collapse when using fiber elements throughout the model. The analyses also showed that while Perform was capable of calculating the response of the structure accurately, restrictions in the material model resulted in a pushover curve that did not match that of STEEL exactly, particularly post collapse. However, such problems could be alleviated by choosing a more simplistic material model.