937 resultados para skin tag
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are a rare population of circulating cells, which selectively express intracellular Toll-like receptors (TLR)-7 and TLR-9 and have the capacity to produce large amounts of type I IFNs (IFN-a/b) in response to viruses or host derived nucleic acid containing complexes. pDCs are normally absent in skin but accumulate in the skin of psoriasis patients where their chronic activation to produce IFN-a/b drives the disease formation. Whether pDCs and their activation to produce IFN-a/b play a functional role in healthy skin is unknown. Here we show that pDCs are rapidly and transiently recruited into healthy human and mouse skin upon epidermal injury. Infiltrating pDCs were found to sense nucleic acids in wounded skin via TLRs, leading to the production of IFN-a/b. The production of IFN-a/b was paralleled by a short lived expression of cathelicidins, which form complexes with extracellular nucleic acids and activated pDCs to produce IFN-a/b in vitro. In vivo, cathelicidins were sufficient but not necessary for the induction of IFN-a/b in wounded skin, suggesting redundancy of this pathway. Depletion of pDCs or inhibition of IFN-a/bR signaling significantly impaired the inflammatory response and delayed re-epithelialization of skin wounds. Thus we uncover a novel role of pDCs in sensing skin injury via TLR mediated recognition of nucleic acids and demonstrate their involvement in the early inflammatory process and wound healing response through the production of IFN-a/b.
The most common test to identify latent tuberculosis is the tuberculin skin test that detects T cell responses of delayed type hypersensitivity type IV. Since it produces false negative reactions in active tuberculosis or in high-risk persons exposed to tuberculosis patients as shown in this report, we studied antibody profiles to explain the anergy of such responses in high-risk individuals without active infection. Our results showed that humoral immunity against tuberculin, regardless of the result of the tuberculin skin test is important for protection from active tuberculosis and that the presence of high antibody titers is a more reliable indicator of infection latency suggesting that latency can be based on the levels of antibodies together with in vitro proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the presence of the purified protein derivative. Importantly, anti-tuberculin IgG antibody levels mediate the anergy described herein, which could also prevent reactivation of disease in high-risk individuals with high antibody titers. Such anti-tuberculin IgG antibodies were also found associated with blocking and/or stimulation of in vitro cultures of PBMC with tuberculin. In this regard, future studies need to establish if immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis can generate a broad spectrum of reactions either toward Th1 responses favoring stimulation by cytokines or by antibodies and those toward diminished responses by Th2 cytokines or blocking by antibodies; possibly involving mechanisms of antibody dependent protection from Mtb by different subclasses of IgG.
The primary objective of this study has been to investigate the effects at the molecular level of trisomy of mouse chromosome 7 in chemically induced skin tumors. It was previously proposed that the initiation event in the mouse skin carcinogenesis model is a heterozygous mutation of the Ha-ras-1 gene, mapped to chromosome 7. Previous studies in this laboratory identified trisomy 7 as one of the primary nonrandom cytogenetic abnormalities found in the majority of severely dysplastic papillomas and squamous cell carcinomas induced in SENCAR mice by an initiation-promotion protocol. Therefore, the first hypothesis tested was that trisomy 7 occurs by specific duplication of the chromosome carrying a mutated Ha-ras-1 allele. Results of a quantitative analysis of normal/mutated allelic ratios of the Ha-ras-1 gene confirmed this hypothesis, showing that most of the tumors exhibited overrepresentation of the mutated allele in the form of 1/2, 0/3, and 0/2 (normal/mutated) ratios. In addition, histopathological analysis of the tumors showed an apparent association between the degree of malignancy and the dosage of the mutated Ha-ras-1 allele. To determine the mechanism for loss of the normal Ha-ras-1 allele, found in 30% of the tumors, a comparison of constitutional and tumor genotypes was performed at different informative loci of chromosome 7. By combining Southern blot and polymerase chain reaction fragment length polymorphism analyses of DNAs extracted from squamous cell carcinomas, complete loss of heterozygosity was detected in 15 of 20 tumors at the Hbb locus, and in 5 of 5 tumors at the int-2 locus, both distal to Ha-ras-1. In addition, polymerase chain reaction analysis of DNA extracted from papillomas indicated that loss of heterozygosity occurs in late-stage lesions exhibiting a high degree of dysplasia and areas of microinvasion, suggesting that this event may be associated to the acquisition of the malignant phenotype. Allelic dosage analysis of tumors that had become homozygous at Hbb but retained heterozygosis at Ha-ras-1, indicated that loss of heterozygosity on mouse chromosome 7 occurs by a mitotic recombination mechanism. Overall, these findings suggest the presence of a putative tumor suppressor locus on the 7F1-ter region of mouse chromosome 7. Thus, loss of function by homozygosis at this putative suppressor locus may complement activation of the Ha-ras-1 gene during tumor progression, and might be associated with the malignant conversion stage of mouse skin carcinogenesis. ^
Since the anthrone chrysarobin oxidizes and generates free radicals, investigations were conducted to assess a possible role for free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skin tumor promotion by chrysarobin. Epidermal glutathione levels were not noticeably altered by chrysarobin, nor did a glutathione-depleting agent enhance promotion by chrysarobin. Multiple applications of chrysarobin increased lipid peroxide levels in mouse epidermis two-fold as compared with controls. The antioxidant $\alpha$-tocopherol and the lipoxygenase inhibitor nordihydroguaiaretic acid both inhibited production of lipid peroxides by chrysarobin. The antioxidants $\alpha$-tocopherol acetate and ascorbyl palmitate effectively inhibited promotion and promoter-related effects induced by chrysarobin. Since prooxidant states can lead to increases in intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$, the effect of two Ca$\sp{2+}$ antagonists, verapamil and TMB-8, on chrysarobin-induced promotion and promoter-related effects were investigated. Both Ca$\sp{2+}$ antagonists inhibited promotion and promoter-related effects induced by chrysarobin, suggesting a possible role for intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$ alterations in chrysarobin-tumor promotion. Since radical generating compounds are reported to possess the ability to enhance progression of papillomas to squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), the effects of chrysarobin on papilloma development were tested. Growth kinetics and regression of papillomas generated with limited promotion with chrysarobin were similar to what was reported for the nonradical generating promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) (Aldaz et al., 1991). To test the chrysarobin's ability to enhance progression of pre-existing papillomas to SCCs, tumors were generated by initiation with dimethylbenz (a) anthracene and promotion with TPA. Then mice were treated with chrysarobin, TPA or acetone for 45 weeks. When mice treated with chrysarobin were compared to mice treated continually with TPA with similar numbers of papillomas, the number of papillomas that progressed to SCCs was similar, suggesting that papilloma burden influences the progression of papillomas to SCCs, rather than radical production. In summary, the present study suggests that chrysarobin produces oxidative stress in mouse epidermis as indicated by the generation of lipid peroxides. Antioxidants inhibited production of lipid peroxides and tumor promotion by chrysarobin. Collectively, these data suggest a role for free radicals or ROS in tumor promotion by chrysarobin. ^
In the field of chemical carcinogenesis the use of animal models has proved to be a useful tool in dissecting the multistage process of tumor formation. In this regard the outbred SENCAR mouse has been the strain of choice in the analysis of skin carcinogenesis given its high sensitivity to the chemically induced acquisition of premalignant lesions, papillomas, and the later progression of these lesions into squamous cell carcinomas (SCC).^ The derivation of an inbred strain from the SENCAR stock called SSIN, that in spite of a high sensitivity to the development of papillomas lack the ability to transform these premalignant lesions into SCC, suggested that tumor promotion and progression were under the genetic control of different sets of genes.^ In the present study the nature of susceptibility to tumor progression was investigated. Analysis of F1 hybrids between the outbred SENCAR and SSIN mice suggested that there is at least one dominant gene responsible for susceptibility to tumor progression.^ Later development of another inbred strain from the outbred SENCAR stock, that had sensitivity to both tumor promotion and progression, allowed the formulation of a more accurate genetic model. Using this newly derived line, SENCAR B/Pt. and SSIN it was determined that there is one dominant tumor progression susceptibility gene. Linkage analysis showed that this gene maps to mouse chromosome 14 and it was possible to narrow the region to a 16 cM interval.^ In order to better characterize the nature of the progression susceptibility differences between these two strains, their proliferative pattern was investigated. It was found that SENCAR B/Pt, have an enlarged proliferative compartment with overexpression of cyclin D1, p16 and p21. Further studies showed an aberrant overexpression of TGF-$\beta$ in the susceptible strain, an increase in apoptosis, p53 protein accumulation and early loss of connexin 26. These results taken together suggest that papillomas in the SENCAR B/Pt. mice have higher proliferation and may have an increase in genomic instability, these two factors would contribute to a higher sensitivity to tumor progression. ^
HIV can enter the body through Langerhans cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages in skin mucosa, and spreads by lysis or by syncytia. Since UVL induces of HIV-LTR in transgenic mice mid in cell lines in vitro, we hypothesized that UVB may affect HIV in people and may affect HIV in T cells in relation to dose, apoptosis, and cytokine expression. To determine whether HIV is induced by UVL in humans, a clinical study of HIV+ patients with psoriasis or pruritus was conducted during six weeks of UVB phototherapy, Controls were HIV-psoriasis patients receiving UVB and HIV+ KS subjects without UVB.Blood and skin biopsy specimens were collected at baseline, weeks 2 and 6, and 4 weeks after UVL. AIDS-related skin diseases showed unique cytokine profiles in skin and serum at baseline. In patients and controls on phototherapy, we observed the following: (1) CD4+ and CD8+ T cell numbers are not significantly altered during phototherapy, (2) p24 antigen levels, and also HIV plasma levels increase in patients not on antiviral therapy, (3) HIV-RNA levels in serum or plasma. (viral load) can either increase or decrease depending on the patient's initial viral load, presence of antivirals, and skin type, (4) HIV-RNA levels in the periphery are inversely correlated to serum IL-10 and (5) HIV+ cell in skin increase after UVL at 2 weeks by RT-PCR in situ hybridization mid we negatively correlated with peripheral load. To understand the mechanisms of UVB mediated HIV transcription, we treated Jurkat T cell lines stably transfected with an HIV-LTR-luciferase plasmid only or additionally with tat-SV-40 early promoter with UVB (2 J/m2 to 200 J/m2), 50 to 200 ng/ml rhIL-10, and 10 μg/ml PHA as control. HIV promoter activity was measured by luciferase normalized to protein. Time points up to 72 hours were analyzed for HIV-LTR activation. HIV-LTR activation had the following properties: (1) requires the presence of Tat, (2) occurs at 24 hours, and (3) is UVB dose dependent. Changes in viability by MTS (3-(4,5-dimethyhhiazol-2-y1)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphonyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) mixed with PMS (phenazine methosulfate) solution and apoptosis by propidium iodide and annexin V using flow cytometry (FC) were seen in irradiated Jurkat cells. We determined that (1) rhIL-10 moderately decreased HIV-LTR activation if given before radiation and greatly decreases it when given after UVB, (2) HIV-LTR activation was low at doses of greater than 70 J/m2, compared to activation at 50 J/m2. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^
BACKGROUND Recurrent urticaria (RU) is a common skin disease of horses, but little is known about its pathogenesis. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to characterize the inflammatory cell infiltrate and cytokine expression pattern in the skin of horses with RU. ANIMALS Biopsies of lesional and nonlesional skin of horses with RU (n = 8) and of skin from healthy control horses (n = 8) were evaluated. METHODS The inflammatory cell infiltrate was analysed by routine histology. Immunohistochemistry was used to identify T cells (CD3), B ells (CD79), macrophages (MAC387) and mast cells (tryptase). Expression of T-helper 2 cytokines (interleukins IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13), a T-helper 1 cytokine (interferon-γ), IL-4 receptor α and thymic stromal lymphopoietin was assessed by quantitative RT-PCR. Results - In subepidermal lesional skin of RU-affected horses, increased numbers of eosinophils (P ≤ 0.01), CD79-positive (P ≤ 0.01), MAC387-positive (P ≤ 0.01) and tryptase-positive cells (P ≤ 0.05) were found compared with healthy horses. Subepidermal lesional skin of RU-affected horses contained more eosinophils (P ≤ 0.05) and tryptase-positive cells (P ≤ 0.05) compared with nonlesional skin. There was no significant difference in infiltrating cells between nonlesional skin and skin of healthy horses. Expression of IL-4 (P ≤ 0.01), IL-13 (P ≤ 0.05), thymic stromal lymphopoietin (P ≤ 0.05) and IL-4 receptor α (P ≤ 0.05) was increased in lesional skin of RU-affected horses compared with control horses. Expression of IL-4 was higher (P ≤ 0.05) in lesional compared with nonlesional RU skin. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE Analysis of cytokine expression and inflammatory infiltrate suggests that T-helper 2 cytokines, eosinophils, mast cells and presumptive macrophages play a role in the pathogenesis of equine RU.
von Otto Friedrich
Five cats with large, distal extremity abrasion wounds were treated with an autogenous, full-thickness, mesh skin graft. Survival of the mesh grafts in all five cats was considered between 90 and 100%. Successful grafting requires asepsis, an adequately prepared recipient bed consisting of healthy granulation tissue, proper harvesting and preparation of the graft, meticulous surgical technique and strict postoperative care. Factors that are essential for the survival of skin grafts include good contact between the graft and the recipient bed, normal tension on the sutured graft, strict immobilization after grafting and prevention of accumulation of blood or serum under the graft. Meshing the graft provides more graft flexibility over uneven surfaces and allows adequate drainage. In contrast to previous proposals, the authors recommend no bandage change before the fourth day after grafting. Full-thickness mesh skin grafting can be used to successfully treat large distal skin wounds in cats.
BACKGROUND Hand eczema has a high impact on patients' quality of life. The treatment focuses on improving skin barrier function. OBJECTIVES To evaluate the effects and acceptance of a novel educational program for patients with hand eczema. METHODS Retrospectively, the records of 36 patients who attended the prevention program and follow-up visits were analyzed. Physician global assessment (PGA) scores, acceptance and behavioral changes were assessed. RESULTS In 67% of patients, an improvement of the hand eczema could be attributed to the effects of our educational program. The mean PGA score significantly decreased from 3 before education to 2.2 during follow-up. Behavioral changes in both skin care and protection were reported in 81 and 86%, respectively. CONCLUSIONs: Our educational program had a positive effect on clinical outcome as well as adherence to skin care and protection measures. Its integration in a hand eczema clinic was feasible and well accepted by the patients.