967 resultados para sketch-basedinterface
El presente escrito realiza una interpretación alternativa, espacialmente centrada, de la violencia y el desplazamiento forzado en Colombia, desde la teoría neomarxista y la escuela de la regulación, tomando como base la influencia que tienen los intereses y estrategias, eminentemente económicos y políticos, de los actores del conflicto sobre el desplazamiento forzado. Ello, centrándose temporalmente en el período 2002-2010 y tomando como caso de estudio la franja fronteriza entre los Departamentos del Huila y el Tolima, concretamente los Municipios de Planadas y Ataco, al sur del Tolima. La hipótesis planteada establece que el desplazamiento forzado en Colombia, en tanto que fenómeno espacial complejo, tiene variadas causas y diferentes a la violencia, dentro de las que se enlistan los intereses económicos y políticos, en la consolidación del bloque hegemónico territorial. Se inicia con una presentación de los conceptos y planteamientos teóricos de los que parte el análisis, para luego hablar de la mentalidad imperante a nivel global, en términos del modo de regulación y el régimen de acumulación, así como de la malla de actores que componen el bloque hegemónico nacional, sus intereses y estrategias; y finalmente centrarse en el estudio de caso seleccionado, caracterizando los municipios e ilustrando en qué consiste el juego de intereses de los actores del bloque hegemónico local y cuál es su impacto sobre el desplazamiento forzado.
Exercises and solutions in PDF
Exercises and solutions in LaTex
Wednesday 2nd April 2014 Speaker(s): Stefan Decker Time: 02/04/2014 11:00-11:50 Location: B2/1083 File size: 897 Mb Abstract Ontologies have been promoted and used for knowledge sharing. Several models for representing ontologies have been developed in the Knowledge Representation field, in particular associated with the Semantic Web. In my talk I will summarise developments so far, and will argue that the currently advocated approaches miss certain basic properties of current distributed information sharing infrastructures (read: the Web and the Internet). I will sketch an alternative model aiming to support knowledge sharing and re-use on a global basis.
En la cubierta, además: actividades para la educación infantil
Se proponen 75 juegos de expresión corporal que permiten al niño profundizar en el descubrimiento del esquema corporal y sus posibilidades. Estos juegos fomentan la relación del niño con los demás y su entorno, a la vez que dan la posibilidad de dramatizar situaciones como forma de transmitir lo que se piensa, se siente o se quiere. Se incluye información acerca del número de participantes, el material necesario, el espacio adecuado y los objetivos didácticos que se pretenden alcanzar, además de una tabla final con una orientación sobre las edades más apropiadas para cada juego. Se añade un juego sketch que sirve para resumir, mediante un ejercicio de dramatización, algunos de los conceptos trabajados con otros juegos. En la cubierta, además: actividades para la educación infantil.
Título del encuentro: 'Las TICs en el aula de ELE', organizado por el Instituto Cervantes de Nápoles
Un instrumento musical implica la presencia de un registro sonoro que afecta tanto a la organización de los sonidos, silencios y ruidos, como a la disposición corporal que con él se va forjando. Desde esta consideración, la organización de la música llevada a cabo con las tecnologías eléctricas y electrónicas supone una profunda modificación de ambos aspectos. La llegada de la electricidad implica una triple dislocación: respecto a la transmisión de lo sonoro, a su posibilidad de reproducción y a la escucha. Estas dislocaciones son puestas en relación con invenciones que, desde el órgano de Ctesibios hasta el clavecín ocular de Castel, nos dibujan un marco en el que música, técnica, sensibilidad y sistema económico-social, tejen sus nexos. A lo largo de este recorrido se trazan lo que se ha denominado contrapuntos de la invención, que pueden tomar en las figuras de J.S. Bach y de J. Cage sus ejemplos más prominentes
In this paper we show stability and convergence for a novel Galerkin boundary element method approach to the impedance boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a half-plane with piecewise constant boundary data. This problem models, for example, outdoor sound propagation over inhomogeneous flat terrain. To achieve a good approximation with a relatively low number of degrees of freedom we employ a graded mesh with smaller elements adjacent to discontinuities in impedance, and a special set of basis functions for the Galerkin method so that, on each element, the approximation space consists of polynomials (of degree $\nu$) multiplied by traces of plane waves on the boundary. In the case where the impedance is constant outside an interval $[a,b]$, which only requires the discretization of $[a,b]$, we show theoretically and experimentally that the $L_2$ error in computing the acoustic field on $[a,b]$ is ${\cal O}(\log^{\nu+3/2}|k(b-a)| M^{-(\nu+1)})$, where $M$ is the number of degrees of freedom and $k$ is the wavenumber. This indicates that the proposed method is especially commendable for large intervals or a high wavenumber. In a final section we sketch how the same methodology extends to more general scattering problems.
The Konstanz Information Miner is a modular environment which enables easy visual assembly and interactive execution of a data pipeline. It is designed as a teaching, research and collaboration platform, which enables easy integration of new algorithms, data manipulation or visualization methods as new modules or nodes. In this paper we describe some of the design aspects of the underlying architecture and briefly sketch how new nodes can be incorporated.
This paper presents recent research into the functions and value of sketch outputs during computer supported collaborative design. Sketches made primarily exploiting whiteboard technology are shown to support subjects engaged in remote collaborative design, particularly when constructed in ‘nearsynchronous’ communication. The authors define near-synchronous communication and speculate that it is compatible with the reflective and iterative nature of design activity. There appears to be significant similarities between the making of sketches in near-synchronous remote collaborative design and those made on paper in more traditional face-to-face settings With the current increase in the use of computer supported collaborative working (CSCW) in undergraduate and postgraduate design education it is proposed that sketches and sketching can make important contributions to design learning in this context
The Group on Earth Observations System of Systems, GEOSS, is a co-ordinated initiative by many nations to address the needs for earth-system information expressed by the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development. We discuss the role of earth-system modelling and data assimilation in transforming earth-system observations into the predictive and status-assessment products required by GEOSS, across many areas of socio-economic interest. First we review recent gains in the predictive skill of operational global earth-system models, on time-scales of days to several seasons. We then discuss recent work to develop from the global predictions a diverse set of end-user applications which can meet GEOSS requirements for information of socio-economic benefit; examples include forecasts of coastal storm surges, floods in large river basins, seasonal crop yield forecasts and seasonal lead-time alerts for malaria epidemics. We note ongoing efforts to extend operational earth-system modelling and assimilation capabilities to atmospheric composition, in support of improved services for air-quality forecasts and for treaty assessment. We next sketch likely GEOSS observational requirements in the coming decades. In concluding, we reflect on the cost of earth observations relative to the modest cost of transforming the observations into information of socio-economic value.
The Acari is the most numerous and diverse group of the subphylum Chelicerata. With approximately 55 000 described species (and estimates of up to 1 million extant species), their adaptations for parasitism, phytophagy, mycophagy, saprophagy and predation rival other arthropods and challenge us with a wide variety of biological interactions. While a few studies have unravelled the nature of some endosymbiotic associations between mites or ticks and prokaryotes, almost nothing has been done yet regarding acarine eukaryotic ectosymbionts. Microbial ectosymbionts can benefit their hosts by providing nutrients, by aiding digestion, by enhancing communication, by assisting in mating and/or fertilization, by protecting their host against pathogenic microorganisms, against predation and so on. In this sketch, we introduce a number of described cases of fungal and protist ectosymbionts and discuss the role they might play in the life of their acarine hosts.
Java is becoming an increasingly popular language for developing distributed and parallel scientific and engineering applications. Jini is a Java-based infrastructure developed by Sun that can allegedly provide all the services necessary to support distributed applications. It is the aim of this paper to explore and investigate the services and properties that Jini actually provides and match these against the needs of high performance distributed and parallel applications written in Java. The motivation for this work is the need to develop a distributed infrastructure to support an MPI-like interface to Java known as MPJ. In the first part of the paper we discuss the needs of MPJ, the parallel environment that we wish to support. In particular we look at aspects such as reliability and ease of use. We then move on to sketch out the Jini architecture and review the components and services that Jini provides. In the third part of the paper we critically explore a Jini infrastructure that could be used to support MPJ. Here we are particularly concerned with Jini's ability to support reliably a cocoon of MPJ processes executing in a heterogeneous envirnoment. In the final part of the paper we summarise our findings and report on future work being undertaken on Jini and MPJ.
There is an increasing interest in integrating Java-based, and in particular Jini systems, with the emerging Grid infrastructures. In this paper we explore various ways of integrating the key components of each architecture, their directory and information management services. In the first part of the paper we sketch out the Jini and Grid architectures and their services. We then review the components and services that Jini provides and compare these with those of the Grid. In the second part of the paper we critically explore four ways that Jini and the Grid could interact, here in particular we look at possible scenarios that can provide a seamless interface to a Jini environment for Grid clients and how to use Jini services from a Grid environment. In the final part of the paper we summarise our findings and report on future work being undertaken to integrate Jini and the Grid.