907 resultados para site-specific
The generation of transport vesicles at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) depends on cytosolic proteins, which, in the form of subcomplexes (Sec23p/Sec24p; Sec13p/Sec31p) are recruited to the ER membrane by GTP-bound Sar1p and form the coat protein complex II (COPII). Using affinity chromatography and two-hybrid analyses, we found that the essential COPII component Sec24p, but not Sec23p, binds to the cis-Golgi syntaxin Sed5p. Sec24p/Sed5p interaction in vitro was not dependent on the presence of [Sar1p⋅GTP]. The binding of Sec24p to Sed5p is specific; none of the other seven yeast syntaxins bound to this COPII component. Whereas the interaction site of Sec23p is within the N-terminal half of the 926-aa-long Sec24p (amino acid residues 56–549), Sed5p binds to the N- and C-terminal halves of the protein. Destruction by mutagenesis of a potential zinc finger within the N-terminal half of Sec24p led to a nonfunctional protein that was still able to bind Sec23p and Sed5p. Sec24p/Sed5p binding might be relevant for cargo selection during transport-vesicle formation and/or for vesicle targeting to the cis-Golgi.
Killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIR) protect class I HLAs expressing target cells from natural killer (NK) cell-mediated lysis. To understand the molecular basis of this receptor-ligand recognition, we have crystallized the extracellular ligand-binding domains of KIR2DL2, a member of the Ig superfamily receptors that recognize HLA-Cw1, 3, 7, and 8 allotypes. The structure was determined in two different crystal forms, an orthorhombic P212121 and a trigonal P3221 space group, to resolutions of 3.0 and 2.9 Å, respectively. The overall fold of this structure, like KIR2DL1, exhibits K-type Ig topology with cis-proline residues in both domains that define β-strand switching, which sets KIR apart from the C2-type hematopoietic growth hormone receptor fold. The hinge angle of KIR2DL2 is approximately 80°, 14° larger than that observed in KIR2DL1 despite the existence of conserved hydrophobic residues near the hinge region. There is also a 5° difference in the observed hinge angles in two crystal forms of 2DL2, suggesting that the interdomain hinge angle is not fixed. The putative ligand-binding site is formed by residues from several variable loops with charge distribution apparently complementary to that of HLA-C. The packing of the receptors in the orthorhombic crystal form offers an intriguing model for receptor aggregation on the cell surface.
We present evidence that Escherichia coli RNA polymerase β subunit may be a transcriptional activator contact site. Stimulation of the activity of the pR promoter by DnaA protein is necessary for replication of plasmids derived from bacteriophage λ. We found that DnaA activates the pR promoter in vitro. Particular mutations in the rpoB gene were able to suppress negative effects that certain dnaA mutations had on the replication of λ plasmids; this suppression was allele-specific. When a potential DnaA-binding sequence located several base pairs downstream of the pR promoter was scrambled by in vitro mutagenesis, the pR promoter was no longer activated by DnaA both in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, we conclude that DnaA may contact the β subunit of RNA polymerase during activation of the pR promoter. A new classification of prokaryotic transcriptional activators is proposed.
Although the catalytic (C) subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase is N-myristylated, it is a soluble protein, and no physiological role has been identified for its myristyl moiety. To determine whether the interaction of the two regulatory (R) subunit isoforms (RI and RII) with the N-myristylated C subunit affects its ability to target membranes, the effect of N-myristylation and the RI and RII subunit isoforms on C subunit binding to phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylserine liposomes was examined. Only the combination of N-myristylation and RII subunit interaction produced a dramatic increase in the rate of liposomal binding. To assess whether the RII subunit also increased the conformational flexibility of the C subunit N terminus, the effect of N-myristylation and the RI and RII subunits on the rotational freedom of the C subunit N terminus was measured. Specifically, fluorescein maleimide was conjugated to Cys-16 in the N-terminal domain of a K16C mutant of the C subunit, and the time-resolved emission anisotropy was determined. The interaction of the RII subunit, but not the RI subunit, significantly increased the backbone flexibility around the site of mutation and labeling, strongly suggesting that RII subunit binding to the myristylated C subunit induced a unique conformation of the C subunit that is associated with an increase in both the N-terminal flexibility and the exposure of the N-myristate. RII subunit thus appears to serve as an intermolecular switch that disrupts of the link between the N-terminal and core catalytic domains of the C subunit to expose the N-myristate and poise the holoenzyme for interaction with membranes.
Infection of Escherichia coli containing the type I restriction enzyme EcoKI by bacteriophage T7 0.3 mutants leads to restriction during the late stages of genome entry and during DNA replication. Patterns of cleavage in vivo suggest that some cutting occurs near the midpoint of two recognition sites, consistent with the idea that EcoKI translocates DNA bidirectionally through itself and cuts when two enzyme molecules collide. Rapid ejection of a 0.3+ T7 genome from a bacteriophage λ particle results in degradation of the infecting DNA by EcoKI, showing that the normal T7 DNA translocation process delays restriction. A unique recognition site inserted at the genomic left end allows EcoKI to function as a molecular motor and to translocate the remaining 39 kilobases of T7 DNA into the cell.
The use of molecular genetics for introducing fluorescent molecules enables the use of donor–donor energy migration to determine intramolecular distances in a variety of proteins. This approach can be applied to examine the overall molecular dimensions of proteins and to investigate structural changes upon interactions with specific target molecules. In this report, the donor–donor energy migration method is demonstrated by experiments with the latent form of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1. Based on the known x-ray structure of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1, three positions forming the corners of a triangle were chosen. Double Cys substitution mutants (V106C-H185C, H185C-M266C, and M266C-V106C) and corresponding single substitution mutants (V106C, H185C, and M266C) were created and labeled with a sulfhydryl specific derivative of BODIPY (=the D molecule). The side lengths of this triangle were obtained from analyses of the experimental data. The analyses account for the local anisotropic order and rotational motions of the D molecules, as well as for the influence of a partial DD-labeling. The distances, as determined from x-ray diffraction, between the Cα-atoms of the positions V106C–H185C, H185C–M266C, and M266C–V106C were 60.9, 30.8, and 55.1 Å, respectively. These are in good agreement with the distances of 54 ± 4, 38 ± 3, and 55 ± 3 Å, as determined between the BODIPY groups attached via linkers to the same residues. Although the positions of the D-molecules and the Cα-atoms physically cannot coincide, there is a reasonable agreement between the methods.
The til-1 locus was identified as a common retroviral integration site in virus-accelerated lymphomas of CD2-myc transgenic mice. We now show that viral insertions at til-1 lead to transcriptional activation of PEBP2αA (CBFA1), a transcription factor related to the Drosophila segmentation gene product, Runt. Insertions are upstream and in the opposite orientation to the gene and appear to activate a variant promoter that is normally silent in T cells. Activity of this promoter was detected in rodent osteogenic sarcoma cells and primary osteoblasts, implicating bone as the normal site of promoter activity. The isoforms encoded by the activated gene all encompass the conserved runt DNA-binding domain and share a novel N terminus different from the previously reported PEBP2αA products. Minor products include isoforms with internal deletions due to exon skipping and a novel C-terminal domain unrelated to known runt domain factors. The major isoform expressed from the activated til-1 locus (G1) was found to account for virtually all of the core binding factor activity in nuclear extracts from its corresponding lymphoma cell line. Another member of this gene family, AML1(CBFA2), is well known for its involvement in human hemopoietic tumors. These results provide evidence of a direct oncogenic role for PEBP2αA and indicate that the Myc and Runt family genes can cooperate in oncogenesis.
Endothelial-selective delivery of therapeutic agents, such as drugs or genes, would provide a useful tool for modifying vascular function in various disease states. A potential molecular target for such delivery is E-selectin, an endothelial-specific cell surface molecule expressed at sites of activation in vivo and inducible in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) by treatment with cytokines such as recombinant human interleukin 1β (IL-1β). Liposomes of various types (classical, sterically stabilized, cationic, pH-sensitive), each conjugated with mAb H18/7, a murine monoclonal antibody that recognizes the extracellular domain of E-selectin, bound selectively and specifically to IL-1β-activated HUVEC at levels up to 275-fold higher than to unactivated HUVEC. E-selectin-targeted immunoliposomes appeared in acidic, perinuclear vesicles 2–4 hr after binding to the cell surface, consistent with internalization via the endosome/lysosome pathway. Activated HUVEC incubated with E-selectin-targeted immunoliposomes, loaded with the cytotoxic agent doxorubicin, exhibited significantly decreased cell survival, whereas unactivated HUVEC were unaffected by such treatment. These results demonstrate the feasibility of exploiting cell surface activation markers for the endothelial-selective delivery of biologically active agents via immunoliposomes. Application of this targeting approach in vivo may lead to novel therapeutic strategies in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.
RNA templates of 33 nucleotides containing the brome mosaic virus (BMV) core subgenomic promoter were used to determine the promoter elements recognized by the BMV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) to initiate RNA synthesis. Nucleotides at positions −17, −14, −13, and −11 relative to the subgenomic initiation site must be maintained for interaction with the RdRp. Changes to every other nucleotide at these four positions allow predictions for the base-specific functional groups required for RdRp recognition. RdRp contact of the nucleotide at position −17 was suggested with a template competition assay. Comparison of the BMV subgenomic promoter to those from other plant and animal alphaviruses shows a remarkable degree of conservation of the nucleotides required for BMV subgenomic RNA synthesis. We show that the RdRp of the plant-infecting BMV is capable of accurately, albeit inefficiently, initiating RNA synthesis from the subgenomic promoter of the animal-infecting Semliki Forest virus. The sequence-specific recognition of RNA by the BMV RdRp is analogous to the recognition of DNA promoters by DNA-dependent RNA polymerases.
Free transition metal ions oxidize lipids and lipoproteins in vitro; however, recent evidence suggests that free metal ion-independent mechanisms are more likely in vivo. We have shown previously that human ceruloplasmin (Cp), a serum protein containing seven Cu atoms, induces low density lipoprotein oxidation in vitro and that the activity depends on the presence of a single, chelatable Cu atom. We here use biochemical and molecular approaches to determine the site responsible for Cp prooxidant activity. Experiments with the His-specific reagent diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) showed that one or more His residues was specifically required. Quantitative [14C]DEPC binding studies indicated the importance of a single His residue because only one was exposed upon removal of the prooxidant Cu. Plasmin digestion of [14C]DEPC-treated Cp (and N-terminal sequence analysis of the fragments) showed that the critical His was in a 17-kDa region containing four His residues in the second major sequence homology domain of Cp. A full length human Cp cDNA was modified by site-directed mutagenesis to give His-to-Ala substitutions at each of the four positions and was transfected into COS-7 cells, and low density lipoprotein oxidation was measured. The prooxidant site was localized to a region containing His426 because CpH426A almost completely lacked prooxidant activity whereas the other mutants expressed normal activity. These observations support the hypothesis that Cu bound at specific sites on protein surfaces can cause oxidative damage to macromolecules in their environment. Cp may serve as a model protein for understanding mechanisms of oxidant damage by copper-containing (or -binding) proteins such as Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase, and amyloid precursor protein.
HIV-1 specifically incorporates the peptidyl prolyl isomerase cyclophilin A (CyPA), the cytosolic receptor for the immunosuppressant cyclosporin A (CsA). HIV-1 replication is inhibited by CsA as well as by nonimmunosuppressive CsA analogues that bind to CyPA and interfere with its virion association. In contrast, the related simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac, which does not interact with CyPA, is resistant to these compounds. The incorporation of CyPA into HIV-1 virions is mediated by a specific interaction between the active site of the enzyme and the capsid (CA) domain of the HIV-1 Gag polyprotein. We report here that the transfer of HIV-1 CA residues 86–93, which form part of an exposed loop, to the corresponding position in SIVmac resulted in the efficient incorporation of CyPA and conferred an HIV-1-like sensitivity to a nonimmunosuppressive cyclosporin. HIV-1 CA residues 86–90 were also sufficient to transfer the ability to efficiently incorporate CyPA, provided that the length of the CyPA-binding loop was preserved. However, the resulting SIVmac mutant required the presence of cyclosporin for efficient virus replication. The results indicate that the presence or absence of a type II tight turn adjacent to the primary CyPA-binding site determines whether CyPA incorporation enhances or inhibits viral replication. By demonstrating that CyPA-binding-site residues can induce cyclosporin sensitivity in a heterologous context, this study provides direct in vivo evidence that the exposed loop between helices IV and V of HIV-1 CA not merely constitutes a docking site for CyPA but is a functional target of this cellular protein.
Short peptides corresponding to the arginine-rich domains of several RNA-binding proteins are able to bind to their specific RNA sites with high affinities and specificities. In the case of the HIV-1 Rev-Rev response element (RRE) complex, the peptide forms a single α-helix that binds deeply in a widened, distorted RNA major groove and makes a substantial set of base-specific and backbone contacts. Using a reporter system based on antitermination by the bacteriophage λ N protein, it has been possible to identify novel arginine-rich peptides from combinatorial libraries that recognize the RRE with affinities and specificities similar to Rev but that appear to bind in nonhelical conformations. Here we have used codon-based mutagenesis to evolve one of these peptides, RSG-1, into an even tighter binder. After two rounds of evolution, RSG-1.2 bound the RRE with 7-fold higher affinity and 15-fold higher specificity than the wild-type Rev peptide, and in vitro competition experiments show that RSG-1.2 completely displaces the intact Rev protein from the RRE at low peptide concentrations. By fusing RRE-binding peptides to the activation domain of HIV-1 Tat, we show that the peptides can deliver Tat to the RRE site and activate transcription in mammalian cells, and more importantly, that the fusion proteins can inhibit the activity of Rev in chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter assays. The evolved peptides contain proline and glutamic acid mutations near the middle of their sequences and, despite the presence of a proline, show partial α-helix formation in the absence of RNA. These directed evolution experiments illustrate how readily complex peptide structures can be evolved within the context of an RNA framework, perhaps reflecting how early protein structures evolved in an “RNA world.”
A sensitive and precise in vitro technique for detecting DNA strand discontinuities produced in vivo has been developed. The procedure, a form of runoff DNA synthesis on molecules released from lysed bacterial cells, mapped precisely the position of cleavage of the plasmid pMV158 leading strand origin in Streptococcus pneumoniae and the site of strand scission, nic, at the transfer origins of F and the F-like plasmid R1 in Escherichia coli. When high frequency of recombination strains of E. coli were examined, DNA strand discontinuities at the nic positions of the chromosomally integrated fertility factors were also observed. Detection of DNA strand scission at the nic position of F DNA in the high frequency of recombination strains, as well as in the episomal factors, was dependent on sexual expression from the transmissable element, but was independent of mating. These results imply that not only the transfer origins of extrachromosomal F and F-like fertility factors, but also the origins of stably integrated copies of these plasmids, are subject to an equilibrium of cleavage and ligation in vivo in the absence of DNA transfer.
The conserved two-component regulatory system GacS/GacA determines the expression of extracellular products and virulence factors in a variety of Gram-negative bacteria. In the biocontrol strain CHA0 of Pseudomonas fluorescens, the response regulator GacA is essential for the synthesis of extracellular protease (AprA) and secondary metabolites including hydrogen cyanide. GacA was found to exert its control on the hydrogen cyanide biosynthetic genes (hcnABC) and on the aprA gene indirectly via a posttranscriptional mechanism. Expression of a translational hcnA′-′lacZ fusion was GacA-dependent whereas a transcriptional hcnA-lacZ fusion was not. A distinct recognition site overlapping with the ribosome binding site appears to be primordial for GacA-steered regulation. GacA-dependence could be conferred to the Escherichia coli lacZ mRNA by a 3-bp substitution in the ribosome binding site. The gene coding for the global translational repressor RsmA of P. fluorescens was cloned. RsmA overexpression mimicked partial loss of GacA function and involved the same recognition site, suggesting that RsmA is a downstream regulatory element of the GacA control cascade. Mutational inactivation of the chromosomal rsmA gene partially suppressed a gacS defect. Thus, a central, GacA-dependent switch from primary to secondary metabolism may operate at the level of translation.
Myogenin, one of the MyoD family of proteins, is expressed early during somitogenesis and is required for myoblast fusion in vivo. Previous studies in transgenic mice have shown that a 184-bp myogenin promoter fragment is sufficient to correctly drive expression of a β-galactosidase transgene during embryogenesis. We show here that mutation of one of the DNA motifs present in this region, the MEF3 motif, abolished correct expression of this β-galactosidase transgene. We have found that the proteins that bind to the MEF3 site are homeoproteins of the Six/sine oculis family. Antibodies directed specifically against Six1 or Six4 proteins reveal that each of these proteins is present in the embryo when myogenin is activated and constitutes a muscle-specific MEF3-binding activity in adult muscle nuclear extracts. Both of these proteins accumulate in the nucleus of C2C12 myogenic cells, and transient transfection experiments confirm that Six1 and Six4 are able to transactivate a reporter gene containing MEF3 sites. Altogether these results establish Six homeoproteins as a family of transcription factors controlling muscle formation through activation of one of its key regulators, myogenin.