931 resultados para single stage power conversion
Four-wave-mixing (FWM) due to the fiber nonlinearity is a major limiting factor in coherent optical OFDM transmission. We propose to apply power pre-emphasis, i.e. to allocate the transmitted power nonuniformly among subcarriers in order to suppress the FWM impairment. The proposed technique was numerically investigated for both single channel 15.6 Gbs CO-OFDM transmissions and 7-channel WDM transmissions, showing that up to 1 dB improvement in the system's Qfactor can be achieved without considering sophisticated power loading algorithms developed for wireless communications. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
The concept of random lasers exploiting multiple scattering of photons in an amplifying disordered medium in order to generate coherent light without a traditional laser resonator has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. This research area lies at the interface of the fundamental theory of disordered systems and laser science. The idea was originally proposed in the context of astrophysics in the 1960s by V.S. Letokhov, who studied scattering with "negative absorption" of the interstellar molecular clouds. Research on random lasers has since developed into a mature experimental and theoretical field. A simple design of such lasers would be promising for potential applications. However, in traditional random lasers the properties of the output radiation are typically characterized by complex features in the spatial, spectral and time domains, making them less attractive than standard laser systems in terms of practical applications. Recently, an interesting and novel type of one-dimensional random laser that operates in a conventional telecommunication fibre without any pre-designed resonator mirrors-random distributed feedback fibre laser-was demonstrated. The positive feedback required for laser generation in random fibre lasers is provided by the Rayleigh scattering from the inhomogeneities of the refractive index that are naturally present in silica glass. In the proposed laser concept, the randomly backscattered light is amplified through the Raman effect, providing distributed gain over distances up to 100km. Although an effective reflection due to the Rayleigh scattering is extremely small (~0.1%), the lasing threshold may be exceeded when a sufficiently large distributed Raman gain is provided. Such a random distributed feedback fibre laser has a number of interesting and attractive features. The fibre waveguide geometry provides transverse confinement, and effectively one-dimensional random distributed feedback leads to the generation of a stationary near-Gaussian beam with a narrow spectrum. A random distributed feedback fibre laser has efficiency and performance that are comparable to and even exceed those of similar conventional fibre lasers. The key features of the generated radiation of random distributed feedback fibre lasers include: a stationary narrow-band continuous modeless spectrum that is free of mode competition, nonlinear power broadening, and an output beam with a Gaussian profile in the fundamental transverse mode (generated both in single mode and multi-mode fibres).This review presents the current status of research in the field of random fibre lasers and shows their potential and perspectives. We start with an introductory overview of conventional distributed feedback lasers and traditional random lasers to set the stage for discussion of random fibre lasers. We then present a theoretical analysis and experimental studies of various random fibre laser configurations, including widely tunable, multi-wavelength, narrow-band generation, and random fibre lasers operating in different spectral bands in the 1-1.6μm range. Then we discuss existing and future applications of random fibre lasers, including telecommunication and distributed long reach sensor systems. A theoretical description of random lasers is very challenging and is strongly linked with the theory of disordered systems and kinetic theory. We outline two key models governing the generation of random fibre lasers: the average power balance model and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation based model. Recently invented random distributed feedback fibre lasers represent a new and exciting field of research that brings together such diverse areas of science as laser physics, the theory of disordered systems, fibre optics and nonlinear science. Stable random generation in optical fibre opens up new possibilities for research on wave transport and localization in disordered media. We hope that this review will provide background information for research in various fields and will stimulate cross-disciplinary collaborations on random fibre lasers. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
Spark-ignited (SI) gas engines are for the use of fuel gas only and are limited to the flammable range of the gas; this means the range of a concentration of a gas or vapor that will burn after ignition. Fuel gas like syngas from gasification or biogas must meet high quality and chemical purity standards for combustion in SI gas engines. Considerable effort has been devoted to fast pyrolysis over the years and some of the product oils have been tested in diesel or dual-fuel engines since 1993. For biogas conversion, usually dual-fuel engines are used, while for synthesis gas the use of gas engines is more common. The trials using wood derived pyrolysis oil from fast pyrolysis have not yet been a success story and these approaches have usually failed due to the high corrosivity of the pyrolysis oils.
The isothermal fatigue behavior of a high-activity aluminide-coated single-crystal superalloy was studied in air at test temperatures of 600 °C, 800 °C, and 1000 °C. Tests were performed using cylindrical specimens under strain control at ∼0.25 Hz; total strain ranges from 0.5 to 1.6 pet were investigated. At 600 °C, crack initiation occurred at brittle coating cracks, which led to a significant reduction in fatigue life compared to the uncoated alloy. Fatigue cracks grew from the brittle coating cracks initially in a stage II manner with a subsequent transition to crystallographic stage I fatigue. At 800 °C and 1000 °C, the coating failed quickly by a fatigue process due to the drastic reduction in strength above 750 °C, the ductile-brittle transition temperature. These cracks were arrested or slowed by oxidation at the coating-substrate interface and only led to a detriment in life relative to the uncoated material for total strain ranges of 1.2 pet and above 800 °C. The presence of the coating was beneficial at 800 °C for total strain rangesless than 1.2 pet. No effect of the coating was observed at 1000 °C. Crack growth in the substrate at 800 °C was similar to 600 °C; at 1000 °C, greater plasticity and oxidationrwere observed and cracks grew exclusively in a stage II manner.
Aluminide diffusion coatings are frequently employed to enhance the oxidation resistance of nickel base superalloys. However, there is a concern that the presence of an aluminide coating could influence the properties of the coated superalloy, especially in respect of fatigue behaviour. To understand the nature of the effects of surface coatings on the fatigue properties of superalloys, an understanding of microstructural development within both the coating and the coating/substrate interfacial zone during high temperature fatigue testing is necessary. This paper is concerned with microstructural changes in aluminide diffusion coatings on single crystal γ′ strengthened superalloy substrates during the course of high temperature fatigue testing. The 'edge on' transmission electron microscopy technique is employed to study cross-sections of two stage (aluminization plus diffusion treatment) coated superalloy samples. The paper examines the degradation of the coating produced by phase transformations induced by loss of aluminum from the coating and/or aging of the coating. Aluminum removal both by interdiffusion with the substrate and by oxidation of the coating surface is considered. Microstructural development in the portion of the substrate influenced by interdiffusion with the coating is also discussed.
The joint effect of fiber chromatic dispersion and fiber nonlinearity onto single-sideband and double-sideband modulated radio-over-fiber links is investigated. Experimental and simulated results show that modulation suppression caused by the chromatic dispersion in radio-over-fiber links can be successfully eliminated in both schemes only when the system is in the linear regime. Under nonlinear transmission the received microwave carrier power depends on the optical incident power.
We present the first demonstration of a tunable FBG device in POF utilizing thin-film resistive heater deposited on the fiber. A wavelength shift of 2nm, wavelength/power coefficient of -13.4pm/mW and T = 1.7s-1 are achieved.
We present what is to our knowledge the first demonstration of a tunable fiber Bragg grating device in polymer optical fiber that utilizes a thin-film resistive heater deposited on the surface of the fiber. The polymer fiber was coated via photochemical deposition of a Pd/Cu metallic layer with a procedure induced by vacuum-ultraviolet radiation at room temperature. The resulting device, when wavelength tuned via joule heating, underwent a wavelength shift of 2 nm for a moderate input power of 160 mW, a wavelength to input power coefficient of-13.4 pm/mW, and a time constant of 1.7 s-1. © 2007 Optical Society of America.
In Parkinson's disease (PD), elevated beta (15-35Hz) power in subcortical motor networks is widely believed to promote aspects of PD symptomatology, moreover, a reduction in beta power and coherence accompanies symptomatic improvement following effective treatment with l-DOPA. Previous studies have reported symptomatic improvements that correlate with changes in cortical network activity following GABAA receptor modulation. In this study we have used whole-head magnetoencephalography to characterize neuronal network activity, at rest and during visually cued finger abductions, in unilaterally symptomatic PD and age-matched control participants. Recordings were then repeated following administration of sub-sedative doses of the hypnotic drug zolpidem (0.05mg/kg), which binds to the benzodiazepine site of the GABAA receptor. A beamforming based 'virtual electrode' approach was used to reconstruct oscillatory power in the primary motor cortex (M1), contralateral and ipsilateral to symptom presentation in PD patients or dominant hand in control participants. In PD patients, contralateral M1 showed significantly greater beta power than ipsilateral M1. Following zolpidem administration contralateral beta power was significantly reduced while ipsilateral beta power was significantly increased resulting in a hemispheric power ratio that approached parity. Furthermore, there was highly significant correlation between hemispheric beta power ratio and Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). The changes in contralateral and ipsilateral beta power were reflected in pre-movement beta desynchronization and the late post-movement beta rebound. However, the absolute level of movement-related beta desynchronization was not altered. These results show that low-dose zolpidem not only reduces contralateral beta but also increases ipsilateral beta, while rebalancing the dynamic range of M1 network oscillations between the two hemispheres. These changes appear to underlie the symptomatic improvements afforded by low-dose zolpidem.
We report on the effective side detection of radiation-mode out-coupling from blazed fiber Bragg gratings (BFBGs) fabricated in single-mode fiber (SMF) and multimode fiber (MMF). The far-field radiation power distribution from BFBGs have been measured achieving a high spatial-spectral resolution (0.17 mm/nm). We have also investigated comparatively the transmission-loss characteristics of BFBGs in both fiber types, fabricated using phase-mask and holographic inscription techniques. Our results reveal clearly that the radiation out-coupling from BFBGs is significantly stronger and spectrally more confined in MMF than in SMF.
Parameter optimization of a two-stage Raman fibre converters (RFC) based on phosphosilicate core fiber was presented. The optimal operational regime was determined and tolerance of the converter against variations of laser parameters was analyzed. Converter was pumped by ytterbium-doped double-clad fibre laser with a maximum output power of 3.8W at 1061 nm. A phosphosilicate-core RFC with enhanced performance was fabricated using the results of numerical modelling.
This paper is part of a project which aims to research the opportunities for the re-use of batteries after their primary use in low and ultra low carbon vehicles on the electricity grid system. One potential revenue stream is to provide primary/secondary/high frequency response to National Grid through market mechanisms via DNO's or Energy service providers. Some commercial battery energy storage systems (BESS) already exist on the grid system, but these tend to use costly new or high performance batteries. Second life batteries should be available at lower cost than new batteries but reliability becomes an important issue as individual batteries may suffer from degraded performance or failure. Therefore converter topology design could be used to influence the overall system reliability. A detailed reliability calculation of different single phase battery-to-grid converter interfacing schemes is presented. A suitable converter topology for robust and reliable BESS is recommended.
We report observations and measurements of the inscription of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in two different types of microstructured polymer optical fiber: few-mode and an endlessly single mode. Contrary to the FBG inscription in silica microstructured fiber, where high-energy laser pulses are a prerequisite, we have successfully used a low-power cw laser source operating at 325 nm to produce 1 cm long gratings with a reflection peak at 1570 nm. Peak reflectivities of more than 10% have been observed. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006
Vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) have proved to be versatile lasers which allow for various emission schemes which on the one hand include remarkably high-power multi-mode or single-frequency continuouswave operation, and on the other hand two-color as well as mode-locked emission. Particularly, the combination of semiconductor gain medium and external cavity provides a unique access to high-brightness output, a high beam quality and wavelength flexibility. Moreover, the exploitation of intra-cavity frequency conversion further extends the achievable radiation wavelength, spanning a spectral range from the UV to the THz. In this work, recent advances in the field of VECSELs are summarized and the demonstration of self-mode-locking (SML) VECSELs with sub-ps pulses is highlighted. Thereby, we present studies which were not only performed for a quantum-well-based VECSEL, but also for a quantum-dot VECSEL.