922 resultados para service provider dependence
In this paper, we consider the ATM networks in which the virtual path concept is implemented. The question of how to multiplex two or more diverse traffic classes while providing different quality of service requirements is a very complicated open problem. Two distinct options are available: integration and segregation. In an integration approach all the traffic from different connections are multiplexed onto one VP. This implies that the most restrictive QOS requirements must be applied to all services. Therefore, link utilization will be decreased because unnecessarily stringent QOS is provided to all connections. With the segregation approach the problem can be much simplified if different types of traffic are separated by assigning a VP with dedicated resources (buffers and links). Therefore, resources may not be efficiently utilized because no sharing of bandwidth can take place across the VP. The probability that the bandwidth required by the accepted connections exceeds the capacity of the link is evaluated with the probability of congestion (PC). Since the PC can be expressed as the CLP, we shall simply carry out bandwidth allocation using the PC. We first focus on the influence of some parameters (CLP, bit rate and burstiness) on the capacity required by a VP supporting a single traffic class using the new convolution approach. Numerical results are presented both to compare the required capacity and to observe which conditions under each approach are preferred
This paper focuses on QoS routing with protection in an MPLS network over an optical layer. In this multi-layer scenario each layer deploys its own fault management methods. A partially protected optical layer is proposed and the rest of the network is protected at the MPLS layer. New protection schemes that avoid protection duplications are proposed. Moreover, this paper also introduces a new traffic classification based on the level of reliability. The failure impact is evaluated in terms of recovery time depending on the traffic class. The proposed schemes also include a novel variation of minimum interference routing and shared segment backup computation. A complete set of experiments proves that the proposed schemes are more efficient as compared to the previous ones, in terms of resources used to protect the network, failure impact and the request rejection ratio
Contexte¦Le VIH reste une des préoccupations majeures de santé publique dans le monde. Le nombre de patients infectés en Europe continue de croître et s'élève, en 2008, à 2.3 millions (1). De plus, environ 30 % des personnes séropositives ignorent leur statut et, de ce fait, contribuent à la propagation de l'épidémie. Ces patients sont responsables de la moitié des nouveaux cas du VIH (2) ; ils transmettent, en effet, 3.5 fois plus l'infection que les patients dont le diagnostic est connu (3).¦Aux USA, en raison de l'épidémiologie actuelle du VIH, les Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ont, en septembre 2006, mis le point sur la nécessité d'étendre drastiquement les tests et, de ce fait, ont publié de nouvelles recommandations. Non seulement, le test devra dépasser les groupes à risque dans les zones à grande prévalence mais aussi, être répandu à toute la population adulte de 13 à 64 ans sauf si la prévalence du VIH est en dessous de 0.1 % (4). Cette démarche est appelée routine opt-out HIV screening et plusieurs arguments parlent en faveur d'un dépistage systématique. Cette maladie rempli tout d'abord les 4 critères pour l'introduction d'un dépistage systématique : une maladie grave pouvant être mise en évidence avant l'apparition des symptômes, son diagnostic améliore la survie par une progression moins rapide et diminution de la mortalité, des tests de dépistage sensibles et spécifiques sont disponibles et les coûts sont moindres en comparaison aux bénéfices (5). Aux USA, 73 % des patients diagnostiqués à un stade avancé de l'infection VIH entre 2001 et 2005 avaient eu recours à l'utilisation des systèmes de soins au moins une fois dans les 8 ans précédant le diagnostic (6). Ces occasions manquées font aussi partie des arguments en faveur d'un dépistage systématique. En règle générale, le médecin se basant uniquement sur les symptômes et signes, ainsi que sur l'anamnèse sexuelle sous-estime la population à tester. Ce problème de sélection des candidats n'a plus lieu d'être lors d'un tel screening. Après cette publication des recommandations du CDC, qui introduit le dépistage systématique, il a été constaté que seulement 1/3 du personnel soignant interrogé connaissait les nouvelles directives et seulement 20 % offrait un dépistage de routine à tous les patients concernés (7). Cette étude nous montre alors qu'il est impératif de vérifier le niveau de connaissances des médecins après la publication de nouvelles recommandations.¦Devant le problème de l'épidémie du VIH, la Suisse opte pour une stratégie différente à celle des Etats-Unis. La Commission d'experts clinique et thérapie VIH et SIDA (CCT) de l'OFSP a tout d'abord publié, en 2007, des recommandations destinées à diminuer le nombre d'infections VIH non diagnostiquées, grâce à un dépistage initié par le médecin (8). Cette approche, appelée provider initiated counselling and testing (PICT), complétait alors celle du voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) qui préconisait un dépistage sur la demande du patient. Malheureusement, le taux d'infections diagnostiquées à un stade avancé a stagné aux environs de 30 % jusqu'en 2008 (9), raison pour laquelle l'OFSP apporte, en 2010, des modifications du PICT. Ces modifications exposent différentes situations où le test du VIH devrait être envisagé et apportent des précisions quant à la manière de le proposer. En effet, lors d'une suspicion de primo-infection, le médecin doit expliquer au patient qu'un dépistage du VIH est indiqué, un entretien conseil est réalisé avec des informations concernant la contagiosité élevée du virus à ce stade de l'infection. Si le patient présente un tableau clinique qui s'inscrit dans le diagnostic différentiel d'une infection VIH, le médecin propose le test de manière systématique. Il doit alors informer le patient qu'un tel test sera effectué dans le cadre d'une démarche diagnostique, sauf si celui-ci s'y oppose. Enfin, dans d'autres situations telles que sur la demande du patient ou si celui-ci fait partie d'un groupe de population à grande prévalence d'infection VIH, le médecin procède à une anamnèse sexuelle, suivie d'un entretien conseil et du test si l'accord explicite du patient a été obtenu (10).¦Nous pouvons donc constater les différentes stratégies face à l'épidémie du VIH entre les USA et la Suisse. Il est nécessaire d'évaluer les conséquences de ces applications afin d'adopter la conduite la plus efficace en terme de dépistage, pour amener à une diminution des transmissions, une baisse de la morbidité et mortalité. Aux USA, des études ont été faites afin d'évaluer l'impact de l'approche opt-out qui montrent que le screening augmente la probabilité d'être diagnostiqué (11). En revanche, en Suisse, aucune étude de ce type n'a été entreprise à l'heure actuelle. Nous savons également qu'il existe un hiatus entre la publication de nouvelles recommandations et l'application de celles-ci en pratique. Le 1er obstacle à la mise en oeuvre des guidelines étant leur méconnaissance (12), il est alors pertinent de tester les connaissances des médecins des urgences d'Hôpitaux de Suisse au sujet des nouvelles recommandations sur le dépistage du VIH de l'OFSP de mars 2010.¦Objectifs¦Montrer que les recommandations de l'OFSP de mars 2010 ne sont pas connues des médecins suisses.¦Méthodes¦Nous testerons la connaissance des médecins concernant ces recommandations via un questionnaire qui sera distribué lors d'un colloque organisé à cet effet avec tous les médecins du service des urgences d'un même établissement. Il n'y aura qu'une séance afin d'éviter d'éventuels biais (transmission d'informations d'un groupe à un autre). Ils recevront tout d'abord une lettre informative, accompagnée d'un formulaire de consentement pour l'utilisation des données de manière anonyme. La feuille d'information est rédigée de façon à ne pas influencer les candidats pour les réponses aux questions. Le questionnaire comprend deux parties, une première qui comprend divers cas cliniques. Les candidats devront dire si ces situations se trouvent, selon eux, dans les nouvelles recommandations de l'OFSP en termes de dépistage du VIH et indiquer la probabilité d'effectuer le test en pratique. La deuxième partie interrogera sur la manière de proposer le test au patient. La durée nécessaire pour remplir le questionnaire est estimée à 15 minutes.¦Le questionnaire élaboré avec la collaboration de Mme Dubois de l'UMSP à Lausanne et vont être testés par une vingtaine de médecins de premier recours de Vidy Med et Vidy Source, deux centres d'urgences lausannois.¦Réstulats escomptés¦Les médecins suisse ne sont pas au courant des nouvelles recommandations concernant le dépistage du VIH.¦Plus-value escomptée¦Après le passage du questionnaire, nous ferons une succincte présentation afin d'informer les médecins au sujet de ces recommandations. Aussi, l'analyse des résultats du questionnaire nous permettra d'agir au bon niveau pour que les nouvelles recommandations de l'OFSP de mars 2010 soient connues et appliquées, tout en ayant comme objectif l'amélioration du dépistage du VIH.
BACKGROUND: European Medicines Agency guidelines recognize two different treatment goals for alcohol dependence: abstinence and reduction in alcohol consumption. All currently approved agents are indicated for abstinence. This systematic review aimed to identify drugs in development for alcohol dependence treatment and to establish, based upon trial design, if any are seeking market authorization for reduction in consumption. METHODS: We searched PubMed and Embase (December 2001-November 2011) to identify agents in development for alcohol dependence treatment. Additional studies were identified by searching ClinicalTrials.gov and the R&D Insight and Clinical Trials Insight databases. Studies in which the primary focus was treatment of comorbidity, or n≤20, were excluded. Studies were then classified as 'abstinence' if they: described a detoxification/alcohol withdrawal period; enrolled patients who had undergone detoxification previously; or presented relapse/abstinence rates as the primary outcome. Studies in patients actively drinking at baseline were classified as 'reduction in consumption'. RESULTS: Of 602 abstracts identified, 45 full-text articles were eligible. Five monotherapies were in development for alcohol dependence treatment: topiramate, fluvoxamine, aripiprazole, flupenthixol and nalmefene. Nalmefene was the only agent whose sponsor was clearly seeking definitive approval for reduction in consumption. Development status was unclear for topiramate, fluvoxamine, aripiprazole and flupenthixol. Fifteen agents were examined in published exploratory investigator-initiated trials; the majority focused on abstinence. Ongoing (unpublished) trials tended to focus on reduction in consumption. CONCLUSIONS: While published studies generally focused on abstinence, ongoing trials focused on reduction in consumption, suggesting a change in emphasis in the approach to treating alcohol dependence.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness of the first-line pharmacotherapies (nicotine gum, patch, spray, inhaler, and bupropion) for smoking cessation across six Western countries-Canada, France, Spain, Switzerland, the United States, and the United Kingdom. DESIGN AND STUDY POPULATION: A Markov-chain cohort model to simulate two cohorts of smokers: (1) a reference cohort given brief cessation counselling by a general practitioner (GP); (2) a treatment cohort given counselling plus pharmacotherapy. Effectiveness expressed as odds ratios for quitting associated with pharmacotherapies. Costs based on the additional physician time required and retail prices of the medications. INTERVENTIONS: Addition of each first-line pharmacotherapy to GP cessation counselling. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Cost per life-year saved associated with pharmacotherapies. RESULTS: The cost per life-year saved for counselling only ranged from US190 dollars in Spain to 773 dollars in the UK for men, and from 288 dollars in Spain to 1168 dollars in the UK for women. The incremental cost per life-year saved for gum ranged from 2230 dollars for men in Spain to 7643 dollars for women in the US; for patch from 1758 dollars for men in Spain to 5131 dollars for women in the UK; for spray from 1935 dollars for men in Spain to 7969 dollars for women in the US; for inhaler from 3480 dollars for men in Switzerland to 8700 dollars for women in France; and for bupropion from 792 dollars for men in Canada to 2922 dollars for women in the US. In sensitivity analysis, changes in discount rate, treatment effectiveness, and natural quit rate had the strongest influences on cost-effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: The cost-effectiveness of the pharmacotherapies varied significantly across the six study countries, however, in each case, the results would be considered favourable as compared to other common preventive pharmacotherapies.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence and predictors of service disengagement in a treated epidemiological cohort of first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients. METHODS: The Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) in Australia admitted 786 FEP patients from January 1998 to December 2000. Treatment at EPPIC is scheduled for 18 months. Data were collected from patients' files using a standardized questionnaire. Seven hundred four files were available; 44 were excluded, because of a non-psychotic diagnosis at endpoint (n=43) or missing data on service disengagement (n=1). Rate of service disengagement was the outcome of interest, as well as pre-treatment, baseline, and treatment predictors of service disengagement, which were examined via Cox proportional hazards models. RESULTS: 154 patients (23.3%) disengaged from service. A past forensic history (Hazard ratio [HR]=1.69; 95%CI 1.17-2.45), lower severity of illness at baseline (HR=0.59; 95%CI 0.48-0.72), living without family at discharge (HR=1.75; 95%CI 1.22-2.50) and persistence of substance use disorder during treatment (HR=2.30; 95%CI 1.45-3.66) were significant predictors of disengagement from service. CONCLUSIONS: While engagement strategies are a core element in the treatment of first-episode psychosis, particular attention should be paid to these factors associated with disengagement. Involvement of the family in the treatment process, and focusing on reduction of substance use, need to be pursued in early intervention services.
The success story of hydroelectricity long influenced and dominated Swiss scholarly literature devoted to the history of technology. This means of conducting power, which emerged at the end of the 19th century and is still dominating today, has attracted much more attention than technologies that have been shadowed by its success. In spite of their important contribution to Swiss economic development, the distribution networks of pressurized water have been neglected by scholars. This article contributes to close this historiographic gap by analyzing the introduction of pressurized water distribution in 1876 in Lausanne, in the context of the building of the first Swiss cable funicular between Lausanne and Ouchy. This article shows how pressurized water distribution transformed socio-economic practices in the urban areas in which it was adopted. Indeed, this innovation, which allowed the use of distant hydraulic resources, enabled the rationalization of industrial and artisanal production as well as improved the density of the urban industrial base. By facilitating the introduction of electric lighting, pressurized water networks played a key role in the early development, and further successes, of the Swiss hydroelectric industry.
The presentation will focus on the reasons for deploying an e-reader loan service at a virtual university library as a part of an e-learning support system to aid user mobility, concentration of documentary and electronic resources, and ICT skills acquisition, using the example of the UOC pilot project and its subsequent consolidation. E-reader devices at the UOC are an extension of the Virtual Campus. They are offered as a tool to aid user mobility, access to documentary and electronic resources, and development of information and IT skills. The e-reader loan service began as a pilot project in 2009 and was consolidated in 2010. The UOC Library piloted the e-reader loan service from October to December 2009. The pilot project was carried out with 15 devices and involved 37 loans. The project was extended into 2010 with the same number of devices and 218 loans (October 2010). In 2011 the e-reader loan service is to involve 190 devices, thus offering an improved service. The reasons for deploying an e-reader loan service at the UOC are the following: a) to offer library users access to the many kinds of learning materials available at the UOC through a single device that facilitates student study and learning; b) to enhance access to and use of the e-book collections subscribed to by the UOC Library; c) to align with UOC strategy on the development of learning materials in multiple formats, and promote e-devices as an extension of the UOC Virtual Campus, and d) to increase UOC Library visibility within and beyond the institution. The presentation will conclude with an analysis of the key issues to be taken into account at a university library: the e-reader market, the unclear business and license model for e-book contents, and the library's role in promoting new reading formats to increase use of e-collections.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 55330
HypatiaSalud will be the freely accessible institutional repository for the Public Health System in Andalucía, Spain. Open access and new technologies have changed dramatically the environment in which research is being conducted and disseminated. Traditionally University has been the universal research provider, but at present time there are Government Organizations, as Public Health Systems, which are large-producers of research. Meanwhile most universities are running institutional repositories or have plans of setting up institutional repositories in the short-term, there are not many Government Organizations working on that direction. In this sense, HypatiaSalud represents an innovative initiative. Objectives: - Enhancing institutional efficiency, effectiveness and opportunities for knowledge exchange. -Expanding access and greater use of research findings to a much wider range of users increasing the visibility and reputation of Andalusian Public Health System. - Providing the foundation for effective gathering and long-term preservation of research output. Methodology. Phase I: Researching and learning from other institutional repositories. Phase II: Designing and planning the financial, organizational, legal and technical underlying issues. Phase III: Launching the service. Phase IV: Running the service. Outcomes. Bibliometrics: catalog of the research output of the Institution, in order to determine the conditions to include this scientific output in the Institutional Repository: direct deposit, deposit after a period of embargo, or closed access when publisher will not grant permission. Promote a mandate for the deposit of all peer-reviewed final drafts (postprints) for institutional record-keeping purposes. Access to that immediate postprint deposit in HypatiaSalud may be set immediately as ‘Open Access’ if copyright conditions allows; otherwise access can be set as ‘Closed Access’. International Standards application: HypatiaSalud will support OAI-PMH and DRIVER, to allow that central repositories could harvest its content or metadata. Development of human resources strategies in order to foster self-archiving through merit acknowledge and accreditation. Conclusions. It seems likely that setting up an Institutional Repository for the Public Health System in Andalucía would have substantial net benefits in the longer term for the Institution, despite the lag between the costs and realisation of benefits.