891 resultados para sensorisk deprivation.


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This paper based on a primary survey of households (2004-05) in the slum clusters of Delhi examines whether migrants are likely to experience upward mobility in their place of destination or alternatively, if they merely transfer their poverty from rural areas to large cities. First, a simple bifurcation of population in terms of poor and non-poor sub-groups is examined along with the incidence of poverty across different categories of occupations and non-workers. Then, an explanation of the variations in per capita expenditure across households is provided, and a binomial logit model (poor/non-poor) is developed identifying the variables which raise (or reduce) the probability of being non-poor (or poor). Next, an estimate of the wellbeing (deprivation) index is derived from factor analysis of a large number of variables including demographic and economic aspects of households. Empirical findings suggest that while duration of migration and the wellbeing index do not have a definite relationship, migrant households who have been in the city for a very long time have a higher wellbeing index on average than those who migrated in the last ten years. This tends to support the view that migrants do not merely transfer rural poverty to urban areas, and further that population mobility yields improvement in the living standard, if only in the very long term. Implementation of "employment-cum-shelter" support schemes in the urban areas may contribute to their wellbeing.


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El manejo pre-sacrificio es de vital importancia en acuicultura, ya que afecta tanto a las reacciones fisiológicas como a los procesos bioquímicos post mortem, y por tanto al bienestar y a la calidad del producto. El ayuno pre-sacrificio se lleva a cabo de forma habitual en acuicultura, ya que permite el vaciado del aparato digestivo de restos de alimento y heces, reduciendo de esta manera la carga bacteriana en el intestino y la dispersión de enzimas digestivos y potenciales patógenos a la carne. Sin embargo, la duración óptima de este ayuno sin que el pez sufra un estrés innecesario no está clara. Además, se sabe muy poco sobre la mejor hora del día para realizar el sacrificio, lo que a su vez está regido por los ritmos diarios de los parámetros fisiológicos de estrés. Finalmente, se sabe que la temperatura del agua juega un papel muy importante en la fisiología del estrés pero no se ha determinado su efecto en combinación con el ayuno. Además, las actuales recomendaciones en relación a la duración óptima del ayuno previo al sacrificio en peces no suelen considerar la temperatura del agua y se basan únicamente en días y no en grados día (ºC d). Se determinó el efecto del ayuno previo al sacrificio (1, 2 y 3 días, equivalente a 11,1-68,0 grados día) y la hora de sacrificio (08h00, 14h00 y 20h00) en trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) de tamaño comercial en cuatro pruebas usando diferentes temperaturas de agua (Prueba 1: 11,8 ºC; Prueba 2: 19,2 ºC; Prueba 3: 11,1 ºC; y Prueba 4: 22,7 ºC). Se midieron indicadores biométricos, hematológicos, metabólicos y de calidad de la carne. En cada prueba, los valores de los animales ayunados (n=90) se compararon con 90 animales control mantenidos bajo condiciones similares pero nos ayunados. Los resultados sugieren que el ayuno tuvo un efecto significativo sobre los indicadores biométricos. El coeficiente de condición en los animales ayunados fue menor que en los controles después de 2 días de ayuno. El vaciado del aparato digestivo se produjo durante las primeras 24 h de ayuno, encontrándose pequeñas cantidades de alimento después de 48 h. Por otra parte, este vaciado fue más rápido cuando las temperaturas fueron más altas. El peso del hígado de los animales ayunados fue menor y las diferencias entre truchas ayunadas y controles fueron más evidentes a medida que el vaciado del aparato digestivo fue más rápido. El efecto del ayuno hasta 3 días en los indicadores hematológicos no fue significativo. Los niveles de cortisol en plasma resultaron ser altos tanto en truchas ayunadas como en las alimentadas en todas las pruebas realizadas. La concentración media de glucosa varió entre pruebas pero mostró una tendencia a disminuir en animales ayunados a medida que el ayuno progresaba. En cualquier caso, parece que la temperatura del agua jugó un papel muy importante, ya que se encontraron concentraciones más altas durante los días 2 y 3 de ayuno en animales mantenidos a temperaturas más bajas previamente al sacrificio. Los altos niveles de lactato obtenidos en sangre parecen sugerir episodios de intensa actividad muscular pero no se pudo encontrar relación con el ayuno. De la misma manera, el nivel de hematocrito no mostró efecto alguno del ayuno y los leucocitos tendieron a ser más altos cuando los animales estaban menos estresados y cuando su condición corporal fue mayor. Finalmente, la disminución del peso del hígado (índice hepatosomático) en la Prueba 3 no se vio acompañada de una reducción del glucógeno hepático, lo que sugiere que las truchas emplearon una estrategia diferente para mantener constantes los niveles de glucosa durante el periodo de ayuno en esa prueba. En relación a la hora de sacrificio, se obtuvieron niveles más bajos de cortisol a las 20h00, lo que indica que las truchas estaban menos estresadas y que el manejo pre-sacrificio podría resultar menos estresante por la noche. Los niveles de hematocrito fueron también más bajos a las 20h00 pero solo con temperaturas más bajas, sugiriendo que las altas temperaturas incrementan el metabolismo. Ni el ayuno ni la hora de sacrificio tuvieron un efecto significativo sobre la evolución de la calidad de la carne durante los 3 días de almacenamiento. Por el contrario, el tiempo de almacenamiento sí que parece tener un efecto claro sobre los parámetros de calidad del producto final. Los niveles más bajos de pH se alcanzaron a las 24-48 h post mortem, con una lata variabilidad entre duraciones del ayuno (1, 2 y 3 días) en animales sacrificados a las 20h00, aunque no se pudo distinguir ningún patrón común. Por otra parte, la mayor rigidez asociada al rigor mortis se produjo a las 24 h del sacrificio. La capacidad de retención de agua se mostró muy estable durante el período de almacenamiento y parece ser independiente de los cambios en el pH. El parámetro L* de color se incrementó a medida que avanzaba el período de almacenamiento de la carne, mientras que los valores a* y b* no variaron en gran medida. En conclusión, basándose en los resultados hematológicos, el sacrificio a última hora del día parece tener un efecto menos negativo en el bienestar. De manera general, nuestros resultados sugieren que la trucha arco iris puede soportar un período de ayuno previo al sacrificio de hasta 3 días o 68 ºC d sin que su bienestar se vea seriamente comprometido. Es probable que con temperaturas más bajas las truchas pudieran ser ayunadas durante más tiempo sin ningún efecto negativo sobre su bienestar. En cualquier caso, se necesitan más estudios para determinar la relación entre la temperatura del agua y la duración óptima del ayuno en términos de pérdida de peso vivo y la disminución de los niveles de glucosa en sangre y otros indicadores metabólicos. SUMMARY Pre-slaughter handling in fish is important because it affects both physiological reactions and post mortem biochemical processes, and thus welfare and product quality. Pre-slaughter fasting is regularly carried out in aquaculture, as it empties the viscera of food and faeces, thus reducing the intestinal bacteria load and the spread of gut enzymes and potential pathogens to the flesh. However, it is unclear how long rainbow trout can be fasted before suffering unnecessary stress. In addition, very little is known about the best time of the day to slaughter fish, which may in turn be dictated by diurnal rhythms in physiological stress parameters. Water temperature is also known to play a very important role in stress physiology in fish but the combined effect with fasting is unclear. Current recommendations regarding the optimal duration of pre-slaughter fasting do not normally consider water temperature and are only based on days, not degree days (ºC d). The effects of short-term fasting prior to slaughter (1, 2 and 3 days, between 11.1 and 68.0 ºC days) and hour of slaughter (08h00, 14h00 and 20h00) were determined in commercial-sized rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) over four trials at different water temperatures (TRIAL 1, 11.8 ºC; TRIAL 2, 19.2 ºC; TRIAL 3, 11.1 ºC; and TRIAL 4, 22.7 ºC). We measured biometric, haematological, metabolic and product quality indicators. In each trial, the values of fasted fish (n=90) were compared with 90 control fish kept under similar conditions but not fasted. Results show that fasting affected biometric indicators. The coefficient of condition in fasted trout was lower than controls 2 days after food deprivation. Gut emptying occurred within the first 24 h after the cessation of feeding, with small traces of digesta after 48 h. Gut emptying was faster at higher water temperatures. Liver weight decreased in food deprived fish and differences between fasted and fed trout were more evident when gut clearance was faster. The overall effect of fasting for up to three days on haematological indicators was small. Plasma cortisol levels were high in both fasted and fed fish in all trials. Plasma glucose response to fasting varied among trials, but it tended to be lower in fasted fish as the days of fasting increased. In any case, it seems that water temperature played a more important role, with higher concentrations at lower temperatures on days 2 and 3 after the cessation of feeding. Plasma lactate levels indicate moments of high muscular activity and were also high, but no variation related to fasting could be found. Haematocrit did not show any significant effect of fasting, but leucocytes tended to be higher when trout were less stressed and when their body condition was higher. Finally, the loss of liver weight was not accompanied by a decrease in liver glycogen (only measured in TRIAL 3), suggesting that a different strategy to maintain plasma glucose levels was used. Regarding the hour of slaughter, lower cortisol levels were found at 20h00, suggesting that trout were less stressed later in the day and that pre-slaughter handling may be less stressful at night. Haematocrit levels were also lower at 20h00 but only at lower temperatures, indicating that higher temperatures increase metabolism. Neither fasting nor the hour of slaughter had a significant effect on the evolution of meat quality during 3 days of storage. In contrast, storage time seemed to have a more important effect on meat quality parameters. The lowest pH was reached 24-48 h post mortem, with a higher variability among fasting durations at 20h00, although no clear pattern could be discerned. Maximum stiffening from rigor mortis occurred after 24 h. The water holding capacity was very stable throughout storage and seemed to be independent of pH changes. Meat lightness (L*) slightly increased during storage and a* and b*-values were relatively stable. In conclusion, based on the haematological results, slaughtering at night may have less of a negative effect on welfare than at other times of the day. Overall, our results suggest that rainbow trout can cope well with fasting up to three days or 68 ºC d prior to slaughter and that their welfare is therefore not seriously compromised. At low water temperatures, trout could probably be fasted for longer periods without negative effects on welfare but more research is needed to determine the relationship between water temperature and days of fasting in terms of loss of live weight and the decrease in plasma glucose and other metabolic indicators.


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La Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI) pretende llevar energía solar y acceso a internet a más de 66.000 escuelas en Iberoamérica, la mayor parte de ellas ubicadas en zonas rurales y de difícil acceso. Con el proyecto “Luces para aprender” se quiere reducir la brecha digital y poner fin al aislamiento de las comunidades rurales, facilitando su acceso a las tecnologías de la comunicación, con el fin de favorecer su desarrollo educativo, económico, social y cultural. La OEI que coordina el proyecto “Luces para Aprender” se dirigió a TEDECO (Tecnología para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación), que es un grupo de cooperación al desarrollo de la Facultad de Informática de la UPM, para solicitar asesoramiento en la parte software a instalar en el proyecto. Surge la necesidad de dotar de sistema operativo a los computadores que tendrán las escuelas beneficiarias de este proyecto. Por lo tanto, se ha decido crear un sistema operativo que consiste en una distribución GNU/Linux que se adapte a las necesidades de dicho proyecto. Esta distribución va acompañada de un manual de usuario y una guía de instalación para facilitar la implantación en los respectivos centros. Se pretende que la distribución esté disponible en un repositorio web y además esté basada en la filosofía de código libre y abierto. ---ABSTRACT---The OEI (Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture) hopes to provide solar energy and Internet access to more than 66.000 schools in Ibero-America, most of them, located in rural zones and of difficult access. With the project “Luces para aprender” (lights to learn), they would like to reduce the digital gap and put an end to the deprivation of the rural communities, supplying access to the Information Technologies, with the aim of contributing to its educative, economic, social and cultural development. The OEI that coordinates "Luces para Apreder" project, requested TEDECO (Technology for Development and Cooperation), which is a group of development cooperation of Facultad de Informática of the UPM, to advice in the part of software installation in the project. There is a need for an operative system that the computers will have in schools that will benefit from that project. Therefore, it has been decided to create an operative system that consists of a GNU/Linux distribution adapted to the needs of the project. That distribution will be accompanied by a user’s manual and an installation guide to help the implementing in the centres. The distribution is supposed to be available in a web, and moreover, will be based on the philosophy of free and opened codes.


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Initiation factor eIF4G is an essential protein required for initiation of mRNA translation via the 5′ cap-dependent pathway. It interacts with eIF4E (the mRNA 5′ cap-binding protein) and serves as an anchor for the assembly of further initiation factors. With treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with rapamycin or with entry of cells into the diauxic phase, eIF4G is rapidly degraded, whereas initiation factors eIF4E and eIF4A remain stable. We propose that nutritional deprivation or interruption of the TOR signal transduction pathway induces eIF4G degradation.


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Two-component histidine kinases recently have been found in eukaryotic organisms including fungi, slime molds, and plants. We describe the identification of a gene, COS1, from the opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans by using a PCR-based screening strategy. The sequence of COS1 indicates that it encodes a homolog of the histidine kinase Nik-1 from the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. COS1 is also identical to a gene called CaNIK1 identified in C. albicans by low stringency hybridization using CaSLN1 as a probe [Nagahashi, S., Mio, T., Yamada-Okabe, T., Arisawa, M., Bussey, H. & Yamada-Okabe, H. (1998) Microbiol. 44, 425–432]. We assess the function of COS1/CaNIK1 by constructing a diploid deletion mutant. Mutants lacking both copies of COS1 appear normal when grown as yeast cells; however, they exhibit defective hyphal formation when placed on solid agar media, either in response to nutrient deprivation or serum. In constrast to the Δnik-1 mutant, the Δcos1/Δcos1 mutant does not demonstrate deleterious effects when grown in media of high osmolarity; however both Δnik-1 and Δcos1/Δcos1 mutants show defective hyphal formation. Thus, as predicted for Nik-1, Cos1p may be involved in some aspect of hyphal morphogenesis and may play a role in virulence properties of the organism.


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Two regioisomers with C3 or D3 symmetry of water-soluble carboxylic acid C60 derivatives, containing three malonic acid groups per molecule, were synthesized and found to be equipotent free radical scavengers in solution as assessed by EPR analysis. Both compounds also inhibited the excitotoxic death of cultured cortical neurons induced by exposure to N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA), or oxygen-glucose deprivation, but the C3 regioisomer was more effective than the D3 regioisomer, possibly reflecting its polar nature and attendant greater ability to enter lipid membranes. At 100 μM, the C3 derivative fully blocked even rapidly triggered, NMDA receptor-mediated toxicity, a form of toxicity with limited sensitivity to all other classes of free radical scavengers we have tested. The C3 derivative also reduced apoptotic neuronal death induced by either serum deprivation or exposure to Aβ1–42 protein. Furthermore, continuous infusion of the C3 derivative in a transgenic mouse carrying the human mutant (G93A) superoxide dismutase gene responsible for a form of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, delayed both death and functional deterioration. These data suggest that polar carboxylic acid C60 derivatives may have attractive therapeutic properties in several acute or chronic neurodegenerative diseases.


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Heme oxygenase (HO) catalyzes the opening of the heme ring with the release of iron in both plants and animals. In cyanobacteria, red algae, and cryptophyceae, HO is a key enzyme in the synthesis of the chromophoric part of the photosynthetic antennae. In an attempt to study the regulation of this key metabolic step, we cloned and sequenced the pbsA gene encoding this enzyme from the red alga Rhodella violacea. The gene is located on the chloroplast genome, split into three distant exons, and is presumably expressed by a trans-splicing mechanism. The deduced polypeptide sequence is homologous to other reported HOs from organisms containing phycobilisomes (Porphyra purpurea and Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803) and, to a lesser extent, to vertebrate enzymes. The expression is transcriptionally activated under iron deprivation, a stress condition frequently encountered by algae, suggesting a second role for HO as an iron-mobilizing agent in photosynthetic organisms.


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DsbA, the disulfide bond catalyst of Escherichia coli, is a periplasmic protein having a thioredoxin-like Cys-30-Xaa-Xaa-Cys-33 motif. The Cys-30–Cys-33 disulfide is donated to a pair of cysteines on the target proteins. Although DsbA, having high oxidizing potential, is prone to reduction, it is maintained essentially all oxidized in vivo. DsbB, an integral membrane protein having two pairs of essential cysteines, reoxidizes DsbA that has been reduced upon functioning. It is not known, however, what might provide the overall oxidizing power to the DsbA–DsbB disulfide bond formation system. We now report that E. coli mutants defective in the hemA gene or in the ubiA-menA genes markedly accumulate the reduced form of DsbA during growth under the conditions of protoheme deprivation as well as ubiquinone/menaquinone deprivation. Disulfide bond formation of β-lactamase was impaired under these conditions. Intracellular state of DsbB was found to be affected by deprivation of quinones, such that it accumulates first as a reduced form and then as a form of a disulfide-linked complex with DsbA. This is followed by reduction of the bulk of DsbA molecules. These results suggest that the respiratory electron transfer chain participates in the oxidation of DsbA, by acting primarily on DsbB. It is remarkable that a cellular catalyst of protein folding is connected to the respiratory chain.


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Accumulation of unfolded proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of eukaryotic cells triggers the unfolded protein response (UPR), which activates transcription of several genes encoding ER chaperones and folding enzymes. This study reports that conversion of dolichol-linked Man2–5GlcNAc2 intermediates into mature Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 oligosaccharides in primary human adult dermal fibroblasts is also stimulated by the UPR. This stimulation was not evident in several immortal cell lines and did not require a cytoplasmic stress response. Inhibition of dolichol-linked Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 synthesis by glucose deprivation could be counteracted by the UPR, improving the transfer of Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 to asparagine residues on nascent polypeptides. Glycosidic processing of asparagine-linked Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 in the ER leads to the production of monoglucosylated oligosaccharides that promote interaction with the lectin chaperones calreticulin and calnexin. Thus, control of the dolichol-linked Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 supply gives the UPR the potential to maintain efficient protein folding in the ER without new synthesis of chaperones or folding enzymes.


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We have analyzed the expression of the breast cancer susceptibility gene, Brca2, in mammary epithelial cells as a function of proliferation and differentiation. Our results demonstrate that Brca2 mRNA expression is tightly regulated during mammary epithelial proliferation and differentiation, and that this regulation occurs coordinately with Brca1. Specifically, Brca2 mRNA expression is up-regulated in rapidly proliferating cells; is down-regulated in response to serum deprivation; is expressed in a cell cycle-dependent manner, peaking at the G1/S boundary; and is up-regulated in differentiating mammary epithelial cells in response to glucocorticoids. In each case, an identical pattern of expression was observed for Brca1. These results indicate that proliferative stimuli modulate the mRNA expression of these two breast cancer susceptibility genes. In addition, the coordinate regulation of Brca1 and Brca2 revealed by these experiments suggests that these genes are induced by, and may function in, overlapping regulatory pathways involved in the control of cell proliferation and differentiation.


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The protooncogene c-abl encodes a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase whose cellular function is unknown. To study the possible involvement of c-Abl in proliferation, differentiation, and cell cycle regulation of early B cells, long-term lymphoid bone marrow cultures were established from c-abl-deficient mice and their wild-type littermates. Interleukin 7-dependent progenitor B-cell clones and lines expressing B220 and CD43 could be generated from both mutant and wild-type mice. The mutant and wild-type lines displayed no difference in their proliferative capacity as measured by thymidine incorporation in response to various concentrations of interleukin 7. Similarly, c-abl deficiency did not interfere with the ability of mutant clones to differentiate into surface IgM-positive cells in vitro. Analysis of cultures after growth factor deprivation, however, revealed a strikingly accelerated rate of cell death in c-abl mutant cells, due to apoptosis as confirmed by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated UTP nick end labeling analysis. Furthermore, a greater susceptibility to apoptotic cell death in c-abl mutant cells was also observed after glucocorticoid treatment. These results suggest that mutant c-Abl renders the B-cell progenitors more sensitive to apoptosis, and may account for some of the phenotypes observed in c-abl-deficient animals.


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Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) kinase was studied for its roles in physiological responses to nutritional deprivation in Escherichia coli. A mutant lacking polyP kinase exhibited an extended lag phase of growth, when shifted from a rich to a minimal medium (nutritional downshift). Supplementation of amino acids to the minimal medium abolished the extended growth lag of the mutant. Levels of the stringent response factor, guanosine 5′-diphosphate 3′-diphosphate, increased in response to the nutritional downshift, but, unlike in the wild type, the levels were sustained in the mutant. These results suggested that the mutant was impaired in the induction of amino acid biosynthetic enzymes. The expression of an amino acid biosynthetic gene, hisG, was examined by using a transcriptional lacZ fusion. Although the mutant did not express the fusion in response to the nutritional downshift, Northern blot analysis revealed a significant increase of hisG-lacZ mRNA. Amino acids generated by intracellular protein degradation are very important for the synthesis of enzymes at the onset of starvation. In the wild type, the rate of protein degradation increased in response to the nutritional downshift whereas it did not in the mutant. Supplementation of amino acids at low concentrations to the minimal medium enabled the mutant to express the hisG-lacZ fusion. Thus, the impaired regulation of protein degradation results in the adaptation defect, suggesting that polyP kinase is required to stimulate protein degradation.


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The immunosuppressant rapamycin inhibits Tor1p and Tor2p (target of rapamycin proteins), ultimately resulting in cellular responses characteristic of nutrient deprivation through a mechanism involving translational arrest. We measured the immediate transcriptional response of yeast grown in rich media and treated with rapamycin to investigate the direct effects of Tor proteins on nutrient-sensitive signaling pathways. The results suggest that Tor proteins directly modulate the glucose activation and nitrogen discrimination pathways and the pathways that respond to the diauxic shift (including glycolysis and the citric acid cycle). Tor proteins do not directly modulate the general amino acid control, nitrogen starvation, or sporulation (in diploid cells) pathways. Poor nitrogen quality activates the nitrogen discrimination pathway, which is controlled by the complex of the transcriptional repressor Ure2p and activator Gln3p. Inhibiting Tor proteins with rapamycin increases the electrophoretic mobility of Ure2p. The work presented here illustrates the coordinated use of genome-based and biochemical approaches to delineate a cellular pathway modulated by the protein target of a small molecule.