851 resultados para semantic web services


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POSTDATA is a 5 year's European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant Project that started in May 2016 and is hosted by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain. The context of the project is the corpora of European Poetry (EP), with a special focus on poetic materials from different languages and literary traditions. POSTDATA aims to offer a standardized model in the philological field and a metadata application profile (MAP) for EP in order to build a common classification of all these poetic materials. The information of Spanish, Italian and French repertoires will be published in the Linked Open Data (LOD) ecosystem. Later we expect to extend the model to include additional corpora. There are a number of Web Based Information Systems in Europe with repertoires of poems available to human consumption but not in an appropriate condition to be accessible and reusable by the Semantic Web. These systems are not interoperable; they are in fact locked in their databases and proprietary software, not suitable to be linked in the Semantic Web. A way to make this data interoperable is to develop a MAP in order to be able to publish this data available in the LOD ecosystem, and also to publish new data that will be created and modeled based on this MAP. To create a common data model for EP is not simple since the existent data models are based on conceptualizations and terminology belonging to their own poetical traditions and each tradition has developed an idiosyncratic analytical terminology in a different and independent way for years. The result of this uncoordinated evolution is a set of varied terminologies to explain analogous metrical phenomena through the different poetic systems whose correspondences have been hardly studied – see examples in González-Blanco & Rodríguez (2014a and b). This work has to be done by domain experts before the modeling actually starts. On the other hand, the development of a MAP is a complex task though it is imperative to follow a method for this development. The last years Curado Malta & Baptista (2012, 2013a, 2013b) have been studying the development of MAP's in a Design Science Research (DSR) methodological process in order to define a method for the development of MAPs (see Curado Malta (2014)). The output of this DSR process was a first version of a method for the development of Metadata Application Profiles (Me4MAP) (paper to be published). The DSR process is now in the validation phase of the Relevance Cycle to validate Me4MAP. The development of this MAP for poetry will follow the guidelines of Me4MAP and this development will be used to do the validation of Me4MAP. The final goal of the POSTDATA project is: i) to be able to publish all the data locked in the WIS, in LOD, where any agent interested will be able to build applications over the data in order to serve final users; ii) to build a Web platform where: a) researchers, students and other final users interested in EP will be able to access poems (and their analyses) of all databases; b) researchers, students and other final users will be able to upload poems, the digitalized images of manuscripts, and fill in the information concerning the analysis of the poem, collaboratively contributing to a LOD dataset of poetry.


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Today, biodiversity is endangered by the currently applied intensive farming methods imposed on food producers by intermediate actors (e.g.: retailers). The lack of a direct communication technology between the food producer and the consumer creates dependency on the intermediate actors for both producers and the consumers. A tool allowing producers to directly and efficiently market produce that meets customer demands could greatly reduce the dependency enforced by intermediate actors. To this end, in this thesis, we propose, develop, implement and validate a Real Time Context Sharing (RCOS) system. RCOS takes advantage of the widely used publish/subscribe paradigm to exchange messages between producers and consumers, directly, according to their interest and context. Current systems follow a topic-based model or a content-based model. With RCOS, we propose a context-awareness approach into the matching process of publish/subscribe paradigm. Finally, as a proof of concept, we extend the Apache ActiveMQ Artemis software and create a client prototype. We evaluate our proof of concept for larger scale deployment.


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En la actualidad, el uso del Cloud Computing se está incrementando y existen muchos proveedores que ofrecen servicios que hacen uso de esta tecnología. Uno de ellos es Amazon Web Services, que a través de su servicio Amazon EC2, nos ofrece diferentes tipos de instancias que podemos utilizar según nuestras necesidades. El modelo de negocio de AWS se basa en el pago por uso, es decir, solo realizamos el pago por el tiempo que se utilicen las instancias. En este trabajo se implementa en Amazon EC2, una aplicación cuyo objetivo es extraer de diferentes fuentes de información, los datos de las ventas realizadas por las editoriales y librerías de España. Estos datos son procesados, cargados en una base de datos y con ellos se generan reportes estadísticos, que ayudarán a los clientes a tomar mejores decisiones. Debido a que la aplicación procesa una gran cantidad de datos, se propone el desarrollo y validación de un modelo, que nos permita obtener una ejecución óptima en Amazon EC2. En este modelo se tienen en cuenta el tiempo de ejecución, el coste por uso y una métrica de coste/rendimiento. Adicionalmente, se utilizará la tecnología de contenedores Docker para llevar a cabo un caso específico del despliegue de la aplicación.


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Part 21: Mobility and Logistics


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No âmbito das obrigações que o Estado Português tem em garantir a segurança dos seus cidadãos, é efetuada, em países ou regiões onde há comunidades nacionais, uma avaliação quanto ao risco de vida para os cidadãos nacionais que aí residam ou aí se encontrem, entendendo-se, à luz do direito internacional consuetudinário, que é legítima a eventual execução de intervenção militar de extração de nacionais não combatentes dessas zonas de risco. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para uma reflexão sobre o apoio geoespacial a uma operação de extração de cidadãos nacionais não combatentes, que se denomina NEO (non-combatant evacuation operation). Dada a importância do conhecimento holístico do ambiente operacional para os comandantes militares, os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica desempenham um papel fundamental em termos da análise, contextualização e visualização da informação geoespacial, sendo um precioso sistema de apoio à decisão. A tomada de decisão é efetuada com os contributos de várias áreas de conhecimento, sendo fundamental que o planeamento seja efetuado com base na mesma informação geoespacial, evitando a existência de uma multitude de dados geoespaciais nem sempre coerentes, atualizados e acessíveis a todos os que deles necessitam, pretendendo-se com este trabalho fornecer um contributo para resolver este problema. Aborda-se também a escassez dos dados geográficos nas zonas em que este tipo de operações se poderá desenrolar, a pertinência e a adequabilidade de utilização de dados espaciais abertos, os modelos de dados, bem como a forma como a informação pode ser disponibilizada.


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La diffusione del Semantic Web e di dati semantici in formato RDF, ha creato la necessità di un meccanismo di trasformazione di tali informazioni, semplici da interpretare per una macchina, in un linguaggio naturale, di facile comprensione per l'uomo. Nella dissertazione si discuterà delle soluzioni trovate in letteratura e, nel dettaglio, di RSLT, una libreria JavaScript che cerca di risolvere questo problema, consentendo la creazione di applicazioni web in grado di eseguire queste trasformazioni tramite template dichiarativi. Verranno illustrati, inoltre, tutti i cambiamenti e tutte le modi�che introdotte nella versione 1.1 della libreria, la cui nuova funzionalit�à principale �è il supporto a SPARQL 1.0.


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Things change. Words change, meaning changes and use changes both words and meaning. In information access systems this means concept schemes such as thesauri or clas- sification schemes change. They always have. Concept schemes that have survived have evolved over time, moving from one version, often called an edition, to the next. If we want to manage how words and meanings - and as a conse- quence use - change in an effective manner, and if we want to be able to search across versions of concept schemes, we have to track these changes. This paper explores how we might expand SKOS, a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) draft recommendation in order to do that kind of tracking.The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) Core Guide is sponsored by the Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group. The second draft, edited by Alistair Miles and Dan Brickley, was issued in November 2005. SKOS is a “model for expressing the basic structure and content of concept schemes such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, folksonomies, other types of controlled vocabulary and also concept schemes embedded in glossaries and terminologies” in RDF. How SKOS handles version in concept schemes is an open issue. The current draft guide suggests using OWL and DCTERMS as mechanisms for concept scheme revision.As it stands an editor of a concept scheme can make notes or declare in OWL that more than one version exists. This paper adds to the SKOS Core by introducing a tracking sys- tem for changes in concept schemes. We call this tracking system vocabulary ontogeny. Ontogeny is a biological term for the development of an organism during its lifetime. Here we use the ontogeny metaphor to describe how vocabularies change over their lifetime. Our purpose here is to create a conceptual mechanism that will track these changes and in so doing enhance information retrieval and prevent document loss through versioning, thereby enabling persistent retrieval.


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In this article, we describe the development of an exten- sion to the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) to accommodate the needs of vocabulary devel- opment applications (VDA) managing metadata schemes and requiring close tracking of change to both those schemes and their member concepts. We take a neo- pragmatic epistemic stance in asserting the need for an entity in SKOS modeling to mediate between the abstract concept and the concrete scheme. While the SKOS model sufficiently describes entities for modeling the current state of a scheme in support of indexing and search on the Semantic Web, it lacks the expressive power to serve the needs of VDA needing to maintain scheme historical continuity. We demonstrate prelimi- narily that conceptualizations drawn from empirical work in modeling entities in the bibliographic universe, such as works, texts, and exemplars, can provide the basis for SKOS extension in ways that support more rig- orous demands of capturing concept evolution in VDA.


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Harnessing the potential of semantic web technologies to support and diversify scholarship is gaining popularity in the digital humanities. This talk describes a number of projects utilising Linked Data ranging from musicology and library metadata, to the representation of the narrative structure, philological, bibliographical, and museological data of ancient Mesopotamian literary compositions.


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The authors present a proposal to develop intelligent assisted living environments for home based healthcare. These environments unite the chronical patient clinical history sematic representation with the ability of monitoring the living conditions and events recurring to a fully managed Semantic Web of Things (SWoT). Several levels of acquired knowledge and the case based reasoning that is possible by knowledge representation of the health-disease history and acquisition of the scientific evidence will deliver, through various voice based natural interfaces, the adequate support systems for disease auto management but prominently by activating the less differentiated caregiver for any specific need. With these capabilities at hand, home based healthcare providing becomes a viable possibility reducing the institutionalization needs. The resulting integrated healthcare framework will provide significant savings while improving the generality of health and satisfaction indicators.


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A evolução tecnológica tem provocado uma evolução na medicina, através de sistemas computacionais voltados para o armazenamento, captura e disponibilização de informações médicas. Os relatórios médicos são, na maior parte das vezes, guardados num texto livre não estruturado e escritos com vocabulário proprietário, podendo ocasionar falhas de interpretação. Através das linguagens da Web Semântica, é possível utilizar antologias como modo de estruturar e padronizar a informação dos relatórios médicos, adicionando¬ lhe anotações semânticas. A informação contida nos relatórios pode desta forma ser publicada na Web, permitindo às máquinas o processamento automático da informação. No entanto, o processo de criação de antologias é bastante complexo, pois existe o problema de criar uma ontologia que não cubra todo o domínio pretendido. Este trabalho incide na criação de uma ontologia e respectiva povoação, através de técnicas de PLN e Aprendizagem Automática que permitem extrair a informação dos relatórios médicos. Foi desenvolvida uma aplicação, que permite ao utilizador converter relatórios do formato digital para o formato OWL. ABSTRACT: Technological evolution has caused a medicine evolution through computer systems which allow storage, gathering and availability of medical information. Medical reports are, most of the times, stored in a non-structured free text and written in a personal way so that misunderstandings may occur. Through Semantic Web languages, it’s possible to use ontology as a way to structure and standardize medical reports information by adding semantic notes. The information in those reports can, by these means, be displayed on the web, allowing machines automatic information processing. However, the process of creating ontology is very complex, as there is a risk creating of an ontology that not covering the whole desired domain. This work is about creation of an ontology and its population through NLP and Machine Learning techniques to extract information from medical reports. An application was developed which allows the user to convert reports from digital for¬ mat to OWL format.