971 resultados para secondary structure detection


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Royal palm tree peroxidase (RPTP) is a very stable enzyme in regards to acidity, temperature, H(2)O(2), and organic solvents. Thus, RPTP is a promising candidate for developing H(2)O(2)-sensitive biosensors for diverse applications in industry and analytical chemistry. RPTP belongs to the family of class III secretory plant peroxidases, which include horseradish peroxidase isozyme C, soybean and peanut peroxidases. Here we report the X-ray structure of native RPTP isolated from royal palm tree (Roystonea regia) refined to a resolution of 1.85 angstrom. RPTP has the same overall folding pattern of the plant peroxidase superfamily, and it contains one heme group and two calcium-binding sites in similar locations. The three-dimensional structure of RPTP was solved for a hydroperoxide complex state, and it revealed a bound 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid molecule (MES) positioned at a putative substrate-binding secondary site. Nine N-glycosylation sites are clearly defined in the RPTP electron-density maps, revealing for the first time conformations of the glycan chains of this highly glycosylated enzyme. Furthermore, statistical coupling analysis (SCA) of the plant peroxidase superfamily was performed. This sequence-based method identified a set of evolutionarily conserved sites that mapped to regions surrounding the heme prosthetic group. The SCA matrix also predicted a set of energetically coupled residues that are involved in the maintenance of the structural folding of plant peroxidases. The combination of crystallographic data and SCA analysis provides information about the key structural elements that could contribute to explaining the unique stability of RPTP. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Leptospixosis, a spirochaetal zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira, has been recognized as an important emerging infectious disease. LipL32 is the major exposed outer membrane protein found exclusively in pathogenic leptospires, where it accounts for up to 75% of the total outer membrane proteins. It is highly immunogenic, and recent studies have implicated LipL32 as an extracellular matrix binding protein, interacting with collagens, fibronectin, and laminin. In order to better understand the biological role and the structural requirements for the function of this important lipoprotein, we have determined the 2.25-angstrom-resolution structure of recombinant LipL32 protein corresponding to residues 21-272 of the wild-type protein (LipL32(21-272)). The LipL32(21-272) monomer is made of a jelly-roll fold core from which several peripheral secondary structures protrude. LipL32(21-272) is structurally similar to several other jelly-roll proteins, some of which bind calcium ions and extracellular matrix proteins. Indeed, spectroscopic data (circular dichroism, intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, and extrinsic 1-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid fluorescence) confirmed the calcium-binding properties of LipL32(21-272). Ca(2+) binding resulted in a significant increase in the thermal stability of the protein, and binding was specific for Ca(2+) as no structural or stability perturbations were observed for Mg(2+), Zn(2+), or Cu(2+). Careful examination of the crystal lographic structure suggests the locations of putative regions that could mediate Ca(2+) binding as well as binding to other interacting host proteins, such as collagens, fibronectin, and lamixidn. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the applications of anew carbon paste electrode containing fibers of coconut (Cocus nucifera L) fruit, which are very rich in peroxidase enzymes naturally immobilized on its structure. The new sensor was applied for the amperometric quantification of benzoyl peroxide in facial creams and dermatological shampoos. The amperometric measurements were performed in 0.1 mol L(-1) phosphate buffer (pH 5.2), at 0.0 V (versus Ag/AgCl). On these conditions, benzoyl peroxide was rapidly determined in the 5.0-55 mu mol L(-1), with a detection limit of 2.5 mu mol L(-1) (s/n = 3), response time of 4.1 s (90% of the steady state) and sensitivity limit of 0.33 A mol L(-1) cm(-2). The amperometric results are in good agreement with those obtained by spectrophotometric technique, used as a standard method. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present work, nanocomposites of polyaniline (PANI) and layered alpha-Zr(HPO4)(2).H2O (alpha-ZrP) were prepared using two different approaches: (i) the in situ aniline polymerization in the presence of the layered inorganic material and (ii) the layer-by-layer (LBL) assembly using an aqueous solution of the polycation emeraldine salt (ES-PANI) and a dispersion of exfoliated negative slabs of alpha-ZrP. These materials were characterized spectroscopically using mainly resonance Raman scattering at four exciting radiations and electronic absorption in the UV-VIS-NIR region. Structural and textural characterizations were carried out using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The polymer obtained by the in situ aniline polymerization is located primarily in the external surface of the inorganic material although aniline monomers were intercalated between alpha-ZrP interlayer regions before oxidative polymerization. Through resonance Raman spectroscopy, it was observed that the formed polymer has semiquinone units (ES-PANI) and also azo bonds (-N = N-), showing that this method results in a polymer with a different structure from the usual ""head-to-tail"" ES-PANI. The LBL assembly of pre-formed ES-PANI and exfoliated alpha-ZrP particles produces homogeneous films with reproducible deposition from layer to layer, up to 20 bilayers. Resonance Raman (lambda(0) = 632.8 nm) spectrum of PANI/ZrP LBL film shows an enhancement in the intensity of the polaronic band at 1333 cm(-1) (nu C-N center dot+) and the decrease of the band intensity at 1485 cm(-1) compared to bulk ES-PANI. Its UV-VIS-NIR spectrum presents an absorption tail in the NIR region assigned to delocalized free charge carrier. These spectroscopic features are characteristic of highly conductive secondary doped PANI suggesting that polymeric chains in PANI/ZrP LBL film have a more extended conformation than in bulk ES-PANI.


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Orientation detection and discrimination thresholds were measured for Gabor ‘envelopes’ formed from contrast-modulation of luminance ‘carriers’. Consistent with previous research differences between carrier and envelope orientation had no effect on sensitivity to envelopes. Using plaid carriers in which the proportion of contrast modulation ‘carried’ by each plaid component was systematically manipulated, it was shown that this tolerance to carrier-envelope orientation difference reflects linear summation across orientation indicative of a single second-stage channel coding for contrast-defined structure. That contrast envelopes did not exhibit linear summation across spatial-frequency, nor across combinations of orientation and spatial-frequency differences, suggests that these second-order channels operate only within certain spatial scales. Using arrays of Gabor micropatterns as carriers in which the orientation distribution of the carriers was manipulated independently of the difference between envelope orientation and mean carrier orientation, it was further demonstrated that the locus of orientation integration must occur prior to envelope detection. In the context of two-stage models that incorporate a non-linearity between the stages, the pattern of results obtained is consistent with the operation of an orientation pooling process between first-stage and second-stage channels, analogous to having all filters of the first-stage feed into all filters of the second-stage within the same spatial-frequency band.


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The Rufous Bristlebird (Dasyornis broadbenti) is a sedentary, ground-dwelling passerine of southern Australia, which is listed as nationally vulnerable, and as near-threatened (lower risk) in Victoria. The species inhabits a variety of vegetation, including shrub thickets in coastal gullies to heathlands on limestone cliffs. This study aimed to assess the size, distribution and habitat use of a population of the subspecies D. b.  broadbenti at Portland in south-western Victoria. Monthly surveys (2002–03) were conducted on foot for 1 h after official sunrise and 1 h before official sunset, and presence of Bristlebirds recorded using vocalisations and sightings. Observations outside of the survey times were also recorded to estimate the size of territories and core area of occupancy. To quantify habitat preferences, vegetation composition and structure were measured in areas where Bristlebirds were present, as well as surrounding areas where they were not detected. The population in the survey areas was estimated at between 70 and 86 individuals in the 170-ha survey area. The estimated size of territories of eight selected pairs of Bristlebirds ranged from 0.5 to 3 ha, with core areas of occupancy ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 ha. During the nesting season (August November) Bristlebirds were detected at greater frequencies in the core area of occupancy within each territory. Significant associations were found between the presence of Bristlebirds and floristic associations dominated by the native environmental weeds Acacia sophorae and Leptospermum laevigatum. Bristlebird presence was significantly positively correlated with increasing vegetation density in the mid-canopy level (80–120 cm) indicating that vegetation structure is a key factor in habitat use.


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Bis(p-substituted benzoylmethyl)tellurium dibromides, (p-YC6H4COCH2)2TeBr2, (y=H (1a), Me (1b), MeO (1c)) can be prepared
either by direct insertion of elemental Te across CRf-Br bonds (where CRf refers to α-carbon of a functionalized organic moiety) or by the oxidative addition of bromine to (p-YC6H4COCH2)2Te (y = H (2a), Me (2b), MeO (2c)). Bis(p-substituted benzoylmethyl)tellurium dichlorides, (p-YC6H4COCH2)2TeCh (y = H (3a), Me (3b), MeO (3c)), are prepared by the reaction of the bis(p-substituted benzoylmethyl)tellurides 2a--c with S02Cl2, whereas the corresponding diiodides (p-YC6H4COCH2)2Teh (y = H
(4a), Me (4b), MeO (4c)) can be obtained by the metathetical reaction of la--c with KI, or alternatively, by the oxidative addition of
iodine to 2a--c. The reaction of 2a--c with allyl bromide affords the diorganotellurium dibrornides la--c, rather than the expected
triorganotelluronium bromides. Compounds 1-4 were characterized by elemental analyses, IR spectroscopy, 1H, l3C and 125Te
NMR spectroscopy (solution and solid-state) and in case of Ie also by X-ray crystallography. (p-MeOC6H4COCH2)2TeBr2 (1c) provides, a rare example, among organotellurium compounds, of a supramolecular architecture, where C-H-O hydrogen bonds appear to be the non-covalent intermolecular associative force that dominates the crystal packing.


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The synthesis and characterization of unsymmetric diorganotellurium compounds containing a sterically demanding I-naphthyl or
mesitylligand and a small bite chelating organic ligand capable of 1,4-Te···N(O) intramolecular interaction is described. The reaction
of ArTeCl3 (Ar = I-ClOH7, Np; 2,4,6-Me3C6H2' Mes) with (SB)HgCI [SB = the Schiff base, 2-(4,4'-N02C6H4CH=NC6H3-Me)] or a methyl ketone (RCOCH3) afforded the corresponding dichlorides (SB)ArTeCI2 (Ar = Np, 1Aa; Mes, 1Ba) or (RCOCH2)ArTeCl2 (Ar = Np; R = Ph (2Aa), Me (3Aa), Np (4Aa); Ar = Mes, R = Ph (2Ba)). Reduction of 1Aa and 1Ba by Na2S205 readily gave the tellurides (SB)ArTe (Ar = Np (1A), Mes, (1B) but that of dichlorides derived from methylketones was complicated due to partial decomposition to tellurium powder and diarylditelluride (Ar2Te2), resulting in poor yields of the corresponding tellurides 2A, 2B and 3A. Oxidation of the isolated tellurides with S02Cl2, Br2 and I2 yielded the corresponding dihalides. All the synthesized compounds have been characterized with the help of IR, 1H, l3C, and 125Te NMR and in the case of 2Aa, and 2Ba by X-ray crystallography. Appearance of only one 125Te signal indicated that the unsymmetric derivatives were stable to disproportionation to symmetric species. Intramolecular 1,4-Te· . ·0 secondary bonding interactions (SBIs) are exhibited in the crystal structures of both the tellurium(IV) dichlorides, 2Aa, and 2Ba. Steric repulsion of the mesityl group in the latter dominates over lone pair-bond pair repulsion, resulting in significant widening of the equatorial C-Te-C angle. This appears to be responsible for the lack of Te· . ·CI involved supramolecular associations in the crystal structure of 2Ba.


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In the present work, we propose a low cost synthetic sol-gel route that allows to produce high quality oxide nanostructures with inverse opal architecture which, transferred on alumina substrates provided with Pt interdigitated contacts and heater, are tested as gas sensing devices. An opal template of sintered monodisperse polystyrene spheres was filled with alcoholic solutions of metal oxide precursors and transferred on the alumina substrate. The polystyrene template was removed by thermal treatment, leading to the simultaneous sintering of the oxide nanoparticles. Beside SnO2, a binary oxide well known for gas sensing application, a Zn containing ternary solid solution (SnO2:Zn, with Zn 10% molar content) was taken into account for sensor preparation. The obtained high quality macro and meso-porous structures, characterized by different techniques, were tested for pollutant (CO, NO2) and interfering (methanol) gases, showing that very good detection can be reached through the increase of surface area offered by the inverse opal structure and the tailoring of the chemical composition. The electrical characterization performed on the tin dioxide based sensors shows an enhancement of the relative response towards NO2 at low temperatures in comparison with conventional SnO2 sensors obtained with sputtering technique. The addition of Zn increases the separation between the operating temperatures for reducing and oxidizing gases and results in a further enhancement of the selectivity to NO2 detection.


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The reaction of tris(2,2’-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III) (Ru(bipy) 33+) with various analytes to generate chemiluminescence has been well documented. This investigation sought to undertake a chemiluminometic study of the reactions of Ru(bipy) 33+ with selected Papaver Somniferum alkaloids and specifically synthesised phenethylamines. The investigation, based on a kinetic study, primarily addressed the effect of varying reaction conditions (pH) on Ru(bipy) 33+ chemiluminescence production. To monitor these reactions, a batch chemiluminometer was specifically designed, fabricated and automated to conduct an extensive study on the selected compounds of interest. The instrumentation incorporated a custom built reaction cell and comprised an ‘on-line’ sample preparation system with which calibration standards could be automatically prepared. The instrumentation provided both time-independent (peak area) and time-dependent (kinetic profile) information. A novel approach to the stabilisation of Ru(bipy) 33+ as a chemiluminescencent reagent was also investigated and a recirculating system was employed with the batch chemiluminometer to provide a stable supply of Ru(bipy) 33+. Codeine, thebaine and 6-methoxy-codeine were the Papaver Somniferum alkaloids selected for this study and several N-methylated and N,N-dimethylated phenethylamines and methoxy-substituted phenetheylamines were also synthesised to investigate the affect of pH on the chemiluminescence emission efficiency. The versatility of the batch chemiluminometer facilitated the kinetic study of numerous analytes over a broad pH range. The exemplary performance of the chemiluminometer as an analytical instrument, was demonstrated by the calibration functions, based on peak area data, which exhibited excellent linearity and sensitivity. The estimated detection limits (3s) for the selected alkaloids were in the range 2 x 10-9 M to 7 x 10-9 at pH 5.0 and above, which compared favourably to detection limits for the same compounds determined using FIA. Relative standard deviations (n=5) for peak areas ranged between 1% to 5% with a mean of 3.1% for all calibration standards above 2.5 x 10-8 M. Correlation between concentration and peak area, irrespective of pH and analyte was excellent, with all but two calibration functions having r-squared values greater than 0.990. The analytical figures of merit exemplified the precision and robustness of the reagent delivery and ‘on-line’ sample preparation, as well as the sensitivity of the system. The employment of the chemiluminometer for the measurement of total chemiluminescence emission (peak area) was in itself a feasible analytical technique, which generated highly reproducible and consistent data. Excellent analytical figures of merit, based on peak area, were similarly achieved for the phenethylamines. The effects of analyte structure on chemiluminescence activity was also investigated for the alkaloids and the phenethylamines. Subtle structural variations between the three alkaloids resulted in either a moderately reduced or enhanced total emission that was two or three fold difference only. A significant difference in reaction kinetics was observed between thebaine and codeine/6-methoxy-codeine, which was dependent upon pH. The time-dependent data, namely the observed rate constants for the initial rise in intensity and for the subsequent decay rate, were obtained by fitting a mathematical function (based on the postulated reaction mechanism) to the raw data. The determination of these rate constants for chemiluminescence reactions highlighted the feasibility for utilising such measurements for quantitative analytical applications. The kinetic data were used to discriminate between analyte responses in order to determine the concentrations of individual analytes in a binary mixture. A preliminary, multi-component investigation performed on a binary mixture of codeine and 6-methoxy-codeine (1:1) successfully determined the concentrations of these individual components using such rate constant measurements. Consequently, variations in kinetics resulted in a significant difference between the relative chemiluminescence response based on peak area measurements and the relative response base on peak height measurements obtained using FIA. With regards to the observed reactivity of secondary amines and tertiary amines, chemiluminescence peak area determinations confirmed the vital role of pH on reaction efficiency, which was governed by structural features and kinetics. The tertiary amines investigated generally produced a greater emission under acidic conditions than the corresponding secondary amines. However, the measured chemiluminescence responses were highly dependent upon pH, with similar peak areas obtained for both amine groups under slightly alkaline conditions.


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Vickers and nano indentations were performed on a structurally relaxed Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass (BMG), and the evolution of the shear bands in the relaxed BMG was investigated and compared to that in the as-cast alloy. Results indicate that the plastic deformation in the BMG with structure relaxation is accommodated by the semicircular (primary) and radial (secondary) as well as tertiary shear bands. Quantitatively, the shear band density in the relaxed alloy was much lower than that in the as-cast alloy. The annihilation of free volume caused by the annealing was responsible for the embrittlement of the sample with structure relaxation.


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Schools in England are being urged to personalize the curriculum and make school experiences more responsive to all students. We report on an evaluation project which investigated innovation in teaching and learning in a successful secondary school in the north of England. Data were gathered from a sample of teaching staff, a questionnaire to all students, lesson and meeting observations, and meetings with the governing body and parents: the student-guided evaluation canvassed recent and planned changes to the structure and experience of teaching and learning. This article illuminates how one school is breaking the ‘traditional schooling rules’ that limit improvement and how in doing so it is developing new insights about the nature and process of improvement. We show how staff and students have been engaged in the change process, and focus in particular on analysing the interplay between improvement as a plan, a practice and a lived experience.


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Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) was used to investigate correlations between the molecular changes and postcuring reaction on the surface of a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A and diglycidylether of bisphenol F based epoxy resin cured with two different amine-based hardeners. The aim of this work was to present a proof of concept that ToF-SIMS has the ability to provide information regarding the reaction steps, path, and mechanism for organic reactions in general and for epoxy resin curing and postcuring reactions in particular. Contact-angle measurements were taken for the cured and postcured epoxy resins to correlate changes in the surface energy with the molecular structure of the surface. Principal components analysis (PCA) of the ToFSIMS positive spectra explained the variance in the molecular information, which was related to the resin curing and postcuring reactions with different hardeners and to the surface energy values. The first principal component captured information related to the chemical phenomena of the curing reaction path, branching, and network density based on changes in the relative ion density of the aliphatic hydrocarbon and the C7H7O+ positive ions. The second principal component captured information related to the difference in the surface energy, which was correlated to the difference in the relative intensity of the CxHyNz+ ions of the samples. PCA of the negative spectra provided insight into the extent of consumption of the hardener molecules in the curing and postcuring reactions of both systems based on the relative ion intensity of the nitrogen-containing negative ions and showed molecular correlations with the sample surface energy.


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Objective To examine associations between parenting styles, family structure and aspects of adolescent dietary behaviour.

Cross-sectional study.

Secondary schools in the East Midlands, UK.

Subjects Adolescents aged 12–16 years (n 328, 57 % boys) completed an FFQ assessing their consumption of fruit, vegetables, unhealthy snacks and breakfast. Adolescents provided information on parental and sibling status and completed a seventeen-item instrument measuring the general parenting style dimensions of involvement and strictness, from which four styles were derived: indulgent, neglectful, authoritarian, authoritative.

After controlling for adolescent gender and age, analysis of covariance revealed no significant interactions between parenting style and family structure variables for any of the dietary behaviours assessed. Significant main effects for family structure were observed only for breakfast consumption, with adolescents from dual-parent families (P < 0·01) and those with no brothers (P < 0·05) eating breakfast on more days per week than those from single-parent families and those with one or more brother, respectively. Significant main effects for parenting style were observed for all dietary behaviours apart from vegetable consumption. Adolescents who described their parents as authoritative ate more fruit per day, fewer unhealthy snacks per day, and ate breakfast on more days per week than those who described their parents as neglectful.

The positive associations between authoritative parenting style and adolescent dietary behaviour transcend family structure. Future research should be food-specific and assess the efficacy of strategies promoting the central attributes of an authoritative parenting style on the dietary behaviours of adolescents from a variety of family structures.