868 resultados para rhetoric and philosophy


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes, 2015.


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Persigo aqui o objetivo de contribuir à recuperação da interlocução entre Nietzsche e a tradição dialética. A despeito da ideia de registros teóricos incompatíveis, procuro sublinhar as preocupações comuns e o possível benefício recíproco nessa interlocução. A diretriz fundamental consiste na visualização da capacidade de a linguagem se tensionar entre a mediação simbólica das formas de vida e a expressividade das vivências singularizadas. Primeiramente, proponho uma interpretação das reflexões de Nietzsche sobre a linguagem no sentido de detectar aí uma instigante polarização entre conceito e intuição (1). Em seguida, mostro como Adorno desenvolve esse tema no sentido de uma concepção dialética de linguagem (2). Finalmente, apoiando-me em Hegel e Gadamer, gostaria de indicar como a tradição dialética logra responder ao desafio nietzschiano do inacabamento do sentido poético (3). ______________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEM


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Frames of Sky from Earth is a a multimedia project on the intersections between art, astronomy and architecture. With a strong visual narrative, Frames of Sky from Earth clearly unfolds its transdisciplinary content ranging from astronomical concepts to architecture and art history, educating the viewer on a tour of the most remarkable examples of "the architecture of cosmology."

Sun Farm is the first video of the series Frames of Sky from Earth: a multidisciplinary project about 120 miles north of New York City, Sun Farm is an experiential place and built vision, multidisciplinary and multimedia project encompassing several thought processes, theories, disciplines as well as several "practices" of making. Drawing from cosmology, observational astronomy and philosophy, Sun Farm consists of excavated earthworks, large scale environments as well as above ground constructions. The shaping of the landscape and structures is oriented to solar and celestial alignments, in a dual effort to capture the sun's energy and to celebrate the cosmos.

The video series will be accompanied by the book Sky & Earth


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In this paper, I take inspiration from some themes in Ann Murphy’s recent book, Violence and the Philosophical Imaginary, especially her argument that philosophy’s identity and relation to itself depends on an intimate relationship with that which is designated as not itself (e.g. other academic disciplines and non-philosophy in general), the latter of which is a potential source of shame that calls for some form of response. I argue that this shame is particularly acute in regard to the natural sciences, which have gone on in various ways to distance themselves from their progenitor discipline and to achieve both agreement and technical progress in a way that could never be said of philosophy. I trace out some of the reactions to this shame that have dominated in the twentieth century and been a factor in the so-called analytic-continental ‘divide’. The options here are many and varied, but they range from cannibalism (philosophy as queen of the sciences, thus conferring some of the prestige of science upon the philosophy, which alone can unite or ground the various ontic sciences), scientific naturalism (the philosopher defers to the sciences, and most forms of meta-philosophy are rejected as an outmoded remnant of first philosophy), or some kind of irenic separatism about methods or domains such that science and philosophy do not encroach upon the territory of each other. My aims here are mainly diagnostic, but I will indicate where I think that certain responses to this shame are unproductive and unhelpful, with divergent weaknesses associated with the traditions that have come to be labelled ‘analytic’ and ‘continental’ respectively. My tacit suggestion, then, is that philosophy needs to become post-analytic and meta-continental, but I will also briefly criticize some recent efforts to do precisely this in what is sometimes called the ‘scientific turn’ in contemporary continental (or post-continental) philosophy.


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This paper examines the seemingly unlikely rapport between the ‘Christian existentialist’, radically Protestant thinker, Søren Kierkegaard and French classicist and historian of philosophy, Pierre Hadot, famous for advocating a return to the ancient pagan sense of philosophy as a way of life. Despite decisive differences we stress in our concluding remarks, we argue that the conception of philosophy in Hadot as a way of life shares decisive features with Kierkegaard’s understanding of the true ‘religious’ life: as something demanding existential engagement from its proponent, as well as the learning or recitation of accepted doctrines. The mediating figure between the two authors, the paper agrees with Irina (2012), is Socrates and his famous irony. In order to appreciate Kierkegaard’s rapport with Hadot, then (and in contrast to Gregor, who has also treated the two figures) we first of all consider Hadot’s treatment of the enigmatic ‘old wise man’ who remains central to Kierkegaard’s entire authorship. (Part 1) However, to highlight Hadot’s Socratic proximity to Kierkegaard (in contrast to Irina), we set up Hadot’s Socrates against the contrasting portrait readers can find in John M. Cooper’s recent work on Socrates and philosophy as a way of life. Part II of the essay turns back from Hadot’s and Kierkegaard’s Socrates towards Hadot’s own work, and argues—again moving beyond both Gregor and Irina’s works on Hadot and Kierkegaard—that the shape of Hadot’s ‘authorship’, including his remarkably classical style, can be understood by way of Kierkegaard’s notion of indirect communication. In our concluding remarks, in the spirit of Kierkegaard, we pinpoint the fundamental difference between the two thinkers, arguing that for Hadot in contrast to Kierkegaard, a stress on existential commitment in no way speaks against the philosophical defence of a form of rational universalism. Reading Hadot via Kierkegaard allows us to appreciate Hadot’s novelty as attempting to ‘squaring the circle’ between an emphasis on subjectivity and, as it were, the subjective dimensions of philosophers’ pursuit of rational universality.


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Ce mémoire en recherche création est divisé en deux principales sections : un recueil de poésie et un essai. Le recueil, intitulé Le Cœur est une permanence, explore différentes interprétations du phénomène d’empathie dans la création littéraire. Afin que l’empathie devienne l’objet du discours, ce dernier est centré sur la relation à l’autre. L’empathie prend vie à travers deux entités, un « je » et un « tu ». Alors que le « je » entre en contact avec ses propres zones d’ombres, il s’ouvre tranquillement aux souffrances du « tu ». Au fil des poèmes, le « je » et le « tu » apaisent leur douleur en la partageant, faisant de l’empathie une voie d’accès à l’intimité. Ce déploiement de l’intime prend forme en trois temps : les sections replis de voix, point archimédien et ensembles vides. Le recueil accorde une importance particulière à la figure du corps comme véhicule de la souffrance. Il propose une réflexion sur l’amour, balançant entre naufrage et terre promise, et fait de l’enfance une pierre de touche pour interroger la douleur. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire est un essai intitulé Empathie et souffrance dans Tête première / Dos / Contre dos de Martine Audet. Divisé en trois chapitres, cet essai étudie l’empathie à l’œuvre dans le recueil de Audet, selon une approche bioculturelle. Il allie interprétation littéraire, sciences cognitives de deuxième génération et philosophie de l’esprit. Dans le premier chapitre, le concept de « simulation incarné », développé par Vittorio Gallese, permet d’interpréter la figure du corps et de suggérer qu’elle véhicule la douleur tout en étant la manifestation d’un effacement identitaire. Le deuxième chapitre se penche sur l’intersubjectivité en lien avec l’empathie. Il intègre certaines notions clés de la phénoménologie husserlienne afin d’analyser les manifestations du lien empathique unissant les deux présences parcourant le recueil de Audet. Le dernier chapitre explique comment les représentations de l’environnement dans lequel évoluent ces présences peuvent refléter leur souffrance. Pour ce faire, certains concepts liés à l’environnement, particulièrement importants pour l’écocritique actuelle, sont analysés dans Tête première / Dos / Contre dos, comme ceux de place et de nature. Ces derniers, étant construits par les perceptions propres à la cognition humaine, sont envisagés d’un point de vue bioculturel. En interprétant ces trois principaux aspects du texte (figure du corps, intersubjectivité et environnement), l’hypothèse selon laquelle la perception de la souffrance dans Tête première / Dos / Contre dos repose essentiellement sur l’empathie comme effet et objet du discours s’en voit validée.


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The popularization of academic spaces that combine Buddhist philosophy with the literature of the Romantic period – a discipline I refer to as Buddhist Romantic Studies – have exposed the lack of scholarly attention Samuel Taylor Coleridge and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner have received within such studies. Validating Coleridge’s right to exist within Buddhist Romantic spheres, my thesis argues that Coleridge was cognizant of Buddhism through historical and textual encounters. To create a space for The Rime within Buddhist Romantic Studies, my thesis provides an interpretation of the poem that centers on the concept of prajna, or wisdom, as a vital tool for cultivating the mind. Focusing on prajna, I argue that the Mariner’s didactic story traces his cognitive voyage from ignorance to enlightenment. By examining The Rime within the framework of Buddhism, readers will also be able to grasp the importance of cultivating the mind and transcending ignorance.


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In the frame of the Ukrainian crisis the question of spheres of influence has returned to political discourse. This may be an awkward subject, but what if we only deny the existence of such power constellations as spheres of influence? Do spheres of influence exist, or are they relics of history, and mere rhetoric? And if they exist, where can we find them? The hypothesis in this article is that instead of being a tangible reality, spheres of influence are obscure and contested political constructions, which nevertheless can have an impact on political behaviour. To demonstrate this, the article will first introduce a few examples of the current use of the concept. Secondly, a few remarks follow concerning the different IR schools of thought, and conceptual history as a method. Next, the article turns to discussing a few dictionaries and the empirical material for the present inquiry, which consists of recent textbooks, i.e. the current political science curriculum in one particular university, at the University of Tampere, Finland. More empirical cases deal with the division of Africa, the post-WWII situation, and the Hungarian revolution of 1956.


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Ce mémoire en recherche création est divisé en deux principales sections : un recueil de poésie et un essai. Le recueil, intitulé Le Cœur est une permanence, explore différentes interprétations du phénomène d’empathie dans la création littéraire. Afin que l’empathie devienne l’objet du discours, ce dernier est centré sur la relation à l’autre. L’empathie prend vie à travers deux entités, un « je » et un « tu ». Alors que le « je » entre en contact avec ses propres zones d’ombres, il s’ouvre tranquillement aux souffrances du « tu ». Au fil des poèmes, le « je » et le « tu » apaisent leur douleur en la partageant, faisant de l’empathie une voie d’accès à l’intimité. Ce déploiement de l’intime prend forme en trois temps : les sections replis de voix, point archimédien et ensembles vides. Le recueil accorde une importance particulière à la figure du corps comme véhicule de la souffrance. Il propose une réflexion sur l’amour, balançant entre naufrage et terre promise, et fait de l’enfance une pierre de touche pour interroger la douleur. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire est un essai intitulé Empathie et souffrance dans Tête première / Dos / Contre dos de Martine Audet. Divisé en trois chapitres, cet essai étudie l’empathie à l’œuvre dans le recueil de Audet, selon une approche bioculturelle. Il allie interprétation littéraire, sciences cognitives de deuxième génération et philosophie de l’esprit. Dans le premier chapitre, le concept de « simulation incarné », développé par Vittorio Gallese, permet d’interpréter la figure du corps et de suggérer qu’elle véhicule la douleur tout en étant la manifestation d’un effacement identitaire. Le deuxième chapitre se penche sur l’intersubjectivité en lien avec l’empathie. Il intègre certaines notions clés de la phénoménologie husserlienne afin d’analyser les manifestations du lien empathique unissant les deux présences parcourant le recueil de Audet. Le dernier chapitre explique comment les représentations de l’environnement dans lequel évoluent ces présences peuvent refléter leur souffrance. Pour ce faire, certains concepts liés à l’environnement, particulièrement importants pour l’écocritique actuelle, sont analysés dans Tête première / Dos / Contre dos, comme ceux de place et de nature. Ces derniers, étant construits par les perceptions propres à la cognition humaine, sont envisagés d’un point de vue bioculturel. En interprétant ces trois principaux aspects du texte (figure du corps, intersubjectivité et environnement), l’hypothèse selon laquelle la perception de la souffrance dans Tête première / Dos / Contre dos repose essentiellement sur l’empathie comme effet et objet du discours s’en voit validée.


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Hur kan lärare på bästa sätt möta elever med religiös positionering i religionskunskapsklassrummet?  Hur kan undervisningen utformas för att ge religiösa traditioner en framställning som elever med religiös positionering kan acceptera, relatera till och kanske också lära nytt av? Den här religionsdidaktiska studien handlar om hur elever som positionerar sig inom muslimsk, kristen, buddhistisk och judisk tradition talar om skolans religionskunskapsundervisning. Studien berör tre teman. För det första undersöks mötet mellan undervisningsinnehåll och elevernas erfarenheter av sin egen religiösa tradition och tro. För det andra riktas uppmärksamheten mot hur eleverna talar om sina erfarenheter av att vara eller att förväntas vara representant för sin egen tradition i undervisningen. Ett tredje tema handlar om hur eleverna beskriver ramar och förutsättningar för religionskunskapsundervisningen. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys. Resultaten visar bland annat att eleverna har svårt att känna igen och relatera till sin egen tradition i undervisningen. De befarar att undervisningen snarare förstärker än dekonstruerar stereotypa föreställningar om religion och religiöst liv. 


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Joint Action: Essays in honour of John Shotter brings together a cross-disciplinary group of fifteen respected international scholars to explain the relevance of John Shotter’s work to emerging concerns in twenty-first century social science.Shotter’s work extends over forty years and continues to challenge conventional scientific thinking across a range of topics. The disciplines and practices that Shotter’s work has informed are well established throughout the English-speaking world. This is the first publication to examine the importance of his influence in contemporary social sciences and it includes authoritative discussions on topics such as social constructionism, democratic practice, organisational change, the affective turn and human relations. The geographical diversity and disciplinary breadth of scholarly contributions imbues the book with international scope and reach.Joint Action presents a contemporary reflection on Shotter’s work that demonstrates its influence across a range of substantive topics and practical endeavours and within disciplines including management studies and philosophy as well as psychology. As such, it will appeal to researchers and postgraduate students of social sciences and related disciplines, as well as to those who have heard of Shotter’s work and want to know more about its utility and value in relation to their own research or practice.


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En el presente ensayo se analiza el pensamiento de tres autores considerados grandes representantes de la teología y de la filosofía latinoamericana de la liberación.


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My thesis presents an examination of Ce que c'est que la France toute Catholique (1686) by Pierre Bayle, a prominent figure in the Republic of Letters and the Huguenot Refuge in the seventeenth century. This pamphlet was the first occasional text that Bayle published following the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in which the religious toleration afforded to the Huguenot minority in France was repealed, a pivotal moment in the history of early modern France. In my thesis, I analyse the specific context within which Bayle wrote this pamphlet as a means of addressing a number of issues, including the legitimacy of forced conversions, the impact of the religious controversy upon exchanges in the Republic of Letters, the nature of religious zeal and finally the alliance of Church and state discourses in the early modern period. An examination of this context provides a basis from which to re-interpret the rhetorical strategies at work within the pamphlet, and also to come to an increased understanding of how, why and to what end he wrote it. In turn this allowed me to examine the relationship between this often overlooked pamphlet and the more extensively studied Commentaire Philosophique, in which Bayle argued in favour of religious toleration. Ultimately, understanding the relationship between these two texts proves essential in order to characterise his response to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes and to understand the place of the pamphlet within his oeuvre. Furthermore, an analysis of the pamphlet and the Commentaire Philosophique provide a lens through which to elucidate both Bayle's intellectual development at this early stage in his career, and also the wider context of the rise of toleration theory and the evolution of modes of civility within the Republic of Letters on the eve of the Enlightenment.