937 resultados para repository positioning


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The objective of this work is to present a multitechnique approach to define the geometry, the kinematics, and the failure mechanism of a retrogressive large landslide (upper part of the La Valette landslide, South French Alps) by the combination of airborne and terrestrial laser scanning data and ground-based seismic tomography data. The advantage of combining different methods is to constrain the geometrical and failure mechanism models by integrating different sources of information. Because of an important point density at the ground surface (4. 1 points m?2), a small laser footprint (0.09 m) and an accurate three-dimensional positioning (0.07 m), airborne laser scanning data are adapted as a source of information to analyze morphological structures at the surface. Seismic tomography surveys (P-wave and S-wave velocities) may highlight the presence of low-seismic-velocity zones that characterize the presence of dense fracture networks at the subsurface. The surface displacements measured from the terrestrial laser scanning data over a period of 2 years (May 2008?May 2010) allow one to quantify the landslide activity at the direct vicinity of the identified discontinuities. An important subsidence of the crown area with an average subsidence rate of 3.07 m?year?1 is determined. The displacement directions indicate that the retrogression is controlled structurally by the preexisting discontinuities. A conceptual structural model is proposed to explain the failure mechanism and the retrogressive evolution of the main scarp. Uphill, the crown area is affected by planar sliding included in a deeper wedge failure system constrained by two preexisting fractures. Downhill, the landslide body acts as a buttress for the upper part. Consequently, the progression of the landslide body downhill allows the development of dip-slope failures, and coherent blocks start sliding along planar discontinuities. The volume of the failed mass in the crown area is estimated at 500,000 m3 with the sloping local base level method.


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Aquest projecte estudia la implantació d’un sistema de posicionament a l’interior d’un edifici que compti amb una xarxa WiMAX. Per començar, s’analitzaran les característiques principals d’aquesta tecnología, la configuració de la xarxa amb la que treballarem i s’explicaran els mètodes de posicionament existents avui en dia. Més endavant s’estudiaran els aspectes més importants de la nostra aplicació: l’escenari, l’estimació de la distancia i l’estimació de la posició. Finalment, després d’analitzar els resultats de diverses mesures, es dissenyaran tres mètodes pel càlcul de la posició i s’aplicarà el nostre procediment en més de 15 escenaris de posicionament diferents, amb l’objectiu de comparar els resultats i definir quin dels mètodes aconsegueix un posicionament més precís.


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New blood vessel formation, a process referred to as angiogenesis, is essential for embryonic development and for many physiological and pathological processes during postnatal life, including cancer progression. Endothelial cell adhesion molecules of the integrin family have emerged as critical mediators and regulators of angiogenesis and vascular homeostasis. Integrins provide the physical interaction with the extracellular matrix necessary for cell adhesion, migration and positioning, and induction of signaling events essential for cell survival, proliferation and differentiation. Antagonists of integrin alpha V beta 3 suppress angiogenesis in many experimental models and are currently tested in clinical trials for their therapeutic efficacy against angiogenesis-dependent diseases, including cancer. Furthermore, interfering with signaling pathways downstream of integrins results in suppression of angiogenesis and may have relevant therapeutic implications. In this article we review the role of integrins in endothelial cell function and angiogenesis. In the light of recent advances in the field, we will discuss their relevance as a therapeutic target to suppress tumor angiogenesis.


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OdACAV és un banc electrònic d’objectes d’aprenentatge (OdA) que te com a finalitat principal servir als docents de les assignatures troncals dels Estudis de Comunicació Audiovisual (CAV) de la UB (obert també a altres universitats catalanes) implicats o que es vulguin implicar en la innovació docent i pretén facilitar i potenciar la documentació per a la investigació i la recerca a l’entorn del paper innovador dels OdA digitals; així com la patrimonialització dels mateixos. Què és i que no és un OdA de CAV? És tot allò que serveix en un procés d'ensinistrament, d'aprenentatge, de formació - que en els cas que ens ocupa, es tradueix en una col·lecció d'imatges fixes, en un hipertext, en una hipermèdia, un vídeo, etc.-, i la missió dels quals és suscitar l’interès i l'aprofitament en el transvasament dels continguts de les assignatures dels estudis actuals (de la Llicenciatura) i futurs (del Grau) de Comunicació Audiovisual. El projecte sorgeix com a necessitat orgànica de la mateixa naturalesa de l'ensenyament de Comunicació Audiovisual, on en el pla dels continguts els exemples, els referents, els models no són encara prou desenvolupats i costa molt disposar d'OdAs suficientment competents. Les fonts documentals del cinema, de la televisió i dels mitjans en general són la base sobre la que s’han bastit els OdA de la base de dades del web http://www.lmi.ub.es/repositori/ amb l’esperança que resultin adequats a la innovació en els Estudis de Comunicació Audiovisual. És, doncs, un repositori de condició cooperativa, dinàmic i flexible; amb esperit blog/wiki, els objectius del qual són: la creació d'un sistema de dipositació dels OdA; l'establiment d'un sistema de recuperació dels mateixos; la implantació de fluxos d'entrada i sortida; la consolidació d'un observatori d'investigació i de recerca sobre la innovació dels OdA en els entorns i els sistemes educatius actuals; l’articulació de possibles accions patrimonials al voltant de la creació i preservació d’aquests.


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El desenvolupament del projecte ens ha permès de crear materials per a l´aprenentatge autònom de la interpretació de conferències així com d´un material d´acompanyament i suport del procés d´aprenentatge no presencial. Aquests materials s´integren en les assignatures d´interpretació del Grau en Traducció i Interpretació i serveixen perquè els estudiants continuïn fent un treball guiat fora de l´aula. Es pot considerar també un material de suport a les classes presencials. Els materials desenvolupats cobreixen les cinc llengües dels nostres estudis (català, castellà, anglès, alemany i francès) i estan organitzats en dos blocs diferenciats: itineraris d´aprenentatge i banc de discursos. Aquesta divisió permet a l´estudiant treballar seguint dues opcions diferenciades: a) a partir d´una seqüenciació guiada de tasques; b) abordant directament la interpretació d´un discurs oral. El projecte s'ha dut a terme entre les universitats Pompeu Fabra i Autònoma de Barcelona, durant el període 2007- 2009.


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Vascular integrins are essential regulators and mediators of physiological and pathological angiogenesis, including tumor angiogenesis. Integrins provide the physical interaction with the extracellular matrix (ECM) necessary for cell adhesion, migration and positioning, and induce signaling events essential for cell survival, proliferation and differentiation. Integrins preferentially expressed on neovascular endothelial cells, such as alphaVbeta3 and alpha5beta1, are considered as relevant targets for anti-angiogenic therapies. Anti-integrin antibodies and small molecular integrin inhibitors suppress angiogenesis and tumor progression in many animal models, and are currently tested in clinical trials as anti-angiogenic agents. Cyclooxygense-2 (COX-2), a key enzyme in the synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxans, is highly up-regulated in tumor cells, stromal cells and angiogenic endothelial cells during tumor progression. Recent experiments have demonstrated that COX-2 promotes tumor angiogenesis. Chronic intake of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and COX-2 inhibitors significantly reduces the risk of cancer development, and this effect may be due, at least in part, to the inhibition of tumor angiogenesis. Endothelial cell COX-2 promotes integrin alphaVbeta3-mediated endothelial cell adhesion, spreading, migration and angiogenesis through the prostaglandin-cAMP-PKA-dependent activation of the small GTPase Rac. In this article, we review the role of integrins and COX-2 in angiogenesis, their cross talk, and discuss implications relevant to their targeting to suppress tumor angiogenesis.


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Aquest projecte consisteix en la realització d'un entorn gràfic que serveixi per generar SoCs basats en el processador soft-core OpenRISC. Aquest entorn permetrà afegir diferents components de manera dinàmica a un repositori d’IPs, mostrar i sel·leccionar qualsevol component disponible dins d’aquest repositori, amb la finalitat d’unir-los al bus del sistema i fer-los accessibles al processador OpenRISC. L’entorn també mostrarà en tot moment com va evolucionant el nostre SoC, guardarà cadascún dels projectes que es realitzen amb aquest entorn i finalment permetrà generar el SoC dissenyat.


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BACKGROUND: In mammals, ChIP-seq studies of RNA polymerase II (PolII) occupancy have been performed to reveal how recruitment, initiation and pausing of PolII may control transcription rates, but the focus is rarely on obtaining finely resolved profiles that can portray the progression of PolII through sequential promoter states. RESULTS: Here, we analyze PolII binding profiles from high-coverage ChIP-seq on promoters of actively transcribed genes in mouse and humans. We show that the enrichment of PolII near transcription start sites exhibits a stereotypical bimodal structure, with one peak near active transcription start sites and a second peak 110 base pairs downstream from the first. Using an empirical model that reliably quantifies the spatial PolII signal, gene by gene, we show that the first PolII peak allows for refined positioning of transcription start sites, which is corroborated by mRNA sequencing. This bimodal signature is found both in mouse and humans. Analysis of the pausing-related factors NELF and DSIF suggests that the downstream peak reflects widespread pausing at the +1 nucleosome barrier. Several features of the bimodal pattern are correlated with sequence features such as CpG content and TATA boxes, as well as the histone mark H3K4me3. CONCLUSIONS: We thus show how high coverage DNA sequencing experiments can reveal as-yet unnoticed bimodal spatial features of PolII accumulation that are frequent at individual mammalian genes and reminiscent of transcription initiation and pausing. The initiation-pausing hypothesis is corroborated by evidence from run-on sequencing and immunoprecipitation in other cell types and species.


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This paper presents value added estimates for the Italian regions, in benchmark years from 1891 until 1951, which are linked to those from official figures available from 1971 in order to offer a long-term picture. Sources and methodology are documented and discussed, whilst regional activity rates and productivity are also presented and compared. Thus some questions are briefly reconsidered: the origins and extent of the north-south divide, the role of migration and regional policy in shaping the pattern of regional inequality, the importance of social capital, and the positioning of Italy in the international debate on regional convergence, where it stands out for the long run persistence of its disparities.


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Els sistemes automatitzats que requereixen d’un control d’estabilitat o moviment es poden trobar cada cop en més àmbits. Aplicacions UAV o de posicionament global són les més comunes per aquest tipus de sistemes, degut a que necessiten d’un control de moviment molt precís. Per a dur a terme aquest procés s’utilitzen unitats de mesura inercial, que mitjançant acceleròmetres i giroscopis degudament posicionats, a més a més d’una correcció del possible error que puguin introduir aquests últims, proporcionen una acceleració i una velocitat angular de les quals es pot extreure el camí efectuat per aquestes unitats. La IMU, combinada amb un GPS i mitjançant un filtre de Kalman, proporcionen una major exactitud , a més d’un punt de partida (proporcionat per el GPS), un recorregut representable en un mapa y, en el cas de perdre la senyal GPS, poder seguir adquirint dades de la IMU. Aquestes dades poden ser recollides i processades per una FPGA, que a la vegada podem sincronitzar amb una PDA per a que l’usuari pugui veure representat el moviment del sistema. Aquest treball es centra en el funcionament de la IMU i l’adquisició de dades amb la FPGA. També introdueix el filtre de Kalman per a la correcció de l’error dels sensors.


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Purpose Third generation anatomic total shoulder prostheses offer a wide range of adaptability (size, thickness, retroversion and offset of the humeral head, cervico-diaphyseal angle) in order to reproduce anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder as normal as possible. The large variability of the implants may also induce malposition. Our goal was to analyse the consequences of a humeral head malposition, which is one of the most frequent placement errors. Material and Methods A 3D finite element model of the glenohumeral joint, including the rotator cuff muscles and the deltoid, was used with the Aequalis anatomic prosthesis. Active abduction was simulated. Three humeral head placements were compared : anatomic positioning (A), 5 mm inferior positioning (B), 5 mm superior positioning (C). The effect of humeral head malposition was evaluated through the following quantities : the range of motion free of impingements, the glenohumeral contact pattern, and the stress within the polyethylene and the cement. Results Inferior positioning (B) of the humeral head produced a superior impingement before 90° of abduction, an inferior eccentric contact point on the glenoid, and 165% increase of cement stress. Superior positioning (C) of the humeral head produced a postero-superior eccentric contact point on the glenoid, 300% increase of glenohumeral contact pressure, 450% increase of polyethylene stress, and 207% increase of cement stress. Conclusion Malposition of the humeral head of anatomic prostheses induces biomechanical consequences that may preclude the glenoid survival. Particular attention must be paid to reproduce the humeral anatomy as normal as possible.


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The trans-apical aortic valve implantation (TA-AVI) is an established technique for high-risk patients requiring aortic valve replacement. Traditionally, preoperative (computed tomography (CT) scan, coronary angiogram) and intra-operative imaging (fluoroscopy) for stent-valve positioning and implantation require contrast medium injections. To preserve the renal function in elderly patients suffering from chronic renal insufficiency, a fully echo-guided trans-catheter valve implantation seems to be a reasonable alternative. We report the first successful TA-AVI procedure performed solely under trans-oesophageal echocardiogram control, in the absence of contrast medium injections.


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In the recent years most libraries have focused on mass digitization programs and keeping electronic born documents, showing and organizing them in a repository. While those repositories have evolved to a much more manageable systems focusing on the user expectations and introducing web 2.0 tools, digital preservation is still in the to-do list of most of them. There is quite a lot of studies focused on preservation and some complex models exist, unfortunately, very few practical systems are running and its quite difficult for a library to get involved in a solution already tested by others. The CBUC (Consortium of University Catalan Libraries) runs TDX, an ETD repository now keeping more than 10.000 full text thesis from any of the 12 university members. After 10 years running TDX a solid preservation system was needed to ensure every thesis would be kept as it was regardless what happens to the repository. The perfect solution was found in the MetaArchive cooperative, this is the effort of many insitutions to keep a copy of each other content through a newtwork using the LOCKSS software as a mechanism to keep track of any change. The presentation will shortly introduce what TDX and MetaArchive is but will, in a practical way, show how the LOCKSS network for presrervation works. Finally a summary of the benefits of the overall experience will be shown.


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La gestion des risques est souvent appréhendée par l'utilisation de méthodes linéaires mettant l'accent sur des raisonnements de positionnement et de type causal : à tel événement correspond tel risque et telle conséquence. Une prise en compte des interrelations entre risques est souvent occultée et les risques sont rarement analysés dans leurs dynamiques et composantes non linéaires. Ce travail présente ce que les méthodes systémiques et notamment l'étude des systèmes complexes sont susceptibles d'apporter en matière de compréhension, de management et d'anticipation et de gestion des risques d'entreprise, tant sur le plan conceptuel que de matière appliquée. En partant des définitions relatives aux notions de systèmes et de risques dans différents domaines, ainsi que des méthodes qui sont utilisées pour maîtriser les risques, ce travail confronte cet ensemble à ce qu'apportent les approches d'analyse systémique et de modélisation des systèmes complexes. En mettant en évidence les effets parfois réducteurs des méthodes de prise en compte des risques en entreprise ainsi que les limitations des univers de risques dues, notamment, à des définitions mal adaptées, ce travail propose également, pour la Direction d'entreprise, une palette des outils et approches différentes, qui tiennent mieux compte de la complexité, pour gérer les risques, pour aligner stratégie et management des risques, ainsi que des méthodes d'analyse du niveau de maturité de l'entreprise en matière de gestion des risques. - Risk management is often assessed through linear methods which stress positioning and causal logical frameworks: to such events correspond such consequences and such risks accordingly. Consideration of the interrelationships between risks is often overlooked and risks are rarely analyzed in their dynamic and nonlinear components. This work shows what systemic methods, including the study of complex systems, are likely to bring to knowledge, management, anticipation of business risks, both on the conceptual and the practical sides. Based on the definitions of systems and risks in various areas, as well as methods used to manage risk, this work confronts these concepts with approaches of complex systems analysis and modeling. This work highlights the reducing effects of some business risk analysis methods as well as limitations of risk universes caused in particular by unsuitable definitions. As a result this work also provides chief officers with a range of different tools and approaches which allows them a better understanding of complexity and as such a gain in efficiency in their risk management practices. It results in a better fit between strategy and risk management. Ultimately the firm gains in its maturity of risk management.