995 resultados para religiões afro-brasileiras
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O atletismo, no Brasil, é um esporte pouco divulgado nas aulas de Educação Física. Vários são os motivos apontados para que isso ocorra: falta de material, deficiência de infraestrutura, falta de interesse dos alunos e ausência de um caráter lúdico no ensino das provas. Entretanto, o GEPPA, Grupo de Estudos Pedagógicos e Pesquisa em Atletismo, por meio da pesquisa e extensão universitária, tem se dedicado à difusão e estudo das inúmeras possibilidades de adequação e criação de oportunidades que envolvem seu ensino. Partindo dessa ideia, o grupo desenvolve o Projeto de Extensão Atletismo para Crianças e Jovens na cidade de Rio Claro, que tem, justamente, o intuito de divulgar o atletismo e proporcionar às crianças e jovens da comunidade um contato com essa modalidade esportiva. Constatando-se a eficácia desse Projeto de Extensão, desenvolvido na Unesp-RC, este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem como objetivo: promover a pesquisa em torno do atletismo, a fim de evidenciar o panorama da extensão de atletismo no ambiente universitário brasileiro. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi desenvolvida uma revisão de literatura que em um primeiro momento abordará os principais problemas que cercam o ensino do atletismo, apontando o papel do profissional de Educação Física no seu ensino; aspectos relacionados à extensão universitária brasileira e à sua relação com o ensino e à pesquisa. Além disso, será realizada uma pesquisa exploratória na internet, em busca de materiais que poderão evidenciar a existência de projetos de extensão de atletismo oferecidos à comunidade, que serão descritos no trabalho a partir das informações coletadas. Com base nos resultados dessa pesquisa esperamos concentrar informações referentes a projetos destinados ao ensino do atletismo no Brasil, tomando como ponto de partida que esse tipo de trabalho de extensão universitária é importantíssimo para a difusão...
The choice Brazilian african study theme in the general education, and particularly in physical education has not advanced as to be themed with the subject matter. Even open to this issue, in 2003 a law was passed introducing an obligation of racial ethnic correlations in Brazil. Law 10.639, changed the LDB (Guidelines and Framework Act, 1996) and establishing the obligation both in elementary school as high school, public and private, the teaching of history and African Culture and African Brazilian. As the main objective of disseminating the importance of valuing the African culture and its legacy, expanding the looks and the knowledge about the culture and history of a people who often are discriminated against and excluded by society. The questions that arise are the following: The physical education teacher know that prerogative? Incorporates the Brazilian african discussion in their classes? Discusses with students these subjects related to corporal practices? Have difficulty in dealing with this issue? What? Thus the aim of this study was to detect whether and how a group of physical education teachers is the Brazilian african theme in their classes, for the fulfillment of the Law 10.639 / 03. The methodology of this study was qualitative descriptive type. Were used for data collection semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation. The data obtained through interviews with teachers were transcribed, reviewed and classified according to the content analysis. It is concluded that the racial ethnic theme is not systematically addressed in physical education classes when they are treated, is superficially when proposed by the curriculum of
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente estudo visa analisar e caracterizar a evolução das relações comerciais estabelecidas entre Brasil e China no período recente. O interesse pelo tema se deve ao fato de que, ao longo da última década, assistiu-se ao deslocamento do centro de gravidade da economia global do Atlântico para o Pacífico, como resultado da rápida ascensão da China. Em apenas uma década, o país asiático tornou-se o principal parceiro comercial do Brasil, suplantando uma longa hegemonia norte-americana em nosso comércio internacional
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study had the aim of verify the perception of women and pregnant women about the HIV vertical transmission. It was approved by the Ethical Review Board. A semistructured questionnaire, pretested, was used, with open and closed questions which presented variables about socioeconomiccultural status and HIV vertical transmission. After informed consent, 114 women were enrolled in the study, 72 of them pregnant women, who looked for health care on the public health service of a Brazilian city, at São Paulo State, from October, 2009 to January, 2010. None of the interviewed women knew the meaning of HIV vertical transmission term. When asked about HIV transmission from mother to child, 86.8% answered it could happen, but half of them didn’t know how it occurred and only 34.2% knew how to prevent, but in a deficient way. As conclusion, these women did not know the HIV vertical transmission term and when they had some knowledge this was limited. These results serve as support for a preventive program for conscientization of women about HIV vertical transmission.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Knowledge Management represents a new vision of management of organizations, since information and knowledge are the main factors of competitiveness, today, of individuals, organizations and nations. The university plays a key role alongside with government and industry in the generation of technological innovations that can help the society progress, and the University Library is an important disseminator of scientific information. The main challenges of organizations involved in Knowledge Management are concentrated in the management of cultural and behavioral changes of its human resources and in creating an environment conducive to create, use and share information and knowledge. Within this context the question arises: How do University Libraries in Brazil and Portugal employ people management and knowledge management in order to improve the quality of its services and the productivity of their institutions? To answer it we developed a descriptive-analytic research, using the method of comparative study, analyzing 69 organizations. According to the survey results, the people management issues were the worst assessed in relation to other aspects of Knowledge Management, showing a weak dissemination of these practices in the University Libraries of Brazil and Portugal and the great need for initiatives to help develop them.
The gender ethinicization and the nationality sexualization are aspects that have been discussed in the relationship between Spanish clients and Brazilian transvestites in the brisk sex business in Spain. Sometimes, in these sexual relationships, which are also business relationships, erotic aspects are associated with exoticism that is not related only to nationality or race, but also to new sexual experiences that are more exciting than those considered conventional practices. Hence, the connection between Brazil and the transgender body, made by some Spanish clients, makes sense only when considering the dense sexual grammar involved in those relationships. These signs were structured based on continual colonial attributions, which have been given fresh meaning by the new migration flow resulting from the broad spread of images and insertion of Brazil into the sexual tourism route. Aiming at fully discussing this proposal, this research is based on the queer theory and on other studies in the literature that focus on the poststructuralist and post-colonial sex market. These tools were used to analyze the data gathered in an ethnographic study carried out in São Paulo, Madrid, and Barcelona, as well as data collected from Spanish websites about sexual interest in transvestites