974 resultados para quadrature frequency conversion


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Part I: An approach to the total synthesis of the triterpene shionone is described, which proceeds through the tetracyclic ketone i. The shionone side chain has been attached to this key intermediate in 5 steps, affording the olefin 2 in 29% yield. A method for the stereo-specific introduction of the angular methyl group at C-5 of shionone has been developed on a model system. The attempted utilization of this method to convert olefin 2 into shionone is described.

Part II: A method has been developed for activating the C-9 and C-10 positions of estrogenic steroids for substitution. Estrone has been converted to 4β,5β-epoxy-10β-hydroxyestr-3-one; cleavage of this epoxyketone using an Eschenmoser procedure, and subsequent modification of the product afforded 4-seco-9-estren-3,5-dione 3-ethylene acetal. This versatile intermediate, suitable for substitution at the 9 and/or 10 position, was converted to androst-4-ene-3-one by known procedures.


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The surface resistance and the critical magnetic field of lead electroplated on copper were studied at 205 MHz in a half-wave coaxial resonator. The observed surface resistance at a low field level below 4.2°K could be well described by the BCS surface resistance with the addition of a temperature independent residual resistance. The available experimental data suggest that the major fraction of the residual resistance in the present experiment was due to the presence of an oxide layer on the surface. At higher magnetic field levels the surface resistance was found to be enhanced due to surface imperfections.

The attainable rf critical magnetic field between 2.2°K and T_c of lead was found to be limited not by the thermodynamic critical field but rather by the superheating field predicted by the one-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau theory. The observed rf critical field was very close to the expected superheating field, particularly in the higher reduced temperature range, but showed somewhat stronger temperature dependence than the expected superheating field in the lower reduced temperature range.

The rf critical magnetic field was also studied at 90 MHz for pure tin and indium, and for a series of SnIn and InBi alloys spanning both type I and type II superconductivity. The samples were spherical with typical diameters of 1-2 mm and a helical resonator was used to generate the rf magnetic field in the measurement. The results of pure samples of tin and indium showed that a vortex-like nucleation of the normal phase was responsible for the superconducting-to-normal phase transition in the rf field at temperatures up to about 0.98-0.99 T_c' where the ideal superheating limit was being reached. The results of the alloy samples showed that the attainable rf critical fields near T_c were well described by the superheating field predicted by the one-dimensional GL theory in both the type I and type II regimes. The measurement was also made at 300 MHz resulting in no significant change in the rf critical field. Thus it was inferred that the nucleation time of the normal phase, once the critical field was reached, was small compared with the rf period in this frequency range.


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Noise measurements from 140°K to 350°K ambient temperature and between 10kHz and 22MHz performed on a double injection silicon diode as a function of operating point indicate that the high frequency noise depends linearly on the ambient temperature T and on the differential conductance g measured at the same frequency. The noise is represented quantitatively by〈i^2〉 = α•4kTgΔf. A new interpretation demands Nyquist noise with α ≡ 1 in these devices at high frequencies. This is in accord with an equivalent circuit derived for the double injection process. The effects of diode geometry on the static I-V characteristic as well as on the ac properties are illustrated. Investigation of the temperature dependence of double injection yields measurements of the temperature variation of the common high-level lifetime τ(τ ∝ T^2), the hole conductivity mobility µ_p (µ_p ∝ T^(-2.18)) and the electron conductivity mobility µ_n(µ_n ∝ T^(-1.75)).


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A new method of frequency-shifting for a diode laser is realized. Using a sample-and-hold circuit, the error signal can be held by the circuit during frequency shifting. It can avoid the restraint of locking or even lock-losing caused by the servo circuit when we input a step-up voltage into piezoelectric transition (PZT) to achieve laser frequency-shifting.


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Based on the dressed-atom approach, we discuss a two-dimensional (2D) radio-frequency trap for neutral atoms, in which the trap potential derives from the magnetic-dipole transition among the hyperfine Zeeman sublevels. By adjusting the detuning of the radiation from resonance, the trapping states will be changed predominantly from the bare states Of m(FgF) > 0 to other states of m(FgF) < 0, where m(F) and g(F) are the quantum numbers of Zeeman sublevels and the Lande factor, respectively. This character contrasts finely with that, of a static magnetic, trap that can only trap or guide the states of m(FgF) > 0. In comparison to the optical field, the radio-frequency trap eliminates the spontaneous emission heating of the atoms. Unlike other oscillating traps reported in the e literature, the configuration of the radio-frequency trap is suitable for realization of a miniature magnetic guide.


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It is the first time in China that the phase variations and phase shift of microwave cavity in a miniature Rb fountain frequency standard are studied, considering the effect of imperfect metallic walls. Wall losses in the microwave cavity lead to small traveling wave components that deliver power from the cavity feed to the walls of cavity. The small traveling wave components produce a microradian distribution of phase throughout the cavity ity, and therefore distributed cavity phase shifts need to be considered. The microwave cavity is a TE011 circular cylinder copper cavity, with round cut-hole of end plates (14mm in diameter) for access for the atomic flux and two small apertures in the center of the side wall for coupling in microwave power. After attenuation alpha is calculated, field variations in cavity are solved. The field variations of the cavity are given. At the same time, the influences of loaded quality factor QL and diameter/height (2a/d) of the microwave cavity on the phase variations and phase shift are considered. According to the phase variation and phase shift of microwave cavity we select the parameters of cavity, diameter 2a = 69.2mm, height d = 34.6mm, QL = 5000, which will result in an uncertainty delta(Delta f / f0 ) < 4.7 x 10(-17) and meets the requirement for the miniature Rb fountain frequency standard with accuracy 10(-15).


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We propose a surface planar ion chip which forms a linear radio frequency Paul ion trap. The electrodes reside in the two planes of a chip, and the trap axis is located above the chip surface. Its electric field and potential distribution are similar to the standard linear radio frequency Paul ion trap. This ion trap geometry may be greatly meaningful for quantum information processing.


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Researchers have spent decades refining and improving their methods for fabricating smaller, finer-tuned, higher-quality nanoscale optical elements with the goal of making more sensitive and accurate measurements of the world around them using optics. Quantum optics has been a well-established tool of choice in making these increasingly sensitive measurements which have repeatedly pushed the limits on the accuracy of measurement set forth by quantum mechanics. A recent development in quantum optics has been a creative integration of robust, high-quality, and well-established macroscopic experimental systems with highly-engineerable on-chip nanoscale oscillators fabricated in cleanrooms. However, merging large systems with nanoscale oscillators often require them to have extremely high aspect-ratios, which make them extremely delicate and difficult to fabricate with an "experimentally reasonable" repeatability, yield and high quality. In this work we give an overview of our research, which focused on microscopic oscillators which are coupled with macroscopic optical cavities towards the goal of cooling them to their motional ground state in room temperature environments. The quality factor of a mechanical resonator is an important figure of merit for various sensing applications and observing quantum behavior. We demonstrated a technique for pushing the quality factor of a micromechanical resonator beyond conventional material and fabrication limits by using an optical field to stiffen and trap a particular motional mode of a nanoscale oscillator. Optical forces increase the oscillation frequency by storing most of the mechanical energy in a nearly loss-less optical potential, thereby strongly diluting the effects of material dissipation. By placing a 130 nm thick SiO2 pendulum in an optical standing wave, we achieve an increase in the pendulum center-of-mass frequency from 6.2 to 145 kHz. The corresponding quality factor increases 50-fold from its intrinsic value to a final value of Qm = 5.8(1.1) x 105, representing more than an order of magnitude improvement over the conventional limits of SiO2 for a pendulum geometry. Our technique may enable new opportunities for mechanical sensing and facilitate observations of quantum behavior in this class of mechanical systems. We then give a detailed overview of the techniques used to produce high-aspect-ratio nanostructures with applications in a wide range of quantum optics experiments. The ability to fabricate such nanodevices with high precision opens the door to a vast array of experiments which integrate macroscopic optical setups with lithographically engineered nanodevices. Coupled with atom-trapping experiments in the Kimble Lab, we use these techniques to realize a new waveguide chip designed to address ultra-cold atoms along lithographically patterned nanobeams which have large atom-photon coupling and near 4π Steradian optical access for cooling and trapping atoms. We describe a fully integrated and scalable design where cold atoms are spatially overlapped with the nanostring cavities in order to observe a resonant optical depth of d0 ≈ 0.15. The nanodevice illuminates new possibilities for integrating atoms into photonic circuits and engineering quantum states of atoms and light on a microscopic scale. We then describe our work with superconducting microwave resonators coupled to a phononic cavity towards the goal of building an integrated device for quantum-limited microwave-to-optical wavelength conversion. We give an overview of our characterizations of several types of substrates for fabricating a low-loss high-frequency electromechanical system. We describe our electromechanical system fabricated on a Si3N4 membrane which consists of a 12 GHz superconducting LC resonator coupled capacitively to the high frequency localized modes of a phononic nanobeam. Using our suspended membrane geometry we isolate our system from substrates with significant loss tangents, drastically reducing the parasitic capacitance of our superconducting circuit to ≈ 2.5$ fF. This opens up a number of possibilities in making a new class of low-loss high-frequency electromechanics with relatively large electromechanical coupling. We present our substrate studies, fabrication methods, and device characterization.


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We study the behaviour of atoms in a field with both static magnetic field and radio frequency (rf) magnetic field. We calculate the adiabatic potential of atoms numerically beyond the usually rotating wave approximation, and it is pointed that there is a great difference between using these two methods. We find the preconditions when RWA is valid. In the extreme of static field almost parallel to rf field, we reach an analytic formula. Finally, we apply this method to Rb-87 and propose a guide based on an rf field on atom chip.


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The field of cavity optomechanics, which concerns the coupling of a mechanical object's motion to the electromagnetic field of a high finesse cavity, allows for exquisitely sensitive measurements of mechanical motion, from large-scale gravitational wave detection to microscale accelerometers. Moreover, it provides a potential means to control and engineer the state of a macroscopic mechanical object at the quantum level, provided one can realize sufficiently strong interaction strengths relative to the ambient thermal noise. Recent experiments utilizing the optomechanical interaction to cool mechanical resonators to their motional quantum ground state allow for a variety of quantum engineering applications, including preparation of non-classical mechanical states and coherent optical to microwave conversion. Optomechanical crystals (OMCs), in which bandgaps for both optical and mechanical waves can be introduced through patterning of a material, provide one particularly attractive means for realizing strong interactions between high-frequency mechanical resonators and near-infrared light. Beyond the usual paradigm of cavity optomechanics involving isolated single mechanical elements, OMCs can also be fashioned into planar circuits for photons and phonons, and arrays of optomechanical elements can be interconnected via optical and acoustic waveguides. Such coupled OMC arrays have been proposed as a way to realize quantum optomechanical memories, nanomechanical circuits for continuous variable quantum information processing and phononic quantum networks, and as a platform for engineering and studying quantum many-body physics of optomechanical meta-materials.

However, while ground state occupancies (that is, average phonon occupancies less than one) have been achieved in OMC cavities utilizing laser cooling techniques, parasitic absorption and the concomitant degradation of the mechanical quality factor fundamentally limit this approach. On the other hand, the high mechanical frequency of these systems allows for the possibility of using a dilution refrigerator to simultaneously achieve low thermal occupancy and long mechanical coherence time by passively cooling the device to the millikelvin regime. This thesis describes efforts to realize the measurement of OMC cavities inside a dilution refrigerator, including the development of fridge-compatible optical coupling schemes and the characterization of the heating dynamics of the mechanical resonator at sub-kelvin temperatures.

We will begin by summarizing the theoretical framework used to describe cavity optomechanical systems, as well as a handful of the quantum applications envisioned for such devices. Then, we will present background on the design of the nanobeam OMC cavities used for this work, along with details of the design and characterization of tapered fiber couplers for optical coupling inside the fridge. Finally, we will present measurements of the devices at fridge base temperatures of Tf = 10 mK, using both heterodyne spectroscopy and time-resolved sideband photon counting, as well as detailed analysis of the prospects for future quantum applications based on the observed optically-induced heating.