982 resultados para pyrophosphate-fructose 6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase
To evaluate the short and mid-term results of prostatic artery embolization in patients with benign prostatic embolization. Retrospective study between March 2009 and June 2011 with 103 patients (mean age 66.8 years, 50-85) that met our inclusion criteria with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia. The clinical outcome was evaluated by the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), quality of life (QoL), International Index of Erectile Function, prostate volume (PV), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), peak urinary flow (Q(max)), and post-void residual volume (PVR) measurements at 3 and 6 months, 1 year, 18 months, and 2 years after PAE and comparison with baseline values was made. Technical and clinical successes, as well as poor clinical outcome definitions, were previously defined. In this review, we evaluate the short and mid-term clinical outcomes and morbidity of patients treated only with non-spherical polyvinyl alcohol. Six months after the procedure, the PV decreased about 23%, IPSS changed to a mean value of 11.95 (almost 50% reduction), the QoL improved slightly more than 2 points, the Q(max) changed to a mean value of 12.63mL/s, the PVR underwent a change of almost half of the baseline value, and the PSA decreased about 2.3ng/mL. In the mid-term follow-up and comparing to the baseline values, we still assisted to a reduction in PV, IPSS, QoL, PVR, and PSA, and an increase in Q(max). Prostatic Artery Embolization is a safe procedure with low morbidity that shows good short- and mid-term clinical outcome in our institution.
Innovation is recognized by academics and practitioners as an essential competitive enabler for any company to survive, to remain competitive and to grow. Investments in tasks of R&D have not always brought the expected results. But that doesn't mean that the outcomes would not be useful to other companies of the same business area or even from another area. Thus, there is much knowledge already available in the market that can be helpful to some and profitable to others. So, the ideas and expertise can be found outside a company's boundaries and also exported from within. Information, knowledge, experience, wisdom is already available in the millions of the human beings of this planet, the challenge is to use them through a network to produce new ideas and tips that can be useful to a company with less costs. This was the reason for the emergence of the area of crowdsourcing innovation. Crowdsourcing innovation is a way of using the Web 2.0 tools to generate new ideas through the heterogeneous knowledge available in the global network of individuals highly qualified and with easy access to information and technology. So, a crowdsourcing innovation broker is an organization that mediates the communication and relationship between the seekers - companies that aspire to solve some problem or to take advantage of any business opportunity - with a crowd that is prone to give ideas based on their knowledge, experience and wisdom. This paper makes a literature review on models of open innovation, crowdsourcing innovation, and technology and knowledge intermediaries, and discusses this new phenomenon as a way to leverage the innovation capacity of enterprises. Finally, the paper outlines a research design agendafor explaining crowdsourcing innovation brokering phenomenon, exploiting its players, main functions, value creation process, and knowledge creation in order to define a knowledge metamodel of such intermediaries.
Objectivos. Identificar factores laboratoriais e imagiológicos associados ao desenvolvimento de cicatriz renal sequelar após pielonefrite em doentes com menos de dois anos de idade e avaliar o papel da ecografia no estudo não invasivo de pielonefrite. Local. Hospital pediátrico universitário de nível III. População. Crianças com idade inferior a dois anos hospitalizadas com o diagnóstico de primeira pielonefrite. Métodos. Avaliação prospectiva do risco de cicatriz renal, através de parâmetros laboratoriais e imagiológicos. Estudo de efectividade da ecografia renal e vesical para identificar pielonefrite aguda e refluxo vesico-ureteral (RVU). Admite-se como método padrão para detecção de pielonefrite aguda e cicatriz renal a cintigrafia renal com DMSA e para detecção de RVU, a cisto-uretografia permiccional (CUM). Resultados. Estudaram-se 134 crianças, com mediana de idades de 3 meses (p25-p75: 1-9 meses) sendo 60% do sexo masculino. Acintigrafia em ambulatório evidenciou a presença de cicatriz renal em 42% das crianças. Valores de proteína C reactiva superiores a 5 mg/dl estiveram associados a alterações da cintigrafia em ambulatório [RR 2,7 (IC95% 1,1-7), VP+ 64,3%, VP– 76,5%]. A presença de RVU grau ≥ II esteve associada a cicatriz renal na cintigrafia em ambulatório [RR 2,6 (IC95% 1,7-4,2), VP+ 100%, VP–51,7%]. Vinte por cento das crianças tinha RVU verificado pela CUM, tendo a ecografia excluído de forma significativa a sua presença, em relação à CUM [LR+ 9,9 (1,4-69,3), VP– 94,4%]. Conclusões. No grupo estudado, o valor de proteína C reactiva e a presença de RVU grau ≥ II foram os principais factores preditivos de cicatriz renal. O papel da ecografia parece ser relevante no estudo de pielonefrite, sobretudo para excluir RVU.
Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficiency of sclerotherapy in ovarian vein varicocele. Study population: During 6 years, 36 women with the clinical diagnosis of ovarian vein varicocele were evaluated. Methods: The diagnosis was confirmed by flebography of the ovarian vein in 35 of the patients. In these patients sclerotherapy of the ovarian vein was performed with success by selective retrograde catheterization of the ovarian vein by femoral approach in 31 patients and by brachial approach in 4 patients. Four to eight ml of polidocanol l3% was used in each vein. Results: There was clinical improvement with complete resolution of all symptoms in 29 patients(82.9%) and partial symptomatic relief in 6 (17.1%). Long term results, evaluated between 1 and 6 years (mean 37.3 months), showed complete resolution of symptoms in 27 (77.1%) and recurrence in 8 (22.9%). Four patients with recurrence, improved following repeated sclerotherapy. Thus, there was long term improvement in 31 patients (88.6%). Conclusion: Sclerotherapy of ovarian vein appears to be a safe and efficient treatment of ovarian vein varicocele.
OBJECTIVO: Pretendeu-se com este estudo determinar a prevalência e identificar factores de risco para sensibilização ao látex em crianças com espinha bífida. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 57 crianças com espinha bífida, com uma idade média de 5.6 anos(6 meses a 18 anos) e uma relação sexo M/F de 0.8/1. A todas as crianças foram efectuados questionário, bateria de TC incluindo látex (extractos UCBStallergenes, Lofarma e ALK-Abelló), aeroalergenos comuns e frutos (UCB-Stallergenes) e determinação sérica de IgE total (AlaSTAT). RESULTADOS: A prevalência de sensibilização ao látex foi de 30%; apenas duas crianças sensibilizadas (12%) apresentavam sintomatologia relacionada com a exposição (urticária/angioedema e rinite). Foram identificados como factores de risco para sensibilização ao látex: idade ≥ 5 anos (p=0.008; OR=6.0, IC95%=1.7-22.1); existência de 4 ou mais intervenções cirúrgicas (p<0.0001; OR=18.5, IC95%=3.6-94.8); cirurgias nos primeiros 3 meses de vida (p=0.008; OR=5.4, IC95%=0.7-29.2); níveis séricos de IgE total ≥ 44UI/ml (p=0.03; OR=3.8, IC95%=1.1-13.1). Pela realização de regressão logística foram identificados como factores de risco independentes, história de 4 ou mais cirurgias (p<0.0001; OR=26.3, IC95%=2.9-234.2) e níveis de IgE total ≥ 44UI/ml (p=0.02; OR=8.6, IC95%=1.4-53.4). Sexo, antecedentes familiares e pessoais de patologia alérgica, hidrocefalia com derivação ventriculo-peritoneal, cistografias,cateterismo vesical intermitente e atopia não foram identificados como factores de risco. CONCLUSÕES: Identificámos como factores de risco significativos e independentes para sensibilização ao látex em crianças com espinha bífida a existência de número elevado de intervenções cirúrgicas (≥ 4 cirurgias) e níveis séricos mais elevados de IgE total(IgE total ≥ 44UI/ml). Estudo prospectivo esclarecerá a evolução clínica das crianças sensibilizadas assintomáticas.
A presente dissertação tem com objetivo o desenvolvimento de um biossensor com base nos polímeros de impressão molecular para a deteção de uma molécula alvo, o ácido glutâmico que é convertido em glutamina pela glutamina sintetase, recorrendo à potenciometria. Nas células neoplásicas a glutamina não é sintetizada podendo-se considerar que o ácido glutâmico é um potencial agente anti-cancro. A técnica de impressão molécular utilizada foi a polimerização em bulk, combinando a acrilamida e a bis acrilamida com o ácido glutâmico. Para se verificar se a resposta potenciométrica obtida era de facto da molécula alvo foram preparados em paralelo com os sensores, materiais de controlo, ou seja, moléculas sem impressão molécular (NIP). Para se controlar a constituíção química dos vários sensores nomeadamente, do NIP e do polímero de impressão molecular (MIP) antes e após a remoção bem como a molécula foram realizados estudos de Espetroscopia de Infravermelhos de Transformada de Fourier (FTIR), Scanning electron microscope (SEM) e Espetroscopia de Raios X por dispersão em energia (EDS). Os materiais desenvolvidos foram aplicados em várias membranas que diferiam umas das outras, sendo seletivas ao ião. A avaliação das características gerais das membranas baseou-se na análise das curvas de calibração, conseguidas em meios com pHs diferentes, comparando os vários elétrodos. O pH 5 foi o que apresentou melhor resultado, associado a uma membrana que continha um aditivo, o p-tetra-octilphenol, e com o sensor com percentagem de 3%. Posto isto, testou-se em material biológico, urina, com as melhores características quer em termos de sensibilidade (18,32mV/década) quer em termos de linearidade (1,6x10-6 a 1,48x10-3 mol/L). Verificou-se ainda que aplicando iões interferentes na solução, estes não interferem nesta, podendo ser aplicados na amostra sem que haja alteração na resposta potenciométrica. O elétrodo é capaz de distinguir o ácido glutâmico dos restantes iões presentes na solução.
Trabalho de natureza profissional apresentado para apreciação em provas públicas para atribuição do título de Especialista em Línguas e Culturas pelo Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Regulamento para a Atribuição do Título de Especialista no IPP, artº 6º, nº 1, b); Despacho IPP n.º 14093/2011, D.R., II Série, nº 200, 18.10.2011)
Background: Approximately 5% of the population donates blood each year in developed countries. Recruiting and maintaining a pool of altruistic and healthy blood donors is a challenging task. Blood donation as a dynamic process must naturally co-exist with the arguably essential deferrals. Aims: To analyse a 11-year cohort of donors and blood donations in order to determine the profile of the average donor and the typical donation. Characterize the donor’s population in terms of gender, age, number of donations, most common causes for deferral and exclusion and the possible relationships between them. Establish the tendency flow of donations per year. Methods: Analysis of 95861 blood donations from 31550 donors collected between 2000 and 2010 (11 years) in the Immunohemotherapy Department of the ‘‘Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central - Hospital de Sa˜o Jose´’’ (Lisboa, Portugal). Prior to blood donation, donors were required to fill out a form of informed consent, a questionnaire of 21 ‘‘yes or no’’ questions and were submitted to a clinical assessment and physical examination including: measurement of weight, blood pressure, pulse and capillary hemoglobin levels. Post-donation, the collected blood was tested for ALT elevation and blood-borne viral agents (HBV, HCV, HIV 1 and 2 and HTLV 1 and 2) and other infections (Treponema pallidum). Blood donors and donations were registered in a database and statistically studied in terms of: gender and age distribution, number of donations, most common causes for deferral and exclusion. The frequency of blood donations throughout the period of observation was analyzed and statistically significant relationships between the collected variables were investigated. Results: From the population of 31550 donors 61% were male and a mean age of 41.5 years (± 12.5 years) was found. From the total of 95682 blood donations collected 78% were successful while the most common causes for deferral were: donation incompatible hemoglobin levels (5% of the blood donations and 22% of deferrals), ALT elevation (3% and 14%), positive blood screening test for Treponema pallidum (1% and 6%), medication (1% and 4%), positive serological blood markers for HBV (1% and 4%), endoscopy in the previous 12 months (1% and 3%), arterial hypertension (1% and 3%), infectious conditions (1% and 3%), influenza or influenza-like symptoms (1% and 2%) and positive serological blood markers for HCV (1% and 2%). Summary/Conclusions: Several factors may have contributed to a limited number of new regular donors in the population, namely: ageing population, the alienation of the individual from the community induced by modern lifestyles and job precariousness. It is of the utmost importance to refine our blood donation campaigns according to the existing population of donors. The optimization of the blood donation potential of a population of donors must be achieved through the development of reliable and consistent screening methods. In order to appeal to new donors it is important to promote blood donations considering the profile of the regular and healthy blood donor of the existing population.
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm is a rare and aggressive hematodermic neoplasia with frequent cutaneous involvement and leukemic dissemination. We report the case of a 76-year-old man with a 2 month history of violaceous nodules and a tumor with stony consistency, located on the head, and mandibular, cervical and supraclavicular lymphadenopathies. Multiple thoracic and abdominal adenopathies were identified on computerized tomography. Flow cytometry analysis of the skin, lymph node and bone marrow biopsies demonstrated the presence of plasmocytoid dendritic cell neoplastic precursor cells (CD4+, CD45+, CD56+ and CD123+ phenotype). After initial clinical and laboratorial complete remission with chemotherapy, the patient died due to relapse of the disease associated with the appearance of a cervical mass with medullary compromise.
A 45-year-old woman with a history of renal carcinoma was observed for facial, cervical and truncal flesh-colored papules. Relatives had similar skin findings and a brother had repeated episodes of pneumothorax. The computerized tomography scan revealed multiple cysts on both lungs. A skin biopsy revealed a perifollicular fibroma. The clinical diagnosis of Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (BHDS) was corroborated by identification of a novel frameshift c.573delGAinsT (p.G191fsX31) mutation in heterozygosity on exon 6 of the folliculin gene. The presence of multiple and typical benign hair follicle tumors highlights the role of the dermatologist in the diagnosis of this rare genodermatosis that is associated with an increased risk of renal cell cancer and pulmonary cysts, warranting personal and familial follow-up and counseling.
Liver biopsy is the gold standard method for the grading and staging of chronic viral hepatitis, but optimal biopsy specimen size remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of liver specimen (number of portal tracts) and to evaluate the impact of the number of portal tracts in the staging of chronic hepatitis. Material and Methods: 468 liver biopsies from consecutive patients with hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus infection from 2009 to 2010 were evaluated. Results: The length of fragment was less than 10 mm in 43 cases (9.3%), between 10 and 14 mm in 114 (24.3%), and ≥ 15 mm in 311 (64.4%); of these, in 39 (8.3%) cases were ≥ 20 mm. The mean representation of portal tracts was 17.6 ± 2.1 (5-40); in specimens ≥ 15 mm the mean portal tract was 13.5 ± 4.7 and in cases ≤ 15 mm was 11.4 ± 5.0 (p = 0.002). Cases with less than 11 portal tracts were associated with F3, and cases with 11 or more portal tracts with F2 (p = 0.001). Conclusion: this study demonstrated the good quality of liver biopsy and a relationship between the macroscopic size of the fragment and the number of portal tracts.
The paradoxical adverse effects of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) antagonists have been described frequently as a result of the widespread use of these drugs. Among the TNF-alpha blocking agents, few reports exist relating the use of adalimumab in cutaneous sarcoidosis, although all of them show good results. More recently, sarcoidosis onsets have been reported with various TNF-alpha inhibitors. The current case is, to our knowledge, the first to describe the exacerbation of cutaneous lesions of sarcoidosis treated with adalimumab.
A 34-year-old woman with no known medical history was evaluated for multiple painful brown nodules and papules on the anterior aspect of the trunk. She mentioned a history of similar cutaneous findings on her mother. Biopsies of three lesions revealed piloleiomyomata. Renal and adrenal ultrasound revealed an isolated simple cortical cyst, and pelvic and endovaginal ultrasound revealed two uterine myomata. The clinical diagnosis of hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer was corroborated by the identification of a heterozygous variant on exon 5 of the fumarate hydratase gene (c.578C>T p.T193I). Identification of the tumor piloleiomyoma should alert the dermatologist to this rare genodermatosis, which is associated with an increased risk of renal cell tumors, demanding multidisciplinary follow-up, and personal and family counseling.
J Biol Inorg Chem. 2008 Jun;13(5):779-87. doi: 10.1007/s00775-008-0365-8
J Biol Inorg Chem (2006) 11: 433–444 DOI 10.1007/s00775-006-0090-0