985 resultados para puzzle difficulty


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This paper presents the results of a study that specifically looks at the relationships between measured user capabilities and product demands in a sample of older and disabled users. An empirical study was conducted with 19 users performing tasks with four consumer products (a clock-radio, a mobile phone, a blender and a vacuum cleaner). The sensory, cognitive and motor capabilities of each user were measured using objective capability tests. The study yielded a rich dataset comprising capability measures, product demands, outcome measures (task times and errors), and subjective ratings of difficulty. Scatter plots were produced showing quantified product demands on user capabilities, together with subjective ratings of difficulty. The results are analysed in terms of the strength of correlations observed taking into account the limitations of the study sample. Directions for future research are also outlined. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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The conditional moment closure (CMC) method has been successfully applied to various non-premixed combustion systems in the past, but its application to premixed flames is not fully tested and validated. The main difficulty is associated with the modeling of conditional scalar dissipation rate of the conditioning scalar, the progress variable. A simple algebraic model for the conditional dissipation rate is validated using DNS results of a V-flame. This model along with the standard k- turbulence modeling is used in computations of stoichiometric pilot stabilized Bunsen flames using the RANS-CMC method. A first-order closure is used for the conditional mean reaction rate. The computed non reacting and reacting scalars are in reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements and are consistent with earlier computations using flamelets and transported PDF methods. Sensitivity to chemical kinetic mechanism is also assessed. The results suggest that the CMC may be applied across the regimes of premixed combustion.


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This research is focused on the contribution of area 7 to the short-term visual spatial memory. Three rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were trained in the direct delayed response task in which 5 delay intervals were used in each session. When each monkey reached the criterion of 90% correct responses in 5 successive sessions, two monkeys underwent a surgery while the other one received a sham operation as a control. In the first stage of the surgery, bilateral areas 7a, 7b and 7ip of the parietal cortex of two monkeys were precisely lesioned. After 7 days of recuperation, the monkeys were required to do the same task. The average percentage of correct responses in the lesioned animals decreased from 94.7% to 89.3% and 93.3% to 82.0% respectively (no significance, P > 0.05, n = 2). In addition, the monkeys' complex movements were mildly impaired. The lesioned monkeys were found to have difficulty picking up food from the wells. In the second stage, bilateral area 7m was lesioned. In the 5 postoperative sessions, the average percentage of correct responses in one monkey, with a relatively precise 7m lesion, decreased from 94.7% to 92.2% (no significance, P > 0.05), while the other monkey, with widely spread necrosis of lateral parietal cortex, showed an. obvious decline in performance, but still over the chance level. After 240 trials this monkey reattained the normal criterion. The results of this research suggest that the lesions of area 7 of the parietal cortex did not significantly affect the short-term visual spatial memory, which has been shown to be sensitive to lesions of the prefrontal cortex; they also support the notion of dissociation of spatial functions in the prefrontal and parietal cortices.


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Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) consumption is limited due to its strong muddy odour and the difficulty of processing. In addition, consumption of tilapia is minimal in urban areas because of the low availability. There are no processed market products of tilapia available in Sri Lanka. Therefore, this study was designed to develop a new marinade for tilapia and to evaluate the shelf life of the product. Twelve different treatments of varying amounts of vinegar, salt, chili powder, white pepper and garlic powder were applied to filleted tilapia, and three best treatment combinations were selected using a sensory evaluation test. Processed tilapia was stored in the freezer at -4°C. Treated samples were subjected to evaluation of sensory profile: taste, odour, colour, texture and overall acceptability. Analysis of the shelf life was carried out by using the total plate count, faecal coliform test, acidity and pH at weekly intervals. Results revealed that the third treatment (vinegar 75 ml, salt 5 g, chili powder 5 g, white pepper 5 g and garlic powder 5 g) was best in terms of colour, texture, odour, taste and the overall acceptability according to the estimated medians (6, 6, 6 and 6.33 respectively). There was no significant difference between the first and the third treatment in terms of odour and overall acceptability. There was no significant difference between the three vacuum packed treatments for acidity and pH. Acidity and pH of the three treatments were at an acceptable level, which was below pH 5.3 and above 1.95% acidity. Average bacterial count was 10 colonies and 1.33x10 super(6) colonies respectively in vacuum packed treatments and bottled samples after one week. The acceptable level of bacterial colonies is 1.00x10 super(5). Vacuum packed treatments showed a one month shelf life. In conclusion, marinades can be developed from tilapia with a pleasant taste and acceptable texture.


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Although Sri Lanka is endowed with favourable climatic conditions and resources for breeding and rearing ornamental fish for export, a considerable number of ornamental fish producers as well as exporters have given up the industry within a relatively short period of time. This study was conducted to understand the present status of the industry and to identify the problems that have caused these failures. The study was conducted from March to December in the year 2007 and covered Colombo, Kaluthara, Polonnaruwa, Negombo, Wattala, Rathnapura, Avissawella, Kandy, Kegalle, Padukka, and Gampaha areas, where ornamental fish culture is known to be popular. The survey was carried out by interviewing ornamental fish farmers using a structured questionnaire survey that was designed to elicit the required information. Most (75%) of those surveyed were identified as small scale farmers. A majority (56%) of them used only cement tanks for their culture activities. Only 47% of farmers had proper technical knowledge or training on fish culture while 42% directly supplied their fish products to the expo1iers. The most important constraints identified by the study were as follows: (1) the sale price offish not changing in keeping with the increase in the material costs of production - Feed, cement, sand, transport and labour - in recent years. (2) Difficulty to find export markets for newcomers to enter the export market. (3) Lack of quality brooders and information on the most suitable fish varieties for the different climatic and water conditions in different areas in the country (3) Feed availability and cost. (4) Lack of adequate knowledge and technical support with regard to disease control and water quality management. (5) Difficulty to survive in the off season. (6) Difficulty in obtaining credit for expansion and the lack of sufficient involvement of responsible authorities in overcoming all these identified constraints.


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The exponential increase of industrial demand in the past two decades has led scientists to the development of alternative technologies for the fast manufacturing of engineering components, aside from standard and time consuming techniques such as casting or forging.Cold Spray (CS) is a newly developed manufacturing technique, based upon the deposition of metal powder on a substrate due to high energy particle impacts. In this process, the powder is accelerated up to considerable speed in a converging-diverging nozzle, typically using air, nitrogen or helium as a carrier gas. Recent developments have demonstrated significant process capabilities, from the building of mold-free 3D shapes made of various metals, to low porosity and corrosion resistant titanium coatings.In CS, the particle stream characteristics during the acceleration process are important in relation to the final geometry of the coating. Experimental studies have shown the tendency of particles to spread over the nozzle acceleration channel, resulting in a wide exit stream and in the difficulty of producing narrow tracks.This paper presents an investigation on the powder stream characteristics in CS supersonic nozzles. The powder insertion location was varied within the carrier gas flow, along with the geometry of the powder injector, in order to identify their relation with particle trajectories. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results by Fluent v6.3.26 are presented, along with experimental observations. Different configurations were tested and modeled, giving deposited track geometries of copper and tin ranging from 1. mm to 8. mm in width on metal and polymer substrates. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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The purpose of this key is to facilitate rapid and accurate identification, in the field, for fisheries workers. It is therefore based as much as possible on external characters only and an attempt has been made to keep it simple and straight forward. The only real difficulty arises in clearly demarcating the numerous cichlid genera of the great lakes, despite the fact that these have been treated in separate sections for each lake. Moreover, it hasn't been possible to revise the key to the lake Nyasa genera (taken from Jackson, 1961) to any significant extent, my experience with L. Nyasa fishes being limited; also, a few new genera have been or are still in the process of being published and I unfortunately haven't had access to these papers. A short bibliography is appended covering the major publications relevant to the systematics of Tanzania freshwater fishes and the sources from which these keys have been drawn up.


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Concurrent Engineering demands a new way of working and many organisations experience difficulty during implementation. The research described in this paper has the aim to develop a paper-based workbook style methodology that companies can use to increase the benefits generated by Concurrent Engineering, while reducing implementation costs, risk and time. The three-stage methodology provides guidance based on knowledge accumulated from implementation experience and best practitioners. It encourages companies to learn to manage their Concurrent Engineering implementation by taking actions which expose them to new and valuable experiences. This helps to continuously improve understanding of how to maximise the benefits from Concurrent Engineering. The methodology is particularly designed to cater for organisational and contextual uniqueness, as Concurrent Engineering implementations will vary from company to company. Using key actions which improve the Concurrent Engineering implementation process, individual companies can develop their own 'best practice' for product development. The methodology ensures that key implementation issues, which are primarily human and organisational, are addressed using simple but proven techniques. This paper describes the key issues that the majority of companies face when implementing Concurrent Engineering. The structure of the methodology is described to show how the issues are addressed and resolved. The key actions used to improve the Concurrent Engineering implementation process are explained and their inclusion in the implementation methodology described. Relevance to industry. Implementation of Concurrent Engineering concepts in manufacturing industry has not been a straightforward process. This paper describes a workbook-style tool that manufacturing companies can use to accelerate and improve their Concurrent Engineering implementation. © 1995.


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In stereo displays, binocular disparity creates a striking impression of depth. However, such displays present focus cues - blur and accommodation - that specify a different depth than disparity, thereby causing a conflict. This conflict causes several problems including misperception of the 3D layout, difficulty fusing binocular images, and visual fatigue. To address these problems, we developed a display that preserves the advantages of conventional stereo displays, while presenting correct or nearly correct focus cues. In our new stereo display each eye views a display through a lens that switches between four focal distances at very high rate. The switches are synchronized to the display, so focal distance and the distance being simulated on the display are consistent or nearly consistent with one another. Focus cues for points in-between the four focal planes are simulated by using a depth-weighted blending technique. We will describe the design of the new display, discuss the retinal images it forms under various conditions, and describe an experiment that illustrates the effectiveness of the display in maximizing visual performance while minimizing visual fatigue. © 2009 SPIE-IS&T.


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From modelling to manufacturing, computers have increasingly become partners in the design process, helping automate many phases once carried out by hand. In the creative phase, computational synthesis methods aim at facilitating designers' task through the automated generation of optimally directed design alternatives. Nevertheless, applications of these techniques are mainly academic and industrial design practice is still far from applying them routinely. This is due to the complex nature of many design tasks and to the difficulty of developing synthesis methods that can be easily adapted to multiple case studies and automated simulation. This work stems from the analysis of implementation issues and obstacles to the widespread use of these tools. The research investigates the possibility to remove these obstacles through the application of a novel technique to complex design tasks. The ability of this technique to scale-up without sacrificing accuracy is demonstrated. The successful results confirm the possibility to use synthesis methods in complex design tasks and spread their commercial and industrial application.


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The increments of internal forces induced in a tunnel lining during earthquakes can be assessed with several procedures at different levels of complexity. However, the substantial lack of well-documented case histories still represents a difficulty in order to validate any of the methods proposed in literature. To bridge this gap, centrifuge model tests were carried out on a circular aluminium tunnel located at two different depths in dense and loose dry sand. Each model has been instrumented for measuring soil motion and internal loads in the lining and tested under several dynamic input signals. The tests performed represented an experimental benchmark to calibrate dynamic analyses with different approaches to account for soil-tunnel kinematic interaction. © 2009 IOS Press.


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The conditional moment closure (CMC) method has been successfully applied to various non-premixed combustion systems in the past, but its application to premixed flames is not fully tested and validated. The main difficulty is associated with the modeling of conditional scalar dissipation rate of the conditioning scalar, the progress variable. A simple algebraic model for the conditional dissipation rate is validated using DNS results of a V-flame. This model along with the standard k- turbulence modeling is used in computations of stoichiometric pilot stabilized Bunsen flames using the RANS-CMC method. A first-order closure is used for the conditional mean reaction rate. The computed non reacting and reacting scalars are in reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements and are consistent with earlier computations using flamelets and transported PDF methods. Sensitivity to chemical kinetic mechanism is also assessed. The results suggest that the CMC may be applied across the regimes of premixed combustion.


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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is becoming increasingly central to many people’s lives, making it possible to be connected in any place at any time, be unceasingly and instantly informed, and benefit from greater economic and educational opportunities. With all the benefits afforded by these new-found capabilities, however, come potential drawbacks. A plethora of new PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, Bluetooth, the internet, Wi-Fi (the list goes on) expect us to know or be able to guess, what, where and when to connect, click, double-click, tap, flick, scroll, in order to realise these benefits, and to have the physical and cognitive capability to do all these things. One of the groups most affected by this increase in high-demand technology is older people. They do not understand and use technology in the same way that younger generations do, because they grew up in the simpler electro-mechanical era and embedded that particular model of the world in their minds. Any consequential difficulty in familiarising themselves with modern ICT and effectively applying it to their needs can also be exacerbated by age-related changes in vision, motor control and cognitive functioning. Such challenges lead to digital exclusion. Much has been written about this topic over the years, usually by academics from the area of inclusive product design. The issue is complex and it is fair to say that no one researcher has the whole picture. It is difficult to understand and adequately address the issue of digital exclusion among the older generation without looking across disciplines and at industry’s and government’s understanding, motivation and efforts toward resolving this important problem. To do otherwise is to risk misunderstanding the true impact that ICT has and could have on people’s lives across all generations. In this European year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations and as the British government is moving forward with its Digital by Default initiative as part of a wider objective to make ICT accessible to as many people as possible by 2015, the Engineering Design Centre (EDC) at the University of Cambridge collaborated with BT to produce a book of thought pieces to address, and where appropriate redress, these important and long-standing issues. “Ageing, Adaption and Accessibility: Time for the Inclusive Revolution!” brings together opinions and insights from twenty one prominent thought leaders from government, industry and academia regarding the problems, opportunities and strategies for combating digital exclusion among senior citizens. The contributing experts were selected as individuals, rather than representatives of organisations, to provide the broadest possible range of perspectives. They are renowned in their respective fields and their opinions are formed not only from their own work, but also from the contributions of others in their area. Their views were elicited through conversations conducted by the editors of this book who then drafted the thought pieces to be edited and approved by the experts. We hope that this unique collection of thought pieces will give you a broader perspective on ageing, people’s adaption to the ever changing world of technology and insights into better ways of designing digital devices and services for the older population.


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A key challenge in achieving good transient performance of highly boosted engines is the difficulty of accelerating the turbocharger from low air flow conditions (“turbo lag”). Multi-stage turbocharging, electric turbocharger assistance, electric compressors and hybrid powertrains are helpful in the mitigation of this deficit, but these technologies add significant cost and integration effort. Air-assist systems have the potential to be more cost-effective. Injecting compressed air into the intake manifold has received considerable attention, but the performance improvement offered by this concept is severely constrained by the compressor surge limit. The literature describes many schemes for generating the compressed gas, often involving significant mechanical complexity and/or cost. In this paper we demonstrate a novel exhaust assist system in which a reservoir is charged during braking. Experiments have been conducted using a 2.0 litre light-duty Diesel engine equipped with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and variable geometry turbine (VGT) coupled to an AC transient dynamometer, which was controlled to mimic engine load during in-gear braking and acceleration. The experimental results confirm that the proposed system reduces the time to torque during the 3rd gear tip-in by around 60%. Such a significant improvement was possible due to the increased acceleration of turbocharger immediately after the tip-in. Injecting the compressed gas into the exhaust manifold circumvents the problem of compressor surge and is the key enabler of the superior performance of the proposed concept.


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As operational impacts from buildings are reduced, embodied impacts are increasing. However, the latter are seldom calculated in the UK; when they are, they tend to be calculated after the building has been constructed, or are underestimated by considering only the initial materials stage. In 2010, the UK Government recommended that a standard methodology for calculating embodied impacts of buildings be developed for early stage design decisions. This was followed in 2011-12 by the publication of the European TC350 standards defining the 'cradle to grave' impact of buildings and products through a process Life Cycle Analysis. This paper describes a new whole life embodied carbon and energy of buildings (ECEB) tool, designed as a usable empirical-based approach for early stage design decisions for UK buildings. The tool complies where possible with the TC350 standards. Initial results for a simple masonry construction dwelling are given in terms of the percentage contribution of each life cycle stage. The main difficulty in obtaining these results is found to be the lack of data, and the paper suggests that the construction and manufacturing industries now have a responsibility to develop new data in order to support this task. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.