974 resultados para prostatic nodular hyperplasia


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Gynaecomastia in male goats is characterized by abnormal development of the mammary gland. Enlarged udder may be observed cranially to the scrotum, which can occasionally reach the size of the testicles. The udder may carry functional glands and impair the animal's reproductive performance and welfare. The case of a successful surgical treatment of gynaecomastia in a high reproductive performance Saanen buck-goat is reported in the present study.Material, Methods & Results: The animal was admitted presenting significant augmentation of the mammary glands, which was clinically diagnosed as gynaecomastia. The male goat owned optimal phenotypic characteristics for the Saanen breed, which had been producing high performance descendents. The mammary glands had been impairing the goat's locomotion and sexual performance. Manual milking resulted in great amount of milk secretion. The animal presented anorexia and impaired sexual performance. After clinical and laboratorial evaluation, the animal was submitted to radical mastectomy. An elliptic skin incision was performed around each mammary gland. Subcuticular blunt dissection was accomplished to isolate the mammarian tissue from the abdominal muscular layer and the spermatic chord. The excised mass was sampled for histological assessment. Subcuticular layer and skin closure was carried in a routine fashion. Hygienization of the surgical wound was performed with 2,5% PVP-I solution for ten days. Additionally, an association of penicillin G benzathine and streptomycin, and fluxinin meglumine were also given. The surgical procedure was successfully accomplished without any peroperative complication. The excised mass was sampled for anatomic/histological assessment. Macroscopically, the left mammary gland presented 22 cm in length, 12 cm wide and 26 cm in diameter. The right gland presented 16 cm in length, 7 cm wide and 13,5 cm in diameter. The microscopic assessment revealed hyperplasia of the glandular ducts. No abnormalities resembling malignant mammary neoplasms or degeneration were observed. At the end of the treatment, the animal was completely recovered. The animal convalesced satisfactorily and surgical wound healed completely within the first 10 days post-op. The goat was not culled and returned to normal reproductive activity. Within 12 months of follow-up, the animal was able to produce high milk yield performance progenies.Discussion: This case report presented relevant aspects of the surgical management of gynaecomastia, especially to veterinary practitioners dealing with milk goats. Gynaecomastia is not as common as other reproductive disorders in domestic animals. In opposition to the findings of the present study, other trials revealed that gynaecomastia usually does not affect fertility, libido, ejaculate parameters and sexual performance of goats. However, it is important to consider that neoplasic disorders such as mammary adenocarcinoma may be present, even though these are rare complications. Last but not least, the decision making on mastectomy in the present study was crucial in order to reestablish the animal's welfare and its functionality in the farms reproduction program.


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The naturally occurring wildlife host associations between ticks and tick-borne pathogens found in the neotropics are poorly described. Understanding tick-bite lesions is important as these are the site of host reaction to and pathogen delivery by ticks. As part of a comprehensive study concerning established and emerging tick-host relationships. The present work describes some aspects of tick-bite lesions in anteaters and armadillos captured at the Emas National Park and the Pantanal region of Brazil. Biopsies were of skin were taken and examine. Tick feeding sites of all animals displayed an eosinophilic homogeneous mass, the cement cone, and, occasionally, a feeding cavity underneath the tick attachment site. At these locations the epidermis was usually thickened due to keratinocyte hyperplasia. The main dermal changes included tissue infiltration with a varying number of inflammatory cells, edema, hemorrhage. and vascular dilatation. Cellular infiltration of the dermis was predominantly composed of mononuclear cells, neutrophils. and eosinophils. Mast cells were also seen in both non-parasitized and parasitized skin but were found in higher numbers at perivascular sites and in parasitized skin. Basophils were not seen at tick attachment sites of anteaters or armadillos.


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The tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus is a very common parasite of dogs worldwide. Dogs seem unable to acquire resistance against this tick species, whereas guinea pigs demonstrate a very strong resistance following primary infestation. We studied the inflammatory reaction at the R. sanguineus tick feeding site on dogs and guinea pigs during primary and tertiary infestations at different time intervals after attachment. Biopsies were collected after 4, 24, 48 and 96 hours. Changes that were found in all experimental groups included a cone of cement around the mouthparts of the tick, epidermal hyperplasia, edema and inflammatory cell infiltration in the dermis directly underneath the tick attachment site. Dogs reacted to ticks mainly with neutrophils, particularly after repeated exposure. Mast cells and mononuclear leukocytes were also present. Guinea pigs reacted to R. sanguineus mainly with mononuclear cells, eosinophils and basophils. These cells were particularly numerous after repeated exposure to R. sanguineus. Our results suggest that basophils and eosinophils are involved in resistance of guinea pigs to R. sanguineus and that neutrophils in dogs have little effect against this tick species.


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Clinical signs, humoral and cellular immune responses, and microscopic and gross tissue alterations resulting from acute experimental Ehrlichia canis infection in dogs were studied. Four dogs were inoculated with E canis and four were used as uninfected controls. After a 10-14-day incubation period, infected dogs developed pyrexia up to 41 degreesC for 6-8 days. Antibody titers to E. canis antigen were demonstrable in all inoculated dogs at 30 days post-infection. Necropsy of infected animals revealed pale mucous membranes, generalized lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, edema and ascites. Microcopically, the main lesions were: lymphoreticular hyperplasia in cortical areas of lymph nodes and spleenic white pulp, periportal accumulation of mononuclear cells and centrolobular fatty degeneration of the liver. Kidneys presented with glomerulonephritis characterized by interstitial, mononuclear infiltration. Immunophenotyping of lymphocytes from lymph nodes and spleen sections displayed alterations in IgG, IgM, CD3+ and CD8+ cells population in infected dogs. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Realizou-se análise histológica de brânquias de 15 espécimes de Piaractus mesopotamicus e 19 Prochilodus lineatus coletados de abril a novembro de 2004, no Rio Aquidauana, MS, com intuito de contribuir com achados anatomopatológicos em brânquias dessas espécies de peixes de água doce. Amostras de brânquias foram fixadas em formalina 10%, tamponadas e processadas conforme rotina histológica. em P. mesopotamicus observou-se presença de monogênea e cistos de mixosporídio da espécie Henneguya piaractus, com localização intralamelar em vários estágios de desenvolvimento, localizados em todas as regiões (basal, mediana ou distal) das lamelas. Cistos intraepiteliais causaram dilatação e deformação das lamelas vizinhas. em brânquias de P. lineatus, observou-se presença de monogênea. Nas duas espécies de hospedeiro foram registradas hiperplasia do epitélio branquial e desorganização estrutural das lamelas em extensas regiões, alterações que causaram a fusão lamelar. em poucos casos registrou-se presença de células inflamatórias mononucleares e focos hemorrágicos na região distal das lamelas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente trabalho estudou a prevalência e a histopatologia de Neoechinorhynchus curemai Noronha, 1973 (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) em curimbatá, Prochilodus lineatus Valenciennes, 1836. Dezoito peixes com comprimento total médio de 46,7 + 1,1 cm e peso médio de 1.674,8 + 75,6 g foram coletados com rede, bimestralmente, de dezembro de 1995 a dezembro de 1996 na usina hidrelétrica do Reservatório de Volta Grande (Cemig), Minas Gerais, Brasil. Dos peixes analisados, 15 estavam infectados com acantocéfalos no intestino (prevalência de 83,3%). A maior intensidade média ocorreu em agosto de 1996, com 66,5 (16 a 208) parasitos. A análise histopatológica revelou completa descamação do epitélio intestinal com severa hiperplasia e hipertrofia das células caliciformes. Observou-se, ainda, forte reação inflamatória na submucosa, deslocamento de feixes, associado a edemas, bem como infiltração mononuclear e eosinofílica.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a susceptibilidade de 4 importantes peixes cultivados a parasitos esporozoários. Os peixes foram coletados bimestralmente de um tanque de cultivo, durante 1 ano. Myxobolus colossomatis e Henneguya piaractus foram encontrados nos órgãos internos e brânquias, respectivamente. A incidência de ambos os parasitos foi de 97,3% em pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), 33,3% no híbrido tambacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus x Colossoma macropomum), 5,6% em tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) e 0% em carpa (Cyprinus carpio). Pacu foi o peixe mais susceptível, encontrando-se parasitado 79,2% nas brânquias, 66,7% nos rins e 50% no baço. A análise histopatológica das brânquias mostrou hemorragias, reação inflamatória com células mononucleares, fibroblastos e hiperplasia das células basais e mucosas.


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O Centro de Aqüicultura, Unesp, Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil, recebeu peixes para diagnose, os quais apresentavam aglomeração nas bordas dos viveiros e na entrada da água. Dos 194 casos diagnosticados, 53 apresentavam estruturas brancas circulares ou ovais, imóveis, medindo 162 mm de diâmetro, identificadas como o dinoflagelado Piscinoodinium pillulare. em 34 casos, os parasitos estavam presentes nas brânquias, em 2 casos, no corpo e em 9 casos, em ambos. Dos 53 casos observados, 31 eram o híbrido tambacu; 7, o Piaractus mesopotamicus; 6, o Colossoma macropomum; 5, o Leporinus macrocephalus; 3, o Oreochromis niloticus; e 1, o Prochilodus lineatus. Os peixes apresentaram aumento da produção de muco no corpo e nas brânquias e equimoses no pedúnculo caudal e nos opérculos. As brânquias também apresentaram palidez, congestão e petéquias. A histopatologia revelou a presença de grande número de trofontes situados entre as lamelas secundárias, fixados ou não ao epitélio. As lamelas primárias mostraram hemorragias intersticiais, severa hiperplasia do epitélio e das células caliciformes e infiltrado inflamatório. O presente trabalho é o primeiro relato de P. pillulare no Brasil e enfatiza a importância dos dinoflagelados, que causaram significativas perdas econômicas entre 1995 e 1997.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Many studies have been made to understand the process of tissular cicatrization, as well as the possible effects of laser therapy in the wound healing. However, the influence of low frequency laser irradiation in the repairing process is not completely understood. Our study has the purpose to assess clinically the effect of postoperative irradiation of the low frequency laser in humans, and the gingival repairing process postgingivoplasty performed with the extern bevel technique. Twenty-four patients with inflammatory gingival hyperplasia were enrolled in this study, which did not reduce with basic periodontal procedures, and patients with melanin pigmentation, with esthetic indications. After surgery the test group, randomly selected by a drawing, received laser application with energy density of 4 J/cm2, immediately after surgery and each 48 hours, during a week, with a total of 4 sections. The control group did not receive irradiation. The visual clinical analyses were performed by a single blind examiner, in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 15th and 21st days post surgery. For statistic analyses of the data was used a Q-square test. Concerning the color, the results showed a better wound healing during days 6 to 8. when assessed the degree of progress of surgical wound, the results showed that the test group had a better cicatrization compared with the control group in the 2nd, 6th, 8th and 15th days post surgery, and at the 21st day both groups had the same results. Our results confirm that the laser had clinical influence in the repairing process after gingivoplasty surgery during days 2 to 15 post surgery


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The giant cell fibroma is a benign neoplasm characterized by the presence of mono, bi or multinucleate cells, which can have a connection to the presence of mast cells. This research aims to analyze, descriptively and comparatively, the immunohystochemistry expression of the tryptase in mast cells of the giant cell f ibroma, f ibrous hyperplasia and samples of the normal oral mucosa. Thirty cases of giant cell fibroma, ten cases of fibrous hyperplasia and ten cases of normal oral mucosa were selected for the analysis of the immunohistochemistry expression, determination of the number of present mast cells, as well as their location and shape. It could be stated that there was a statistically signif icant difference (p<0,001) in relation to the quantity of mast cells among other samples analyzed where the giant cell f ibroma presented lesser quantity of mast cell and the hyperplasia showed higher concentration of this cellular type. Although the oral mucosa has presented a higher quantity of mast cells when compared to the giant cells fibroma, these were found in usual locations in the connective tissue in normal tissues. There could be noticed a statistically significant difference in relation to the number of non-granulated mast cells (p<0,001). On the areas of fibrosis, we could observe a statistically signif icant difference (p<0,006) among the samples. In relation to the present mast cells in perivascular location, no statistically signif icant difference was found. On the morphological analysis there was a predominance of oval mast cells. It was concluded that despite of the fact there was a lesser quantity of mast cells present in cases of giant cell f ibroma, they appeared to have a stronger relation to the present giant fibroblasts in this lesions, around 59,62%, being also evidenced a strong relation between these cells and the fibrosis areas in both cases of giant cell f ibroma and f ibrous hyperplasias and samples of normal oral mucosa, used as control group in our study, confirming, this way, the role of the mast cells as fibrinogenous inductor