862 resultados para power to moderate
A farinha de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) é produzida em diferentes regiões do Brasil e faz parte do hábito alimentar do brasileiro. Caracteriza-se num alimento de alto valor energético, possui teor elevado de amido, contém fibras e alguns minerais como potássio, cálcio, fósforo, sódio e ferro. Entre os diferentes estados, os do Norte e Nordeste consomem quantidades de farinha de mandioca bem maiores que os demais. Frente à importância econômica e nutricional deste produto, com o presente trabalho, objetivou-se caracterizar farinhas de mandioca de diferentes estados do País, esperando com isso fornecer informações referentes à composição e às características físico-químicas do produto, tanto para as indústrias produtoras quanto aos consumidores. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, quanto à composição centesimal, as farinhas analisadas diferem entre si e entre as regiões produtoras, inclusive para classificações de mesmo grupo e subgrupo. Para proteínas e acidez, as farinhas não estão de acordo com os limites da legislação. As farinhas apresentam teores baixos a moderados de fibras, contudo, devido ao seu amplo consumo, contribui como importante fornecedor de fibras na alimentação. A classificação de algumas farinhas quanto à cor não está de acordo com as análises de seus componentes de cromaticidade.
The Araripe Basin is located over Precambrian terrains of the Borborema Province, being part of Northeast Brazil inner basins. Its origin is related to the fragmentation of the Gondwana supercontinent and consequently opening of South Atlantic during early Cretaceous. The basin has a sedimentary infill encompassing four distinct evolution stages, comprising Paleozoic syneclisis, pre-rift, rift and post-rift. The target of this study comprises the post-rift section of the basin focusing deformational styles which affect evaporates from Ipubi Member of the Santana Formation, which is composed by gypsum and anidrite layers interbedded with shales. These units occur widespread across the basin. In the central part of the basin, near Nova Olinda-Santana do Cariri, evaporites are affected by an essentialy brittle deformation tipified by fibrous gypsum filled fractures, cutting massive layers of gypsum and anidrite. Veins with variable orientations and dips are observed in the region distributed over three main populations: i) a dominant NWSE with shallow to moderate NE dipping population, consisting of gypsum filled veins in which fibers are normal to vein walls; i) NE-SW veins with moderate SE dips containing subhorizontal growth fibers; and iii) N-S veins with shallow E-W dips with fibers oblique to vein walls. In the west portion of the basin, near Trindade-Ipubi-Araripina towns, evaporate layers are dominantly constituted by gypsum/anidrite finely stratified, showing a minor density of veins. These layers are affected by a unique style of deformation, more ductile, typified by gentle to open horizontal normal folding with several tens of meters length and with double plunging NW-SE or NE-SW hinges, configuring domic features. In detail, gypsum/anidrite laminae are affected by metre to decimeter scale close to tight folding, usually kinked, with broken hinges, locally turning into box folds. Veins show NE-SW main directions with shallow NE dips, growth fibers are parallel to vein walls, constituting slickenfibers. This region is marked by faults that affect Araripina Formation with NW-SE, NE-SW and E-W directions. The main structural styles and general orientations of structures which affected the post-rift section of Araripe Basin yielded important kinematic information analysis which led us to infer a E-W to NE-SW extension direction to the northeastern part of the Basin, whereas in the southeastern part, extension occurred in N-S direction. Thus, it was possible to determine a regional kinematic setting, through this analysis, characterizing a NE-SW to ENE-WSW system for the post-rift section, which is compatible with the tension settings for the Sout American Plate since Albian. Local variations at the fluid pressure linked (or not) to sedimentary overload variation define local tension settings. This way, at the northeastern portion of the basin, the post-rift deformation was governed by a setting which σ 1 is sub-horizontal trending NE-SW and, σ 3 is sub-vertical, emphasizing a reverse fault situation. At the southwestern portion however there was characterized a strike slip fault setting, featuring σ 1 trending ENEWSW and σ3 trending NNW-SSE
PARA ONDE SOPRAM OS VENTOS , metaphor used to indicate turism public politicsway to the west zone of Fortaleza, against the direction where until now this public politics was targeted, to the east zone. This context, análise the public politics implemented in the Grande Pirambu, so like the processes of nonterritorialization and reterritorialization unchain by the program os settlement and indemnification of the Projeto Costa Oeste. Aim to learn the transformations that unroll in the studied área, based in proceding methodologic that privileged the interviews with many social actors resettled, indemnificators, intirenants, livers and fishmen. The public politics analyzes run to the Grande Pirambu infer that the same answer at trying of urbam requalification of the área, object of the new exigence pretender by the touristics activities developed in Fortaleza, wish to incorporate this área at the turistics dynamic of the city. However, the implementation of the Projeto Costa Oeste do not occuring in calm way, by opposite sence the beginning, the same has been propitiated polemics and discussions, stired up about public politics between the municipa and state power, to bring about injury in the public coffers, to the developing turismo f the city and, mainly to the living around Grande Pirambu, unquiet and sad with the buildings of the referring project that there is running for four years
This research aims the analysis of the urbanization process that has taken place in the coastal city of Tibau/RN in the period comprising 1980-2012, due to the (re) production of space to consumption of leisure and recreation, through the so called practice of Maritime Villeggiatura. Such practice exists so that people settle temporarily on the beach as a second home, interfering in the Regulation of the land use as well as in the urban planning of Tibau, promoting urbanization based in the logic of leisure, with enormous capacity for appropriation and space consumption. The practice of Maritime Villeggiatura in Tibau began in the late nineteenth century, becoming more relevant in the 1980s, when the practice became fashionable for the citizens of Mossoró City, in view of their economic strength, and consumption power to invest in this type of domicile. Tibau has become a great depository of second homes for leisure practice, which contributed even to the city administrative and political emancipation in 1997. The intensification of Real Estate activities, expanding second homes along the coast, results in the urbanization of Tibau territory with the assistance of Local Government, whom was interested in entering Tibau on the State tourism routes. The used methodology comprised literature review, data collection and local observation. Questionnaires were applied in the form of interviews to the villeggiaturistas, local residents, business and trade services local companies, a local agricultural firm named Agricultura Famosa Ltda., Municipal government and the Association of Senior Citizens of the municipality of Tibau. A photographic record was made to visualize the urbanization evolution of Tibau. It has also been taken georeference measures of the area object of study in this research, in order to analyze the use and occupation of the territory by urban and social agents villeggiaturistas and residents. The conclusion is that the urbanization process that has been taken in Tibau occurred along the coast shore, with low population density, and therefore creating difficulties to governance of the Municipal government. Real Estate Sector has been promoting the value increase of urban land in order to fragment the space with private condominiums segregating local resident population to outlying areas of the city, away from the coastline and lacking infrastructure and basic urban services
A catarata, especialmente na espécie canina, é uma doença oftálmica importante. Seu tratamento é eminentemente cirúrgico, mas a perda do cristalino resulta em alta hipermetropia, e a visão fica comprometida. A correção pode ser feita com a utilização de lente intra-ocular (LIO). Este estudo teve por objetivo colher dados que pudessem fornecer subsídios métricos para a produção de LIOs a serem aplicadas em cães facectomizados, visando a restauração de visão adequada nos animais acometidos por catarata. Foram selecionados 120 cães de ambos os sexos, sadios ao exame clínico e sem evidência de doença ocular ao exame oftálmico de rotina. Foram realizados estudos ceratométrico e biométrico, pela ultra-sonografia modo-A. Uma fórmula específica foi utilizada para a determinação do poder dióptrico de uma LIO utilizada para substituir o cristalino extraído. O poder dióptrico da LIO foi correlacionado com o peso e o sexo dos animais, e entre os olhos direito e esquerdo. Baseado nestas correlações, concluiu-se que o poder dióptrico adequado para uma LIO a ser implantada em um cão facectomizado é influenciado principalmente pelo peso do animal, apesar de apresentar discretas diferenças quando comparado entre os olhos direito e esquerdo e entre machos e fêmeas.
Fish oil omega-3 fatty acids exert antiinflammatory effects on patients with ulcerative colitis. However, a comparative study in patients with mild to moderate ulcerative colitis receiving only sulfasalazine or omega-3 fatty acids has not been performed. We sought to detect changes in the inflammatory disease activity with the use of either fish oil omega-3 fatty acids or sulfasalazine in patients with ulcerative colitis. Ten patients (five male, five female; mean age = 48 +/- 12 y) with mild to moderate active ulcerative colitis were investigated in a randomized cross-over design. They received either sulfasalazine (2 g/d) or omega-3 fatty acids (5.4 g/d) for 2 mo. Disease activity was assessed by clinical and laboratory indicators, sigmoidoscopy, histology, and whole-body protein turnover (with N-15-glycine). Treatment with w-3 fatty acids resulted in greater disease activity as detected by a significant increase in platelet count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, and total fecal nitrogen excretion. No major changes in protein synthesis and breakdown were observed during either treatment. In conclusion, treatment with sulfasalazine is superior to treatment with omega-3 fatty acids in patients with mild to moderate active ulcerative colitis. Nutrition 2000;16:87-901 (C) Elsevier B.V. 2000.
Purpose of reviewPhysical exercise can be both beneficial and harmful for the gastrointestinal tract in a dose-effect relationship between its intensity and health. Mild-to-moderate intensity exercises play a protective role against colon cancer, diverticular disease, cholelithiasis and constipation, whereas acute strenuous exercise may provoke heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and even gastrointestinal bleeding. This review focuses on mechanisms involved in those symptoms and their associations with type of exercises in humans.Recent findingsOne quarter to one half of elite athletes are hampered by the gastrointestinal symptoms that may deter them from participation in training and competitive events. Vigorous exercise-induced gastrointestinal symptoms are often attributed to altered motility, mechanical factor or altered neuroimmunoendocrine secretions. Training, lifestyle modifications, meal composition, adequate hydration and avoidance of excessive use of some medications are the recommendations.SummaryStrenuous exercise and dehydrated states would be the causes of gastrointestinal symptoms referred by 70% of the athletes. Gut ischemia would be the main cause of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and (bloody) diarrhea. The frequency is almost twice as high during running than during other endurance sports as cycling or swimming and 1.5-3.0 times higher in the elite athletes than the recreational exercisers.
Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento, validação e utilização de uma metodologia de avaliação da qualidade dos serviços de atenção primária do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), o Questionário de Avaliação da Qualidade de Serviços de Atenção Básica (QualiAB). Destina-se aos serviços de atenção básica, organizados segundo diferentes modelos de atenção, incluindo a Saúde da Família. Contém 50 indicadores sobre oferta e organização do trabalho assistencial e programático e 15 sobre gerenciamento, na forma de questões de múltipla escolha, autorespondidas via web pela equipe local do serviço. Confere a cada resposta valor zero, um ou dois; a média geral atribui ao serviço um grau de qualidade expresso pela distância do melhor padrão correspondente à média dois. Foi construído por processo de consenso interativo, que incluiu metodologias qualitativas, teste-piloto, aplicação em 127 serviços, validação de construto e confiabilidade. Respondido, em 2007, por 598 (92%) dos serviços de 115 municípios paulistas, mostrou bom poder para discriminar níveis de qualidade. Adotado em 2010 como parte de um programa de apoio à Atenção Básica da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo, foi respondido por 95% (2.735) dos serviços de 586 municípios (90,8% do Estado). Os resultados foram encaminhados aos municípios. O QualiAB fornece uma avaliação válida, simples e com a possibilidade de retorno imediato para gerentes e profissionais. Mostrou factibilidade, aceitabilidade, bom poder de discriminação e utilidade para auxiliar a gestão da rede de atenção básica do SUS em São Paulo. A experiência indica aplicabilidade nas redes de atenção básica do Brasil.
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do fixador esquelético pino-resina, configuração tipo II, coadjuvado pelo enxerto ósseo esponjoso autólogo, no tratamento das complicações secundárias à imobilização inadequada de fraturas do rádio e ulna em 10 cães, com peso entre 1,8 e 33,6 kg. Detectou-se não-união (n=4), osteomielite (n=1), má-união (n=1), falência ou quebra de implante (n=4), sendo 60% das lesões referente ao uso prévio de pino intramedular no rádio. A montagem do fixador foi realizada com transfixação de pinos lisos em sua maioria angulados, cujas extremidades excedentes foram dobradas e estabilizadas com resina acrílica. em todos os casos, utilizou-se enxerto esponjoso autólogo fresco, após debridamento do foco de fratura. O tempo de permanência do aparelho variou entre 45 dias e 5 meses e a maior complicação foi o afrouxamento dos pinos transfixantes. A consolidação das fraturas ocorreu por formação de calo periosteal de mínimo a moderado, indicando boa rigidez da montagem.
The failure of facial prostheses is caused by limitations in the properties of existing materials, especially the biocompatibility. This study aimed to evaluate the biocompatibility of maxillofacial silicones in subcutaneous tissue of rats. Thirty Wistar rats received subcutaneous implants of 3 maxillofacial silicone elastomers (LIM 6050, MDX 4-4210, and industrial Silastic 732 RTV). A histomorphometric evaluation was conducted to analyze the biocompatibility of the implants. Eight areas of 60.11 mm(2) from the surgical pieces were analyzed. Mesenchymal cells, eosinophils, and foreign-body giant cells were counted. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey test. Initially, all implanted materials exhibited an acceptable tissue inflammatory response, with tissue reactions varying from light to moderate. Afterward, a fibrous capsule around the silicone was observed. The silicones used in the current study presented biocompatibility and can be used for implantation in both medical and dental areas. Their prosthetic indication is conditioned to their physical properties. Solid silicone is easier to adapt and does not suffer apparent modifications inside the tissues.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the rat subcutaneous tissue response to implanted polyethylene tubes filled with Endo-CPM-Sealer (Portland Cement Modified Sealer) (EGEO S.R.L., Buenos Aires, Argentina) compared with Sealapex (SybronEndo, Glendora, CA) and Angelus MTA (Angelus, Londrina, Brazil). These materials were placed in polyethylene and dentin tubes and implanted into dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days. The specimens were prepared to be stained with hematoxylin and eosin or Von Kossa or not stained for polarized light. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the reaction were performed. Both materials caused mild to moderate reactions at 7 days that decreased with time. The response was similar to the control on the 30th day with Endo-CPM-Sealer and Angelus MTA and on the 60th day with Sealapex. Mineralization and granulations birefringent to the polarized light were observed with all materials. it was possible to conclude that Endo-CPM-Sealer was biocompatible and stimulated mineralization. (J Endod 2009;35:256-260)
The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the influence of varying examiner's clinical experience on the reproducibility and accuracy of radiographic examination for occlusal caries detection. Standardized bitewing radiographs were obtained from 166 permanent molars. Radiographic examination was performed by final-year dental students from two universities (A, n=5; B, n=5) and by dentists with 5 to 7 years of experience who work in two different countries (C, n=5; D, n=5). All examinations were repeated after 1-week interval. The teeth were histologically prepared and assessed for caries extension. For intraexaminer reproducibility, the unweighted kappa values were: A (0.11-0.40), B (0.12-0.33), C (0.47-0.58), and D (0.42-0.71). Interexaminer reproducibility statistics were computed based on means +/- SD of unweighted kappa values: A (0.07 +/- 0.05), B (0.12 +/- 0.09), C (0.24 +/- 0.08), and D (0.33 +/- 0.10). Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy were calculated at D(1) and D(3) thresholds and compared by performing McNemar test (p=0.05). D(1) sensitivity ranged between 0.29 and 0.75 and specificity between 0.24 and 0.85. D(3) specificity was moderate to high (between 0.62 and 0.95) for all groups, with statistically significant difference between the dentists groups (C and D). Sensitivity was low to moderate (between 0.21 and 0.57) with statistically significant difference for groups B and D. Accuracy was similar for all groups (0.55). Spearman's correlations were: A (0.12), B (0.24), C (0.30), and D (0.38). In conclusion, the reproducibility of radiographic examination was influenced by the examiner's clinical experience, training, and dental education as well as the accuracy in detecting occlusal caries.
Objectives: To evaluate the effect of insertion torque on micromotion to a lateral force in three different implant designs. Material and methods: Thirty-six implants with identical thread design, but different cutting groove design were divided in three groups: (1) non-fluted (no cutting groove, solid screw-form); (2) fluted (901 cut at the apex, tap design); and (3) Blossomt (Patent pending) (non-fluted with engineered trimmed thread design). The implants were screwed into polyurethane foam blocks and the insertion torque was recorded after each turn of 901 by a digital torque gauge. Controlled lateral loads of 10N followed by increments of 5 up to 100N were sequentially applied by a digital force gauge on a titanium abutment. Statistical comparison was performed with two-way mixed model ANOVA that evaluated implant design group, linear effects of turns and displacement loads, and their interaction. Results: While insertion torque increased as a function of number of turns for each design, the slope and final values increased (Po0.001) progressively from the Blossomt to the fluted to the non-fluted design (M +/- standard deviation [SD] = 64.1 +/- 26.8, 139.4 +/- 17.2, and 205.23 +/- 24.3 Ncm, respectively). While a linear relationship between horizontal displacement and lateral force was observed for each design, the slope and maximal displacement increased (Po0.001) progressively from the Blossomt to the fluted to the non-fluted design (M +/- SD 530 +/- 57.7, 585.9 +/- 82.4, and 782.33 +/- 269.4 mm, respectively). There was negligible to moderate levels of association between insertion torque and lateral displacement in the Blossomt, fluted and non-fluted design groups, respectively. Conclusion: Insertion torque was reduced in implant macrodesigns that incorporated cutting edges, and lesser insertion torque was generally associated with decreased micromovement. However, insertion torque and micromotion were unrelated within implant designs, particularly for those designs showing the least insertion torque.
Purpose: to evaluate the human pulp response following pulp capping with calcium hydroxide (CI-I, Group 1), and the resin-modified glass-ionomer Vitrebond (VIT, Group 2). Materials and Methods: Intact teeth with no cavity preparation were used as control Group (ICG, Group 3). Buccal Class V cavities were prepared in 34 sound human premolars. After exposing the pulps, the pulp capping materials were applied and the cavities were Filled using Clearfil Liner Bond 2 bonding agent and Z100 resin-based composite. The teeth were extracted after 5, 30, and from 120 to 300 days, fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution, and prepared according to routine histological techniques. 6-mu m sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Masson's trichrome, or Brown gr Brenn technique for bacterial observation. Results: At 5 days, CH caused a large zone of coagulation necrosis, the mononuclear inflammatory reaction underneath the necrotic zone was slight to moderate. VIT caused a moderate to intense inflammatory pulp response with a large necrotic zone. A number of congested venules associated with plasma extravasation and neutrophilic infiltration was observed. Over time, only CH allowed pulp repair and complete dentin bridging around the pulp exposure site. VIT components displaced into the pulp tissue triggered a persistent inflammatory reaction which appeared to be associated with a lack of dentin bridge formation. After 30 days a few histological sections showed a number of bacteria on the lateral dentin walls. In these samples the pulp response was similar to those samples with no microleakage. VIT was more irritating to pulp tissue than CH, which allowed pulp repair associated with dentin bridge formation. These results suggested that VIT is not an appropriate dental material to be used in direct pulp capping for mechanically exposed human pulps.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)