924 resultados para postnatal
Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic pathology characterized by brain hypotrophy and severe cognitive disability. Although defective neurogenesis is an important determinant of cognitive impairment, a severe dendritic pathology appears to be an equally important factor. It is well established that serotonin plays a pivotal role both on neurogenesis and dendritic maturation. Since the serotonergic system is profoundly altered in the DS brain, we wondered whether defects in the hippocampal development can be rescued by treatment with fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and a widely used antidepressant drug. A previous study of our group showed that fluoxetine fully restores neurogenesis in the Ts65Dn mouse model of DS and that this effect is accompanied by a recovery of memory functions. The goal of the current study was to establish whether fluoxetine also restores dendritic development and maturation. In mice aged 45 days, treated with fluoxetine in the postnatal period P3-P15, we examined the dendritic arbor of newborn and mature granule cells of the dentate gyrus (DG). The granule cells of trisomic mice had a severely hypotrophic dendritic arbor, fewer spines and a reduced innervation than euploid mice. Treatment with fluoxetine fully restored all these defects. Moreover the impairment of excitatory and inhibitory inputs to CA3 pyramidal neurons was fully normalized in treated trisomic mice, indicating that fluoxetine can rescue functional connectivity between the DG and CA3. The widespread beneficial effects of fluoxetine on the hippocampal formation suggest that early treatment with fluoxetine can be a suitable therapy, possibly usable in humans, to restore the physiology of the hippocampal networks and, hence, memory functions. These findings may open the way for future clinical trials in children and adolescents with DS.
Coordinated patterns of electrical activity are important for the early development of sensory systems. The spatiotemporal dynamics of these early activity patterns and the role of the peripheral sensory input for their generation are essentially unknown. There are two projects in this thesis. In project1, we performed extracellular multielectrode recordings in the somatosensory cortex of postnatal day 0 to 7 rats in vivo and observed three distinct patterns of synchronized oscillatory activity. (1) Spontaneous and periphery-driven spindle bursts of 1–2 s in duration and ~10 Hz in frequency occurred approximately every 10 s. (2) Spontaneous and sensory-driven gamma oscillations of 150–300 ms duration and 30–40 Hz in frequency occurred every 10–30 s. (3) Long oscillations appeared only every ~20 min and revealed the largest amplitude (250–750 µV) and longest duration (>40 s). These three distinct patterns of early oscillatory activity differently synchronized the neonatal cortical network. Whereas spindle bursts and gamma oscillations did not propagate and synchronized a local neuronal network of 200–400 µm in diameter, long oscillations propagated with 25–30 µm/s and synchronized 600-800 µm large ensembles. All three activity patterns were triggered by sensory activation. Single electrical stimulation of the whisker pad or tactile whisker activation elicited neocortical spindle bursts and gamma activity. Long oscillations could be only evoked by repetitive sensory stimulation. The neonatal oscillatory patterns in vivo depended on NMDAreceptor-mediated synaptic transmission and gap junctional coupling. Whereas spindle bursts and gamma oscillations may represent an early functional columnar-like pattern, long oscillations may serve as a propagating activation signal consolidating these immature neuronal networks. In project2, Using voltage-sensitive dye imaging and simultaneous multi-channel extracellular recordings in the barrel cortex and somatosensory thalamus of newborn rats in vivo, we found that spontaneous and whisker stimulation induced activity patterns were restricted to functional cortical columns already at the day of birth. Spontaneous and stimulus evoked cortical activity consisted of gamma oscillations followed by spindle bursts. Spontaneous events were mainly generated in the thalamus or by spontaneous whisker movements. Our findings indicate that during early developmental stages cortical networks self-organize in ontogenetic columns via spontaneous gamma oscillations triggered by the thalamus or sensory periphery.
In my PhD work I concentrated on three elementary questions that are essential to understand the interactions between the different neuronal cell populations in the developing neocortex. The questions regarded the identity of Cajal-Retzius (CR) cells, the ubiquitous expression of glycine receptors in all major cell populations of the immature neocortex, and the role of taurine in the modulation of immature neocortical network activity.rnTo unravel whether CR cells of different ontogenetic origin have divergent functions I investigated the electrophysiological properties of YFP+ (derived from the septum and borders of the pallium) and YFP− CR cells (derived from other neocortical origins). This study demonstrated that the passive and active electrophysiological properties as well as features of GABAergic PSCs and glutamatergic currents are similar between both CR cell populations. These findings suggest that CR cells of different origins most probably support similar functions within the neuronal networks of the early postnatal cerebral cortex.rnTo elucidate whether glycine receptors are expressed in all major cell populations of the developing neocortex I analyzed the functional expression of glycine receptors on subplate (SP) cells. Activation of glycine receptors by glycine, -alanine and taurine elicited membrane responses that could be blocked by the selective glycinergic antagonist strychnine. Pharmacological experiments suggest that SP cells express functional heteromeric glycine receptors that do not contain 1 subunits. The activation of glycine receptors by glycine and taurine induced a membrane depolarization, which mediated excitatory effects. Considering the key role of SP cells in immature cortical networks and the development of thalamocortical connections, this glycinergic excitation may influence the properties of early cortical networks and the formation of cortical circuits.rnIn the third part of my project I demonstrated that tonic taurine application induced a massive increase in the frequency of PSCs. Based on their reversal potential and their pharmacological properties these taurine-induced PSCs are exclusively transmitted via GABAA receptors to the pyramidal neurons, while both GABAA and glycine receptors were implicated in the generation of the presynaptic activity. Accordingly, whole-cell and cell-attached recordings from genetically labeled interneurons revealed the expression of glycine and GABAA receptors, which mediated an excitatory action on these cells. These findings suggest that low taurine concentrations can tonically activate exclusively GABAergic networks. The activity level maintained by this GABAergic activity in the immature nervous system may contribute to network properties and can facilitate the activity dependent formation of adequate synaptic projections.rnIn summary, the results of my studies complemented the knowledge about neuronal interactions in the immature neocortex and improve our understanding of cellular processes that guide neuronal development and thus shape the brain.rn
Der Wilms-Tumor ist eine embryonale Tumorerkrankung der Niere, als deren Ursprung Nierenvorläuferzellen des metanephrischen Mesenchyms gelten, deren Differenzierung während der frühen Nephrogenese ausbleibt und aus denen nachfolgend durch eine maligne Transformation Wilms-Tumore entstehen. Zwei Gene, die an der Wilms-Tumorgenese beteiligt zu sein scheinen, sind WT1 (Wilms-Tumorgen 1) und CTNNB1 (Catenin, cadherin-associated protein, beta 1). Während WT1 u.a. die Differenzierung des metanephrischen Mesenchyms steuert, begünstigen aktivierende Mutationen von CTNNB1 und eine dadurch bedingte Akkumulation seines Proteins β-Catenin die Tumorgenese vieler Organe. So verwundert es nicht, dass eine alleinige heterozygote Keimbahnmutation von WT1, die einen dominant-negativen Effekt auf funktionsfähiges WT1 ausübt, häufig zur Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren in Patienten mit Denys-Drash-Syndrom (DDS) führt, sowie in etwa 15 % aller sporadischen Wilms-Tumore WT1 und CTNNB1 mutiert sind.rnDer Mechanismus der Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren ist weitgehend unbekannt, was u.a. daran liegt, dass homozygote Wt1-Mutationen in der Maus embryonal (~ Tag 13,5 d.p.c.) letal sind. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten daher mit Hilfe einer Wt1 k.o.-Effektormaus (WE2) vier murine konditional reversible Wilms-Tumor-Modelle auf Basis des Tet off-Systems hergestellt werden. Dadurch lag in den zu generierenden Tieren Wt1 durch die Integration des WE2-Transgens zwar nur heterozygot mutiert vor, doch durch den endogenen Wt1-Promotor des Transgens sollte es zur zeitlichen und räumlichen Wt1-analogen Expression eines tetrazyklinabhängigen Transaktivators (tTA) kommen, der ohne die Gabe von Doxycyclin Tet-regulierbare Transgene in Wt1-exprimierenden Zellen aktivieren kann, die einen positiven Einfluss auf die Wilms-Tumorgenese haben könnten. So sollte durch das WE2 DDS-Modell ein DDS simuliert werden und es in Tieren der Modelle WE2 TC bCat∆Ex3, WE2 LC bCat∆Ex3 und WE2 Wnt1 zur Akkumulation von β-Catenin in Wt1-exprimierenden Nierenvorläuferzellen kommen, so dass deren Differenzierung ausbleibt und es durch eine maligne Transformation zur Entstehung eines Wilms-Tumors kommt.rnrnMit Hilfe von histologischen Analysen an entsprechenden Responder-Linien konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass die embryonale und adulte Expressionsdomäne des WE2-Effektors mit der von endogenen Wt1 übereinstimmt. Gleichzeitig wurden aber auch neue Expressionsorte von Wt1 nachgewiesen. So konnte die Expression des WE2-Effektors z.B. im Endothel der dorsalen Aorta detektiert werden, der als Entstehungsort von hämatopoetischen Stammzellen gilt. Anschließende hier vorgestellte Experimente zeigten, dass Wt1 direkt an diesem Prozess beteiligt ist und belegten eine noch nicht beschriebene Funktion von Wt1 in der frühen Hämatopoese.rnEs war jedoch mit keinem System möglich, eine Wilms-Tumorerkrankung zu simulieren. Während Tiere des WE2 DDS-Modells trotz nachweisbarer Induktion keinen Phänotyp aufwiesen, war wohl in den anderen Modellen eine konstitutive β-Catenin-Aktivierung in der Frühschwangerschaft nicht mit dem embryonalen Überleben vereinbar. Dabei schienen alle tripeltransgenen bzw. doppeltransgenen Embryonen, in denen durch einen frühen Doxycyclinentzug die Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren möglich gewesen wäre, intrauterin zu sterben. Wurde dagegen Doxycyclin erst in der dritten Lebenswoche entzogen, so entwickelten die Tiere durch eine Wt1-vermittelte β-Catenin-Aktivierung Granulosazelltumore, polyzystische Nieren und Veränderungen der Hoden. Da alle diese organischen Veränderungen während der prä- bis frühen postnatalen Phase induziert wurden, schien die Doxycyclinmenge nicht auszureichen, um eine β-Catenin-Aktivierung zu verhindern. Es hätte also auch zur Entstehung von Wilms-Tumoren kommen können, so dass diese Ergebnisse darauf hinweisen, dass eine β-Catenin-Aktivierung wahrscheinlich nicht der physiologisch entscheidende Schritt bei der Entstehung eines Wilms-Tumors ist.rnrnDie Charakterisierung der WE2-Effektormaus und die Herstellung und Analysen der Systeme geben damit Einblick in die WT1- bzw. WT1/CTNNB1-assoziierte Wilms-Tumorgenese und ermöglichen die weitere Erforschung von Granulosazelltumoren, polyzystsischen Nieren, Veränderungen von Hoden und der Rolle von WT1 in der frühen Hämatopoese.rn
Long-term potentiation in the neonatal rat rnbarrel cortex in vivo rnLong-term potentiation (LTP) is important for the activity-dependent formation of early cortical circuits. In the neonatal rodent barrel cortex LTP has been so far only studied in vitro. I combined voltage-sensitive dye imaging with extracellular multi-electrode recordings to study whisker stimulation-induced LTP for both the slope of field potential and the number of multi-unit activity in the whisker-to-barrel cortex pathway of the neonatal rat barrel cortex in vivo. Single whisker stimulation at 2 Hz for 10 min induced an age-dependent expression of LTP in postnatal day (P) 0 to P14 rats with the strongest expression of LTP at P3-P5. The magnitude of LTP was largest in the stimulated barrel-related column, smaller in the surrounding septal region and no LTP could be observed in the neighboring barrel. Current source density analyses revealed an LTP-associated increase of synaptic current sinks in layer IV / lower layer II/III at P3-P5 and in the cortical plate / upper layer V at P0-P1. This study demonstrates for the first time an age-dependent and spatially confined LTP in the barrel cortex of the newborn rat in vivo. These activity-dependent modifications during the critical period may play an important role in the development and refinement of the topographic map in the barrel cortex. (An et al., 2012)rnEarly motor activity triggered by gamma and spindle bursts in neonatal rat motor cortexrnSelf-generated neuronal activity generated in subcortical regions drives early spontaneous motor activity, which is a hallmark of the developing sensorimotor system. However, the neuronal activity patterns and functions of neonatal primary motor cortex (M1) in the early movements are still unknown. I combined voltage-sensitive dye imaging with simultaneous extracellular multi-electrode recordings in the neonatal rat S1 and M1 in vivo. At P3-P5, gamma and spindle bursts observed in M1 could trigger early paw movements. Furthermore, the paw movements could be also elicited by the focal electrical stimulation of M1 at layer V. Local inactivation of M1 could significantly attenuate paw movements, suggesting that the neonatal M1 operates in motor mode. In contrast, the neonatal M1 can also operate in sensory mode. Early spontaneous movements and sensory stimulations of paw trigger gamma and spindle bursts in M1. Blockade of peripheral sensory input from the paw completely abolished sensory evoked gamma and spindle bursts. Moreover, both sensory evoked and spontaneously occurring gamma and spindle bursts mediated interactions between S1 and M1. Accordingly, local inactivation of the S1 profoundly reduced paw stimulation-induced and spontaneously occurring gamma and spindle bursts in M1, indicating that S1 plays a critical role in generation of the activity patterns in M1. This study proposes that both self-generated and sensory evoked gamma and spindle bursts in M1 may contribute to the refinement and maturation of corticospinal and sensorimotor networks required for sensorimotor coordination.rn
Subthreshold resonance is a characteristic membrane property of different neuronal classes, is critically involved in the generation of network oscillations, and tunes the integration of synaptic inputs to particular frequency ranges. In order to investigate whether resonance properties of distinct neuronal populations in the immature neocortex contribute to these network oscillations, I performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from visually identified neurons in tangential and coronal neocortical slices from postnatal day (P) P0-P7 C57Bl/6 and P6-P13 GAD67-GFP knock-in mice. Subthreshold resonance was analyzed by sinusoidal current injection of varying frequency. All Cajal-Retzius cells showed subthreshold resonance with an average frequency of 2.6 ± 0.1 Hz (n=60), which was massively reduced by ZD7288, a blocker of hyperpolarization-activated cation currents. About 65.6% (n=61) of the supragranular pyramidal neurons showed subthreshold resonance with an average frequency of 1.4 ± 0.1 Hz (n=40). Application of 1 mM Ni2+ suppressed subthreshold resonance, suggesting that low-threshold Ca2+ currents contribute to resonance in these neurons. About 63.6% (n=77) of the layer V pyramidal neurons showed subthreshold resonance with an average frequency of 1.4 ± 0.2 Hz (n=49), which was abolished by ZD7288. Only 44.1% (n=59) of the subplate neurons showed subthreshold resonance with an average frequency of 1.3 ± 0.2 Hz (n=26) and a small resonance strength. Finally, 50% of the investigated GABAergic interneurons showed subthreshold resonance with an average frequency of 2.0 ± 0.2 Hz (n=42). Membrane hyperpolarization to –86 mV attenuated the frequency and strength of subthreshold resonance. Subthreshold resonance was virtually abolished in the presence of 1 mM Ni2+, suggesting that t-type Ca2+ currents are critically involved in the generation of resonance, while ZD7288 had no effect. Application of 0.4 µM TTX suppressed subthreshold resonance at depolarized, but not hyperpolarized membrane potential, suggesting that persistent Na+ current contribute to the amplification of membrane resonance. rnIn summary, these results demonstrate that all investigated neuronal subpopulations reveal resonance behavior, with either hyperpolarization-activated cation or low-threshold Ca2+ currents contributing to the subthreshold resonance. GABAergic interneurons also express subthreshold resonance at low frequencies, with t-type Ca2+ and persistent Na+ currents underlying the generation of membrane resonance. The membrane resonance of immature neurons may contribute to the generation of slow oscillatory activity pattern in the immature neocortex and enhance the temporal precision of synaptic integration in developing cortical neurons.rn
Rodents are most useful models to study physiological and pathophysiological processes in early development, because they are born in a relatively immature state. However, only few techniques are available to monitor non-invasively heart frequency and respiratory rate in neonatal rodents without restraining or hindering access to the animal. Here we describe experimental procedures that allow monitoring of heart frequency by electrocardiography (ECG) and breathing rate with a piezoelectric transducer (PZT) element without hindering access to the animal. These techniques can be easily installed and are used in the present study in unrestrained awake and anesthetized neonatal C57/Bl6 mice and Wistar rats between postnatal day 0 and 7. In line with previous reports from awake rodents we demonstrate that heart rate in rats and mice increases during the first postnatal week. Respiratory frequency did not differ between both species, but heart rate was significantly higher in mice than in rats. Further our data indicate that urethane, an agent that is widely used for anesthesia, induces a hypoventilation in neonates whilst heart rate remains unaffected at a dose of 1 g per kg body weight. Of note, hypoventilation induced by urethane was not detected in rats at postnatal 0/1. To verify the detected hypoventilation we performed blood gas analyses. We detected a respiratory acidosis reflected by a lower pH and elevated level in CO2 tension (pCO2) in both species upon urethane treatment. Furthermore we found that metabolism of urethane is different in P0/1 mice and rats and between P0/1 and P6/7 in both species. Our findings underline the usefulness of monitoring basic cardio-respiratory parameters in neonates during anesthesia. In addition our study gives information on developmental changes in heart and breathing frequency in newborn mice and rats and the effects of urethane in both species during the first postnatal week.
Epileptic seizures are the manifestations of epilepsy, which is a major neurological disorder and occurs with a high incidence during early childhood. A fundamental mechanism underlying epileptic seizures is loss of balance between neural excitation and inhibition toward overexcitation. Glycine receptor (GlyR) is ionotropic neurotransmitter receptor that upon binding of glycine opens an anion pore and mediates in the adult nervous system a consistent inhibitory action. While previously it was assumed that GlyRs mediate inhibition mainly in the brain stem and spinal cord, recent studies reported the abundant expression of GlyRs throughout the brain, in particular during neuronal development. But no information is available regarding whether activation of GlyRs modulates neural network excitability and epileptiform activities in the immature central nervous system (CNS). Therefore the study in this thesis addresses the role of GlyRs in the modulation of neuronal excitability and epileptiform activity in the immature rat brain. By using in vitro intact corticohippocampal formation (CHF) of rats at postnatal days 4-7 and electrophysiological methods, a series of pharmacological examinations reveal that GlyRs are directly implicated in the control of hippocampal excitation levels at this age. In this thesis I am able to show that GlyRs are functionally expressed in the immature hippocampus and exhibit the classical pharmacology of GlyR, which can be activated by both glycine and the presumed endogenous agonist taurine. This study also reveals that high concentration of taurine is anticonvulsive, but lower concentration of taurine is proconvulsive. A substantial fraction of both the pro- and anticonvulsive effects of taurine is mediated via GlyRs, although activation of GABAA receptors also considerably contributes to the taurine effects. Similarly, glycine exerts both pro- and anticonvulsive effects at low and high concentrations, respectively. The proconvulsive effects of taurine and glycine depend on NKCC1-mediated Cl- accumulation, as bath application of NKCC1 inhibitor bumetanide completely abolishes proconvulsive effects of low taurine and glycine concentrations. Inhibition of GlyRs with low concentration of strychnine triggers epileptiform activity in the CA3 region of immature CHF, indicating that intrinsically an inhibitory action of GlyRs overwhelms its depolarizing action in the immature hippocampus. Additionally, my study indicates that blocking taurine transporters to accumulate endogenous taurine reduces epileptiform activity via activation of GABAA receptors, but not GlyRs, while blocking glycine transporters has no observable effect on epileptiform activity. From the main results of this study it can be concluded that in the immature rat hippocampus, activation of GlyRs mediates both pro- and anticonvulsive effects, but that a persistent activation of GlyRs is required to prevent intrinic neuronal overexcitability. In summary, this study uncovers an important role of GlyRs in the modulation of neuronal excitability and epileptiform activity in the immature rat hippocampus, and indicates that glycinergic system can potentially be a new therapeutic target against epileptic seizures of children.
ABSTRACT Aim: Intrauterine conditions may interfere with fetal brain development. We compared the neurodevelopmental outcome between infants <32 weeks gestational age after maternal preeclampsia or chorioamnionitis and controls. Methods: Case-control study on infants with maternal preeclampsia, chorioamnionitis and controls (each n = 33) matched for gestational age. Neurodevelopment at two years was assessed with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development II. Results: Ninety-nine infants were included with a median gestational age of 29 weeks (range 25-32). Median mental developmental index (MDI) was 96 in the control, 90 in the chorioamnionitis and 86 in the preeclampsia group. Preeclampsia infants had a lower MDI compared with the control group (univariate p = 0.021, multivariate p = 0.183) and with the chorioamnionitis group (univariate p = 0.242; multivariate p = 0.027). Median psychomotor index was 80.5 in the control, 80 in the preeclampsia and 85 in the chorioamnionitis group, and was not different between these three groups (p > 0.05). Chorioamnionitis or preeclampsia exposure was not associated with major neurodevelopmental impairments (cerebral palsy, MDI<70, PDI<70). Conclusion: The results of this preliminary study suggest that preeclampsia and chorioamnionitis play a relatively minor role among risk factors for adverse neurodevelopment outcome. Postnatal factors such as ventilation and bronchopulmonary dysplasia may have a greater impact on neurodevelopmental outcome.
It is now generally accepted that complex mental disorders are the results of interplay between genetic and environmental factors. This holds out the prospect that by studying G x E interplay we can explain individual variation in vulnerability and resilience to environmental hazards in the development of mental disorders. Furthermore studying G x E findings may give insights in neurobiological mechanisms of psychiatric disorder and so improve individualized treatment and potentially prevention. In this paper, we provide an overview of the state of field with regard to G x E in mental disorders. Strategies for G x E research are introduced. G x E findings from selected mental disorders with onset in childhood or adolescence are reviewed [such as depressive disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obesity, schizophrenia and substance use disorders]. Early seminal studies provided evidence for G x E in the pathogenesis of depression implicating 5-HTTLPR, and conduct problems implicating MAOA. Since then G x E effects have been seen across a wide range of mental disorders (e.g., ADHD, anxiety, schizophrenia, substance abuse disorder) implicating a wide range of measured genes and measured environments (e.g., pre-, peri- and postnatal influences of both a physical and a social nature). To date few of these G x E effects have been sufficiently replicated. Indeed meta-analyses have raised doubts about the robustness of even the most well studied findings. In future we need larger, sufficiently powered studies that include a detailed and sophisticated characterization of both phenotype and the environmental risk.
Background: Long-term evolution of congenital toxoplasmosis is not documented. We assessed the outcome of treated congenital toxoplasmosis in a cohort of adult individuals who had undergone ante- and postnatal treatment to provide information for pediatricians and parents on the evolution of the disease. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire study on 126 adults with congenital toxoplasmosis (mean age: 22.2 years; age range: 18–31 years) monitored regularly until the time of inclusion. The main outcome measures were quality of life (Psychological General Well-Being Index) and visual function (VF14 questionnaire), and the outcomes were correlated with disease-specific factors. Results: Of the 102 patients (80.9%) who were finally included in the study, 12 (11.8%) presented neurologic effects and 60 (58.8%) manifested ocular lesions; in the latter category, 13 individuals (12.7%) had reduced visual function. The overall global quality-of-life score (74.7 ± 14.2) was close to the expected normal range for the general population (73.7 ± 15.3). Overall, visual function was only slightly impaired (M = 97.3; 95% confidence interval, 95.8–98.8). Although disease-independent critical life circumstances were associated with a reduced Psychological General Well-Being Index, this index was not influenced by any of the clinical characteristics of congenital toxoplasmosis. Neurologic pathologies, reduced visual acuity, foveal location of the retinal lesion, and squinting contributed to decreased visual function at follow-up. Conclusions: Our data reveal that treated congenital toxoplasmosis has little effect on the quality of life and visual function of the affected individuals. These encouraging findings may help to alleviate the anxiety of affected individuals and their parents.
Glucose disposability is often impaired in neonatal calves and even more in preterm calves. The objective of this study was to investigate ontogenic maturation of endogenous glucose production (eGP) in calves and its effects on postnatal glucose homeostasis. Calves (n = 7 per group) were born preterm (PT; delivered by section 9 d before term) or at term (T; spontaneous vaginal delivery), or spontaneously born and fed colostrum for 4 d (TC). Blood samples were taken immediately after birth and before and 2h after feeding at 24h after birth (PT; T) or on d 4 of life (TC) to determine metabolic and endocrine changes. After birth (PT and T) or on d 3 of life (TC), fasted calves were gavaged with deuterium-labeled water to determine gluconeogenesis (GNG) and intravenously infused with [U(13)C]-glucose to measure eGP and glucose oxidation (GOx) in blood plasma. After slaughter at 26h after birth (PT, T) or on d 4 of life (TC), glycogen concentrations in liver and hepatic mRNA concentrations and enzyme activities of pyruvate carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), and glucose-6-phosphatase were measured. Preterm calves had the lowest plasma concentrations of cortisol and 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine at birth. Plasma glucose concentrations from d 1 to 2 decreased more, but plasma concentrations of lactate and urea and glucagon:insulin ratio were higher in PT than in T and TC calves. The eGP, GNG, GOx, as well as hepatic glycogen concentrations and PEPCK activities, were lowest in PT calves. Results indicate impaired glucose homeostasis due to decreased eGP in PT calves and maturation of eGP with ontogenic development.
One quadrillion synapses are laid in the first two years of postnatal construction of the human brain, which are then pruned until age 10 to 500 trillion synapses composing the final network. Genetic epilepsies are the most common neurological diseases with onset during pruning, affecting 0.5% of 2-10-year-old children, and these epilepsies are often characterized by spontaneous remission. We previously described a remitting epilepsy in the Lagotto romagnolo canine breed. Here, we identify the gene defect and affected neurochemical pathway. We reconstructed a large Lagotto pedigree of around 34 affected animals. Using genome-wide association in 11 discordant sib-pairs from this pedigree, we mapped the disease locus to a 1.7 Mb region of homozygosity in chromosome 3 where we identified a protein-truncating mutation in the Lgi2 gene, a homologue of the human epilepsy gene LGI1. We show that LGI2, like LGI1, is neuronally secreted and acts on metalloproteinase-lacking members of the ADAM family of neuronal receptors, which function in synapse remodeling, and that LGI2 truncation, like LGI1 truncations, prevents secretion and ADAM interaction. The resulting epilepsy onsets at around seven weeks (equivalent to human two years), and remits by four months (human eight years), versus onset after age eight in the majority of human patients with LGI1 mutations. Finally, we show that Lgi2 is expressed highly in the immediate post-natal period until halfway through pruning, unlike Lgi1, which is expressed in the latter part of pruning and beyond. LGI2 acts at least in part through the same ADAM receptors as LGI1, but earlier, ensuring electrical stability (absence of epilepsy) during pruning years, preceding this same function performed by LGI1 in later years. LGI2 should be considered a candidate gene for common remitting childhood epilepsies, and LGI2-to-LGI1 transition for mechanisms of childhood epilepsy remission.
The commercial use of animal cloning for breeding food producing animals has been limited so far by biological and technical constraints such as adverse effects on the health and welfare of animals, especially high perinatal and postnatal disease and mortality of clones. However, the improvement of the technique may overcome those problems in future and contribute to the spread of cloning in agricultural production, which raises concern not only on health and welfare aspects but also on food safety and ethics. This may cause conflict in international trade. The present article reviews these topics on the basis of up-to-date scientific opinions.
The etiology of brain tumors in children and adolescents is largely unknown, and very few environmental risk factors have been identified. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between pre- or postnatal animal contacts or farm exposures and the risk of childhood brain tumors (CBTs), since infectious agents may pose a risk factor and a proposed mechanism is transferral of infectious agents from animals to humans.