986 resultados para post-deformation annealing


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El presente estudio se realizó en febr ero del año 2006, en Tipi tapa, municipio del departamento de Managua, Km 26 carretera norte. En la zona arrocera el Timal, finca del pivote 34, del señor Freddy González, con el objetivo de ev aluar la eficiencia de tres dosis del herbicida Pyribenxozim (pyanc hor 5 EC) aplicado en post emergencia temprana para el control de arvenses en el cultivo de arroz (Oryza sativa L), de riego en época seca. El experimento se estableció en un lote comercial, en un Diseño de Bloque Completo al Azar (BCA), con cinco tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Las variables evaluadas en este estudio fueron: composición florística, cobertura, Efectividad del herbicida sobre las arvenses selectividad (Fitotoxicidad) y rendimiento. Las dosis del producto evaluado en el ensayo fueron: T1- (Pyribenxozim 5 EC 0.8 l/ha), T2 - (Pyribenxozim 5 EC 1.0 l/ha), T3 - (Pyribenxozim 5 EC 1.2 l/ha), T4 - (Testigo comercial Bispiribac Sodico (Nominee) 40 SC 1.0 l/ha) (muy utilizado en la zona) y T5 - (Testigo absoluto). En los resultados, se identificaron las arvenses que predominaban en el cultivo, las principales familias predominantes fueron las Poaceae. Los mayores porcentajes de c obertura se encontraron en T1- (Pyribenxozim 5 EC 0.8 l/ha) y el T5 - (Testigo absoluto). Los tres tratamientos evaluados de pyanchor 5 EC controlaron eficientemente las principales arvenses presentes. Sin embargo el mejor resultado sobre el detrimento de las arvenses fue la dosis de 1.2 l/ ha de Pyanchor 5 EC en la que se encontró un 97 % de control. En cuanto a la efectividad sobre el tipo de especies, se observó, que ninguna de las dosis estudiadas logro afectar a las especies Leptochloa filiformis L y Eclipta alba L mismo efecto se observó en el tratamiento en el que se uso el producto comercial Bispir ibac Sodico (Nominee) 40 SC 1.0 l/ha. El herbicida Pyribenxozim (pyanchor 5 EC), es un producto selectivo con respecto al cultivo de arroz. Según esto s resultados, en el rendimien to del cultivo ninguno de los tratamientos afecto su calidad y cantidad según características de la variedad. En cuanto a la probación y registro del producto por el MAG FOR, basado en los resultados obtenidos este actualmente fue aceptado y esta siendo aplicado por los productores de arroz.


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Thermally induced recovery of nanoindents in a CUAINi single crystal shape memory alloy was studied by nanoindentation in conjunction with a heating stage. Nanoindents formed by a Berkovich indenter at room temperature were heated to 40, 70 and 100 degrees C. Partial recovery was observed for the nanoindents. The recovery ratio depended on the heating temperature. Indentation of CuAlNi can induce inelastic deformation via dislocation motion and a stress-induced matensitic transformation. The percentages of dislocation-induced plastic strain would affect the thermal deformation of CuAlNi, because the induced dislocations could stabilize stress-induced martensite plates even when the temperature above austenite finish temperature, A(f). When the applied indentation load is low (less than 10,000 mu N), the shape recovery strain is predominant, compared with the dislocation-induced plastic strain. Therefore, the degree of indent recovery in the depth direction, delta(D), is high (about 0.7-0.8 at 100 degrees C).


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Plastic deformation behaviour of Zr52.5Al10Ni10Cu15Be12.5 and Mg65Cu25Gd10 bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) is studied by using the depth-sensing nanoindentation and microindentation. The subsurface plastic deformation zone of the BMGs is investigated using the bonded interface technique. Both the BMGs exhibit the serrated flow depending on the loading rate in the loading process of indentation. Slow indentation rates promote more conspicuous serrations, and rapid indentations suppress the serrated flow. Mg-based BMG shows a much higher critical loading rate for the disappearance of the serration than that in Zr-based BMG. The significant difference in the shear band pattern in the subsurface plastic deformation zone is responsible for the different deformation behaviour between the two BMGs. Increase of the loading rate can lead to the increase of the density of shear bands. However, there is no distinct change in the character of shear bands at the loading rate of as high as 1000 nm/s.


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An investigation has been made into the plastic deformation behavior of a Monel alloy deformed at high strain rate of 10(5) s(-1) by split Hopkinson bar. The results reveal that there are some equiaxed grains with an average size of 150 nm in diameter in the center of the shear bands, suggesting that this microstructure characteristics be developed by dynamic recrystallization, arising from the deformation and the rapid temperature rise in the band. Analysis shows that the plastic strain rate and the mobile dislocation density play a key role in the new crystallized grain formation and growth. Based on grain boundary energy change and diffusion mechanism, the grain growth kinetics is developed for plastic deformation at a high strain rate.


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By means of a surface plastic deformation method a nanocrystalline (NC) intermetallic compound was in situ synthesized on the surface layer of bulk zirconium (Zr). Hardened steel shots (composition: 1.0C, 1.5Cr, base Fe in wt.%) were used to conduct repetitive and multidirectional peening on the surface layer of Zr. The microstructure evolution of the surface layer was investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning and transmission electron microscopy observations. The NC intermetallic layer of about 25 gm thick was observed and confirmed by concentration profiles of Zr, Fe and Cr, and was found to consist of the Fe100-xCrx compound with an average grain size of 22 nm. The NC surface layer exhibited an extremely high average hardness of 10.2 GPa. The Zr base immediately next to the compound/Zr interface has a grain size of similar to 250 nm, and a hardness of similar to 3.4 GPa. The Fe100-xCrx layer was found to securely adhere to the Zr base. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Deformation microstructures have been investigated in nanocrystalline (nc) Ni with grain sizes in the 50-100 nm range. It was found that deformation twinning started to occur in grains of similar to 90 nm, and its propensity increased with decreasing grain size. In most of the nc grains dislocations were observed as well, in the form of individual dislocations and dipoles. It is concluded that dislocation-mediated plasticity dominates for grain sizes in the upper half, i.e. 50-100 nm, of the nanocrystalline regime. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Investigations made by the authors and collaborators into the microstructural aspects of adiabatic shear localization are critically reviewed. The materials analyzed are low-carbon steels, 304 stainless steel, monocrystalline Fe-Ni-Cr, Ti and its alloys, Al-Li alloys, Zircaloy, copper, and Al/SiCp composites. The principal findings are the following: (a) there is a strain-rate-dependent critical strain for the development of shear bands; (b) deformed bands and white-etching bands correspond to different stages of deformation; (c) different slip activities occur in different stages of band development; (d) grain refinement and amorphization occur in shear bands; (e) loss of stress-carrying capability is more closely associated with microdefects rather than with localization of strain; (f) both crystalline rotation and slip play important roles; and (g) band development and band structures are material dependent. Additionally, avenues for new research directions are suggested.


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The assumption of constant rock properties in pressure-transient analysis of stress-sensitive reservoirs can cause significant errors in the estimation of temporal and spatial variation of pressure. In this article, the pressure transient response of the fractal medium in stress-sensitive reservoirs was studied by using the self-similarity solution method and the regular perturbation method. The dependence of permeability on pore pressure makes the flow equation strongly nonlinear. The nonlinearities associated with the governing equation become weaker by using the logarithm transformation. The perturbation solutions for a constant pressure production and a constant rate production of a linear-source well were obtained by using the self-similarity solution method and the regular perturbation method in an infinitely large system, and inquire into the changing rule of pressure when the fractal and deformation parameters change. The plots of typical pressure curves were given in a few cases, and the results can be applied to well test analysis.


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The bonding of glass wafer to aluminum foils in multi-layer assemblies was made by the common anodic bonding process. The bonding was performed at temperatures in the range 350-450 degrees C and with an applied voltage in the range 400-700 V under a pressure of 0.05 MPa. Residual stress and deformation in samples of two-layer (aluminum/glass) and three-layer (glass/aluminum/glass) were analyzed by nonlinear finite element simulation software MARC. The stress and strain varying with cooling time were obtained. The analyzed results show that deformation of the three-layer sample is significantly smaller than that of the two-layer sample, because of the symmetric structure of the three-layer sample. This has an important advantage in MEMS fabrication. The maximum equivalent stresses locate in the transition layer in both samples, which will become weakness in bonded sample.


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Deformation twins have been observed in nanocrystalline (nc) fcc metals with medium-to-high stacking fault energies such as aluminum, copper, and nickel. These metals in their coarse-grained states rarely deform by twining at room temperature and low strain rates. Several twinning mechanisms have been reported that are unique to nc metals. This paper reviews experimental evidences on deformation twinning and partial dislocation. emissions from grain boundaries, twinning mechanisms, and twins with zero-macro-strain. Factors that affect the twinning propensity and recent analytical models on the critical grain sizes for twinning are also discussed. The current issues on deformation twinning in nanocrystalline metals are listed.


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Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) has been widely used in lab-on-a-chip and micro- total analysis systems (mu-TAS), thus wetting and electrowetting behaviors of PDMS are of great importance in these devices. PDMS is a kind of soft polymer material, so the elastic deformation of PDMS membrane by a droplet cannot be neglected due to the vertical component of the interfacial tension between the liquid and vapor, and this vertical component of liquid-vapor surface tension is also balanced by the stress distribution within the PDMS membrane. Such elastic deformation and stress distribution not only affect the exact measurement of contact angle, but also have influence on the micro-fluidic behavior of the devices. Using ANSYS code, we simulated numerically the elastic deformation and stress distribution of PDMS membrane on a rigid substrate due to the liquid-vapor surface tension. It is found that the vertical elastic deformation of the PDMS membrane is on the order of several tens of nanometers due to the application of a droplet with a diameter of 2.31 mm, which is no longer negligible for lab-on-a-chip and mu-TAS. The vertical elastic deformation increases with the thickness of the PDMS membrane, and there exists a saturated membrane thickness, regarded as a semi-infinite membrane thickness, and the vertical elastic deformation reaches a limiting value when the membrane thickness is equal to or thicker than such saturated thickness. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2008.


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We report the observation of a deformation twin formed by a recently proposed self-thickening, cross-slip twinning mechanism. This observation verifies one more twinning mechanism, in addition to those reported before, in nanocrystalline face-centered-cubic metals. In this mechanism, once the first Shockley partial is emitted from a grain boundary, and cross slips onto another slip plane, a deformation twin could nucleate and grow in both the primary and cross-slip planes without requiring the nucleation of additional Shockley partials from the grain boundary.


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In this paper, some basic mechanical behaviors of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) were discussed. It can be found from the discussions that the mechanical behaviors of BMGs are mainly due to the formation and operation of shear bands in BMGs. Furthermore, the relevant mechanics of shear banding were investigated in the paper. The theoretical analysis of deformation coupling thermal softening and free volume creation softening demonstrates that the free volume creation and thermal softening can jointly promote the formation of shear bands in BMGs, and the observed post mortem. shear band width looks more like that governed by free volume creation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.