997 resultados para population bottleneck


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青藏高原东南缘由于特殊的生态地理条件,有着丰富的森林资源,这些资源是长江上游涵养水源、保持水土的生态屏障,是生物多样性的资源宝库。但随着过量的森林采伐,使该区曾经丰富的生物多样性资源遭受了前所未有的破坏,天然林的质量严重下降,生态系统退化,功能减弱。与此同时,许多物种的种群规模正在锐减,物种的遗传多样性也严重丧失。川西云杉是西部地区分布最广的云杉树种之一,在较高海拔的地区有着重要的生态学功能,是一种适应性很强的乡土树种。本项目采用简单序列重复标记(SSR)和特定序列位点(STS)研究不同生境条件下川西云杉群体的遗传变异及其时空分布格局,考察遗传变异与复杂的山地生态环境间的潜在联系,系统地揭示川西云杉天然群体与环境系统相互作用的生态适应与分子进化机制。研究成果能有效地为该树种遗传资源的科学保护与合理利用提供理论依据和科学指导,可为中国西南部亚高山天然林的可持续经营及退化生态系统的恢复与重建提供依据。主要研究结果如下: 1 STS和SSR两种分子标记的研究结果表明:川西云杉群体拥有中等水平的遗传多样性(基于SSR标记,平均He = 0.640;基于STS标记,平均He = 0.553)。造成这种中等水平的遗传多样性,可能是由于历史原因,川西云杉天然林被大量采伐,导致了遗传多样性的丧失。两种方法都检测出群体BT有着最高水平的遗传多样性。 2 两种标记的结果都一致说明:检测的10个川西云杉群体间遗传分化比较高,其存在群体间的遗传变异比例要明显地高于广泛分布的挪威云杉、横贯大陆的黑云杉以及兼有连续分布和不连续分布的西加云杉等,但要低于分布范围狭窄且呈不连续分布的粗枝云杉。青藏高原东南部的片段化生境可能是导致高水平遗传分化的主要原因。 3 基于两种标记的UPGMA 聚类和PCA分析结果,以及基于SSR标记的FCA分析结果都显示:群体BY遗传上明显区别于其它群体,其可能原因是青藏高原东南缘山脉阻隔而导致的生殖隔离的结果。 4 根据软件Bottleneck 1.2.02的检测以及不依赖哈迪一温伯格平衡的M比率检测结果:川西云杉种群很有可能经历了近期的遗传瓶颈效应。在本研究中遗传瓶颈效应并没有显著影响到物种的遗传多样性。然而,在这些片断化群体未来的子代群体中很可能出现遗传瓶颈导致的遗传多样性下降的效应。 Due to the extremely complex topography and climatic conditions, the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is region abundant in forest resource, which is benefit to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River water conservation, and protecting natural environment and biodiversity resources. However, by the reason of a plenty of trees were cut in these yeas, the biodiversity resource was destroy with degraded ecosystem and imperfect funcation. Picea balfouriana is one of the regionally distributed conifer species in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and considered as a constructive species within its distribution area. It is an optimal species for the production of biomass. Moreover, it is well adapted to stressful environments at high altitude, especially to cold and drought conditions which are generally harsh for other trees. In our study, two types of molecular markers (SSR and STS) were used to estimate the genetic diversity and genetic structure of P. balfouriana populations originating from the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with varying climatic and geographical conditions. The results will not only provide a deep insight into its genetic diversity and population genetic structure but also valuable information for further management and breeding programs in P. balfouriana. In summary, the results obtained in this study revealed that: 1 A moderate degree of genetic variation is present in P. balfouriana in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and it may caused by many trees were cut in the past. Population BT owns the highest level of genetic diversity by both two types of markers. 2 Considerable population differentiation exists among the ten P. balfouriana populations based on both SSR and STS markers, possibly caused by habitat fragmentation and heterogeneous environments. 3 The UPGMA clustering and PCA analyses based on SSR and STS marker, and FCA analyses based on SSR marker congruously separated population BY from other populations, which is likely due to the presence of mountain barriers. 4 The results of bottleneck analysis indicated that P. balfouriana populations that have undergone recent declines. In our research, the bottleneck effect don’t have a significant impact on the genetic diversity of species, however, the level of genetic diversity of P. balfouriana offspring populations growing in the fragmented habitats will decline in the future.


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Marine sponges (Porifera) possess an extraordinary diversity of bioactive metabolites for new drug discovery and development. In vitro cultivation of sponge cells in a bioreactor system is very attractive for the sustainable production of sponge-derived bioactive metabolites; however, it is still a challenging task. The recent establishment of sponge primmorphs, multicellular aggregates from dissociated mixed-cell population (MCP), has been widely acknowledged to hold great promise for cultivation in vitro. Here we present a new method to establish an in vitro sponge primmorph culture from archaeocyte-dominant cell population (ADCP) enriched by a Ficoll gradient, rather than a mixed-cell population (MCP). Our rationale is based upon the totipotency (the ability of a cell to differentiate into other cell types) of archaeocyte cells and the different biological functions of various sponge cell types. A sponge, Hymeniacidon perleve collected from the China Yellow Sea was used as a model system for this investigation. Distinct dynamics of primmorph formation were observed while significant increases in DNA synthesis, cell proliferation (up to threefold), and cell growth (up to fourfold) were achieved. Furthermore, a time-dependent spiculogenesis was clearly demonstrated in our longterm culture, indicating high metabolic activity of primmorphs from the ADCP. This new method represents an important step forward to advance sponge cell culture in vitro that may lead to commercial exploitation of sponge-derived drugs. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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National Key Technology R&D Program of China [2008BAK50B05]; Chinese Academy of Sciences [KZCX-YW-Q06, KZCX2-YW-Q03-06]


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With the rapid increase of the number and influence of floating population in China, it is urgently needed to understand the regional types of China's floating population and their spatial characteristics. After reviewing the current methods for identifying regional types of floating population, this paper puts forward a new composite-index identification method and its modification version which is consisted of two indexes of the net migration rate and gross migration rate. Then, the traditional single-index and the new composite-index identification methods are empirically tested to explore their spatial patterns and characteristics by using China's 2000 census data at county level. The results show: (1) The composite-index identification method is much better than traditional single-index method because it can measure the migration direction and scale of floating simultaneously, and in particular it can identify the unique regional types of floating population with large scale of immigration and emigration. (2) The modified composite-index identification method, by using the share of a region's certain type of floating population to the total in China as weights, can effectively correct the over- or under-estimated errors due to the rather large or small total population of a region. (3) The spatial patterns of different regional types of China's floating population are closely related to the regional differentiation of their natural environment, population density and socio-economic development level. The three active regional types of floating population are mainly located in the eastern part of China with lower elevation, more than 800 mm precipitation, rather higher population densities and economic development levels.


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Ⅰ. INTRODUCTIONLaser-excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry in hollow cathode discharge(HCD) has been widely used in the research field of laser spectroscopy in recent years. Similar to traditional method, information obtained in the researches was direct line nonresonance fluorescence arising from the resonantly transitional upper level. Attention has not been sufficiently paid to the phenomenon of population change on the resonantly transitional lower level due to laser irradiation of plasma in HCD,...


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The bay scallop Argopecten irradians is a hermaphroditic bivalve native to the Atlantic coast of the United States that was introduced to China for aquaculture production in 1982. It now supports a major aquaculture industry in China. Introduced species often start with limited genetic variability, which is problematic for the further selective breeding. Bay scallop aquaculture is exclusively hatchery based and as the initial introduction consisted of only 26 scallops, there have been concerns about inbreeding and inbreeding depression in cultured populations in China. In this study, eleven simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to compare genetic variation in cultured populations from China with that in a natural population from the east coast of America. Although the difference in heterozygosity was small, the Chinese populations lost 9 of the 45 alleles (20%) found in the wild population. The reduced allele diversity suggests that the Chinese bay scallop populations experienced a bottleneck in genetic diversity that remains significant despite several recent introductions of new stocks aimed at expanding the gene pool. The loss of allele diversity may affect future efforts in selective breeding and domestication, and results of this study highlight the need for additional introductions, advanced breeding programs that minimize inbreeding and continued genetic monitoring. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As the only remainder type of phycobiliproteins in Prochlorococcus, the actual role of phycoerythrin still remains unknown. Previous studies revealed that two different forms of phycoerythrin gene were found in two ecotypes of Prochlorococcus that are specifically adapted to either high light (HL) or low light (LL) conditions. Here we analyze patterns of phycoerythrin nucleotide variation in the HL- and LL-Prochlorococcus populations. Our analyses reveal a significantly greater number of non-synonymous fixed substitutions in peB and peA than expected based on interspecific comparisons. This pattern of excess non-synonymous fixed substitutions is not seen in other five phycoerythrin-related genes (peZ/V/Y/T/S). Several neutrality statistical tests indicate an excess of rare frequency polymorphisms in the LL-Prochlorococcus data, but an excess of intermediate frequency polymorphisms in the HL-Prochlorococcus data. Distributions of the positively selected sites identified using the likelihood ratio test, when mapped onto the phycoerythrin tertiary structure, reveal that HL- and LL-phycoerythrin should be under different selective patterns. These findings may provide insights into the likely role of selection at the phycoerythrin locus and motivate further research to unveil the function of phycoerythrin in Prochlorococcus.


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Genetic variation of four populations of Sargassum thunbergii (Mert.) O. Kuntze and one outgroup of S. fusiforme (Harv.) Setchell from Shandong peninsula of China was studied with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. A total of 28 RAPD primers and 19 ISSR primers were amplified, showing 174 loci and 125 loci, respectively. Calculation of genetic diversity with different indicators (P%, percentage of polymorphic loci; H, the expected heterozygosity; I, Shannon's information index) revealed low or moderate levels of genetic variations within each S. thunbergii population. High genetic differentiations were determined with pairwise Nei's unbiased genetic distance (D) and fixation index (F-ST) between the populations. The Mantel test showed that two types of matrices of D and FST were highly correlated, whether from RAPD or ISSR data, r=0.9310 (P = 0.008) and 0.9313 (P=0.009) respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was used to apportion the variations between and within the S. thunbergii populations. It indicated that the variations among populations were higher than those within populations, being 57.57% versus 42.43% by RAPD and 59.52% versus 40.08% by ISSR, respectively. Furthermore, the Mantel test suggested that the genetic differentiations between the four populations were related to the geographical distances (r > 0.5), i.e., they conformed to the IBD (isolation by distance) model, as expected from UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages) cluster analysis. As a whole, the high genetic structuring between the four S. thunbergii populations along distant locations was clearly indicated in the RAPD and ISSR analyses (r > 0.8) in our study.


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Crassostrea ariakensis is an important aquacultured oyster species in Asia, its native region. During the past decade, consideration was given to introducing C. ariakensis into Chesapeake Bay, in the United States, to help revive the declining native oyster industry and bolster the local ecosystem. Little is known about the ecology and biology of this species in Asia due to confusion with nomenclature and difficulty in accurately identifying the species of wild populations in their natural environment. Even less research has been done on the population genetics of native populations of C. ariakensis in Asia. We examined the magnitude and pattern of genetic differentiation among 10 wild populations of C. ariakensis from its confirmed distribution range using eight polymorphic microsatellite markers. Results showed a small but significant global theta (ST) (0.018), indicating genetic heterogeneity among populations. Eight genetically distinct populations were further distinguished based on population pairwise theta (ST) comparisons, including one in Japan, four in China, and three populations along the coast of South Korea. A significant positive association was detected between genetic and geographic distances among populations, suggesting a genetic pattern of isolation by distance. This research represents a novel observation on wild genetic population structuring in a coastal bivalve species along the coast of the northwest Pacific.


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In this paper, we viewed the diel vertical migration (DVM) of copepod in the context of the animal's immediate behaviors of everyday concerns and constructed an instantaneous behavioral criterion effective for DVM and non-DVM behaviors. This criterion employed the function of 'venturous revenue' (VR), which is the product of the food intake and probability of the survival, to evaluate the gains and losses of the behaviors that the copepod could trade-off. The optimal behaviors are to find the optimal habitats to maximize VR. Two types of VRs are formulated and tested by the theoretical analysis and simulations. The sensed VR, monitoring the real-time changes of trade-offs and thereby determining the optimum habitat, is validated to be the effective objective function for the optimization of the behavior; whereas, the realized VR, quantifying the actual profit obtained by an optimal copepod in the sensed-VR-determined habitat, defines the life history of a specific age cohort. The achievement of a robust copepod overwintering stock through integrating the dynamics of the constituent age cohorts subjected to the instantaneous behavioral criterion for DVM clearly exemplified a possible way bridging the immediate pursuit of an individual and the end success of the population. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.