891 resultados para planting pattern


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Developmental and physiological responses are regulated by light throughout the entire life cycle of higher plants. To sense changes in the light environment, plants have developed various photoreceptors, including the red/far-red light-absorbing phytochromes and blue light-absorbing cryptochromes. A wide variety of physiological responses, including most light responses, also are modulated by circadian rhythms that are generated by an endogenous oscillator, the circadian clock. To provide information on local time, circadian clocks are synchronized and entrained by environmental time cues, of which light is among the most important. Light-driven entrainment of the Arabidopsis circadian clock has been shown to be mediated by phytochrome A (phyA), phytochrome B (phyB), and cryptochromes 1 and 2, thus affirming the roles of these photoreceptors as input regulators to the plant circadian clock. Here we show that the expression of PHYB∷LUC reporter genes containing the promoter and 5′ untranslated region of the tobacco NtPHYB1 or Arabidopsis AtPHYB genes fused to the luciferase (LUC) gene exhibit robust circadian oscillations in transgenic plants. We demonstrate that the abundance of PHYB RNA retains this circadian regulation and use a PHYB∷Luc fusion protein to show that the rate of PHYB synthesis is also rhythmic. The abundance of bulk PHYB protein, however, exhibits only weak circadian rhythmicity, if any. These data suggest that photoreceptor gene expression patterns may be significant in the daily regulation of plant physiology and indicate an unexpectedly intimate relationship between the components of the input pathway and the putative circadian clock mechanism in higher plants.


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A cDNA for a second mouse mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase (CA) called CA VB was identified by homology to the previously characterized murine CA V, now called CA VA. The full-length cDNA encodes a 317-aa precursor that contains a 33-aa classical mitochondrial leader sequence. Comparison of products expressed from cDNAs for murine CA VB and CA VA in COS cells revealed that both expressed active CAs that localized in mitochondria, and showed comparable activities in crude extracts and in mitochondria isolated from transfected COS cells. Northern blot analyses of total RNAs from mouse tissues and Western blot analyses of mouse tissue homogenates showed differences in tissue-specific expression between CA VB and CA VA. CA VB was readily detected in most tissues, while CA VA expression was limited to liver, skeletal muscle, and kidney. The human orthologue of murine CA VB was recently reported also. Comparison of the CA domain sequence of human CA VB with that reported here shows that the CA domains of CA VB are much more highly conserved between mouse and human (95% identity) than the CA domains of mouse and human CA VAs (78% identity). Analysis of phylogenetic relationships between these and other available human and mouse CA isozyme sequences revealed that mammalian CA VB evolved much more slowly than CA VA, accepting amino acid substitutions at least 4.5 times more slowly since each evolved from its respective human–mouse ancestral gene around 90 million years ago. Both the differences in tissue distribution and the much greater evolutionary constraints on CA VB sequences suggest that CA VB and CA VA have evolved to assume different physiological roles.


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After periods of high-frequency firing, the normal rhythmically active serotonin (5HT)-containing neurosecretory neurons of the lobster ventral nerve cord display a period of suppressed spike generation and reduced synaptic input that we refer to as “autoinhibition.” The duration of this autoinhibition is directly related to the magnitude and duration of the current injection triggering the high-frequency firing. More interesting, however, is that the autoinhibition is inversely related to the initial firing frequency of these cells within their normal range of firing (0.5–3 Hz). This allows more active 5HT neurons to resume firing after shorter durations of inhibition than cells that initially fired at slower rates. Although superfused 5HT inhibits the spontaneous firing of these cells, the persistence of autoinhibition in saline with no added calcium, in cadmium-containing saline, and in lobsters depleted of serotonin suggests that intrinsic membrane properties account for the autoinhibition. A similar autoinhibition is seen in spontaneously active octopamine neurons but is absent from spontaneously active γ-aminobutyric acid cells. Thus, this might be a characteristic feature of amine-containing neurosecretory neurons. The 5HT cells of vertebrate brain nuclei share similarities in firing frequencies, spike shapes, and inhibition by 5HT with the lobster cells that were the focus of this study. However, the mechanism suggested to underlie autoinhibition in vertebrate neurons is that 5HT released from activated or neighboring cells acts back on inhibitory autoreceptors that are found on the dendrites and cell bodies of these neurons.


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Combined lesions of retinal targets and ascending auditory pathways can induce, in developing animals, permanent retinal projections to auditory thalamic nuclei and to visual thalamic nuclei that normally receive little direct retinal input. Neurons in the auditory cortex of such animals have visual response properties that resemble those of neurons in the primary visual cortex of normal animals. Therefore, we investigated the behavioral function of the surgically induced retino-thalamo-cortical pathways. We showed that both surgically induced pathways can mediate visually guided behaviors whose normal substrate, the pathway from the retina to the primary visual cortex via the primary thalamic visual nucleus, is missing.


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Cloning and sequencing of the upstream region of the gene of the CC chemokine HCC-1 led to the discovery of an adjacent gene coding for a CC chemokine that was named “HCC-2.” The two genes are separated by 12-kbp and reside in a head-to-tail orientation on chromosome 17. At variance with the genes for HCC-1 and other human CC chemokines, which have a three-exon-two-intron structure, the HCC-2 gene consists of four exons and three introns. Expression of HCC-2 and HCC-1 as studied by Northern analysis revealed, in addition to the regular, monocistronic mRNAs, a common, bicistronic transcript. In contrast to HCC-1, which is expressed constitutively in numerous human tissues, HCC-2 is expressed only in the gut and the liver. HCC-2 shares significant sequence homology with CKβ8 and the murine chemokines C10, CCF18/MRP-2, and macrophage inflammatory protein 1γ, which all contain six instead of four conserved cysteines. The two additional cysteines of HCC-2 form a third disulfide bond, which anchors the COOH-terminal domain to the core of the molecule. Highly purified recombinant HCC-2 was tested on neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes and was found to exhibit marked functional similarities to macrophage inflammatory protein 1α. It is a potent chemoattractant and inducer of enzyme release in monocytes and a moderately active attractant for eosinophils. Desensitization studies indicate that HCC-2 acts mainly via CC chemokine receptor CCR1.


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Chelicerates constitute a basic arthropod group with fossil representatives from as early as the Cambrian period. Embryonic development and the subdivision of the segmented body region into a prosoma and an opisthosoma are very similar in all extant chelicerates. The mode of head segmentation, however, has long been controversial. Although all other arthropod groups show a subdivision of the head region into six segments, the chelicerates are thought to have the first antennal segment missing. To examine this problem on a molecular level, we have compared the expression pattern of Hox genes in the spider Cupiennius salei with the pattern known from insects. Surprisingly, we find that the anterior expression borders of the Hox genes are in the same register and the same relative segmental position as in Drosophila. This contradicts the view that the homologue of the first antennal segment is absent in the spider. Instead, our data suggest that the cheliceral segment is homologous to the first antennal segment and the pedipalpal segment is homologous to the second antennal (or intercalary) segment in arthropods. Our finding implies that chelicerates, myriapods, crustaceans, and insects share a single mode of head segmentation, reinforcing the argument for a monophyletic origin of the arthropods.


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Sympathetic preganglionic neurons exhibit segment-specific projections. Preganglionic neurons located in rostral spinal segments project rostrally within the sympathetic chain, those located in caudal spinal segments project caudally, and those in midthoracic segments project either rostrally or caudally in segmentally graded proportions. Moreover, rostrally and caudally projecting preganglionic neurons are skewed toward the rostral and caudal regions, respectively, of each midthoracic segment. The mechanisms that establish these segment-specific projections are unknown. Here we show that experimental manipulation of retinoid signaling in the chicken embryo alters the segment-specific pattern of sympathetic preganglionic projections and that this effect is mediated by the somitic mesoderm. Application of exogenous retinoic acid to a single rostral thoracic somite decreases the number of rostrally projecting preganglionic neurons at that level. Conversely, disrupting endogenous synthesis of retinoic acid in a single caudal thoracic somite increases the number of rostrally projecting preganglionic neurons at that level. The number of caudally projecting neurons does not change in either case, indicating that the effect is specific for rostrally projecting preganglionic neurons. These results indicate that the sizes of the rostrally and caudally projecting populations may be independently regulated by different factors. Opposing gradients of such factors along the longitudinal axis of the thoracic region of the embryo could be sufficient, in combination, to determine the segment-specific identity of preganglionic projections.


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We report identification of 9-cis-4-oxo-retinoic acid (9-cis-4-oxo-RA) as an in vivo retinoid metabolite in Xenopus embryos. 9-Cis-4-oxo-RA bound receptors (RARs) α, β, and γ as well as retinoid X receptors (RXRs) α, β, and γ in vitro. However, this retinoid displayed differential RXR activation depending on the response pathway used. Although it failed to activate RXRs in RXR homodimers, it activated RXRs and RARs synergistically in RAR-RXR heterodimers. 9-Cis-4-oxo-RA thus acted as a dimer-specific agonist. Considering that RAR-RXR heterodimers are major functional units involved in transducing retinoid signals during embryogenesis and that 9-cis-4-oxo-RA displayed high potency for modulating axial pattern formation in Xenopus, metabolism to 9-cis-4-oxo-RA may provide a mechanism to target retinoid action to this and other RAR-RXR heterodimer-mediated processes.


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The abundant chromosome abnormalities in most carcinomas are probably a reflection of genomic instability present in the tumor, so the pattern and variability of chromosome abnormalities will reflect the mechanism of instability combined with the effects of selection. Chromosome rearrangement was investigated in 17 colorectal carcinoma-derived cell lines. Comparative genomic hybridization showed that the chromosome changes were representative of those found in primary tumors. Spectral karyotyping (SKY) showed that translocations were very varied and mostly unbalanced, with no translocation occurring in more than three lines. At least three karyotype patterns could be distinguished. Some lines had few chromosome abnormalities: they all showed microsatellite instability, the replication error (RER)+ phenotype. Most lines had many chromosome abnormalities: at least seven showed a surprisingly consistent pattern, characterized by multiple unbalanced translocations and intermetaphase variation, with chromosome numbers around triploid, 6–16 structural aberrations, and similarities in gains and losses. Almost all of these were RER−, but one, LS411, was RER+. The line HCA7 showed a novel pattern, suggesting a third kind of genomic instability: multiple reciprocal translocations, with little numerical change or variability. This line was also RER+. The coexistence in one tumor of two kinds of genomic instability is to be expected if the underlying defects are selected for in tumor evolution.


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The human prion gene contains five copies of a 24 nt repeat that is highly conserved among species. An analysis of folding free energies of the human prion mRNA, in particular in the repeat region, suggested biased codon selection and the presence of RNA patterns. In particular, pseudoknots, similar to the one predicted by Wills in the human prion mRNA, were identified in the repeat region of all available prion mRNAs available in GenBank, but not those of birds and the red slider turtle. An alignment of these mRNAs, which share low sequence homology, shows several co-variations that maintain the pseudoknot pattern. The presence of pseudoknots in yeast Sup35p and Rnq1 suggests acquisition in the prokaryotic era. Computer generated three-dimensional structures of the human prion pseudoknot highlight protein and RNA interaction domains, which suggest a possible effect in prion protein translation. The role of pseudoknots in prion diseases is discussed as individuals with extra copies of the 24 nt repeat develop the familial form of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.


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We performed a genome-wide analysis of gene expression in primary human CD15+ myeloid progenitor cells. By using the serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) technique, we obtained quantitative information for the expression of 37,519 unique SAGE-tag sequences. Of these unique tags, (i) 25% were detected at high and intermediate levels, whereas 75% were present as single copies, (ii) 53% of the tags matched known expressed sequences, 34% of which were matched to more than one known expressed sequence, and (iii) 47% of the tags had no matches and represent potentially novel genes. The correct genes were confirmed by application of the generation of longer cDNA fragments from SAGE tags for gene identification (GLGI) technique for high-copy tags with multiple matches. A set of genes known to be important in myeloid differentiation were expressed at various levels and used different spliced forms. This study provides a normal baseline for comparison of gene expression in myeloid diseases. The strategy of using SAGE and GLGI techniques in this study has broad applications to the genome-wide identification of expressed genes.


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NADH-dependent glutamate synthase (NADH-GOGAT; EC is a key enzyme in primary nitrogen assimilation in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) root nodules. Here we report that in alfalfa, a single gene, probably with multiple alleles, encodes for NADH-GOGAT. In situ hybridizations were performed to assess the location of NADH-GOGAT transcript in alfalfa root nodules. In wild-type cv Saranac nodules the NADH-GOGAT gene is predominantly expressed in infected cells. Nodules devoid of bacteroids (empty) induced by Sinorhizobium meliloti 7154 had no NADH-GOGAT transcript detectable by in situ hybridization, suggesting that the presence of the bacteroid may be important for NADH-GOGAT expression. The pattern of expression of NADH-GOGAT shifted during root nodule development. Until d 9 after planting, all infected cells appeared to express NADH-GOGAT. By d 19, a gradient of expression from high in the early symbiotic zone to low in the late symbiotic zone was observed. In 33-d-old nodules expression was seen in only a few cell layers in the early symbiotic zone. This pattern of expression was also observed for the nifH transcript but not for leghemoglobin. The promoter of NADH-GOGAT was evaluated in transgenic alfalfa plants carrying chimeric β-glucuronidase promoter fusions. The results suggest that there are at least four regulatory elements. The region responsible for expression in the infected cell zone contains an 88-bp direct repeat.


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We analyzed the effect of short-term water deficits at different periods of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaf development on the spatial and temporal patterns of tissue expansion and epidermal cell division. Six water-deficit periods were imposed with similar and constant values of soil water content, predawn leaf water potential and [ABA] in the xylem sap, and with negligible reduction of the rate of photosynthesis. Water deficit did not affect the duration of expansion and division. Regardless of their timing, deficits reduced relative expansion rate by 36% and relative cell division rate by 39% (cells blocked at the G0-G1 phase) in all positions within the leaf. However, reductions in final leaf area and cell number in a given zone of the leaf largely differed with the timing of deficit, with a maximum effect for earliest deficits. Individual cell area was only affected during the periods when division slowed down. These behaviors could be simulated in all leaf zones and for all timings by assuming that water deficit affects relative cell division rate and relative expansion rate independently, and that leaf development in each zone follows a stable three-phase pattern in which duration of each phase is stable if expressed in thermal time (C. Granier and F. Tardieu [1998b] Plant Cell Environ 21: 695–703).


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Transient A-type K+ channels (IA) in neurons have been implicated in the delay of the spike onset and the decrease in the firing frequency. Here we have characterized biophysically and pharmacologically an IA current in lamprey locomotor network neurons that is activated by suprathreshold depolarization and is specifically blocked by catechol at 100 μM. The biophysical properties of this current are similar to the mammalian Kv3.4 channel. The role of the IA current both in single neuron firing and in locomotor pattern generation was analyzed. The IA current facilitates Na+ channel recovery from inactivation and thus sustains repetitive firing. The role of the IA current in motor pattern generation was examined by applying catechol during fictive locomotion induced by N-methyl-d-aspartate. Blockade of this current increased the locomotor burst frequency and decreased the firing of motoneurons. Although an alternating motor pattern could still be generated, the cycle duration was less regular, with ventral roots bursts failing on some cycles. Our results thus provide insights into the contribution of a high-voltage-activated IA current to the regulation of firing properties and motor coordination in the lamprey spinal cord.


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The world contains boundaries (e.g., continental edge for terrestrial taxa) that impose geometric constraints on the distribution of species ranges. Thus, contrary to traditional thinking, the expected species richness pattern in absence of ecological or physiographical factors is unlikely to be uniform. Species richness has been shown to peak in the middle of a bounded one-dimensional domain, even in the absence of ecological or physiographical factors. Because species ranges are not linear, an extension of the approach to two dimensions is necessary. Here we present a two-dimensional null model accounting for effects of geometric constraints. We use the model to examine the effects of continental edge on the distribution of terrestrial animals in Africa and compare the predictions with the observed pattern of species richness in birds endemic to the continent. Latitudinal, longitudinal, and two-dimensional patterns of species richness are predicted well from the modeled null effects alone. As expected, null effects are of high significance for wide ranging species only. Our results highlight the conceptual significance of an until recently neglected constraint from continental shape alone and support a more cautious analysis of species richness patterns at this scale.