968 resultados para pk-yrittäjyys


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We present a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay B-s(0)->phi mu(+)mu(-) using about 0.45 fb(-1) of data collected in p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We find an upper limit on the branching ratio of this decay normalized to B-s(0)-> J/psi phi of B(B-s(0)->phi mu(+)mu(-))/B(B-s(0)-> J/psi phi)< 4.4x10(-3) at the 95% C.L. Using the central value of the world average branching fraction of B-s(0)-> J/psi phi, the limit corresponds to B(B-s(0)->phi mu(+)mu(-))< 4.1x10(-6) at the 95% C.L., the most stringent upper bound to date.


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We consider pion interactions in an effective field theory of the narrow resonance X(3872), assuming it is a weakly bound molecule of the charm mesons D-0(D) over bar (*0) and D-*0(D) over bar (0). Since the hyperfine splitting of the D-0 and D-*0 is only 7 MeV greater than the neutral pion mass, pions can be produced near threshold and are nonrelativistic. We show that pion exchange can be treated in perturbation theory and calculate the next-to-leading-order correction to the partial decay width Gamma[X -> D-0(D) over bar (0)pi(0)].


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We establish the bridge between the commonly used Nabetani-Ogaito-Sato-Kishimoto (NOSK) formula for the asymmetry parameter a(Lambda) in the Lambda p -> np emission of polarized hypernuclei, and the shell-model (SM) formalism for finite hypernuclei. We demonstrate that the s-wave approximation leads to a SM formula for a(Lambda) that is as simple as the NOSK one and that reproduces the exact results for (5)(Lambda)He and (12)(Lambda)C better than initially expected. The simplicity achieved here is indeed remarkable. The new formalism makes the theoretical evaluation of a(Lambda) more transparent and explains clearly why the one-meson exchange model is unable to account for the experimental data of (5)(Lambda)He.


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We propose a simple quantum field theoretical toy model for black-hole evaporation and study the backreaction of Hawking radiation onto the classical background. It turns out that the horizon is also pushed back in this situation (i.e., the interior region shrinks) though this backreaction is not caused by energy conservation but by momentum balance. The effective heat capacity and induced entropy variation can have both signs-depending on the parameters of the model.


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We propose an SU(5) grand unified model with an invisible axion and the unification of the three coupling constants which is in agreement with the values, at M(Z), of alpha, alpha(s), and sin(2)theta(W). A discrete, anomalous, Z(13) symmetry implies that the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is an automatic symmetry of the classical Lagrangian protecting, at the same time, the invisible axion against possible semiclassical gravity effects. Although the unification scale is of the order of the Peccei-Quinn scale the proton is stabilized by the fact that in this model the standard model fields form the SU(5) multiplets completed by new exotic fields and, also, because it is protected by the Z(13) symmetry.


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Cooper pairing in two dimensions is analyzed with a set of renormalized equations to determine its binding energy for any fermion number density and all coupling assuming a,generic pairwise residual interfermion interaction. Also considered are Cooper pairs (CP's) with nonzero center-of-mass momentum (CMM) and their binding energy is expanded analytically in powers of the CMM up to quadratic terms. A Fermi-sea-dependent linear term in the CMM dominates the pair excitation energy in weak coupling (also called the BCS regime) while the more familiar quadratic term prevails in strong coupling (the Bose regime). The crossover, though strictly unrelated to BCS theory per se, is studied numerically as it is expected to play a central role in a model of superconductivity as a Bose-Einstein condensation of CPs where the transition temperature vanishes for all dimensionality d less than or equal to 2 for quadratic dispersion, but is nonzero for all d greater than or equal to 1 for linear dispersion.


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We discuss the Gupta-Bleuler quantization of the free electromagnetic field outside static black holes in the Boulware vacuum. We use a gauge which reduces to the Feynman gauge in Minkowski spacetime. We also discuss its relation with gauges used previously. Then we apply the low-energy sector of this held theory to investigate some low-energy phenomena. First, we discuss the response rate of a static charge outside the Schwarzschild black hole in four dimensions. Next, motivated by string physics, we compute the absorption cross sections of low-energy plane waves for the Schwarzschild and extreme Reissner-Nordstrom black holes in arbitrary dimensions higher than three.


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We investigate the potential of a future kilometer-scale neutrino telescope, such as the proposed IceCube detector in the South Pole, to measure and disentangle the yet unknown components of the cosmic neutrino flux, the prompt atmospheric neutrinos coming from the decay of charmed particles and the extra-galactic neutrinos in the 10 TeV to 1 EeV energy range. Assuming a power law type spectra, dphi(nu)/dE(nu)similar toalphaE(nu)(beta), we quantify the discriminating power of the IceCube detector and discuss how well we can determine magnitude (alpha) as well as slope (beta) of these two components of the high energy neutrino spectrum, taking into account the background coming from the conventional atmospheric neutrinos.


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We examine the recently found equivalence for the response of a static scalar source interacting with a massless Klein-Gordon field when the source is (i) static in Schwarzschild spacetime, in the Unruh vacuum associated with the Hawking radiation, and (ii) uniformly accelerated in Minkowski spacetime, in the inertial vacuum, provided that the source's proper acceleration is the same in both cases. It is shown that this equivalence is broken when the massless Klein-Gordon field is replaced by a massive one.


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The measurement of the mixing angle theta(13), sign of Deltam(13)(2), and the CP or T violating phase delta is fraught with ambiguities in neutrino oscillation. In this paper we give an analytic treatment of the paramater degeneracies associated with measuring the nu(mu)-->nu(e) probability and its CP and/or T conjugates. For CP violation, we give explicit solutions to allow us to obtain the regions where there exist twofold and fourfold degeneracies. We calculate the fractional differences, (Deltatheta/(θ) over bar), between the allowed solutions which may be used to compare with the expected sensitivities of the experiments. For T violation we show that there is always a complete degeneracy between solutions with positive and negative Deltam(13)(2) which arises due to a symmetry and cannot be removed by observing one neutrino oscillation probability and its T conjugate. Thus there is always a fourfold parameter degeneracy apart from exceptional points. Explicit solutions are also given and the fractional differences are computed. The biprobability CP/T trajectory diagrams are extensively used to illuminate the nature of the degeneracies.


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In this work, we present the gravitational field generated by a cosmic string carrying a timelike current in the scalar-tensor gravities. The mechanism of formation and evolution of wakes is fully investigated in this framework. We show explicitly that the inclusion of electromagnetic properties for the string induces logarithmic divergences in the accretion problem.


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We present a general formalism for extracting information on the fundamental parameters associated with neutrino masses and mixings from two or more long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. This formalism is then applied to the current most likely experiments using neutrino beams from the Japan Hadron Facility (JHF) and Fermilab's NuMI beamline. Different combinations of muon neutrino or muon anti-neutrino running are considered. The type of neutrino mass hierarchy is extracted using the effects of matter on neutrino propogation. Contrary to naive expectation, we find that both beams using neutrinos is more suitable for determining the hierarchy provided that the neutrino energy divided by baseline (E/L) for NuMI is smaller than or equal to that of JHF, whereas to determine the small mixing angle, theta(13), and the CP or T violating phase delta, one neutrino and the other anti-neutrino are most suitable. We make extensive use of bi-probability diagrams for both understanding and extracting the physics involved in such comparisons.


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We show that multitrace interactions can be consistently incorporated into an extended AdS conformal field theory (CFT) prescription involving the inclusion of generalized boundary conditions and a modified Legendre transform prescription. We find new and consistent results by considering a self-contained formulation which relates the quantization of the bulk theory to the AdS/CFT correspondence and the perturbation at the boundary by double-trace interactions. We show that there exist particular double-trace perturbations for which irregular modes are allowed to propagate as well as the regular ones. We perform a detailed analysis of many different possible situations, for both minimally and nonminimally coupled cases. In all situations, we make use of a new constraint which is found by requiring consistency. In the particular nonminimally coupled case, the natural extension of the Gibbons-Hawking surface term is generated.


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We consider an electric charge, minimally coupled to the Maxwell field, rotating around a Schwarzschild black hole. We investigate how much of the radiation emitted from the swirling charge is absorbed by the black hole and show that most of the photons escape to infinity. For this purpose we use the Gupta-Bleuler quantization of the electromagnetic field in the modified Feynman gauge developed in the context of quantum field theory in Schwarzschild spacetime. We obtain that the two photon polarizations contribute quite differently to the emitted power. In addition, we discuss the accurateness of the results obtained in a full general relativistic approach in comparison with the ones obtained when the electric charge is assumed to be orbiting a massive object due to a Newtonian force.