928 resultados para physiological specialization
Spastic (spa), spasmodic (spd), and oscillator (ot) mice have naturally occurring glycine receptor ( GlyR) mutations, which manifest as motor deficits and an exaggerated startle response. Using whole-cell recording in hypoglossal motoneurons, we compared the physiological mechanisms by which each mutation alters GlyR function. Mean glycinergic miniature IPSC ( mIPSC) amplitude and frequency were dramatically reduced (> 50%) compared with controls for each mutant. mIPSC decay times were unchanged in spa/spa (4.5 +/- 0.3 vs 4.7 +/- 0.2 ms), reduced in spd/spd (2.7 +/- 0.2 vs 4.7 +/- 0.2 ms), and increased in ot/ot (12.3 +/- 1.2 vs 4.8 +/- 0.2 ms). Thus, in spastic, GlyRs are functionally normal but reduced in number, whereas in spasmodic, GlyR kinetics is faster. The oscillator mutation results in complete absence of alpha 1-containing GlyRs; however, some non-alpha 1-containing GlyRs persist at synapses. Fluctuation analysis of membrane current, induced by glycine application to outside-out patches, showed that mean single-channel conductance was increased in spa/spa (64.2 +/- 4.9 vs 36.1 +/- 1.4 pS), but unchanged in spd/spd (32.4 +/- 2.1 vs 35.3 +/- 2.1 pS). GlyR-mediated whole-cell currents in spa/spa exhibited increased picrotoxin sensitivity (27 vs 71% block for 100 mu M), indicating alpha 1 homomeric GlyR expression. The picrotoxin sensitivity of evoked glycinergic IPSCs and conductance of synaptic GlyRs, as determined by nonstationary variance analysis, were identical for spa/spa and controls. Together, these findings show the three mutations disrupt GlyR-mediated inhibition via different physiological mechanisms, and the spastic mutation results in compensatory alpha 1 homomeric GlyRs at extrasynaptic loci.
Spatial gradients in mangrove tree height in barrier islands of Belize are associated with nutrient deficiency and sustained flooding in the absence of a salinity gradient. While nutrient deficiency is likely to affect many parameters, here we show that addition of phosphorus (P) to dwarf mangroves stimulated increases in diameters of xylem vessels, area of conductive xylem tissue and leaf area index (LAI) of the canopy. These changes in structure were consistent with related changes in function, as addition of P also increased hydraulic conductivity (K-s), stomatal conductance and photosynthetic assimilation rates to the same levels measured in taller trees fringing the seaward margin of the mangrove. Increased xylem vessel size and corresponding enhancements in stern hydraulic conductivity in P fertilized dwarf trees came at the cost of enhanced midday loss of hydraulic conductivity and was associated with decreased assimilation rates in the afternoon. Analysis of trait plasticity identifies hydraulic properties of trees as more plastic than those of leaf structural and physiological characteristics, implying that hydraulic properties are key in controlling growth in mangroves. Alleviation of P deficiency, which released trees from hydraulic limitations, reduced the structural and functional distinctions between dwarf and taller fringing tree forms of Rhizophora mangle.
Objective This study aims to understand the pathophysiology of anaphylaxis in Dirofflaria immitis-sensitised cats by analysing objective physiological and haematological measurements after challenge. Design Nineteen healthy D immitis-naive cats were sensitised using weekly injections of aluminium hydroxide-adjuvanted D immitis antigen, administered subcutaneously over 6 weeks. After sensitisation, cats (n = 16) were anaesthetised and challenged with intravenous D immitis antigen. A control group (n = 3) was sham-challenged using intravenous sterile 0.9% saline. Systolic blood pressure (measured non-invasively/indirectly), respiratory rate, degree of dyspnoea, blood 0, saturation, expired CO2, and heart rate and were measured immediately before and at 10 to 15 min intervals after challenge until terminal apnoea occurred or euthanasia at 140 mins post-challenge. Blood was collected for complete blood count immediately before and at 10, 20 and 35 mins after challenge. Clinical observations were recorded as they occurred. Results Antigen-challenged cats were divided into two groups: acute (apnoea occurred within 25 mins of challenge) and subacute (breathing at 25 mins after challenge). In both groups, the degree of dyspnoea increased and blood O-2 saturation and blood pressure decreased. Respiratory rate increased in the subacute group. Expired CO2 decreased in both Ag-challenged and control groups. Haematocrit increased in the subacute group. Neutrophil count decreased in the acute group and platelet count decreased in the subacute group. Eosinophil count decreased in the subacute and control groups. Sustained dyspnoea and gastrointestinal signs were the most common clinical manifestations of anaphylaxis in the antigen-challenged cats. Conclusions Intravenous challenge with D immitis antigen in sensitised cats results in dyspnoea, hypoxaemia and systemic hypotension accompanied by haemoconcentration.
Marked phenotypic variation has been reported in pyramidal cells in the primate cerebral cortex. These extent and systematic nature of these specializations suggest that they are important for specialized aspects of cortical processing. However, it remains unknown as to whether regional variations in the pyramidal cell phenotype are unique to primates or if they are widespread amongst mammalian species. In the present study we determined the receptive fields of neurons in striate and extrastriate visual cortex, and quantified pyramidal cell structure in these cortical regions, in the diurnal, large-brained, South American rodent Dasyprocta primnolopha. We found evidence for a first, second and third visual area (V1, V2 and V3, respectively) forming a lateral progression from the occipital pole to the temporal pole. Pyramidal cell structure became increasingly more complex through these areas, suggesting that regional specialization in pyramidal cell phenotype is not restricted to primates. However, cells in V1, V2 and V3 of the agouti were considerably more spinous than their counterparts in primates, suggesting different evolutionary and developmental influences may act on cortical microcircuitry in rodents and primates. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The most commonly observed severe lung injuries in early life are the respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants and the acute respiratory distress syndrome in children. Both diseases are characterised by alveolar instability, fluid filled airspace and some degree of airway obstruction. In the acute phase, collapsed alveoli can be reopened with positive end-expiratory pressure and lung recruitment. New insight into the physiology of lung recruitment suggests that the shape of the pressure–volume curve is defined by the change in rate of alveolar opening and closing. Reduced lung volumes and severe ventilation maldistribution are found in the acute phase but may persist during childhood. Any severe lung injury in this early phase of life can cause significant structural and functional damage to the developing lung. Follow-up studies of children with chronic lung disease have shown that the functional abnormalities will improve but may still be present in later childhood.