953 resultados para palliative behandling og omsorg
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a dinâmica populacional da mariposa oriental [Grapholita molesta (Busk)] em pomares de pessegueiro e ameixeira. Os adultos foram monitorados em dois pomares de pessegueiro e um de ameixeira por cinco anos. Séries temporais equivalentes de temperaturas máximas e mínimas foram correlacionadas aos dados de flutuação populacional para se aferir a correspondência entre a ocorrência da praga e as flutuações de temperatura. A análise de Fourier das séries temporais das armadilhas de coleta de mariposas revelou dinâmicas cíclicas, com período principal médio de 53,91 semanas. Um período menor médio, de 7,45 semanas, também ficou evidente e se aproxima do tempo médio de geração do inseto. A análise do espectro de potência das séries temporais, com e sem periodicidade, revelou que a dinâmica populacional de G. molesta possui um componente regular, caracterizado pelos períodos observados, e outro componente irregular, reminiscente de ruído 1/f, caracterizado pelas variações de amplitude, aparentemente irregulares, na ocorrência do inseto. A combinação desses dois componentes ocasiona um processo com domínio de baixas freqüências, próprio das dinâmicas periódicas ruidosas. Os ciclos de aparecimento da praga ocorrem em fase com os ciclos de flutuação de temperaturas máximas e mínimas.
En les cures pal·liatives pediàtriques es contemplen les dimensions essencials de la persona: la física, la psicològica, la social i l’espiritual. Tot i que s’han fet estudis sobre la dimensió espiritual, en la revisió bibliogràfica es mostra que és un àmbit poc desenvolupat. És important conèixer l’aspecte de creences i valors per tal que la infermera oncològica, juntament amb altres professionals, puguin proporcionar una atenció holística. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és identificar les necessitats espirituals en adolescents (13 a 18 anys) malalts de càncer en situació avançada-terminal. S’utilitza la metodologia qualitativa. La mostra és de vuit adolescents, que són seleccionats d’acord amb els criteris d’inclusió. Aquests seran entrevistats per la infermera, la investigadora, la qual realitzarà entrevistes semiestructurades i un fotomuntatge depenent de la predisposició de l’adolescent. L’àmbit de realització d’aquest estudi és en un hospital de tercer nivell on es proporcioni atenció especialitzada amb pediatria oncològica i, concretament, en una unitat de cures pal·liatives pediàtriques. Per finalitzar, és important tenir en compte que les entrevistes i el fotomuntatge poden tenir les seves limitacions i que no sempre s’obtingui el resultat esperat.
Sete híbridos de tomateiros quase-isogênicos, à exceção dos locos norª/nor, rin, og c e hp, com as linhagens parentais FloraDade e Mospomorist, e dois híbridos comerciais heterozigotos no loco rin (Carmen F1 e Chronos F1) foram avaliados quanto às características de produção e qualidade de frutos e quanto aos possíveis efeitos do background genotípico empregado nas mesmas características. Foi utilizado o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e dez plantas por parcela. Os genótipos nor+/nor e rin+/rin não afetaram as características de produção. O genótipo nor+/norª atuou diminuindo a massa média por fruto. Os genótipos nor+/norª, nor+/nor e rin+/rin, isoladamente, atrasaram a perda de firmeza e a chegada da coloração vermelha nos frutos. O tamanho relativo da cicatriz peduncular não foi afetado significativamente por esses genótipos. A combinação og c+/og c hp+/hp proporcionou maior produção total e maior massa média por fruto no híbrido nor+/norª. A firmeza e a coloração dos frutos nor+/norª não foram afetadas pela combinação og c+/og c hp+/hp. O genótipo nor+/norª reduziu a produção precoce de frutos og c+/og c hp+/hp e aumentou a meia-vida da firmeza desses frutos. O background genotípico e a interação background x mutante de amadurecimento devem ser considerados na produção de híbridos F1 de tomateiro.
Assisting people to commit suicide has generated a passionate public debate. In exceptional situations, access to this support can be granted to the demanders in a hospital environment. So did the CHUV and the academic hospitals of Geneva draw up a procedure permitting, in principle, the access to an assistance to commit suicide. Two recent clinical situations experienced in the CHUV's Service of internal medicine have created a lot of discussions, doubts and revealed, sometimes, divergent positions. By the light of this clinical cases, we wished to share the perspective of the internist in charge of the ethician, of the chaplain, of the medical director, of the psychiatrist and of the palliative care responsible. Theses complex situations illustrate the deep ambivalence felt by the clinicians confronted to situations which require a multidisciplinary approach.
PURPOSE: We evaluated the attitude in using chemotherapy near the end of life in advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAC). Clinical and laboratory parameters recorded at last chemotherapy administration were analyzed, in order to identify risk factors for imminent death. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of patients who underwent at least one line of palliative chemotherapy was made. Data concerning chemotherapy (regimens, lines, and date of last administration) were collected. Clinical and laboratory factors recorded at last chemotherapy administration were: performance status, presence of ascites, hemoglobin, white blood cell (WBC), platelets, total bilirubin, albumin, LDH, C-reactive protein (C-rp), and Ca 19.9. RESULTS: We analyzed 231 patients: males/females, 53/47 %; metastatic/locally advanced disease, 80/20 %; and median age, 66 years (range 32-85). All patients died due to disease progression. Median overall survival was 6.1 months (95 % CI 5.1-7.2). At the last chemotherapy delivery, performance status was 0-1 in 37 % and 2 in 63 %. Fifty-nine percent of patients received one chemotherapy line, while 32, 8, and 1 % had second-, third-, and fourth line, respectively. The interval between last chemotherapy administration and death was <4 weeks in 24 %, ≥4-12 in 47 %, and >12 in 29 %. Median survival from last chemotherapy to death was 7.5 weeks (95 % CI 6.7-8.4). In a univariate analysis, ascites, elevated WBC, bilirubin, LDH, C-rp and Ca 19.9, and reduced albumin were found to predict shorter survival; however, none of them remained significant in a multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: A significant proportion of patients with advanced PAC received chemotherapy within the last month of life. The clinical and laboratory parameters recorded at last chemotherapy delivery did not predict shorter survival.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade do emprego simultâneo de genes mutantes de amadurecimento e de coloração, nos locos norª, rin, og c e hp, em híbridos de tomateiro, com diferentes backgrounds e combinações genotípicas. O experimento foi conduzido em estufas, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com 20 genótipos e três repetições. Houve tendência dos mutantes de amadurecimento (nor+/norª e rin+/rin) para reduzir a produção precoce de frutos, mas não a produção total. Genótipos portadores de um ou mais alelos norª, rin, hp e/ou og c apresentaram maior conservação de frutos na pós-colheita que genótipos normais. Genótipos rin+/rin apresentaram as piores colorações internas de frutos. Houve um efeito positivo de og c+/og c, og c/og c e/ou hp+/hp na coloração interna de genótipos normais, rin+/rin e nor+/norª, mas o efeito em genótipos rin+/rin não foi de magnitude suficiente para tornar a coloração interna final semelhante à de genótipos normais. As constituições genotípicas og c+/og c e og c/og c apresentaram efeitos semelhantes na melhoria da coloração interna dos frutos e da coloração da mucilagem placentária. As constituições genotípicas nor+/norªog c+/og c ou nor+/norª og c+/og c hp+/hp foram consideradas as mais promissoras, tanto para melhorar a conservação pós-colheita, quanto para manter ou melhorar a coloração interna dos frutos do tomateiro.
Despite decades of research, therapeutic advances in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have progressed at a painstaking slow rate with few improvements in standard surgical resection for early stage disease and chemotherapy or radiotherapy for patients with advanced disease. In the past 18 months, however, we seemed to have reached an inflexion point: therapeutic advances that are centred on improvements in the understanding of patient selection, surgery that is undertaken through smaller incisions, identification of candidate mutations accompanied by the development of targeted anticancer treatments with a focus on personalised medicine, improvements to radiotherapy technology, emergence of radiofrequency ablation (RFA), and last but by no means least, the recognition of palliative care as a therapeutic modality in its own right. The contributors to this review are a distinguished international panel of experts who highlight recent advances in each of the major disciplines.
INTRODUCTION: urinary incontinence (UI) is a phenomenon with high prevalence in hospitalized elderly patients, effecting up to 70% of patients requiring long term care. However, despite the discomfort it causes and its association with functional decline, it seems to be given insufficient attention by nurses in geriatric care. OBJECTIVES: to assess the prevalence of urinary incontinence in geriatric patients at admission and the level of nurse involvement as characterized by the explicit documentation of UI diagnosis in the patient's record, prescription of nursing intervention, or nursing actions related to UI. METHODS: cross-sectional retrospective chart review. One hundred cases were randomly selected from those patients 65 years or older admitted to the geriatric ward of a university hospital. The variables examined included: total and continence scores on the Measure of Functional Independence (MIF), socio-demographic variables, presence of a nursing diagnosis in the medical record, prescription of or documentation of a nursing intervention related to UI. RESULTS: the prevalence of urinary incontinence was 72 % and UI was positively correlated with a low MIF score, age and status of awaiting placement. Of the examined cases, nursing diagnosis of UI was only documented in 1.4 % of cases, nursing interventions were prescribed in 54 % of cases, and at least one nursing intervention was performed in 72 % of cases. The vast majority of the interventions were palliative. DISCUSSION: the results on the prevalence of IU are similar to those reported in several other studies. This is also the case in relation to nursing interventions. In this study, people with UI were given the same care regardless of their MIF score MIF, age or gender. One limitation of this study is that it is retrospective and therefore dependent on the quality of the nursing documentation. CONCLUSIONS: this study is novel because it examines UI in relation to nursing interventions. It demonstrates that despite a high prevalence of UI, the general level of concern for nurses remains relatively low. Individualized care is desirable and clinical innovations must be developed for primary and secondary prevention of UI during hospitalization.
Road dust is caused by wind entraining fine material from the roadway surface and the main source of Iowa road dust is attrition of carbonate rock used as aggregate. The mechanisms of dust suppression can be considered as two processes: increasing particle size of the surface fines by agglomeration and inhibiting degradation of the coarse material. Agglomeration may occur by capillary tension in the pore water, surfactants that increase bonding between clay particles, and cements that bind the mineral matter together. Hygroscopic dust suppressants such as calcium chloride have short durations of effectiveness because capillary tension is the primary agglomeration mechanism. Somewhat more permanent methods of agglomeration result from chemicals that cement smaller particles into a mat or larger particles. The cements include lignosulfonates, resins, and asphalt products. The duration of the cements depend on their solubility and the climate. The only dust palliative that decreases aggregate degradation is shredded shingles that act as cushions between aggregate particles. It is likely that synthetic polymers also provide some protection against coarse aggregate attrition. Calcium chloride and lignosulfonates are widely used in Iowa. Both palliatives have a useful duration of about 6 months. Calcium chloride is effective with surface soils of moderate fine content and plasticity whereas lignin works best with materials that have high fine content and high plasticity indices. Bentonite appears to be effective for up to two years and works well with surface materials having low fines and plasticity and works well with limestone aggregate. Selection of appropriate dust suppressants should be based on characterization of the road surface material. Estimation of dosage rates for potential palliatives can be based on data from this report, from technical reports, information from reliable vendors, or laboratory screening tests. The selection should include economic analysis of construction and maintenance costs. The effectiveness of the treatment should be evaluated by any of the field performance measuring techniques discussed in this report. Novel dust control agents that need research for potential application in Iowa include; acidulated soybean oil (soapstock), soybean oil, ground up asphalt shingles, and foamed asphalt. New laboratory evaluation protocols to screen additives for potential effectiveness and determine dosage are needed. A modification of ASTM D 560 to estimate the freeze-thaw and wet-dry durability of Portland cement stabilized soils would be a starting point for improved laboratory testing of dust palliatives.
BACKGROUND: Most patients with glioblastoma are older than 60 years, but treatment guidelines are based on trials in patients aged only up to 70 years. We did a randomised trial to assess the optimum palliative treatment in patients aged 60 years and older with glioblastoma. METHODS: Patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma were recruited from Austria, Denmark, France, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey. They were assigned by a computer-generated randomisation schedule, stratified by centre, to receive temozolomide (200 mg/m(2) on days 1-5 of every 28 days for up to six cycles), hypofractionated radiotherapy (34·0 Gy administered in 3·4 Gy fractions over 2 weeks), or standard radiotherapy (60·0 Gy administered in 2·0 Gy fractions over 6 weeks). Patients and study staff were aware of treatment assignment. The primary endpoint was overall survival. Analyses were done by intention to treat. This trial is registered, number ISRCTN81470623. FINDINGS: 342 patients were enrolled, of whom 291 were randomised across three treatment groups (temozolomide n=93, hypofractionated radiotherapy n=98, standard radiotherapy n=100) and 51 of whom were randomised across only two groups (temozolomide n=26, hypofractionated radiotherapy n=25). In the three-group randomisation, in comparison with standard radiotherapy, median overall survival was significantly longer with temozolomide (8·3 months [95% CI 7·1-9·5; n=93] vs 6·0 months [95% CI 5·1-6·8; n=100], hazard ratio [HR] 0·70; 95% CI 0·52-0·93, p=0·01), but not with hypofractionated radiotherapy (7·5 months [6·5-8·6; n=98], HR 0·85 [0·64-1·12], p=0·24). For all patients who received temozolomide or hypofractionated radiotherapy (n=242) overall survival was similar (8·4 months [7·3-9·4; n=119] vs 7·4 months [6·4-8·4; n=123]; HR 0·82, 95% CI 0·63-1·06; p=0·12). For age older than 70 years, survival was better with temozolomide and with hypofractionated radiotherapy than with standard radiotherapy (HR for temozolomide vs standard radiotherapy 0·35 [0·21-0·56], p<0·0001; HR for hypofractionated vs standard radiotherapy 0·59 [95% CI 0·37-0·93], p=0·02). Patients treated with temozolomide who had tumour MGMT promoter methylation had significantly longer survival than those without MGMT promoter methylation (9·7 months [95% CI 8·0-11·4] vs 6·8 months [5·9-7·7]; HR 0·56 [95% CI 0·34-0·93], p=0·02), but no difference was noted between those with methylated and unmethylated MGMT promoter treated with radiotherapy (HR 0·97 [95% CI 0·69-1·38]; p=0·81). As expected, the most common grade 3-4 adverse events in the temozolomide group were neutropenia (n=12) and thrombocytopenia (n=18). Grade 3-5 infections in all randomisation groups were reported in 18 patients. Two patients had fatal infections (one in the temozolomide group and one in the standard radiotherapy group) and one in the temozolomide group with grade 2 thrombocytopenia died from complications after surgery for a gastrointestinal bleed. INTERPRETATION: Standard radiotherapy was associated with poor outcomes, especially in patients older than 70 years. Both temozolomide and hypofractionated radiotherapy should be considered as standard treatment options in elderly patients with glioblastoma. MGMT promoter methylation status might be a useful predictive marker for benefit from temozolomide. FUNDING: Merck, Lion's Cancer Research Foundation, University of Umeå, and the Swedish Cancer Society.
L'accompagnement des mourants proposé par les soins palliatifs se fonde sur l'autonomie du patient impliquant un discours ouvert autour de la mort qui approche. Afin de déployer leur offre à l'hôpital, les professionnels des soins palliatifs souhaitent formaliser l'entrée dans la phase palliative de manière à ce qu'elle soit mieux anticipée et coordonnée, mais aussi plus explicite pour le patient. Ce « passage » soulève des enjeux importants, notamment au niveau de la collaboration interprofessionnelle entre une équipe mobile de soins palliatifs et ceux de « première ligne » d'un hôpital, tout en nécessitant un accompagnement « renforcé » du patient autour de l'annonce de la fin de vie. Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons de près à certains traitements (opiacés, sédatifs utilisés lors de sédations palliatives) dans la mesure où leurs prises génèrent des tensions et des négociations importantes dans l'accompagnement de la fin de vie. Plus précisément, les usages détournés de ces substances - permettant d'accélérer, de repousser ou encore d'altérer la fin de vie - nous renseignent sur ce que l'accompagnement de la fin de vie à l'hôpital implique respectivement pour les patients, leurs proches, ainsi que pour les professionnels de la santé. Le rapport aux opiacés et aux sédatifs, agissant sur le temps qui reste, laisse entrevoir les dilemmes et difficultés qu'occasionne l'accompagnement d'une fin de vie conscientisée et responsable prônée par les soins palliatifs.
Die Ergebnisse mehrerer, in letzter Zeit publizierter Phase-III-Studien haben die therapeutischen Möglichkeiten in der Behandlung des metastasierten Magenkarzinoms deutlich erweitert. Die Dauerinfusion von 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) kann ohne Verlust an Wirkung durch Capecitabin ersetzt werden, ebenso wie Cisplatin durch Oxaliplatin. Nach den Ergebnissen der REAL-2-Studie zeigt die Kombination aus Epirubicin, Oxaliplatin und Capecitabin (EOX) eine Verbesserung des Gesamtüberlebens (9,9 vs. 11,2 Monate; HR 0,8) im Vergleich zu Epirubicin, Cisplatin und 5-FU (ECF). Die Frage, ob in der First-Line-Therapie eine Dreifachkombination oder eine Zweifachkombination eingesetzt werden sollte, ist allerdings weiterhin umstritten. Die Kombination aus Irinotecan und 5-FU stellt für solche Patienten, bei denen aufgrund von Komorbiditäten eine platinfreie Therapie bevorzugt wird, eine Alternative zur Kombination Cisplatin/5-FU dar. Docetaxel, 5-FU und Cisplatin (DCF) hat sich bezüglich des Überlebens in einer randomisierten Phase-III-Studie als statistisch signifikant überlegen erwiesen, allerdings besteht eine ausgeprägte hämatologische Toxizität, welche die Anwendbarkeit insbesondere bei den häufig älteren Patienten mit einem Magenkarzinom limitiert. Randomisierte Phase-III-Studien zum Vergleich von DCF mit anderen Dreierkombinationen, wie z. B. EOX, stehen aus. Recently published results from several phase III trials have significantly increased the therapeutic options in the treatment of metastatic stomach cancer: The continuous infusion of 5-FU can be replaced by capecitabine, and cisplatin can be replaced by oxaliplatin in both cases without impairing efficacy. According to the results of the REAL-2 trial, the combination of epirubicin, oxaliplatin and capecitabine (EOX) achieved superior results for overall survival compared to epirubicin, cisplatin und 5-FU (ECF) (9.9 versus 11.2 months, HR 0.8). However, the question of whether an optimal first line therapy should include a triplet regimen or the sequential use of doublets is a matter of debate. The combination of irinotecan and 5-FU may serve as an alternative to platinum-containing regimens in patients where, due to co-morbidity, a platinum-free regimen is preferred. The 3-drug combination of docetaxel, 5-FU and cisplatin (DCF) demonstrated a statistically significant survival benefit compared to the 2-drug combination of 5-FU and cisplatin in a randomized phase III trial, although results were limited by a particularly significant hematological toxicity, which prevents its application in the large group of elderly patients with gastric cancer. Direct randomized phase III comparisons of DCF with other 3-drug combinations, such as EOX are still missing.