849 resultados para optical pupil filters with sine functions


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The progesterone-regulated glycoprotein glycodelin-A (GdA), secreted by the decidualized endometrium at high concentrations in primates, inhibits the maternal immune response against fetal antigens and thereby contributes to the tolerance of the semi-allogenic fetus during a normal pregnancy. Our earlier studies demonstrated the ability of GdA to induce an intrinsic apoptotic cascade in CD4 T-lymphocytes and suppress the cytolytic effector function of CD8 T-lymphocytes. In this report, we investigated further into the mechanism of action of GdA controlling perforin and granzyme B expression in CD8 T-lymphocytes and the mechanism of action of GdA leading to lymphocyte death. Flow cytometry analysis was performed to check for the surface expression of interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) and intracellular eomesodermin (Eomes) in activated T-lymphocytes, whereas quantitative RTPCR analysis was used to find out their mRNA profile upon GdA treatment. Western analysis was carried out to confirm the protein level of Bax and Bcl-2. GdA reduces the surface expression of the high-affinity IL-2R complex by down-regulating the synthesis of IL-2R (CD25). This disturbs the optimal IL-2 signalling and decreases the Eomes expression, which along with IL-2 directly regulates perforin and granzymes expression. Consequently, the CD8 T-lymphocytes undergo growth arrest and are unable to mature into competent cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. In the CD4 T-lymphocytes, growth factor IL-2 deprivation leads to proliferation inhibition, decreased Bcl-2/enhanced Bax expression, culminating in mitochondrial stress and cell death. GdA spurs cell cycle arrest, loss of effector functions and apoptosis in different T-cell subsets by making T-lymphocytes unable to respond to IL-2.


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Purpose: The authors aim at developing a pseudo-time, sub-optimal stochastic filtering approach based on a derivative free variant of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) for solving the inverse problem of diffuse optical tomography (DOT) while making use of a shape based reconstruction strategy that enables representing a cross section of an inhomogeneous tumor boundary by a general closed curve. Methods: The optical parameter fields to be recovered are approximated via an expansion based on the circular harmonics (CH) (Fourier basis functions) and the EnKF is used to recover the coefficients in the expansion with both simulated and experimentally obtained photon fluence data on phantoms with inhomogeneous inclusions. The process and measurement equations in the pseudo-dynamic EnKF (PD-EnKF) presently yield a parsimonious representation of the filter variables, which consist of only the Fourier coefficients and the constant scalar parameter value within the inclusion. Using fictitious, low-intensity Wiener noise processes in suitably constructed ``measurement'' equations, the filter variables are treated as pseudo-stochastic processes so that their recovery within a stochastic filtering framework is made possible. Results: In our numerical simulations, we have considered both elliptical inclusions (two inhomogeneities) and those with more complex shapes (such as an annular ring and a dumbbell) in 2-D objects which are cross-sections of a cylinder with background absorption and (reduced) scattering coefficient chosen as mu(b)(a)=0.01mm(-1) and mu('b)(s)=1.0mm(-1), respectively. We also assume mu(a) = 0.02 mm(-1) within the inhomogeneity (for the single inhomogeneity case) and mu(a) = 0.02 and 0.03 mm(-1) (for the two inhomogeneities case). The reconstruction results by the PD-EnKF are shown to be consistently superior to those through a deterministic and explicitly regularized Gauss-Newton algorithm. We have also estimated the unknown mu(a) from experimentally gathered fluence data and verified the reconstruction by matching the experimental data with the computed one. Conclusions: The PD-EnKF, which exhibits little sensitivity against variations in the fictitiously introduced noise processes, is also proven to be accurate and robust in recovering a spatial map of the absorption coefficient from DOT data. With the help of shape based representation of the inhomogeneities and an appropriate scaling of the CH expansion coefficients representing the boundary, we have been able to recover inhomogeneities representative of the shape of malignancies in medical diagnostic imaging. (C) 2012 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [DOI: 10.1118/1.3679855]


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Metallic and other type of coatings on fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors alter their sensitivity with thermal and mechanical stress while protecting the fragile optical fiber in harsh sensing surroundings. The behavior of the coated materials is unique in their response to thermal and mechanical stress depending on the thickness and the mode of coating. The thermal stress during the coating affects the temperature sensitivity of FBG sensors. We have explored the thermal response of FBGs coated with Al and Pb to an average thickness of 80 nm using flash evaporation technique where the FBG sensor is mounted in a region at room temperature in an evacuated chamber having a pressure of 10(6) Torr which will minimize any thermal stress during the coating process. The coating thickness is chosen in the nanometer region with the aim to study thermal behavior of nanocoatings and their effect on FBG sensitivity. The sensitivity of FBGs is evaluated from the wavelengths recorded using an optical sensing interrogator sm 130 (Micron Optics) from room temperature to 300 degrees C both during heating and cooling. It is observed that the sensitivity of the metal coated fibers is better than the reference FBG with no coating for the entire range of temperature. For a coating thickness of 80 nm, Al coated FBG is more sensitive than the one coated with Pb up to 170 degrees C and it reverses at higher temperatures. This point is identified as a reversible phase transition in Pb monolayers as the 2-dimensional aspects of the metal layers are dominant in the nanocoatings of Pb. On cooling, the phase transition reverses and the FBGs return to the original state and for repeated cycles of heating and cooling the same pattern is observed. Thus the FBG functions as a sensor of the phase transitions of the coatings also. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We propose a Riesz transform approach to the demodulation of digital holograms. The Riesz transform is a higher-dimensional extension of the Hilbert transform and is steerable to a desired orientation. Accurate demodulation of the hologram requires a reliable methodology by which quadrature-phase functions (or simply, quadratures) can be constructed. The Riesz transform, by itself, does not yield quadratures. However, one can start with the Riesz transform and construct the so-called vortex operator by employing the notion of quasi-eigenfunctions, and this approach results in accurate quadratures. The key advantage of using the vortex operator is that it effectively handles nonplanar fringes (interference patterns) and has the ability to compensate for the local orientation. Therefore, this method results in aberration-free holographic imaging even in the case when the wavefronts are not planar. We calibrate the method by estimating the orientation from a reference hologram, measured with an empty field of view. Demodulation results on synthesized planar as well as nonplanar fringe patterns show that the accuracy of demodulation is high. We also perform validation on real experimental measurements of Caenorhabditis elegans acquired with a digital holographic microscope. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America


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We address the problem of phase retrieval, which is frequently encountered in optical imaging. The measured quantity is the magnitude of the Fourier spectrum of a function (in optics, the function is also referred to as an object). The goal is to recover the object based on the magnitude measurements. In doing so, the standard assumptions are that the object is compactly supported and positive. In this paper, we consider objects that admit a sparse representation in some orthonormal basis. We develop a variant of the Fienup algorithm to incorporate the condition of sparsity and to successively estimate and refine the phase starting from the magnitude measurements. We show that the proposed iterative algorithm possesses Cauchy convergence properties. As far as the modality is concerned, we work with measurements obtained using a frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography experimental setup. The experimental results on real measured data show that the proposed technique exhibits good reconstruction performance even with fewer coefficients taken into account for reconstruction. It also suppresses the autocorrelation artifacts to a significant extent since it estimates the phase accurately.


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Low-frequency sounds are advantageous for long-range acoustic signal transmission, but for small animals they constitute a challenge for signal detection and localization. The efficient detection of sound in insects is enhanced by mechanical resonance either in the tracheal or tympanal system before subsequent neuronal amplification. Making small structures resonant at low sound frequencies poses challenges for insects and has not been adequately studied. Similarly, detecting the direction of long-wavelength sound using interaural signal amplitude and/or phase differences is difficult for small animals. Pseudophylline bushcrickets predominantly call at high, often ultrasonic frequencies, but a few paleotropical species use lower frequencies. We investigated the mechanical frequency tuning of the tympana of one such species, Onomarchus uninotatus, a large bushcricket that produces a narrow bandwidth call at an unusually low carrier frequency of 3.2. kHz. Onomarchus uninotatus, like most bushcrickets, has two large tympanal membranes on each fore-tibia. We found that both these membranes vibrate like hinged flaps anchored at the dorsal wall and do not show higher modes of vibration in the frequency range investigated (1.5-20. kHz). The anterior tympanal membrane acts as a low-pass filter, attenuating sounds at frequencies above 3.5. kHz, in contrast to the high-pass filter characteristic of other bushcricket tympana. Responses to higher frequencies are partitioned to the posterior tympanal membrane, which shows maximal sensitivity at several broad frequency ranges, peaking at 3.1, 7.4 and 14.4. kHz. This partitioning between the two tympanal membranes constitutes an unusual feature of peripheral auditory processing in insects. The complex tracheal shape of O. uninotatus also deviates from the known tube or horn shapes associated with simple band-pass or high-pass amplification of tracheal input to the tympana. Interestingly, while the anterior tympanal membrane shows directional sensitivity at conspecific call frequencies, the posterior tympanal membrane is not directional at conspecific frequencies and instead shows directionality at higher frequencies.


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The solution of the forward equation that models the transport of light through a highly scattering tissue material in diffuse optical tomography (DOT) using the finite element method gives flux density (Phi) at the nodal points of the mesh. The experimentally measured flux (U-measured) on the boundary over a finite surface area in a DOT system has to be corrected to account for the system transfer functions (R) of various building blocks of the measurement system. We present two methods to compensate for the perturbations caused by R and estimate true flux density (Phi) from U-measured(cal). In the first approach, the measurement data with a homogeneous phantom (U-measured(homo)) is used to calibrate the measurement system. The second scheme estimates the homogeneous phantom measurement using only the measurement from a heterogeneous phantom, thereby eliminating the necessity of a homogeneous phantom. This is done by statistically averaging the data (U-measured(hetero)) and redistributing it to the corresponding detector positions. The experiments carried out on tissue mimicking phantom with single and multiple inhomogeneities, human hand, and a pork tissue phantom demonstrate the robustness of the approach. (C) 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.2.026023]


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In this paper optical code-division multiple-access (O-CDMA) packet network is considered. Two types of random access protocols are proposed for packet transmission. In protocol 1, all distinct codes and in protocol 2, distinct codes as well as shifted versions of all these codes are used. O-CDMA network performance using optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) 1-D and twodimensional (2-D) wavelength/time single-pulse-per-row (W/TSPR) codes are analyzed. The main advantage of using 2-D codes instead of one-dimensional (1-D) codes is to reduce the errors due to multiple access interference among different users. In this paper, correlation receiver is considered in the analysis. Using analytical model, we compute and compare packet-success probability for 1-D and 2-D codes in an O-CDMA network and the analysis shows improved performance with 2-D codes as compared to 1-D codes.


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This research article describes the large scale fabrication of ZnO nanorods of various shapes on Si(100) substrate, by using metalorganic precursor of Zn in solutions with microwave as the source of energy. This is a low temperature, environmental friendly and rapid thin film deposition process, where ZnO nanorods (1-3 mu m length) were grown only in 1-5 min of microwave irradiation. All as-synthesized nanorods are of single crystalline grown along the < 0001 > crystallographic direction. The coated nanorods were found to be highly dense having a thickness of similar to 1-3 mu m over the entire area 20 mm x 20 mm of the substrate. The ZnO thin film comprising of nanorods exhibits good adhesion with the substrate. A possible mechanism for the initial nucleation and growth of ZnO is discussed. A cross over from a strong visible light emission to an enhanced UV emission is observed, when the nature of the surfactants are varied from polymeric to ionic and nonionic. The position of the chromaticity coordinates in yellow region of the color space gives an impression of white light generation from these coatings by exciting with a blue laser.