942 resultados para offline programming
This document records the process of migrating eprints.org data to a Fez repository. Fez is a Web-based digital repository and workflow management system based on Fedora (http://www.fedora.info/). At the time of migration, the University of Queensland Library was using EPrints 2.2.1 [pepper] for its ePrintsUQ repository. Once we began to develop Fez, we did not upgrade to later versions of eprints.org software since we knew we would be migrating data from ePrintsUQ to the Fez-based UQ eSpace. Since this document records our experiences of migration from an earlier version of eprints.org, anyone seeking to migrate eprints.org data into a Fez repository might encounter some small differences. Moving UQ publication data from an eprints.org repository into a Fez repository (hereafter called UQ eSpace (http://espace.uq.edu.au/) was part of a plan to integrate metadata (and, in some cases, full texts) about all UQ research outputs, including theses, images, multimedia and datasets, in a single repository. This tied in with the plan to identify and capture the research output of a single institution, the main task of the eScholarshipUQ testbed for the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories project (http://www.apsr.edu.au/). The migration could not occur at UQ until the functionality in Fez was at least equal to that of the existing ePrintsUQ repository. Accordingly, as Fez development occurred throughout 2006, a list of eprints.org functionality not currently supported in Fez was created so that programming of such development could be planned for and implemented.
Conventionally, protein structure prediction via threading relies on some nonoptimal method to align a protein sequence to each member of a library of known structures. We show how a score function (force field) can be modified so as to allow the direct application of a dynamic programming algorithm to the problem. This involves an approximation whose damage can be minimized by an optimization process during score function parameter determination. The method is compared to sequence to structure alignments using a more conventional pair-wise score function and the frozen approximation. The new method produces results comparable to the frozen approximation, but is faster and has fewer adjustable parameters. It is also free of memory of the template's original amino acid sequence, and does not suffer from a problem of nonconvergence, which can be shown to occur with the frozen approximation. Alignments generated by the simplified score function can then be ranked using a second score function with the approximations removed. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
To document possible motor disturbance in schizophrenia, we examined the ability to use advance information (or cues) to plan movements in a sequential button pressing task in 12 Clozapine medicated patients. Programming of movements under various cues revealed that patients with schizophrenia, relative to controls, initiated movements slower to the right than left, providing possible evidence for right hemineglect (left hemisphere dysfunction). Additionally, patients with schizophrenia had difficulty in the initiation of movements in the absence of a cue, suggesting internal cue generation difficulty for movement related to some form of fronto-striatal disturbance. Motor abnormalities were predominantly observed at the level of movement initiation, but not execution, contrary to basal ganglia disorders such as Parkinson's and Huntington's disease.
Cpfg is a program for simulating and visualizing plant development, based on the theory of L-systems. A special-purpose programming language, used to specify plant models, is an essential feature of cpfg. We review postulates of L-system theory that have influenced the design of this language. We then present the main constructs of this language, and evaluate it from a user's perspective.
Stability of matchings was proved to be a new cooperative equilibrium concept in Sotomayor (Dynamics and equilibrium: essays in honor to D. Gale, 1992). That paper introduces the innovation of treating as multi-dimensional the payoff of a player with a quota greater than one. This is done for the many-to-many matching model with additively separable utilities, for which the stability concept is defined. It is then proved, via linear programming, that the set of stable outcomes is nonempty and it may be strictly bigger than the set of dual solutions and strictly smaller than the core. The present paper defines a general concept of stability and shows that this concept is a natural solution concept, stronger than the core concept, for a much more general coalitional game than a matching game. Instead of mutual agreements inside partnerships, the players are allowed to make collective agreements inside coalitions of any size and to distribute his labor among them. A collective agreement determines the level of labor at which the coalition operates and the division, among its members, of the income generated by the coalition. An allocation specifies a set of collective agreements for each player.
This paper proposes the use of the q-Gaussian mutation with self-adaptation of the shape of the mutation distribution in evolutionary algorithms. The shape of the q-Gaussian mutation distribution is controlled by a real parameter q. In the proposed method, the real parameter q of the q-Gaussian mutation is encoded in the chromosome of individuals and hence is allowed to evolve during the evolutionary process. In order to test the new mutation operator, evolution strategy and evolutionary programming algorithms with self-adapted q-Gaussian mutation generated from anisotropic and isotropic distributions are presented. The theoretical analysis of the q-Gaussian mutation is also provided. In the experimental study, the q-Gaussian mutation is compared to Gaussian and Cauchy mutations in the optimization of a set of test functions. Experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed method of self-adapting the mutation distribution in evolutionary algorithms.
The Ordos Plateau in China is covered with up to 300,000 ha of peashrub (Caragana) which is the dominant natural vegetation and ideal for fodder production. To exploit peashrub fodder, it is crucially important to optimize the culture conditions, especially culture substrate to produce pectinase complex. In this study, a new prescription process was developed. The process, based on a uniform experimental design, first optimizes the solid substrate and second, after incubation, applies two different temperature treatments (30 degrees C for the first 30 h and 23 degrees C for the second 42 h) in the fermentation process. A multivariate regression analysis is applied to a number of independent variables (water, wheat bran, rice dextrose, ammonium sulfate, and Tween 80) to develop a predictive model of pectinase activity. A second-degree polynomial model is developed which accounts for an excellent proportion of the explained variation (R-2 = 97.7%). Using unconstrained mathematical programming, an optimized substrate prescription for pectinase production is subsequently developed. The mathematical analysis revealed that the optimal formula for pectinase production from Aspergillus niger by solid fermentation under the conditions of natural aeration, natural substrate pH (about 6.5), and environmental humidity of 60% is rice dextrose 8%, wheat bran 24%, ammonium sulfate ((NH4)(2)SO4) 6%, and water 61%. Tween 80 was found to have a negative effect on the production of pectinase in solid substrate. With this substrate prescription, pectinase produced by solid fermentation of A. niger reached 36.3IU/(gDM). Goats fed on the pectinase complex obtain an incremental increase of 0.47 kg day(-1) during the initial 25 days of feeding, which is a very promising new feeding prospect for the local peashrub. It is concluded that the new formula may be very useful for the sustainable development of and and semiarid pastures such as those of the Ordos Plateau. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Electrical impedance tomography is a technique to estimate the impedance distribution within a domain, based on measurements on its boundary. In other words, given the mathematical model of the domain, its geometry and boundary conditions, a nonlinear inverse problem of estimating the electric impedance distribution can be solved. Several impedance estimation algorithms have been proposed to solve this problem. In this paper, we present a three-dimensional algorithm, based on the topology optimization method, as an alternative. A sequence of linear programming problems, allowing for constraints, is solved utilizing this method. In each iteration, the finite element method provides the electric potential field within the model of the domain. An electrode model is also proposed (thus, increasing the accuracy of the finite element results). The algorithm is tested using numerically simulated data and also experimental data, and absolute resistivity values are obtained. These results, corresponding to phantoms with two different conductive materials, exhibit relatively well-defined boundaries between them, and show that this is a practical and potentially useful technique to be applied to monitor lung aeration, including the possibility of imaging a pneumothorax.
BACKGROUND: The arterial pulse pressure variation induced by mechanical ventilation (Delta PP) has been shown to be a predictor of fluid responsiveness. Until now, Delta PP has had to be calculated offline (from a computer recording or a paper printing of the arterial pressure curve), or to be derived from specific cardiac output monitors, limiting the widespread use of this parameter. Recently, a method has been developed for the automatic calculation and real-time monitoring of Delta PP using standard bedside monitors. Whether this method is to predict reliable predictor of fluid responsiveness remains to be determined. METHODS: We conducted a prospective clinical study in 59 mechanically ventilated patients in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery. Patients studied were considered at low risk for complications related to fluid administration (pulmonary artery occlusion pressure <20 mm Hg, left ventricular ejection fraction >= 40%). All patients were instrumented with an arterial line and a pulmonary artery catheter. Cardiac filling pressures and cardiac output were measured before and after intravascular fluid administration (20 mL/kg of lactated Ringer`s solution over 20 min), whereas Delta PP was automatically calculated and continuously monitored. RESULTS: Fluid administration increased cardiac output by at least 15% in 39 patients (66% = responders). Before fluid administration, responders and nonresponders were comparable with regard to right atrial and pulmonary artery occlusion pressures. In contrast, Delta PP was significantly greater in responders than in nonresponders, (17% +/- 3% vs 9% +/- 2%, P < 0.001). The Delta PP cut-off value of 12% allowed identification of responders with a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 95%. CONCLUSION: Automatic real-time monitoring of Delta PP is possible using a standard bedside rnonitor and was found to be a reliable method to predict fluid responsiveness after cardiac surgery. Additional studies are needed to determine if this technique can be used to avoid the complications of fluid administration in high-risk patients.
The value of a seasonal forecasting system based on phases of the Southern Oscillation was estimated for a representative dryland wheat grower in the vicinity of Goondiwindi. In particular the effects on this estimate of risk attitude and planting conditions were examined. A recursive stochastic programming approach was used to identify the grower's utility-maximising action set in the event of each of the climate patterns over the period 1894-1991 recurring In the imminent season. The approach was repeated with and without use of the forecasts. The choices examined were, at planting, nitrogen application rate and cultivar and, later in the season, choices of proceeding with or abandoning each wheat activity, The value of the forecasting system was estimated as the maximum amount the grower could afford to pay for its use without expected utility being lowered relative to its non use.
The refinement calculus provides a framework for the stepwise development of imperative programs from specifications. In this paper we study a refinement calculus for deriving logic programs. Dealing with logic programs rather than imperative programs has the dual advantages that, due to the expressive power of logic programs, the final program is closer to the original specification, and each refinement step can achieve more. Together these reduce the overall number of derivation steps. We present a logic programming language extended with specification constructs (including general predicates, assertions, and types and invariants) to form a wide-spectrum language. General predicates allow non-executable properties to be included in specifications. Assertions, types and invariants make assumptions about the intended inputs of a procedure explicit, and can be used during refinement to optimize the constructed logic program. We provide a semantics for the extended logic programming language and derive a set of refinement laws. Finally we apply these to an example derivation.
Background: Color Doppler myocardial imaging (CDMI) allows the calculation of local longitudinal or radial strain rate (SR) and strain (epsilon). The aims of this study were to determine the feasibility and reproducibility of longitudinal and radial SR and epsilon in neonates during the first hours of life and to establish reference values. Methods: Data were obtained from 55 healthy neonates (29 male; mean age, 20 +/- 14 hours; mean birth weight, 3,174 +/- 374 g). Apical and parasternal views quantified regional longitudinal and radial SR and epsilon in differing ventricular wall segments. Values at peak systole, early diastole, and late diastole were calculated from the extracted curves. CDMI data acquired at 300 +/- 50 frames/s were analyzed offline. Three consecutive cardiac cycles were measured during normal respiration. The timing of specific systolic or diastolic regional events was determined. Multiple comparisons between walls and segments were made. Results: Left ventricular (LV) longitudinal deformation showed basal differences compared with apical segments within one specific wall. Right ventricular (RV) longitudinal deformation was not homogeneous, with significant differences between basal and apical segments. Longitudinal 3 values were higher in the RV free basal and middle wall segments compared with the left ventricle. In the RV free wall apical segment, longitudinal SR and 3 were maximal. LV systolic SR and epsilon values were higher radially compared with longitudinally (radial peak systolic SR midportion, 2.9 +/- 0.6 s(-1); radial peak systolic epsilon 53.8 +/- 19%; longitudinal peak systolic SR midportion, -1.8 +/- 0.5 s(-1); longitudinal peak systolic epsilon, -24.8 +/- 3%; P < .01). Longitudinal systolic epsilon and SR interobserver variability values were 1.2% and 0.7%, respectively. Conclusion: Ultrasound-based SR and 3 imaging is a practical and reproducible clinical technique in neonates, allowing the calculation of regional longitudinal and radial deformation in RV and LV segments. These regional SR and epsilon indices represent new, noninvasive parameters that can quantify normal neonate regional cardiac function. Independent from visual interpretation, they can be used as reference values for diagnosis in ill neonates. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2009;22:369-375.)
Background: Cannabis is the most used illicit drug in the world, and its use has been associated with prefrontal cortex (PFC) dysfunction, including deficits in executive functions (EF). Considering that EF may influence treatment outcome, it would be interesting to have a brief neuropsychological battery to assess EF in chronic cannabis users (CCU). In the present study, the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), a brief, easy to use neuropsychological instrument aimed to evaluate EF, was used to evaluate cognitive functioning of CCU. Methods: We evaluated 107 abstinent CCU with the FAB and compared with 44 controls matched for age, estimated IQ, and years of education. Results: CCU performed poorly as compared to controls (FAB total score = 16.53 vs. 17.09, p .05). CCU had also a poor performance in the Motor Programming subtest (2.47 vs. 2.73, p .05). Conclusion: This study examined effects of cannabis in executive functioning and showed evidence that the FAB is sensitive to detect EF deficits in early abstinent chronic cannabis users. Clinical significance of these findings remains to be investigated in further longitudinal studies. FAB may be useful as a screening instrument to evaluate the necessity for a complete neuropsychological assessment in this population.
Purpose of review This review discusses ovarian reserve tests for ovulation induction and their application in determining fertility capacity, and their current applications to assess risk of natural ovarian failure and to estimate ovarian function after cancer treatment. Recent findings The current arsenal of ovarian reserve tests comprises hormonal markers [basal follicle stimulating hormone, estradiol, inhibin-B, antimullerian hormone (AMH)] and ultrasonographic markers [ovarian volume, antral follicle counts (AFCs)]. These markers have limitations in terms of which test(s) should be used to reliably predict ovarian reserve with regard to accuracy, invasiveness, cost, convenience, and utility. Several studies have correlated sonographic AFCs with serum AMH levels for predicting the ovarian response to ovulation induction protocols during assisted reproduction treatments. Summary Serum AMH levels and AFC are reliable tests for predicting the ovarian response to ovulation induction. However, none of the currently employed tests of ovarian reserve can reliably predict pregnancy after assisted conception. Further, ovarian reserve tests cannot predict the onset of reproductive and hormonal menopause; thus, they should be used with caution for reproductive life-programming counseling. Moreover, there is no evidence to support the use of ovarian reserve tests to estimate the risk of ovarian sufficiency after cancer treatments.
Objective. Endothelial impairment evaluation by sonographic measurement of flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) has become broadly used. However, this method has 2 main caveats: the dilatation depends on the baseline arterial diameter, and a high precision level is required. Vasodilatation leads to an amplified fall in impedance. We hypothesized that assessment of the pulsatility index change (PI-C) 1 minute after 5-minute forearm compression might evaluate that fall in impedance. The aim of this study was to compare the PI-C with FMD. Methods. Flow-mediated dilatation and the PI-C were assessed in 51 healthy women aged between 35.1 and 67.1 years. We correlated both FMD and the PI-C with age, body mass index, waist circumference, cholesterol level, high-density lipoprotein level, glucose level, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse pressure, brachial artery diameter, simplified Framingham score, intima-media thickness, and carotid stiffness index. Intraclass correlation coefficients between 2 FMD and PI-C measurements were also examined. Results. Only FMD correlated with baseline brachial diameter (r=-0.53). The PI-C had a high correlation with age, body mass index, waist circumference, cholesterol level, systolic blood pressure, pulse pressure, simplified Framingham score, and intima-media thickness. The correlation between FMD and the PI-C was high (r=-0.66). The PI-C had a higher intraclass correlation coefficient (0.991) than FMD (0.836) but not brachial artery diameter (0.989). Conclusions. The PI-C had a large correlation with various markers of cardiovascular risk. Additionally, PI-C measurement does not require offline analysis, extra software, or electrocardiography We think that the PI-C could be considered a marker of endothelial function. However, more studies are required before further conclusions.