894 resultados para nano carbonato de cálcio
Nano-biocomposites based on a biodegradable bacterial copolyester, poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate), have been elaborated with an organo-modified montmorillonite (OMMT) clay as nanofiller, and acetyl tributyl citrate as plasticizer. The corresponding (nano)structures, thermal and mechanical properties, permeability, and biodegradability have been determined. Polyhydroxyalkanoates are very thermal sensitive then to follow the degradation the corresponding matrices have been analyzed by size exclusion chromatography. The results indicate that the addition of the plasticizer decreases the thermo-mechanical degradation, during the extrusion. These nano-biocomposites show an intercalated/exfoliated structure with good mechanical and barrier properties, and an appropriated biodegradation kinetic. Intending to understand the changes in the thermal properties, the nano-biocomposites were characterized by thermal gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. The presence of the OMMT clay did not influence significantly the transition temperatures. However, the filler not only acted as a nucleating agent which enhanced the crystallization, but also as a thermal barrier, improving the thermal stability of the biopolymer. The results indicated that the addition of the plasticizer reduces the glass transition temperature and the crystalline melting temperature. The plasticizer acts as a processing aid and increases the processing temperature range (lower melting temperature).
This in vitro study evaluated the preventive potential of experimental pastes containing 10% and 20% hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (Nano-HAP), with or without fluoride, on dental demineralization. Bovine enamel (n=15) and root dentin (n=15) specimens were divided into 9 groups according to their surface hardness: control (without treatment), 20 Nanop paste (20% HAP), 20 Nanop paste plus (20% HAP + 0.2% NaF), 10 Nanop paste (10% HAP), 10 Nanop paste plus (10% HAP + 0.2% NaF), placebo paste (without fluoride and HAP), fluoride paste (0.2% NaF), MI paste (CPP-ACP, casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate), and MI paste plus (CPP-ACP + 0.2% NaF). Both MI pastes were included as commercial control products containing calcium phosphate. The specimens were treated with the pastes twice a day (1 min), before and after demineralization. The specimens were subjected to a pH-cycling model (demineralization–6-8 h/ remineralization-16-18 h a day) for 7 days. The dental subsurface demineralization was analyzed using cross-sectional hardness (kgf/mm 2 , depth 10-220 µm). Data were tested using repeated-measures two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni's test (p<0.05). The only treatment able to reduce the loss of enamel and dentin subsurface hardness was fluoride paste (0.2% NaF), which differed significantly from the control at 30- and 50-µm depth (p<0.0001). The other treatments were not different from each other or compared with the control. The experimental Nanop pastes, regardless of the addition of fluoride, were unable to reduce dental demineralization in vitro.
It has been evaluated clinically and radiographically the effect of the extrusion of calcium hydroxide paste in teeth with periapical lesions. Twenty-five patients with teeth showing pulp necrosis and periapical lesions were submitted to endodontic treatment. Dressing calcium hydroxide paste, iodoform and propylene glycol were used. Clinically, the symptoms were evaluated after treatment and, radiographically, the reabsorption of extravasated paste and repair process of the periapical lesion. Only three patients had symptoms severe in the first 24 hours, the paste was completely reabsorbed within 15 days and no interference in the repair process.
A doença cardiovascular representa a principal causa de mortalidade no mundo. A capacidade de identificar, dentre os indivíduos assintomáticos, o subgrupo que apresenta maior risco de desenvolver eventos cardiovasculares no futuro representa uma etapa fundamental em qualquer estratégia voltada para a diminuição da taxas de eventos cardiovasculares. O primeiro passo na estratificação do risco cardiovascular é a utilização dos "escores de risco global", dentre os quais o mais frequentemente utilizado é o escore de Framingham. Entretanto, estudos prévios demonstraram que embora muito úteis, os escores clínicos, quando utilizados isoladamente, apresentam capacidade limitada de estratificação do risco cardiovascular em uma parcela significativa da população. É nesse contexto que o escore de cálcio (EC) coronariano e a angiotomografia das artérias coronárias podem desempenhar papel importante como ferramentas complementares na estratificação de risco dos pacientes assintomáticos. O EC coronariano proporciona importantes informações prognósticas que são incrementais aos escores clínicos baseados nos fatores de risco tradicionais e a outras modalidades diagnósticas, como a dosagem da proteína C reativa, por exemplo. Além disso, o EC também tem o potencial de alterar a conduta e auxiliar no manejo clínico dos pacientes. Já a angiotomografia coronariana proporciona avaliação detalhada da anatomia das artérias coronárias, permitindo visualizar não apenas o lúmen, mas também as paredes arteriais coronarianas. Comparada à coronariografia invasiva convencional, a angiotomografia apresenta excelente acurácia para identificar e, principalmente, excluir a presença de lesões obstrutivas significativas. Adicionalmente, demonstrou-se capaz de proporcionar informações prognósticas incrementais aos fatores de risco tradicionais e ao EC coronariano.
Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre os efeitos do consumo de frutanos do tipo inulina na absorção de cálcio. Resultados de quatro dos sete ensaios clínicos duplo-cegos controlados aleatorizados relatados neste trabalho indicam que o consumo diário da mistura de frutanos (inulina e oligofrutose 1:1) aumenta a absorção de cálcio, dependendo da idade cronológica e fisiológica, bem como do estado menopausal de indivíduos saudáveis que consomem quantidades adequadas de cálcio. O número limitado de ensaios clínicos realizados e as diferenças relativas ao planejamento experimental, tempo de estudo, tipo e quantidade de frutano consumido (inulina, oligofrutose ou a mistura de ambos), bem como a faixa etária dos indivíduos, impedem a generalização dos resultados observados. Esta revisão demonstra a necessidade de mais ensaios clínicos de longa duração, nos quais tanto a absorção de cálcio como a densidade mineral óssea sejam avaliadas. Futuros estudos devem contribuir para a compreensão dos mecanismos de ação dos frutanos no aumento da absorção de cálcio; para avaliar se esse efeito persiste em longo prazo e se pode ser considerado como benefício real para a saúde óssea; e para testar se tais efeitos poderiam beneficiar indivíduos de outras faixas etárias e diferentes condições fisiológicas. Evidências científicas consistentes e acumuladas ainda são necessárias para poder considerar o consumo de frutanos como uma estratégia de prevenção da osteoporose.
Papel de las poliaminas en la precipitación del carbonato en algas
Abstract Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene neue Synthesewege zur Darstellung poröser Kieselgele untersucht. Als porenbildende Template wurden hierzu eine Reihe niedermolekularer und polymerer Verbindungen eingesetzt. Dabei sollten die Teilchenmorphologie und die Parameter der Porenstruktur durch die Bedingungen bei der Reaktion und nicht durch eine Nachbehandlung eingestellt werden. Hauptziel der Arbeit war es, eine Synthese zu entwickeln, bei der durch den Einsatz eines geeigneten Templats sphärische Kieselgelpartikel mit Porengrößen über 10 nm hergestellt werden können. Zusätzlich zur Materialsynthese gelang es Informationen über den Bildungsmechanismus poröser Kieselgele zu erhalten.Weiterhin wurden die Materialien als Säulenmaterial in der Chromatographie, als Adsorbens zur Probensammlung (sample tracking), als Katalysatorträgermaterial und als Marker für Biomoleküle eingesetzt.
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Synthese von Polymerbürsten auf Silizium durch Aufbringen der Reaktionslösung mit einem Pipettiersystem. Dies ist für die Beschichtung von Microcantilever Sensoren interessant, um spezifische Fühler mit funktionellen Polymerschichten, die auf chemische oder physikalische Einflüsse reagieren, zu bauen. Bisherige Synthesemethoden werden in Lösung durchgeführt. Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization ist etabliert, um definierte Schichten von Polymerbürsten herzustellen. Die Kombination mit einer “Spot Printing”-Technik kann eine Alternative sein, um einzelne Cantilever mit einer Breite von 90 μm und einer Länge von 750 μm zu beschichten. Dafür wurde eine Chemie getestet, die mit dem Pipettiersystem Nano-Plotter der Firma Gesim umsetzbar ist. Aus einer Mischung aus Wasser und DMF wurden Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamid)-Bürsten auf Silizium mit Schichtdicken bis zu 40 nm hergestellt. Es war nötig den Nano-Plotter anzupassen, damit zum einen auf die Microcantilever Sensoren pipettiert werden kann und zum andern die Nanoliter großen Tropfen über den Reaktionszeitraum stabil sind. Auf diese Weise konnten Linien mit einer Schichtdicke von ca. 2 nm auf Siliziumwafer hergestellt werden. Die “Spot-Printing” Methode ist daher eine gute Ergänzung zur herkömmlichen Synthese.
Sviluppo di un sistema miniaturizzato per il controllo real-time di assetto di nano e microsatelliti
Microsatelliti e nanosatelliti, come ad esempio i Cubesat, sono carenti di sistemi integrati di controllo d’assetto e di manovra orbitale. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di realizzare un sistema compatibile con Cubesat di una unità, completo di attuatori magnetici e attuatori meccanici, comprendente tutti i sensori e l’elettronica necessaria per il suo funzionamento, creando un dispositivo totalmente indipendente dal veicolo su cui è installato, capace di funzionare sia autonomamente che ricevendo comandi da terra. Nella tesi sono descritte le campagne di simulazioni numeriche effettuate per validare le scelte tecnologiche effettuate, le fasi di sviluppo dell’elettronica e della meccanica, i test sui prototipi realizzati e il funzionamento del sistema finale. Una integrazione così estrema dei componenti può implicare delle interferenze tra un dispositivo e l’altro, come nel caso dei magnetotorquer e dei magnetometri. Sono stati quindi studiati e valutati gli effetti della loro interazione, verificandone l’entità e la validità del progetto. Poiché i componenti utilizzati sono tutti di basso costo e di derivazione terrestre, è stata effettuata una breve introduzione teorica agli effetti dell’ambiente spaziale sull’elettronica, per poi descrivere un sistema fault-tolerant basato su nuove teorie costruttive. Questo sistema è stato realizzato e testato, verificando così la possibilità di realizzare un controller affidabile e resistente all’ambiente spaziale per il sistema di controllo d’assetto. Sono state infine analizzate alcune possibili versioni avanzate del sistema, delineandone i principali aspetti progettuali, come ad esempio l’integrazione di GPS e l’implementazione di funzioni di determinazione d’assetto sfruttando i sensori presenti a bordo.
Graphene and graphenic derivatives have rapidly emerged as an extremely promising system for electronic, optical, thermal, and electromechanical applications. Several approaches have been developed to produce these materials (i.e. scotch tape, CVD, chemical and solvent exfoliation). In this work we report a chemical approach to produce graphene by reducing graphene oxide (GO) via thermal or electrical methods. A morphological and electrical characterization of these systems has been performed using different techniques such as SPM, SEM, TEM, Raman and XPS. Moreover, we studied the interaction between graphene derivates and organic molecules focusing on the following aspects: - improvement of optical contrast of graphene on different substrates for rapid monolayer identification1 - supramolecular interaction with organic molecules (i.e. thiophene, pyrene etc.)4 - covalent functionalization with optically active molecules2 - preparation and characterization of organic/graphene Field Effect Transistors3-5 Graphene chemistry can potentially allow seamless integration of graphene technology in organic electronics devices to improve device performance and develop new applications for graphene-based materials. [1] E. Treossi, M. Melucci, A. Liscio, M. Gazzano, P. Samorì, and V. Palermo, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 15576. [2] M. Melucci, E. Treossi, L. Ortolani, G. Giambastiani, V. Morandi, P. Klar, C. Casiraghi, P. Samorì, and V. Palermo, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 9052. [3] J.M. Mativetsky, E. Treossi, E. Orgiu, M. Melucci, G.P. Veronese, P. Samorì, and V. Palermo, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 14130. [4] A. Liscio, G.P. Veronese, E. Treossi, F. Suriano, F. Rossella, V. Bellani, R. Rizzoli, P. Samorì and V. Palermo, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 2924. [5] J.M. Mativetsky, A. Liscio, E. Treossi, E. Orgiu, A. Zanelli, P. Samorì , V. Palermo, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 14320
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a chain-oriented tool to evaluate the environment performance of products focussing on the entire life cycle of these products: from the extraction of resources, via manufacturing and use, to the final processing of the disposed products. Through all these stages consumption of resources and pollutant releases to air, water, soil are identified and quantified in Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) analysis. Subsequently to the LCI phase follows the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) phase; that has the purpose to convert resource consumptions and pollutant releases in environmental impacts. The LCIA aims to model and to evaluate environmental issues, called impact categories. Several reports emphasises the importance of LCA in the field of ENMs. The ENMs offer enormous potential for the development of new products and application. There are however unanswered questions about the impacts of ENMs on human health and the environment. In the last decade the increasing production, use and consumption of nanoproducts, with a consequent release into the environment, has accentuated the obligation to ensure that potential risks are adequately understood to protect both human health and environment. Due to its holistic and comprehensive assessment, LCA is an essential tool evaluate, understand and manage the environmental and health effects of nanotechnology. The evaluation of health and environmental impacts of nanotechnologies, throughout the whole of their life-cycle by using LCA methodology. This is due to the lack of knowledge in relation to risk assessment. In fact, to date, the knowledge on human and environmental exposure to nanomaterials, such ENPs is limited. This bottleneck is reflected into LCA where characterisation models and consequently characterisation factors for ENPs are missed. The PhD project aims to assess limitations and challenges of the freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity potential evaluation in LCIA phase for ENPs and in particular nanoparticles as n-TiO2.
The present research thesis was focused on the development of new biomaterials and devices for application in regenerative medicine, particularly in the repair/regeneration of bone and osteochondral regions affected by degenerative diseases such as Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis or serious traumas. More specifically, the work was focused on the synthesis and physico-chemical-morphological characterization of: i) a new superparamagnetic apatite phase; ii) new biomimetic superparamagnetic bone and osteochondral scaffolds; iii) new bioactive bone cements for regenerative vertebroplasty. The new bio-devices were designed to exhibit high biomimicry with hard human tissues and with functionality promoting faster tissue repair and improved texturing. In particular, recent trends in tissue regeneration indicate magnetism as a new tool to stimulate cells towards tissue formation and organization; in this perspective a new superparamagnetic apatite was synthesized by doping apatite lattice with di-and trivalent iron ions during synthesis. This finding was the pin to synthesize newly conceived superparamagnetic bone and osteochondral scaffolds by reproducing in laboratory the biological processes yielding the formation of new bone, i.e. the self-assembly/organization of collagen fibrils and heterogeneous nucleation of nanosized, ionically substituted apatite mimicking the mineral part of bone. The new scaffolds can be magnetically switched on/off and function as workstations guiding fast tissue regeneration by minimally invasive and more efficient approaches. Moreover, in the view of specific treatments for patients affected by osteoporosis or traumas involving vertebrae weakening or fracture, the present work was also dedicated to the development of new self-setting injectable pastes based on strontium-substituted calcium phosphates, able to harden in vivo and transform into strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite. The addition of strontium may provide an anti-osteoporotic effect, aiding to restore the physiologic bone turnover. The ceramic-based paste was also added with bio-polymers, able to be progressively resorbed thus creating additional porosity in the cement body that favour cell colonization and osseointegration.