989 resultados para muotokuvat - perhe - 1850-luku
This dissertation traces the ways in which nineteenth-century fictional narratives of white settlement represent “family” as, on the one hand, an abstract theoretical model for a unified and relatively homogenous British settler empire and on the other, a fundamental challenge to ideas about imperial integrity and transnational Anglo-Saxon racial identification. I argue that representations of transoceanic white families in nineteenth-century fictions about Australian settler colonialism negotiate the tension between the bounded domesticity of an insular English nation and the kind of kinship that spans oceans and continents as a result of mass emigration from the British isles to the United States, Canada, New Zealand, and the Australian colonies. As such, these fictions construct productive analogies between the familial metaphors and affective language in the political discourse of “Greater Britain”—-a transoceanic imagined community of British settler colonies and their “mother country” united by race and language—-and ideas of family, gender, and domesticity as they operate within specific bourgeois families. Concerns over the disruption of transoceanic families bear testament to contradictions between the idea of a unified imperial identity (both British and Anglo-Saxon), the proliferation of fractured local identities (such as settlers’ English, Irish Catholic, and Australian nationalisms), and the conspicuous absence of indigenous families from narratives of settlement. I intervene at the intersection of postcolonial literary criticism and gender theory by examining the strategic deployments of heteronormative kinship metaphors and metonymies in the rhetorical consolidation of settler colonial space. Settler colonialism was distinct from the “civilizing” domination of subject peoples in South Asia in that it depended on the rhetorical construction of colonial territory as empty space or as land occupied by nearly extinct “primitive” races. This dissertation argues that political rhetoric, travel narratives, and fiction used the image of white female bourgeois reproductive power and sentimental attachment as a technology for settler colonial success, embodying this technology both in the benevolent figure of the metropolitan “mother country” (the paternalistic female counter to the material realities of patriarchal and violent settler colonial practices) and in fictional juxtapositions of happy white settler fecund families with the solitary self-extinguishing figure of the black aboriginal “savage.” Yet even in the narratives where the continuity and coherence of families across imperial space is questioned—-and “Greater Britain” itself—-domesticity and heteronormative familial relations effectively rewrite settler space as white, Anglo-Saxon and bourgeois, and the sentimentalism of troubled European families masks the presence and genocide of indigenous aboriginal peoples. I analyze a range of novels and political texts, canonical and non-canonical, metropolitan and colonial. My introductory first chapter examines the discourse on a “Greater Britain” in the travel narratives of J.A. Froude, Charles Wentworth Dilke, and Anthony Trollope and in the Oxbridge lectures of Herman Merivale and J.R. Seeley. These writers make arguments for an imperial economy of affect circulating between Britain and the settler colonies that reinforces political connections, and at times surpasses the limits of political possibility by relying on the language of sentiment and feeling to build a transoceanic “Greater British” community. Subsequent chapters show how metropolitan and colonial fiction writers, including Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope, Marcus Clarke, Henry Kingsley, and Catherine Helen Spence, test the viability of this “Greater British” economy of affect by presenting transoceanic family connections and structures straining under the weight of forces including the vast distances between colonies and the “mother country,” settler violence, and the transportation system.
O presente trabalho pretende demonstrar o valor patrimonial das praças de toiros, enquanto manifestações arquitetónicas representativas de uma manifestação cultural e patrimonial herdada - a Tauromaquia. Assim sendo, é nossa intenção criar mecanismos que despertem interesse pelo referido património e que lhe seja reconhecido valor arquitetónico e cultural, sendo que aliada à materialidade do edificado identificámos também aspetos imateriais: costumes, tradições e rituais que, aliados à prática tauromáquica contribuem para a nossa identificação enquanto povo. Através da inventariação do património tauromáquico imóvel existente dentro das balizas cronológicas apontadas procuramos sensibilizar a sociedade para o papel que estes edifícios assumem na história e na cultura das populações, contribuindo simultaneamente para a sua preservação e valorização. O presente trabalho teve como base um vasto leque de leituras alusivas ao tema da tauromaquia que permitiu traçar um percurso de molde a evidenciar a evolução dos preceitos da arte tauromáquica, onde se insere o aparecimento e desenvolvimento das praças de toiros portuguesas. Julgamos que um dos aspetos mais importantes deste trabalho seja o facto da identificação dos espaços e o registo das suas características nos ter permitido conhecer e dar a conhecer a existência de uma tipologia patrimonial que se encontra como que oculta, que para muitos chega mesmo a ser desconhecida ou ignorada, mas que faz parte do nosso património, transcendendo uma dimensão puramente material. ABSTRACT: This paper aims to demonstrate the heritage value of bullrings as architectural manifestations, representing a cultural heritage and legacy - Bullfighting. First of all, the construction of these buildings requires a “will of manifestation" and the recognition of values with which part of the Portuguese people identifies itself. lt is therefore our intention to create mechanisms to awaken interest in this heritage, so that its architectonic and cultural value is recognized. Along with the materiality of the buildings, we have also identified intangible aspects, such as: customs, traditions and rituals, that when allied to bullfighting contribute to our identity as a people. With the inventorying of the bullfighting assets existing within the established timelines, we seek to enlighten society about the role that these buildings assume both in history and culture, as well as contributing to its preservation and enhancement. This research was based on a vast range of readings related to bullfighting which allowed us to outline the path of the evolution of the bullfighting art, which includes the appearing and development of Portuguese bullrings. We believe that one of the most important aspects in this paper is the fact that the identification of the places and the registration of their features has allowed us not only to acknowledge but also to display the existence of a heritage that has been hidden. For many people this is unknown or even ignored, but it's part of our heritage, transcending a purely material dimension.
Publicação que reúne informações sobre a ocorrência de joaninha Azya luteipes em plantações de café Conilon, no município de Porto Velho, Rondônia.
The present research deals with the modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba2, between 1850 and 1924, and its relation with the cotton economy, which represented the main source of wealth accumulation for both the private and the public sectors throughout the First Republic. This study on urban history was developed by focusing on the understanding of the city s spatial formation, and despite its emphasis on the economic aspects involved, other factors that also contribute to the development of the social life were not put aside. The modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba was also analyzed during the period established for the study according to a chronological and thematic approach that established comparisons with the financial situation of the State, whenever this was necessary, with special attention to the contribution of the cotton economy to the State´s revenues. It was possible to detect a lack of financial help and loans from the federal and municipal administrations for finishing several public works already underway in the capital, since the federal funds allocated to the State of Parahyba do Norte were rather employed in emergency works against droughts and in agricultural development. One can then conclude that the financial resources required for the urban interventions were withdrawn from the State s treasury itself, resources that were collected mainly from activities such as cotton exportation and cotton trading. Another factor shows the interdependence between the urban remodeling and the cotton economy: during the years marked by great droughts or by hard plagues on the cotton plantations, cotton production decreased, as well as the State s finances. The first measures taken by the State s administrators were to halt all projects of urban remodeling in progress in the Cidade da Parahyba, which was, clearly, the most privileged city by the State s presidents during the period analyzed. 2 The city of João Pessoa was named Cidade da Parahyba, a designation that remained until September 1930, when it received its present-day name in order to pay homage to the president of the State, João Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, murdered in the city of Recife in August of that same year. At that time, the State of Paraíba was known as Parahyba do Norte. Since this work is limited to a period of time comprised within the First Republic, the names employed respect the terms used in those days
ResumenEn este trabajo se hace un análisis desde la creación de la Diócesis de Nicaragua y Costa Rica (1531-1850) hasta que se divide en 1850, cuya organización se basó en las disposiciones del Patronato Real y los acuerdos del Concilio de Trento (1545). De igual manera, se estudia el papel de los obispos que estuvieron al frente de la dirección de la diócesis y también son objeto de investigación los conflictos internos, en especial los que ocurrieron con la provincia de Costa Rica.AbstractThis work sets forth an analysis made of the Nicaraguan and Costa Rican Diocese (1531-1850) from its creation up to its division in 1850. It was established based on the resolutions of the Royal Patronage (Patronato Real) and the accords of the Council of Trent (1545). Likewise, research is carried out on the role played by the bishops that geared the Diocese, as well as on the internal conflicts, especially those that occurred in the province of Costa Rica.
ResumenEl artículo es un análisis de la construcción del poder en el mundo predominantemente rural del Valle Central, fundamentado en la interacción entre los agentes del Estado y las comunidades campesinas. Propone develar una dimensión de las prácticas hegemónicas en la organización del trabajo colectivo para el desarrollo de la infraestructura requerida por el proceso de mercantilización de la economía. El poder directriz de los agentes del Estado es afirmado, disputado y negociado por comunidades campesinas, cruzadas por diferencias y conflictos económicos y regionales. Puntos de encuentro y fractura entre las comunidades se integran a las construcciones discursivas que, sutil o abiertamente, enfrentan las políticas públicas.AbstractThis article constitutes an analysis of the construction of power, in a predominantly rural world of the Central Valley of Costa Rica, based on the interaction between government agents and rural communities. It intends to unveil a dimension of hegemonic practices in the organization of collective work for the development of infrastructure required for the process of commercialization of the economy. The steering power of the government agents is acknowledged, debated on, and negotiated by the peasant communities, intersected by economic and regional differences and conflicts. Points of coincidence and fracture between communities are woven into the discursive constructions facing public policies, whether in a subtle or open manner.
ResumenEste trabajo aborda el proceso de desarrollo del frente de colonización agrícola en El General, Pérez Zeledón, entre la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y la primera mitad del siglo XX. Se analizan las características del espacio, así como los elementos constitutivos y las transformaciones que durante el período experimentaron las unidades y los sistemas de producción ubicados en dichos territorios. Junto a una revaloración de la complejidad agrícola presente en la región durante esta etapa, este artículo pone de manifiesto el papel de las políticas estatales en la ocupación y la vinculación de la zona sur al entorno económico nacional.AbstractThis work addresses the development process of the agricultural front in El General, Pérez Zeledón, that took place during the second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. Here, spatial characteristics are analyzed, as well as the components of the production units and systems in these territories and the transformations they experienced. Along with a revaluation of the agricultural complexity present in the region during this period, this article highlights the role of governmental policies pertaining to the settlement of the southern region and its connection with the national economic framework
Introducción El comercio entre los diversos pueblos ha servido para establecer y mantener relaciones entre ellos, en forma directa para el intercambio de bienes demandados por unos y suplidos por otros, pero también para establecer nexos culturales y sociales. En la región del Pacífico americano, el océano sirvió como facilitador de ese intercambio, al ofrecer una vía de transporte que vinculaba a casi todos los países, desde Chile hasta México de manera accesible y con pocas dificultades, exceptuadas las grandes distancias. Igualmente permitía el desarrollo de relaciones comerciales con el resto del mundo…
IntroducciónDetrás del bello título y de las referencias explícitamente froidianas de este libro, el lector descubre en él un importante libro de historia regional. De golpe osamos a plantear una afirmación a manera de previsión, ejercicio que por cierto repugna tanto al historiador, pero que en este caso no deja de ser un tanto riesgoso. El trabajo de A. Taracena probablemente será por muchos años como una de esas referencias trascendentales para todos aquellos que decidan en el futuro plantear un estudio de historia regional.