873 resultados para multi-component and multi-site adsorption
Iron oxides and arsenic are prevalent in the environment. With the increase interest in the use of iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) for contaminant remediation and the high toxicity of arsenic, it is crucial that we evaluate the interactions between IONPs and arsenic. The goal was to understand the environmental behavior of IONPs in regards to their particle size, aggregation and stability, and to determine how this behavior influences IONPs-arsenic interactions. A variety of dispersion techniques were investigated to disperse bare commercial IONPs. Vortex was able to disperse commercial hematite nanoparticles into unstable dispersions with particles in the micrometer size range while probe ultrasonication dispersed the particles into stable dispersions of nanometer size ranges for a prolonged period of time. Using probe ultrasonication and vortex to prepare IONPs suspensions of different particle sizes, the adsorption of arsenite and arsenate to bare hematite nanoparticles and hematite aggregates were investigated. To understand the difference in the adsorptive behavior, adsorption kinetics and isotherm parameters were determined. Both arsenite and arsenate were capable of adsorbing to hematite nanoparticles and hematite aggregates but the rate and capacity of adsorption is dependent upon the hematite particle size, the stability of the dispersion and the type of sorbed arsenic species. Once arsenic was adsorbed onto the hematite surface, both iron and arsenic can undergo redox transformation both microbially and photochemically and these processes can be intertwined. Arsenic speciation studies in the presence of hematite particles were performed and the effect of light on the redox process was preliminary quantified. The redox behavior of arsenite and arsenate were different depending on the hematite particle size, the stability of the suspension and the presence of environmental factors such as microbes and light. The results from this study are important and have significant environmental implications as arsenic mobility and bioavailability can be affected by its adsorption to hematite particles and by its surface mediated redox transformation. Moreover, this study furthers our understanding on how the particle size influences the interactions between IONPs and arsenic thereby clarifying the role of IONPs in the biogeochemical cycling of arsenic.
Hexaphenylbiadamantane-based microporous organic polymers (MOPs) were successfully synthesized by Suzuki coupling under mild conditions. The obtained MOPs show high surface area (891 m2 g−1), ultra-high thermal (less than 40% mass loss at temperatures up to 1000 °C) and chemical (no apparent decomposition in organic solvents for more than 7 days) stability, gas (H2, CO2, CH4) capture capabilities and vapor (benzene, hexane) adsorption. These combined abilities render the synthesized MOPs an attractive candidate as thermo-chemically stable adsorbents for practical use in gas storage and pollutant vapor adsorption.
he aims of this cross-sectional study were to examine the developmental characteristics (biological maturation and body size) associated with gross motor coordination problems in 5193 Peruvian children (2787 girls) aged 6–14 years from different geographical locations, and to investigate how the probability that children suffer with gross motor coordination problems varies with physical fitness. Children with gross motor coordination problems were more likely to have lower flexibility and explosive strength levels, having adjusted for age, sex, maturation and study site. Older children were more likely to suffer from gross motor coordination problems, as were those with greater body mass index. However, more mature children were less likely to have gross motor coordination problems, although children who live at sea level or at high altitude were more likely to suffer from gross motor coordination problems than children living in the jungle. Our results provide evidence that children and adolescents with lower physical fitness are more likely to have gross motor coordination difficulties. The identification of youths with gross motor coordination problems and providing them with effective intervention programs is an important priority in order to overcome such developmental problems, and help to improve their general health status.
he aims of this cross-sectional study were to examine the developmental characteristics (biological maturation and body size) associated with gross motor coordination problems in 5193 Peruvian children (2787 girls) aged 6–14 years from different geographical locations, and to investigate how the probability that children suffer with gross motor coordination problems varies with physical fitness. Children with gross motor coordination problems were more likely to have lower flexibility and explosive strength levels, having adjusted for age, sex, maturation and study site. Older children were more likely to suffer from gross motor coordination problems, as were those with greater body mass index. However, more mature children were less likely to have gross motor coordination problems, although children who live at sea level or at high altitude were more likely to suffer from gross motor coordination problems than children living in the jungle. Our results provide evidence that children and adolescents with lower physical fitness are more likely to have gross motor coordination difficulties. The identification of youths with gross motor coordination problems and providing them with effective intervention programs is an important priority in order to overcome such developmental problems, and help to improve their general health status.
O presente relatório tem como objectivo analisar a realidade de uma Companhia de Marionetas em Portugal, Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora, incidindo sobre a relação entre o actor, marioneta e meio envolvente (site specific) no contexto de uma prática teatral concreta, a produção do espectáculo Era uma vez ...As Sete Casas da Infortuna, no Castelo de Santa Maria da Feira. Os resultados apurados acompanham os moldes em que se procurou passar de um actor convencional para a especialização de um micromundo teatral onde a aprendizagem foi, fulcral desde o processo de construção até, à manipulação em cena num universo de trabalho particularmente árduo e específico. A minha trajectória no seio da companhia começou pela familiarização e aprendizagem informal da prática das marionetas através da observação directa dos espectáculos e de diferentes projectos da companhia. A formação feita no local de estágio (atelier da Companhia) foi outra das modalidades de formação que acompanhou o meu trajecto ao longo do estágio através da minha colaboração em projectos como Teatro nas Instituições, sempre sob a égide da divisão de tarefas e de alguma autoaprendizagem com a devida supervisão e orientação de artistas especialistas, como o Director Criativo, enVide neFelibata. O laboratório de aprendizagem prosseguiu pela mão da marionetista Clara Ribeiro que orientou a minha formação no sentido de absorver princípios teórico-práticos como o Foco, o Movimento e o Olhar para uma melhor consciencialização do universo do teatro de marionetas e formas animadas. Ainda nessa aprendizagem, a figura de alguns artistas especialistas foi fulcral, nomeadamente a da cenógrafa Marta Fernandes da Silva, que revelou ser de extrema importância ao longo do estágio pois permitiu uma verdadeira intersecção entre as componentes teórica e prática. Dessa forma pude acompanhar todo o processo de criação do Era uma vez ...As Sete Casas da Infortuna, e colaborar na construção das marionetas que iria manipular como actor - marionetista. Relativamente à questão da componente da interpretação no estágio, esta foi assumida pela encenadora - marionetista, Filipa Alexandre que, com a sua orientação, permitiu um enfoque do grupo de trabalho num processo de criação colectiva. Assim, a nível pessoal, fui movido por uma necessidade premente de descodificar o papel do actor na sua relação com a marioneta e o meio envolvente (site specific). ABSTRACT: This study aims to examine the reality of a Puppet Company in Portugal, the Puppet Theater of Mandrágora, focusing on the relationship between actor, puppet and environment (site specific) in the context of an actual theatrical practice, Once upon a time ...Seven houses of infortune, in the Castle of Santa Maria da Feira. The results obtained follow the way in which one seeks to move from one "conventional" actor to the specialization of a micro theater where learning was central from the building process to manipulation on the scene in a universe of work particularly hard and specific. My initial course within the company began with the familiarization and informal learning of the practice of puppetry through direct observation of performances and various projects of the company. The training done at the company (workshop of the Company) was one of the training arrangements that accompanied my way along the training through assistance on projects such as Teatro nas Instituições, always under the auspices of the division of tasks and due self-teaching with appropriate supervision and guidance of expert artists, such as the Creative Director, enVide neFelibata. The learning laboratory continued by the hand of the puppeteer Clara Ribeiro who supervised my training in order to absorb theoretical and practical principles as the Focus, the Movement and the Look for better awareness of the world of puppetry and animated forms. Also at this level, the figure of some specialist artists were central, such as the scenographer Marta Fernandes da Silva, who proved to be extremely important during this training, allowing a true intersection between the theoretical and the practical components. I could experience the surroundings of the creation notebook of Era uma vez ...As Sete Casas da Infortuna, and collaborate in the preparation of puppets that would handle as an actor - puppeteer. As to the question of the interpretation component on training, this was in charge of stage director - puppeteer, and the Artistic Director, Filipa Alexandre, whose instructions allowed a focus of the working group in a process of collective creation. Accordingly, to a personal level, I was urged to decode the role of the actor in relation to the puppet and the environment (site specific).
Modeling nitrous oxide emissions in grass and grass-legume pastures in the western Brazilian Amazon.
Mineral nitrogen (N) dynamics in soil and the exchange of N gaseous in the interface soil-atmosphere are intimately associated with animal manure in pastures. According to soil inorganic-N pools and the site studied, forest or pasture, and pastures age the soil inorganic-N pools of ammonium and nitrate can be similar in the forest or ammonium dominated in the pasture. Also annual average net nitrification rates at soil surface in forest can be higher than in pasture suggesting a higher potential for nitrate-N losses either through leaching or gaseous emissions from intact forests compared with established pastures (NEILL et al., 1995).
This paper discusses the ways in which synergies across design disciplines can be developed through student engagement on authentic design projects. The paper focuses on a comparative case study where students from the Fashion, and Communication Design discipline areas in the Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) work on the production of the Frock Paper Scissors magazine and web site. The Frock Paper Scissors magazine has been the focus of assessment in a Fashion and Style Journalism class for the last three years, and for the last two years, students from an Advanced Web Design class have been involved in the production of the accompanying web site, http://frockpapersissors.com/. In this paper we focus on how this authentic assessment task has been integrated into the two design (and communication) classes; discussing the different approaches taken by teaching staff, the challenges faced, and the ways in which student learning outcomes have been improved through interactions between design disciplines. The paper concludes by outlining a set of observations on how to successfully engage students from different design (and creative industries) fields on an authentic design project within their studies.
The project has further developed two programs for the industry partners related to service life prediction and salt deposition. The program for Queensland Department of Main Roads which predicts salt deposition on different bridge structures at any point in Queensland has been further refined by looking at more variables. It was found that the height of the bridge significantly affects the salt deposition levels only when very close to the coast. However the effect of natural cleaning of salt by rainfall was incorporated into the program. The user interface allows selection of a location in Queensland, followed by a bridge component. The program then predicts the annual salt deposition rate and rates the likely severity of the environment. The service life prediction program for the Queensland Department of Public Works has been expanded to include 10 common building components, in a variety of environments. Data mining procedures have been used to develop the program and increase the usefulness of the application. A Query Based Learning System (QBLS) has been developed which is based on a data-centric model with extensions to provide support for user interaction. The program is based on number of sources of information about the service life of building components. These include the Delphi survey, the CSIRO Holistic model and a school survey. During the project, the Holistic model was modified for each building component and databases generated for the locations of all Queensland schools. Experiments were carried out to verify and provide parameters for the modelling. These included instrumentation of a downpipe, measurements on pH and chloride levels in leaf litter, EIS measurements and chromate leaching from Colorbond materials and dose tests to measure corrosion rates of new materials. A further database was also generated for inclusion in the program through a large school survey. Over 30 schools in a range of environments from tropical coastal to temperate inland were visited and the condition of the building components rated on a scale of 0-5. The data was analysed and used to calculate an average service life for each component/material combination in the environments, where sufficient examples were available.
This paper presents a novel algorithm for the gateway placement problem in Backbone Wireless Mesh Networks (BWMNs). Different from existing algorithms, the new algorithm incrementally identifies gateways and assigns mesh routers to identified gateways. The new algorithm can guarantee to find a feasible gateway placement satisfying Quality-of-Service (QoS) constraints, including delay constraint, relay load constraint and gateway capacity constraint. Experimental results show that its performance is as good as that of the best of existing algorithms for the gateway placement problem. But, the new algorithm can be used for BWMNs that do not form one connected component, and it is easy to implement and use.
As all environmental problems are caused by human systems of design, sustainability can be seen as a design problem. Given the massive energy and material flows through the built environment, sustainability simply cannot be achieved without the re-design of our urban areas. ‘Eco-retrofitting’, as used here, means modifying buildings and/or urban areas to create net positive social and environmental impacts – both on site and off site. While this has probably not been achieved anywhere as yet, myriad but untapped eco-solutions are already available which could be up-scaled to the urban level. It is now well established that eco-retrofitting buildings and cities with appropriate design technology can pay for itself through lower health costs, productivity increases and resource savings. Good design would also mean happier human and ecological communities at a much lower cost over time. In fact, good design could increase life quality and the life support services of nature while creating sustainable‘economic’growth. The impediments are largely institutional and intellectual, which can be encapsulated in the term ‘managerial’. There are, however, also systems design solutions to the managerial obstacles that seem to be stalling the transition to sustainable systems designs. Given the sustainability imperative, then, why is the adoption of better management systems so slow? The oral presentation will show examples of ways in which built environment design can create environments that not only reduce the ongoing damage of past design, but could theoretically generate net positive social and ecological outcomes over their life cycle. These illustrations show that eco-retrofitting could cost society less than doing nothing - especially given the ongoing renovations of buildings - but for managerial hurdles. The paper outlines on how traditional managerial approaches stand in the way of ‘design for ecosystem services’, and list some management solutions that have long been identified, but are not yet widely adopted. Given the pervasive nature of these impediments and their alternatives, they are presented by way of examples. A sampling of eco-retrofitting solutions are also listed to show that ecoretrofitting is a win-win-win solution that stands ready to be implemented by people having management skills and/or positions of influence.
Transportation disadvantage has been recognised to be the key source of social exclusion. Therefore an appropriate process is required to investigate and seek to resolve this problem. Currently, determination of Transportation Disadvantage is postulate based on income, poverty and mobility level. Transportation disadvantage may best regard be based on accessibility perspectives as they represent inability of the individual to access desired activities. This paper attempts to justify a process in determining transportation disadvantage by incorporating accessibility and social transporation conflict as the essence of a framework. The framework embeds space time organisation within the dimension of accessibility to identify a rigorous definition of transportation disadvantage. In developing the framework, the definition, dimension, component and measure of accessibility were scrutinised. The findings suggest the definition and dimension are the significant approach of research to evaluate travel experience of the disadvantaged. Concurrently, location accessibility measures will be incorprated to strenghten the determination of accessibility level. Literature review in social exclusion and mobility-related exclusion identified the dimension and source of transportation disadvantage. It was revealed that the appropriate approach to justify trasnportation disadvantaged is to incorporate space-time organisation within the studied components. The suggested framework is an inter-related process consisting of component of accessibility; individual, networking (transport system) and activities (destination). The integration and correlation among the components shall determine the level of transportation disadvantage. Prior findings are used to retrieve the spatial distribution of transportation disadvantaged and appropriate policies are developed to resolve the problems.
Two perceptions of the marginality of home economics are widespread across educational and other contexts. One is that home economics and those who engage in its pedagogy are inevitably marginalised within patriarchal relations in education and culture. This is because home economics is characterised as women's knowledge, for the private domain of the home. The other perception is that only orthodox epistemological frameworks of inquiry should be used to interrogate this state of affairs. These perceptions have prompted leading theorists in the field to call for non-essentialist approaches to research in order to re-think the thinking that has produced this cul-de-sac positioning of home economics as a body of knowledge and a site of teacher practice. This thesis takes up the challenge of working to locate a space outside the frame of modernist research theory and methods, recognising that this shift in epistemology is necessary to unsettle the idea that home economics is inevitably marginalised. The purpose of the study is to reconfigure how we have come to think about home economics teachers and the profession of home economics as a site of cultural practice, in order to think it otherwise (Lather, 1991). This is done by exploring how the culture of home economics is being contested from within. To do so, the thesis uses a 'posthumanist' approach, which rejects the conception of the individual as a unitary and fixed entity, but instead as a subject in process, shaped by desires and language which are not necessarily consciously determined. This posthumanist project focuses attention on pedagogical body subjects as the 'unsaid' of home economics research. It works to transcend the modernist dualism of mind/body, and other binaries central to modernist work, including private/public, male/female,paid/unpaid, and valued/unvalued. In so doing, it refuses the simple margin/centre geometry so characteristic of current perceptions of home economics itself. Three studies make up this work. Studies one and two serve to document the disciplined body of home economics knowledge, the governance of which works towards normalisation of the 'proper' home economics teacher. The analysis of these accounts of home economics teachers by home economics teachers, reveals that home economics teachers are 'skilled' yet they 'suffer' for their profession. Further,home economics knowledge is seen to be complicit in reinforcing the traditional roles of masculinity and femininity, thereby reinforcing heterosexual normativity which is central to patriarchal society. The third study looks to four 'atypical'subjects who defy the category of 'proper' and 'normal' home economics teacher. These 'atypical' bodies are 'skilled' but fiercely reject the label of 'suffering'. The discussion of the studies is a feminist poststructural account, using Russo's (1994) notion of the grotesque body, which is emergent from Bakhtin's (1968) theory of the carnivalesque. It draws on the 'shreds' of home economics pedagogy,scrutinising them for their subversive, transformative potential. In this analysis, the giving and taking of pleasure and fun in the home economics classroom presents moments of surprise and of carnival. Foucault's notion of the construction of the ethical individual shows these 'atypical' bodies to be 'immoderate' yet striving hard to be 'continent' body subjects. This research captures moments of transgression which suggest that transformative moments are already embodied in the pedagogical practices of home economics teachers, and these can be 'seen' when re-looking through postmodemist lenses. Hence, the cultural practices ofhome economics as inevitably marginalised are being contested from within. Until now, home economics as a lived culture has failed to recognise possibilities for reconstructing its own field beyond the confines of modernity. This research is an example of how to think about home economics teachers and the profession as a reconfigured cultural practice. Future research about home economics as a body of knowledge and a site of teacher practice need not retell a simple story of oppression. Using postmodemist epistemologies is one way to provide opportunities for new ways of looking.
Sodium niobates doped with different amount of tantalum (TaV) were prepared via thermal reaction process. It was found pure nanofibril and bar-like solids can be obtained when tantalum was introduced into the reaction system. For the well-crystallized fibril solids, the Na+ ions are difficult to be exchanged, and the radioactive ions such as Sr2+ and Ra2+ ions just deposit on the surface of the fibers during the sorption process, resulting in lower sorption capacity and distribution coefficients (Kd)`. However, the bar-like solids are poorly-crystallized and have lots of exchangeable Na+ ions. They are able to remove highly hazardous bivalent radioactive isotopes such as Sr2+ and Ra2+ ions. Even in the presence of lots of Na+ ions, they also have higher Kd. More importantly, such sorption finally intelligently triggers considerable collapse of the structure, resulting in the entrapment of the toxic bivalent cations permanently in the solids so that they can be safely disposed. This study highlights new opportunities for the preparation of Nb-based adsorbents to efficiently remove the toxic radioactive ions from contaminated water.
The Frock Paper Scissors magazine (and accompanying web site, www.frockpapersissors.com ) has been the focus of assessment in a Fashion and Style Journalism unit from 2006 to 2011 (current). The research has focused on the ways in which synergies across disciplines can be developed through student engagement on authentic projects (with a public audience). Up to 80 students from the Fashion Design, Journalism, Media Communication, Creative Industries, Business, Creative Writing and Communication Design discipline areas in the Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) work on the content, production, layout and funding for the Frock Paper Scissors magazine (and web site). Research focusses on how this authentic assessment task has been integrated into the classes; discussing the approaches taken by teaching staff, the challenges faced, and the ways in which student learning outcomes have been improved and their career outcomes enhanced. The final output requires staff to curate a professional hard copy fashion magazine(and website) where 5,000 copies are distributed annually throughout south east Queensland, Sydney, Melbourne, London, New York and Amsterdam.