987 resultados para monolithic rod


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 27th June, 1983. The report contains Fishing Licence Duties, Fyke nets and Otters, the income from the sale of Rod and Line licences, Fisheries improvement Grant and Fisheries Equipment Loan Schemes. The section on Fyke nets and Otters looks at danger to otters of becoming trapped and drowned in fyke nets set to take eels. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the River Dart Salmon Project Summary of Phase I Report (2002) by the Westcountry Rivers Trust. The report contains sections on the introduction to Dart Salmon, factors affecting salmon numbers, salmon rod catch and salmon electro-fishing data, and a summary and discussion of the next phase. It also contains two tables with time series analysis on fry/parr numbers in representative section of the River Dart and figures with trends in fry/parrs numbers at juveniles electro-fishing sites. The section on salmon rod catch data includes trend analysis, cross-correlation of catches in different rivers and a general conclusion.


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This is the Salmon Scale Reading Investigation from 1972 by Cornwall River Authority. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale reading, the biology of age classes of the salmon populations of the River Tamar, River Tavy, River Lynher, River Fowey, River Camel and River Plym. It contains for each river the numbers of caught salmon, number of scales received and which were unreadable and percentages in each age group separately for net and rod caught. Length and weight frequency distribution histograms have been plotted to show the size distribution of the various sea age group.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 28th April 1980. The report contains the minutes of the Local Fisheries Advisory Committees, rod and line licence duties, and the development of Public Trout Fisheries. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the Salmonid & Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England & Wales 1990 produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) in 1992. This report is focused on the maintenance, improvement and development of fisheries of England and Wales. This report is the second compilation of salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales published by the National Rivers Authority (NRA). Before 1989, these statistics were published by the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF) Directorate of Fisheries Research in their Data Report Series. The 1990 data have been presented in a broadly similar format to those of 1989. However, two further NRA regions, four in all, provided effort data for rod fisheries in 1990. This report makes a general review of different catches: Northumbria, Yorkshire, Anglian, Thames, Southern, Wessex, South West, Severn-Trent, Welsh and North West.


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This is the Salmonid & Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England & Wales 1992 produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) in 1994. This report is focused on the maintenance, improvement and development of fisheries of England and Wales. This report is the fourth compilation of salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales published by the National Rivers Authority. For the years 1983-88, these statistics were published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), Directorate of Fisheries Research in their Data Report Series. Other than for rod catches, the 1992 data have been presented in a broadly similar format to those of 1991, Presentation of the rod data however has changed considerably due to the introduction in January 1992 of the first National Rod Fishing Licence. This report makes a general review of different catches: Northumbria, Yorkshire, Anglian, Thames, Southern, Wessex, South West, Severn-Trent, Welsh and North West.


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This is the 2001 annual report on fisheries in the North West produced by the Environment Agency North West in 2002. This report has four main aims: to inform the Agency’s customers of developments within the Agency, to inform the Agency’s customers of the work carried out by the Agency, to publish information on the performance of fisheries and the Fisheries Department, and to be a source of future reference. The fisheries service is funded in the main by a mixture of rod licence income and government grant-in-aid. The latter has declined substantially since the mid 1990’s and we are increasingly reliant on licence income to fund fisheries work. The environment agency had managed to use some of this money to fund their Urban Fisheries Development Programme, (UFDP). This is aimed at delivering new or improved fisheries in areas where demand for fishing is high, but where available fisheries are few in number or of poor quality. This work is dependent on good co-operation with local angling clubs, councils and other interests.


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This report presents a preliminary assessment of the state of salmon stocks and fisheries in England and Wales in 2001 to assist ICES in providing scientific advice to NASCO and to provide early feedback to fishery managers and anglers. The chief indicators of the state o f salmon stocks are normally the catches taken by rod and net fisheries. However, in 2001 angling was affected by the outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD), which restricted angling opportunities and access to rod fisheries in many parts of the country for lengthy periods. It is impossible to quantify the impact that FMD had on rod catches, although these were undoubtedly significantly reduced; net fisheries were unaffected by FMD. The declared salmon catch for 2001 (including those fish released alive by anglers) is provisionally estimated at 209 tonnes, representing some 57,000 fish, and comprising 153 tonnes (-43,000 fish) by nets and fixed engines and 56 tonnes (-14,000 fish) by rods. For direct comparison with previous years, it should be noted that the declared catch prior to the issue of a second reminder was about 49 tonnes (see below). An estimated 26 tonnes (43%) of the rod catch was released alive. These figures do not take account of catches of salmon which go unreported (including those taken illegally), and it is estimated that there may have been a total of 33 tonnes of additional fish caught in 2001; approximately 15% of all fish killed.


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This is the Kendal, Lancaster and Preston canal fishery produced by Lancashire River Authority in 1970. The Kendal-Lancaster-Preston canal commenced at Stainton in Westmorland and terminated on the outskirts of Preston. Fishing in the canal with rod and line was controlled by the Northern Anglers’ Association. In the early 60’s anglers, had complained about, the extremely low numbers of fish that had been caught in the canal and various opinions had been expressed concerning the alleged shortages o f fish. Since 1967, in an endeavour to meet the fish re-stocking demands of the Association, 50,000 freshwater fish of different species had been introduced by the Lancashire River Authority, but catches had not increased. In 1969 was agreed by the Northern Anglers’ Association to carry out a study of the fish populations throughout the whole length of the canal and the chemical quality of the water analysed. This report is not produced as a scientific dissertation, but rather as a means of imparting to members of the Northern Anglers’ Association the fish potential available to them in their endeavours to catch fish.


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This is the River Lynher Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 1998. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Lynher Salmon Action Plan (SAP). The River Lynher SAP follows that for the River Tamar and is the second of seven action plans that will be produced for salmon rivers managed by the Cornwall area fisheries department. This strategy represents an entirely new approach to salmon management within the UK and introduces the concept of river-specific salmon spawning targets as a salmon management tool. The River Lynher SAP contains a description of the river catchment and highlights particular features that are relevant to the salmon population and the associated fishery. The analysis of recent and historical catches of salmon on the River Lynher from both the rod and net fisheries indicated the fishery's reliance upon post 1 June salmon. Historically, annual salmon catches (both rod and net) on the River Lynher have been found to consist of a much higher proportion of pre 1 June (spring) salmon. Evidence is provided that illustrates the extent of the decline within this stock component since the early 1980s.


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This is the River Lynher Salmon Action Plan Final document produced by the Environment Agency in 1999. This final Salmon Action Plan (SAP) for the River Lynher catchment has been produced after consideration of feedback from external consultation. It provides a list of the agreed issues and actions for the next five years to maintain and improve the River Lynher salmon stock. The actions presented within this final Salmon Action Plan clarify the important issues and factors currently limiting the salmon stock on the river. The resolution of these issues should ensure that a sustainable salmon population will be maintained for future generations. The River Lynher salmon stock has suffered two periods of spawning target failure within the past ten years. This assessment can only be estimated and in this case is likely to be dependent on river flow and the availability of salmon to the rods as only rod catch is used in the compliance assessment.


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This is the River Tamar Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 1998. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Tamar Salmon Action Plan (SAP). This strategy represents an entirely new approach to salmon management within the UK and introduces the concept of river-specific salmon spawning targets as a salmon management tool. The River Tamar was one of the premier salmon rivers in the West Country, supporting fifteen licensed estuary nets, and the second highest rod catch behind the River Exe. The River Tamar SAP contains a description of the river catchment and highlights particular features that are relevant to the salmon population and the associated fishery.


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This is the River Axe Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Axe Salmon Action Plan (SAP). This strategy represents an entirely new approach to salmon management within the UK and introduces the concept of river-specific salmon spawning targets as a salmon management tool. This document is part of a national initiative to produce action plans for the management of all the main salmon rivers of England and Wales by 2003. The aim of this plan is (i) to assess the status of the salmon stocks and fisheries of the River Axe - including the use of Conservation Limits as part of this process, (ii) to identify factors which may be limiting stock and fishery performance and (iii) to propose remedial measures address these factors. The salmon stock of the River Axe was apparently in a healthy state in the 1950s, supporting net and rod fisheries with average annual catches of around 100 and 50 fish respectively. Catches declined through the 1970s and 1980s to the extent where no salmon were recorded in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This decline was probably due largely to the effects of agricultural pollution, which virtually extinguished the salmon stock of the River Axe. Water quality has subsequently improved, but has deteriorated again in recent years.


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This is the River Exe Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Exe Salmon Action Plan (SAP). This strategy represents an entirely new approach to salmon management within the UK and introduces the concept of river-specific salmon spawning targets as a salmon management tool. The River Exe SAP follows the format of those completed for the Rivers Teign, Torridge, Taw and Dart. It is the fifth of eight action plans that will be produced for salmon rivers within Devon Area. The River Exe SAP contains a description of the river catchment and highlights particular features that are relevant to the salmon population and the associated fishery. The Exe salmon stock is judged to be meeting its Conservation Limit. However, this assessment is uncertain as it is based on an estimate of rod exploitation rate, which in itself is also uncertain. At present there is no means of accurately assessing the River Exe salmon run. In common with many other rivers, estimation of stock using catch statistics and rod exploitation rate is the model used, when direct assessment is not possible. The installation of a fish counter on the lower river, or the use of other direct counting methods, would help to provide a direct assessment of the annual run of salmon into the river. This would improve our ability to estimate the spawning escapement and hence assess compliance with the Conservation Limit.


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This is the River Lyn Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Lyn Salmon Action Plan (SAP). This approach to salmon management within the England and Wales introduces the concept of river-specific Conservation Limits as a method of assessing the status of the salmon stock. The River Lyn Salmon Action Plan follows the format of those completed for the Rivers Exe, Axe, Avon & Erme, Teign, Torridge, Taw and Dart. It is the last of eight action plans that have been produced for salmon rivers within Devon Area. The River Lyn Salmon Action Plan contains a description of the river catchment and highlights particular features that are relevant to the salmon population and the associated fishery. The Lyn salmon stock is judged to be meeting its Conservation Limit. However, this assessment is uncertain as it is based on an estimate of rod exploitation rate, which in itself is also uncertain.