847 resultados para monolayers


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Molecular monolayers reduce the amount of water lost to evaporation due to their ability to form closely packed films at the air-water interface. However, they are susceptible to loss from the water surface and poor performance on exposure to wind. This study combines experimental and theoretical techniques to investigate the properties of a small molecule monolayer mixed with comb polymers. The study reveals that at high concentrations of polymer the monolayer exhibits increased mechanical stability which improves the resistance to disruption by wind. Inclusion of hydrophilic functional groups along the backbone of the polymer leads to further improvements in wind stability. However, the improved wind stability observed in the composites comes at the expense of poorer water evaporation resistance.


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Due to long-term drought conditions coupled with the apparent influence of global warming, compounding water loss has been a very serious issue across the vast majority of the Australian continent. During these drought conditions, the evaporative effect outweighs the amount of precipitation being received on a year to year basis. Several methods have been introduced in recent history to inhibit the amount of evaporative loss from various types of water bodies such as the application of thin layer chemical films (monolayers). A series of solvent, solid and suspension derived prototype monolayers, based on ethylene glycol monooctadecyl ether (C18E1), are examined in this current study as an approach to eliminate the problems seen to occur with the previous types of monolayers. This research evaluates the fundamental effect of wind and wave based activity upon these prototype monolayers in an atmospherically controlled enclosure positioned over a large extended water tank using real-time environmental measurements. Selected performance results for the prototype monolayers as measured within the enclosed water tank were compared to results measured from a control monolayer film based on a commonly used octadecanol suspension film. The results show that under varying wind and wave conditions the prototype monolayers inhibit evaporation at a level similar to or better than the octadecanol standard, even when delivered at lower raw dosages.


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The inclusion of a water-soluble polymer, poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP), into a surface active film composition before application to the water surface leads to the formation of a dynamic duolayer; a novel surface film system. This duolayer shows improved surface viscosity over the monolayer compound alone, while the addition of polymer maintains other film properties such as evaporation control and equilibrium spreading pressure. Brewster Angle Microscopy shows that the duolayer film undergoes a different formation mechanism upon film compression, and the resultant surface pressure/area isotherm is different at lower surface pressures indicating the PVP is present on the water surface at these pressures and squeezed out to the water subphase at higher pressures. The addition of water-soluble polymers to form a dynamic duolayer provides a unique way to produce defect-free and tightly packed films while polymer is associated with the film. This finding provides new knowledge for the design of surface films with improved properties with potential applications in many areas.


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Understanding, and improving, the behavior of thin surface films under exposure to externally applied forces is important for applications such as mimicking biological membranes, water evaporation mitigation, and recovery of oil spills. This paper demonstrates that the incorporation of a water-soluble polymer into the surface film composition, i.e., formation of a three-duolayer system, shows improved performance under an applied dynamic stress, with an evaporation saving of 84% observed after 16 h, compared to 74% for the insoluble three-monolayer alone. Canal viscometry and spreading rate experiments, performed using the same conditions, demonstrated an increased surface viscosity and faster spreading rate for the three-duolayer system, likely contributing to the observed improvement in dynamic performance. Brewster angle microscopy and dye-tagged polymers were used to visualize the system and demonstrated that the duolayer and monolayer system both form a homogeneous film of uniform, single-molecule thickness, with the excess material compacting into small floating reservoirs on the surface. It was also observed that both components have to be applied to the water surface together in order to achieve improved performance under dynamic conditions. These findings have important implications for the use of surface films in various applications where resistance to external disturbance is required.


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The novel duolayer system, comprising a monolayer of ethylene glycol monooctadecyl ether (C18E1) and the water-soluble polymer poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP), has been shown to resist forces such as wind stress to a greater degree than the C18E1 monolayer alone. This paper reports all-atom molecular dynamics simulations comparing the monolayer (C18E1 alone) and duolayer systems under an applied force parallel to the air/water interface. The simulations show that, due to the presence of PVP at the interface, the duolayer film exhibits an increase in chain tilt, ordering, and density, as well as a lower lateral velocity compared to the monolayer. These results provide a molecular rationale for the improved performance of the duolayer system under wind conditions, as well as an atomic-level explanation for the observed efficacy of the duolayer system as an evaporation suppressant, which may serve as a useful guide for future development for thin films where resistance to external perturbation is desirable.


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Proline (Pro) is a unique amino acid that has been examined previously as a potential chiral selector for high-performance liquid chromatography. In recent years, a new class of promising Pro based enantioselective stationary phases has been studied and the longer peptides were found to be competitive with commercial chiral stationary phases (CSPs). Here, we aim to perform a comprehensive examination of a t-butoxycarbonyl- (t-Boc-) terminated monoproline selector. This selector was grafted through an amide linkage to an aminopropyl siloxane-terminated Si (111) wafer and to a silicon atomic force microscopy tip. To ensure a flat, homogeneous overlayer of selectors suitable for force spectrometric measurements, the prepared surfaces were characterized using XPS, AFM and contact angle measurements. Chemical force spectrometry (CFS) has been used to examine the chiral discrimination in our monoproline CSP by measuring the interaction forces between two D- or L-monoproline monolayers in water and in the presence of a series of amino acids in solution to explore the degree to which binding of amino acids impacts self-selectivity. Chemical force titration (CFT) has been used to observe the influence of variations in pH on the binding interaction of proline modified chiral surfaces. Here we aim to explore the connection between side-chain hydrophobicity and differences in the nature of the binding between different ionic forms of amino acids and the t-Boc-Pro interface, and thereby to gain insight into the mechanism of chiral selectivity. The CFS results show several trends for different proline selector/amino acid combinations and indicate that the binding characteristics of amino acid to the proline surface is strongly dependent on the amino acid side chain where hydrophilic side chain amino acids exhibit a selectivity opposite to that seen for those with hydrophobic side chains. The CFT studies also provide valuable insights into interactions between the proline selector and the amino acids under a wide range of pH conditions, indicating that protonated amine groups of alanine and serine are closely involved in the binding mechanism to proline surfaces. On the other hand, the presence of the second carboxylic group in aspartic acid plays an important role while interacting with proline.


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All-atom molecular dynamics simulations and experimental characterization have been used to examine the structure and dynamics of novel evaporation-suppressing films where the addition of a water-soluble polymer to an ethylene glycol monooctadecyl ether monolayer leads to improved water evaporation resistance. Simulations and Langmuir trough experiments demonstrate the surface activity of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP). Subsequent MD simulations performed on the thin films supported by the PVP sublayer show that, at low surface pressures, the polymer tends to concentrate at the film/water interface. The simulated atomic concentration profiles, hydrogen bonding patterns, and mobility analyses of the water-polymer-monolayer interfaces reveal that the presence of PVP increases the atomic density near the monolayer film, improves the film stability, and reduces the mobility of interfacial waters. These observations explain the molecular basis of the improved efficacy of these monolayer/polymer systems for evaporation protection of water and can be used to guide future development of organic thin films for other applications.