955 resultados para milk yield in cows
Ureaplasma diversum in veterinary studies is an undesirable microbe, which may cause infection in bulls and may result in seminal vesiculitis, balanopostitis, and alterations in spermatozoids, whereas in cows, it may cause placentitis, fetal alveolitis, abortion, and birth of weak calves. U. diversum is released through organic secretions, especially semen, preputial and vaginal mucus, conjunctival secretion, and milk. The aim of the present study was to develop a TaqMan probe, highly sensitive and specific quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay for the detection and quantification of U. diversum from genital swabs of bovines. Primers and probes specific to U. diversum 16S rRNA gene were designed. The specificity, detection limit, intra- and inter-assay variability of qPCR to detect this ureaplasma was compared with the results of the conventional PCR assay (cPCR). Swabs of vaginal mucus from 169 cows were tested. The qPCR assay detected as few as 10 copies of U. diversum and was 100-fold more sensitive than the cPCR. No cross-reactivity with other Mollicutes or eubacteria was observed. U. diversum was detected in 79 swabs (46.42%) by qPCR, while using cPCR it was detected in 42 (25%) samples. The difference in cPCR and qPCR ureaplasma detection between healthy and sick animals was not statistically significant. But the U. diversum load in samples from animals with genital disorders was higher than in healthy animals. The qPCR assay developed herein is highly sensitive and specific for the detection and quantification of U. diversum in vaginal bovine samples.
Fluxes of CO2 were measured above a sugarcane plantation using the eddy-covariance method covering two growth cycles, representing the second and third re-growth (ratoons) harvested with stubble burning. The total net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in the first cycle (second ratoon, 393 days long) was −1964 ± 44 g C m−2; the gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) was 3612 ± 46 g C m−2 and the ecosystem respiration (RE) was 1648 ± 14 g C m−2. The NEE and GEP totals in the second cycle (third ratoon, 374 days long) decreased 51% and 25%, respectively and RE increased 7%. Accounting for the carbon emitted during biomass burning and the removal of stalks at harvest, net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) totals were 102 ± 130 g C m−2 and 403 ± 84 g C m−2 in each cycle respectively. Thus the sugarcane agrosystem was approximately carbon neutral in the second ratoon. Yield in stalks fresh weight (SFW) attained the regional average (8.3 kg SFW m−2). Although it was a carbon source to the atmosphere, observed productivity (6.2 kg SFW m−2) of the third ratoon was 19% lower than the regional average due to the lower water availability observed during the initial 120 days of re-growth. However, the overall water use efficiency (WUE) achieved in the first cycle (4.3 g C kg−1 H2O) decreased only 5% in the second cycle. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
The consumption of specific functional foods (FF) and some determinants of FF item selection were assessed using a questionnaire administered to 1112 individuals in the Canary Islands (Spain). Food items considered were Milk products: easily digestible milk (or milk low in lactose), milk enriched with vitamins and/or minerals, skimmed milk with soluble fiber, milk with royal jelly, milk with modified fatty acids (omega 3), milk products low in fat, pro-biotic foods (yoghurt and fermented milk) and yoghurt with phytosterols; Cereals: fortified breakfast cereals, wholemeal cereals and energy bars; Drinks: juices and enriched drinks, stimulating drinks and isotonic drinks; DHA-enriched, low cholesterol eggs; Meat products: low salt sausages and cooked low fat ham; Fats: enriched margarine, margarine rich in phytosterols and
Il presente lavoro di tesi è frutto di una collaborazione fra il Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica ed Inorganica (gruppo del Prof. Valerio Zanotti – Mattia Vaccari, Dr. Rita Mazzoni) ed il Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale e dei Materiali (gruppo del Prof. Angelo Vaccari – Dr. Thomas Pasini, Dr. Stefania Albonetti, Prof. Fabrizio Cavani) e si inserisce il un progetto volto a valutare l’attività e la selettività del catalizzatore di idrogenazione di Shvo 1, verso l’idrogenazione selettiva del doppio legame polare del 5-idrossimetilfurfurale (HMF) in fase omogenea. L’HMF è un composto di natura organica facilmente ottenibile dalle biomasse, il quale può essere impiegato come building block per ottenere prodotti ad alto valore aggiunto per la chimica fine o additivi per biocarburanti aventi un elevato potere calorifico. In particolare la nostra attenzione si è rivolta alla produzione del 2,5-diidrossimetilfurano (BHMF), un importante building block per la produzione di polimeri e schiume poliuretaniche. Il lavoro di tesi da me svolto ha riguardato la messa a punto di una nuova metodologia sintetica per la preparazione del catalizzatore di Shvo e lo studio della sua attività catalitica nella riduzione di HMF a BHMF. Il comportamento del catalizzatore è stato monitorato studiando la resa in BHMF in funzione di tutti i parametri di reazione: temperatura, pressione di H2, solvente, rapporto molare substrato/catalizzatore, concentrazione, tempo. Successivamente è stata valutata la possibilità di riciclare il catalizzatore recuperando il prodotto di estrazione con acqua, per precipitazione o eseguendo la reazione in miscela bifasica (toluene/H2O). The present work is a collaboration between the Department of Physics and Inorganic Chemistry (group of Prof. Valerio Zanotti - Mattia Vaccari, Dr. Rita Mazzoni) and the Department of Industrial Chemistry and Materials (Group of Prof. Angelo Vaccari - Dr. Thomas Pasini, Dr. Stefania Albonetti, Prof. Fabrizio Cavani), and it’s a project devoted to evaluate the activity and selectivity of the Shvo catalyst, in the selective hydrogenation of polar double bond of 5 -hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in homogeneous phase. The HMF is an organic compound easily obtained from biomass, which can be used as a building block for fine chemicals abd polymer production or additives for biofuels with a high calorific value. In particular, our attention turned to the production of 2.5-bishydroxymethylfuran (BHMF), an important building block for the production of polymers and polyurethane foams. This thesis has involved the development of a new synthetic methodology for the preparation of Shvo’s catalyst and the study of its catalytic activity in the reduction of HMF to BHMF. The behavior of the catalyst was monitored by studying the yield in BHMF as a function of all the reaction parameters: temperature, pressure of H2, solvent, substrate to catalyst molar ratio, concentration, time. Subsequently it was evaluated the possibility of recycling the catalyst recovering the product of extraction with water, by precipitation or performing the reaction in biphasic mixture (toluene/H2O).
Urine is considered an ideal source of biomarkers, however in veterinary medicine a complete study on the urine proteome is still lacking. The present work aimed to apply proteomic techniques to the separation of the urine proteome in dogs, cats, horses, cows and some non-conventional species. High resolution electrophoresis (HRE) was also validated for the quantification of albuminuria in dogs and cats. In healthy cats, applying SDS-PAGE and 2DE coupled to mass spectrometry (MS), was produced a reference map of the urine proteome. Moreover, 13 differentially represented urine proteins were linked with CKD, suggesting uromodulin, cauxin, CFAD, Apo-H, RBP and CYSM as candidate biomarkers to be investigated further. In dogs, applying SDS-PAGE coupled to MS, was highlighted a specific pattern in healthy animals showing important differences in patients affected by leishmaniasis. In particular, uromodulin could be a putative biomarker of tubular damage while arginine esterase and low MW proteins needs to be investigated further. In cows, applying SDS-PAGE, were highlighted different patterns between heifers and cows showing some interesting changes during pregnancy. In particular, putative alpha-fetoprotein and b-PAP needs to be further investigated. In horses, applying SDS-PAGE, was produced a reference profile characterized by 13±4 protein bands and the most represented one was the putative uromodulin. Proteinuric horses showed the decrease of the putative uromodulin band and the appearance of 2 to 4 protein bands at higher MW and a greater variability in the range of MW between 49 and 17 kDa. In felids and giraffes was quantified proteinuria reporting the first data for UTP and UPC. Moreover, by means of SDS-PAGE, were highlighted species-specific electrophoretic patterns in big felids and giraffes.
The thesis aims to expose the advances achieved in the practices of captive breeding of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Aspects investigated concern both approaches livestock (breeding selection, response to hormonal stimulation, reproductive performance, incubation of eggs) and physiological aspects (endocrine plasma profiles of players), as well as engineering aspects. Studies conducted on various populations of wild eel have shown that the main determining factor in the selection of wild females destined to captive breeding must be the Silver Index which may determine the stage of pubertal development. The hormonal induction protocol adopted, with increasing doses of carp pituitary extract, it has proven useful to ovarian development, with a synchronization effect that is positively reflected on egg production. The studies on the effects of photoperiod show how the condition of total darkness can positively influence practices of reproductions in captivity. The effects of photoperiod were also investigated at the physiological level, observing the plasma levels of steroids ( E2, T) and thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) and the expression in the liver of vitellogenin (vtg1 and vtg2) and estradiol membrane receptor (ESR1). From the comparison between spontaneous deposition and insemination techniques through the stripping is inferred as the first ports to a better qualitative and quantitative yield in the production of eggs capable of being fertilized, also the presence of a percentage of oocytes completely transparent can be used to obtain eggs at a good rate of fertility. Finally, the design and implementation of a system for recirculating aquaculture suited to meet the needs of species-specific eel showed how to improve the reproductive results, it would be preferable to adopt low-flow and low density incubation.
Die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) ist ein leistungsstarkes, nicht-invasives, bildgebendes Verfahren in der Nuklearmedizin und hat darüber hinaus zunehmende Bedeutung in der Arzneistoffentwicklung. Zur Verbesserung des therapeutischen Index von niedermolekularen Pharmaka werden vermehrt Wirkstofftransportsysteme eingesetzt. Eine Klasse dieser Wirkstofftransportsysteme sind Liposomen. Die Weiterentwicklung der klassischen Liposomen sind sogenannte „Stealth“-Liposomen, die eine Polyethylenglykol (PEG)-Korona zur Herabsetzung der Erkennung und Ausscheidung tragen. Zur (Weiter-)Entwicklung und deren in vivo-Evaluierung bietet die PET die Möglichkeit, die Auswirkungen von strukturellen Anpassungen auf die pharmakokinetischen Eigenschaften solcher Transportsysteme zu untersuchen. Zur Evaluierung neuartiger, cholesterolverankerter, linear-hyperverzweigter Polyglycerole (Ch-PEG-hbPG) als sterisch stabilisierende Polymere in Liposomen wurden diese im Rahmen dieser Arbeit mit der prosthetischen Gruppe 18F-TEG-N3 über kupferkatalysierte Alkin-Azid Cycloaddition (CuAAC) in sehr hohen Ausbeuten radiomarkiert. Zum systematischen Vergleich des in vivo-Verhaltens wurde ebenfalls ein cholesterolbasiertes lineares PEG (Ch-PEG) mit CuAAC nahezu quantitativ radiomarkiert. Als drittes Element wurde die Direktmarkierung von Cholesterol mit [18F]F- entwickelt. Diese drei Verbindungen wurden zuerst separat als Einzelkomponenten und anschließend, in Liposomen formuliert, in Tierstudien an Mäusen hinsichtlich ihrer initialen Pharmakokinetik und Biodistribution untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich ein ähnliches Verhalten der neuartigen Ch-PEG-hbPG-Derivate zu den bekannten Ch-PEG, mit dem Vorteil der Multifunktionalität an den hyperverzweigten Strukturen. Die liposomalen Strukturen mit der neuartigen sterischen Stabilisierung wiesen eine erhöhte Blutzirkulationszeit und vorteilhafte Blut-zu-Leber- und Blut-zu-Lunge-Verhältnisse im Vergleich zu den linear stabilisierten Analoga auf.rnEine weitere Klasse von Wirkstofftransportsystemen sind polymere Trägersysteme wie pHPMA. Alkinfunktionalisierte Polymere konnten in zwei verschiedenen Größen (~12 und 60 kDa) mittels CuAAC in sehr hohen Ausbeuten mit der prosthetischen Gruppe 18F-TEG-N3 radiomarkiert werden. Bicyclononinderivate der gleichen Größen konnten ohne Kupferkatalyse über ringspannungsvermittelte Alkin-Azid-Cycloaddition (SPAAC) mikrowellengestützt markiert werden und stehen somit zur in vivo-Untersuchung hinsichtlich des Einflusses der Markierungsart zur Verfügung.
This study investigated the changes in somatic cell counts (SCC) in different fractions of milk, with special emphasis on the foremilk and cisternal milk fractions. Therefore, in Experiment 1, quarter milk samples were defined as strict foremilk (F), cisternal milk (C), first 400 g of alveolar milk (A1), and the remaining alveolar milk (A2). Experiment 2 included 6 foremilk fractions (F1 to F6), consisting of one hand-stripped milk jet each, and the remaining cisternal milk plus the entire alveolar milk (RM). In Experiment 1, changes during milking indicated the importance of the sampled milk fraction for measuring SCC because the decrease in the first 3 fractions (F, C, and A1) was enormous in milk with high total quarter SCC. The decline in SCC from F to C was 50% and was 80% from C to A1. Total quarter SCC presented a value of approximately 20% of SCC in F or 35% of SCC in C. Changes in milk with low or very low SCC were marginal during milking. Fractions F and C showed significant differences in SCC among different total SCC concentrations. These differences disappeared with the alveolar fractions A1 and A2. In Experiment 2, a more detailed investigation of foremilk fractions supported the findings of Experiment 1. A significant decline in the foremilk fractions even of F1 to F6 was observed in high-SCC milk at concentrations >350 x 10(3) cells/mL. Although one of these foremilk fractions presented only 0.1 to 0.2% of the total milk, the SCC was 2- to 3-fold greater than the total quarter milk SCC. Because the trait of interest (SCC) was measured directly by using the DeLaval cell counter (DCC), the quality of measurement was tested. Statistically interesting factors (repeatability, recovery rate, and potential matrix effects of milk) proved that the DCC is a useful tool for identifying the SCC of milk samples, and thus of grading udder health status. Generally, the DCC provides reliable results, but one must consider that SCC even in strict foremilk can differ dramatically from SCC in the total cisternal fraction, and thus also from SCC in the alveolar fraction.
In the United States, rumenocentesis has been recommended especially for early diagnosis of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA). The objective of the current study was to evaluate health risks due to the technique ofrumenocentesis and to measure pH in ruminal juice using a commercial indicator paper (Pehanon) and a pH electrode (reference method). After 11 dairy cows underwent rumenocentesis, the clinical status of those animals was evaluated daily, and cows were slaughtered as well as pathologically--anatomically examined on day 7. During the observation period, the following pathological clinical signs were evident: forced inspiration (3 cows), transient episode of hyperthermia (2 cows), increased tension of the abdominal wall (8 cows) and positive foreign body tests (3 cows). One cow had to be culled on day 7 because of severe generalised septic peritonitis spreading from the site of rumenocentesis. At slaughter, hematoma formation in the area of the puncture site was found in 9 out of 10 cows. It was concluded that the severe complications encountered with this technique do not legitimate rumenocentesis as a routine procedure for collection of rumen juice samples in cows under Swiss conditions. The correlation between the pH reference method and the commercial indicator paper was the high (r = 0.926).
Progesterone secretion is crucial for maintaining pregnancy to parturition in mammalian species, and in cattle the corpus luteum is the primary source of this hormone. This study determined the roles of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in the luteotropic process in beef heifers hypophyseal stalk-transected (HST, n = 7) or sham operated on (SOC, n = 9) during midgestation. The main finding was that endogenous PRL and GH maintained progesterone secretion in HST heifers similar to that in SOC throughout pregnancy. Serum PRL averaged 37 vs 187 and GH 2 vs 4 ng/ml in HST compared with SOC, whereas LH abruptly decreased to undetectable levels after HST compared with a modest 0A4 ng/ml in SOC heifers. The second finding was that parturition and lactation occurred in HST heifers with calf delivery induced to occur at the same time as SOC. Milk production in HST animals was severely limited, and postpartum estrus obliterated compared with SOC. The suckling stimulus sustained milk ejection in HST heifers in spite of diminished PRL and GH secretion. The results suggest that PRL, GH and possibly placental lactogen are luteotropic during pregnancy in cattle.
Progesterone secretion is crucial for maintaining pregnancy to parturition in mammalian species, and in cattle the corpus luteum is the primary source of this hormone. This study determined the roles of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in the luteotropic process in beef heifers hypophyseal stalk-transected (HST, n = 7) or sham operated on (SOC, n = 9) during midgestation. The main finding was that endogenous PRL and GH maintained progesterone secretion in HST heifers similar to that in SOC throughout pregnancy. Serum PRL averaged 37 vs. 187 and GH 2 vs. 4 ng/ml in HST compared with SOC, whereas LH abruptly decreased to undetectable levels after HST compared with a modest 0.4 ng/ml in SOC heifers. The second finding was that parturition and lactation occurred in HST heifers with calf delivery induced to occur at the same time as SOC. Milk production in HST animals was severely limited and postpartum estrus obliterated compared with SOC. The suckling stimulus sustained milk ejection in HST heifers in spite of diminished PRL and GH secretion. The results suggest that PRL, GH, and possibly placental lactogen are luteotropic during pregnancy in cattle.
We investigated the consequences of early malnutrition on milk production by dams and on body weight and structural lung growth of young rats using two models of protein restriction. Dams of the early restriction group were fed an 8% casein diet starting at parturition. Those of the delayed restriction group received a 12% casein diet from lactation d 8-14 and thereafter the 8% diet. After weaning, early restriction and delayed restriction group rats were maintained on low protein until d 49, then refed the control diet (18% casein) up to d 126. Milk was analyzed on d 12. Animals were killed at d 21, 49, and 126 for lung fixation in situ. In this report, we show that protein restriction lowered milk yield to 38% of normal. Milk lipid per gram of dry weight tended to be increased, whereas lactose and protein were significantly decreased. Pups from protein-restricted dams grew less and had lower lung volumes, effects being more serious at d 49. However, specific lung volumes (in milliliters per 100 g body weight) were constantly increased. This means that lung was either less affected than body mass or overdistended due to less connective tissue. After refeeding, both groups showed a remarkable catch-up in growth with restoration of the normal allometric relationship between lung volume and body weight. Thus, even after an early onset of protein restriction to total body, the lung is still capable to substantially recover from growth retardation.
OBJECTIVE To develop and evaluate a method for ultrasound-guidance in performing the proximal paravertebral block for flank anaesthesia in cattle through a cadaveric study, followed by clinical application. STUDY DESIGN prospective experimental cadaveric study and clinical series. ANIMALS Previously frozen lumbar sections of cows without known spinal abnormalities were used. The clinical case group comprised of ten animals for which a right flank laparotomy was indicated. METHODS Twenty cow cadavers were used to perform ultrasound-guided bilateral injections of 1.0 mL dye (1.0 mL 1% Toluidine Blue in 1% Borax) at the intervertebral foramen at the level of T13, L1 and L2 spinal nerves. Distance and depth of injection, staining of the dorsal and ventral nerve branches, and deviation from the target were evaluated. The investigator's confidence as to visualisation and expected success at staining the nerve was assessed. Ten clinical cases received the ultrasound-guided proximal paravertebral anaesthesia. Analgesic success was evaluated using a 4-grade scoring system at 10 minutes after the injection and during surgery, respectively. Categorical variables were described using frequencies and proportions. RESULTS Both dorsal and ventral branches of the spinal nerves T13, L1 or L2 were at least partially stained in 41% of injections, while in 77% of injections one of the branches was stained. Five out of ten clinical cases had a satisfactory anaesthesia. There was no significant association between confidence at injection and either staining or analgesic success. CONCLUSION Results from the cadaveric and clinical study suggest no significant improvement using ultrasound guidance to perform proximal paravertebral block in cows compared to our previous clinical experience and to references in the literature using the blind method. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Further research should be conducted to improve the ultrasound-guided technique described in this study.
Bovine besnoitiosis is caused by the largely unexplored apicomplexan parasite Besnoitia besnoiti. In cows, infection during pregnancy often results in abortion, and chronically infected bulls become infertile. Similar to other apicomplexans B. besnoiti has acquired a largely intracellular lifestyle, but its complete life cycle is still unknown, modes of transmission have not been entirely resolved and the definitive host has not been identified. Outbreaks of bovine besnoitiosis in cattle were described in the 1990s in Portugal and Spain, and later several cases were also detected in France. More cases have been reported recently in hitherto unaffected countries, including Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary and Croatia. To date, there is still no effective pharmaceutical compound available for the treatment of besnoitiosis in cattle, and progress in the identification of novel targets for intervention through pharmacological or immunological means is hampered by the lack of molecular data on the genomic and transcriptomic level. In addition, the lack of an appropriate small animal laboratory model, and wide gaps in our knowledge on the host-parasite interplay during the life cycle of this parasite, renders vaccine and drug development a cost- and labour-intensive undertaking.
Measurements of charged-particle fragmentation functions of jets produced in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions can provide insight into the modification of parton showers in the hot, dense medium created in the collisions. ATLAS has measured jets in √sNN=2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC using a data set recorded in 2011 with an integrated luminosity of 0.14 nb−1. Jets were reconstructed using the anti-kt algorithm with distance parameter values R = 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4. Distributions of charged-particle transverse momentum and longitudinal momentum fraction are reported for seven bins in collision centrality for R=0.4 jets with pjetT>100 GeV. Commensurate minimum pT values are used for the other radii. Ratios of fragment distributions in each centrality bin to those measured in the most peripheral bin are presented. These ratios show a reduction of fragment yield in central collisions relative to peripheral collisions at intermediate z values, 0.04≲z≲0.2 and an enhancement in fragment yield for z≲0.04. A smaller, less significant enhancement is observed at large z and large pT in central collisions.