983 resultados para mandibular glands


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Vinte perdizes Rhynchotus rufescens adultas foram utilizadas para estudo morfológico do proventrículo e ventrículo gástricos da perdiz Rhynchotus rufescens. Os materiais foram coletados e os comprimentos do proventrículo e do ventrículo gástricos foram avaliados. Para o estudo histológico, fragmentos dos estômagos foram corados pelas técnicas de ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) e tricromo de Masson. O proventrículo gástrico é alongado, com formato fusiforme direcionado no sentido craniocaudalmente e para a esquerda, e apresenta um comprimento médio 3,20cm nas fêmeas e 3,65cm nos machos. Histologicamente, o proventrículo gástrico é composto por vários lobos e glândulas. A mucosa é formada por epitélio cúbico, sendo bastante pregueada. O ventrículo gástrico tem o formato de uma lente biconvexa, com comprimento médio de 4,30cm nas fêmeas e 4,35cm nos machos. A mucosa é formada por pregas revestidas por células cilíndricas e pelo muco formador da cutícula. Há criptas na base das pregas. em seguida, há uma lâmina própria e uma espessa camada muscular lisa, que se encontra direcionada de acordo com o formato do ventrículo gástrico. A serosa é constituída por uma densa porção de tecido conjuntivo, entremeado por algumas células musculares lisas.


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Vinte perdizes Rhynchotus rufescens foram utilizadas para estudar a morfologia do bico e da língua. Os comprimentos do bico e da língua foram avaliados, e secções histológicas foram coradas com Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE), ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) e tricromo de Masson, posteriormente analisadas e descritas. O bico da perdiz em ambos os sexos são curvos, duros e com uma extremidade pontiaguda tendo em média de 4,90cm de comprimento para as fêmeas e 4,80 para os machos. A língua é caracterizada por um formato triangular e possui em média 1cm de comprimento para ambos os sexos, sendo sua extremidade pontiaguda. A organização histológica da língua apresenta epitélio estratificado queratinizado com papilas filiformes em toda a superfície, glândulas mucosas com ductos que se projetam na superfície epitelial e cartilagem hialina em todo o comprimento, localizada sobre a musculatura esquelética, a qual é orientada em várias direções.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os pesos e porcentagens de órgãos em relação ao peso vivo ao abate (PVA), ao peso de corpo vazio (PCV) e ao peso total dos órgãos (PTO) de cordeiros inteiros 1/2 Ile de France 1/2 Ideal confinados, recebendo dietas com relações volumoso:concentrado de 50:50 e 30:70 e abatidos aos 30 ou 34 kg. Os parâmetros mensurados foram: língua, pulmões com traquéia, coração, fígado, pâncreas, timo, tireóide, adrenal, rins, testículos, baço, diafragma, bexiga, pênis e glândulas anexas. Os resultados obtidos revelaram diferenças entre os pesos ao abate nas porcentagens de língua, coração, pulmões com traquéia, diafragma, pâncreas, tireóide, baço e glândulas anexas em relação ao PVA; nas porcentagens de língua, pulmões com traquéia, fígado, pâncreas, baço e glândulas anexas em relação ao PCV e nas porcentagens de pulmões com traquéia, fígado, pâncreas, tireóide, baço e glândulas anexas em relação ao PTO. Dietas com diferentes relações volumoso:concentrado afetaram apenas as porcentagens de pâncreas em relação ao PVA, ao PCV e ao PTO. Verificaram-se interações entre relação volumoso:concentrado e peso vivo ao abate nos pesos dos pulmões com traquéia, fígado, pâncreas, tireóide e glândulas anexas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Análogos do hormônio juvenil (AHJ) têm sido testados como reguladores de crescimento de Bombyx mori L., com vistas ao incremento da produção de casulos. Esses produtos, quando aplicados em doses adequadas, prolongam o período larval. Os efeitos da aplicação de AHJ podem variar com o produto, a linhagem e o momento de aplicação. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da aplicação tópica, em diferentes momentos, de três análogos do hormônio juvenil sobre o crescimento dos insetos e a produção de seda da linhagem brasileira C115xN108 do bicho-da-seda. Os produtos piriproxifem, metoprene e fenoxicarbe foram aplicados em larvas do bicho-da-seda a 24h, 48h, 72h e 96h após o início do quinto ínstar (HQI) e seus efeitos sobre características biológicas larvais e adultas e a produção de seda foram avaliados. Independentemente do momento de aplicação, os três produtos afetaram todos os parâmetros avaliados. A reserva de nutrientes acumulada durante o período larval prolongado dos insetos tratados foi destinada ao crescimento das glândulas sericígenas e, também, convertida em peso corporal, com conseqüentes incrementos na produção de seda. Aplicações entre 48 e 72 HQI provocaram os maiores incrementos na biomassa e na produção de casulos de B. mori. Variações no momento de aplicação de 24h e 96h não influenciaram a emergência ou a oviposição de adultos de B. mori, nem a viabilidade dos ovos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a confiabilidade, da versão em português, do questionário para o diagnóstico psicológico e psicossocial dos indivíduos com desordens temporomandibulares (RDC/TMD). MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistados 109 indivíduos, de ambos sexos, que demandaram atendimento junto à Clínica de Fisioterapia do Centro Universitário de Araraquara, de janeiro a julho de 2006. Os questionários foram aplicados por um único examinador. Após duas semanas, o mesmo foi reaplicado em 36 indivíduos. Para avaliação da consistência interna do método, utilizou-se o Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach; para análise da reprodutibilidade intra-examinador, o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (ro) e a estatística Kappa (kapa), respectivamente às variáveis de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa. RESULTADOS: A consistência interna para as dimensões intensidade da dor crônica e incapacidade; limitação da função mandibular; sintomas físicos não-específicos, incluindo os itens de dor; sintomas físicos não-específicos, excluindo os itens de dor e depressão foi de 0,8479, 0,8971, 0,8673, 0,8080 e 0,9270 respectivamente, atestando ao método excelente validade interna. Obteve-se excelente concordância intra-examinador para as questões referentes ao tempo de presença da dor e sua gradação, e boa para a questão referente à dor presente. Os menores valores de kapa relacionaram-se aos itens de sintomas físicos e depressão. A percepção de estalos ou rangidos pelos indivíduos apresentou concordância regular bem como a questão referente à procura de profissional para tratamento da dor. As demais questões apresentaram reprodutibilidade boa e ótima, sendo que a maioria dessas apresentou nível máximo de concordância. CONCLUSÃO: A versão adaptada para o português mostrou-se confiável para detecção das alterações psicológicas e psicossociais associadas às desordens temporomandibulares.


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We investigated the immunohistochemistry expression of claudins -1 and -7 in ameloblastoma and in human dental germs on the pattern of distribution (focal, regional or diffuse), the cells that expressed (if central or peripheral) and the location of that expression in the cell components recital membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. Among the 29 cases of ameloblastoma, 24 were type solid and 6 unicystic. In 7 mandibular specimens of human fetuses found dental germs from the stage of bud to the crown. We note that the pattern of expression in the dental germs was variable for claudinas studied according to the cell type and stage of differentiation and was invariate only in the cells of stellate reticulum. In epithelium internal of enamel organ, claudin-1 has been decreasing with the progression of differentiation as to claudina-7 that was found in the cells of the peripheral papilla. For ameloblastoma the expression was more significant than that observed in dental germs. Fisher s exact test no found association between the expression of claudinas cells in central and peripheral and the type of ameloblastoma (solid or unicystic). Thus, in general the claudin-1 was positive in the central cell of 93,1% of the cases and in peripheral cells of 51,7%. The claudin-7 was expressed in the cells of all cases central and peripheral cells from 89,7%. For both claudins the distribution was predominantly diffuse cells both in central and peripheral cells. Given our findings it is suggested that the expression of claudins may be indicative of the involvement of these molecules in morphogenetics events culminating with the dental development and that possibly influence the development of neoplastic ameloblastoma


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Glandular atrophy is one of several alterations which can aflict the salivary glands, caused generally by obstructive lesions such as sialo1ithiasis, infections or compression by neoplastic processes arnong others. In this work, a morphological and immunohistochemical study was carried out in rat parotid glands, which were submitted to obstruction of the main excretory duct suffering atrophy at varied time intervals, with the aim of appraising the behavior of myoepithelial cells during the process of glandular atrophy. It was analized the immunohistochemical expression of calponin which detects myoepithelial cells in the parotids of 28 animaIs, which were divided into 7 groups, each one made up of 4 rats, afier the ductal ligature procedure, in the following time intervals: zero hour (control), 24 hours, 7, 15, 21, 30 and 60 days. Analysis of the immunohistochemicaI profile was carried through in which the calponin expression was veritied through its distribution pattem and numericaI index. All specimens exhibited positivity for calponin in myoepithelial cells which were distributed around the acini and the ductaI structures, a small number of positiveIy marked cells being detected in the controI group and in the 24-hour group when compared to subsequent ones, where it was perceived a Iarge increase in the number of positiveIy marked cens, mainly surrounding the ductiform structures which originated during the obstruction time. Upon application of statistical tests it was verified that the rise in the number the myoepithelial positive cells for calponin, when the control groups (zero hour) was compared to the 7, 15,21, 30 and 60-day groups afier obstruction, was statistica1ly significant. It was concluded then that the detected rise probably carne about due to an elevation in the rate of proliferation of the myoepitheliaI cells subsequent to the ductal obstruction, associated with a growing resistance of these cells to glandular atrophy.


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The expression of glucose transporter protein 1 (GLUT-1), as well the angiogenesis has been associated to clinical behavior and aggressiveness in tumors of various origin. It is believed that the expression of this protein denotes metabolic demand of the tumor cells and, thus its influence upon the formation of new blood vessels. Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) and the adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) and mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) represent, respectively, the most commom benign and malignant tumors of salivary glands. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the immunohistochemical expression of GLUT-1 and its correlation with angiogenesis in cases of PAs, ACCs and MECs considering their histological grades. The sample consisted of 20 PAs, 20 ACCs and 10 MECs. The cases were analyzed and classified according to their histological grades. The expression of GLUT-1 was evaluated in the parenchyma lesions, establishing the percentage of immunopositive cells, according to the following scores: 0 (no cell immunomarked), 1 (up to 25% of tumor cells immunostained), 2 (25 - 50% of tumor cells immunostained) and 3 (more than 50% of tumor cells immunostained). The angiogenic index was analyzed by counting the microvessels immunostained by anti-CD34 antibody, in 5 fields (200X). The analysis of the expression of GLUT-1 in tumor parenchyma showed statistically significant differences between benign and malignant groups (p = 0.022). The average number of microvessels in PAs was 40.4, 21.2 in ACCs and 66.5 in MECs, with significant differences between groups (p <0.001). When compared to the expression of GLUT-1 and angiogenic index as a whole, there was no significant correlation between the number of microvessels and the expression of GLUT-1 (r = 0.211, p = 0.141). In conclusion, the results of this study suggest not only that differences in biological behavior between PAs, ACCs and MECs may be associated to the expression of GLUT-1, but also that benign and malignant salivary gland present differences in the average number of microvessels, with higher levels considered more aggressive tumors. Furthermore, the number of newly formed microvessels can be independent of the metabolic demand of the tumor cells


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Host response plays a major role in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. Mediators such as inflammatory cytokines which are secreted during the immune response to bacterial challenges have ambiguous functions that may or may not lead to protection of the attacked tissue. In this context, experimental evidence suggests that T-helper 1 (Th-1) and T-helper 2 (Th-2) mediated responses are potentially important during the disease process. The aims of this study therefore were to further clarify the role played by Th2 cells during different time points of the active phase of periodontal disease, as well as, to investigate whether there was any evidence of a Th1 response in the periodontal disease microenvironment. Experimental periodontitis was induced in 30 Wistar male rats by placing cotton ligatures around the mandibular first molars. The rats were then randomly divided into two groups. Group1 (G1=15) and Group 2 (G2=15). In G1 the ligatures were maintained for 2 days, whereas in G2 the ligatures were left for 15 days, a time point that corresponds to the advanced stage of periodontal disease The contra-lateral teeth served as controls (no ligatures). Immunohistochemical investigation for the presence in gingival tissue of Th2 specific transcription factor (GATA3) and the subunit of the IFN-γ receptor was carried out after the disease induction period. Light microscopy analysis revealed a decrease in the expression of GATA-3 as bone loss progressed. On the other hand, although IFN-γ R1 was detected at an early stage of the active phase of disease its expression remained unaltered during the remaining period of the study. These results indicate that the Th2 response have a protective role during the pathogenesis of periodontal disease and that the progression of the periodontal disease is related with the unbalance of the responses Th1/Th2


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The balance between the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) has been related to various physiological and pathological processes, including salivary gland morphogenesis and tumor invasion and metastasis processes. Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) and adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) respectively represent benign and malignant neoplasias of salivary glands. Although they share the same cell origin, they present distinct biological behavior. The aim of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of MMPs -2, -7, -9 and -26, and of TIMPs -1 and -2, in cases of PA and ACC of minor salivary glands. Twenty cases of PA and twenty cases of ACC were assessed according to the presence, intensity and location of MMPs and TIMPs in the tumor parenchyma. Most of the PAs and ACCs presented a high expression of MMP -2, -7, -9 and -26 and of TIMP -1 and -2, predominantly located in tumor cells. There was no significant difference in the expression of MMPs -2 (p=0.359), -7 (p=0.081) and -26 (p=0.553), as well as of TIMPs -1 (p=0.657) and -2 (p=0.248), between the parenchyma of PAs and ACCs. However, MMP-9 showed a significant difference of expression between the two tumors, with the ACC showing more intense marking for this gelatinase (p=0.041). The strong expression of MMP-9 observed in the parenchyma suggests that this gelatinase may play an important role in the biological behavior of these tumors. On the other hand, although there was no significant difference between the marking of MMP -2, 7 and 26 in the studied tumors, the data, when analyzed as a whole, suggest that these proteases may take part in the process of tissue remodeling in both tumors, but do not present a direct relation with the pattern of aggressiveness of ACC. Nonetheless, matrilisins may indirectly influence the behavior of this tumor due to their capacity of activating MMP-9, strongly expressed in the parenchyma of ACC