978 resultados para maintenance cost
This booklet is a compilation of notes taken during motor grader operators workshops held at some 20 different locations throughout Iowa during the last two years. It is also the advice of 16 experienced motor grader operators and maintenance foremen (from 14 different counties around Iowa), who serve as instructors and assistant instructors at the "MoGo" workshops. The instructors have all said that they learn as much from the operators who attend the workshops as they impart. Motor grader operators from throughout Iowa have shown us new, innovative and better ways of maintaining gravel roads. This booklet is an attempt to pass on some of these "tips" that we have gathered from Iowa operators. It will need to be revised, corrected, and added to based on the advice we get from you, the operators who do the work here in Iowa.
What follows are the refined guidelines from the Thin Maintenance Surface: Phase II Report. For that report, test sections were created and monitored along with some existing test sections. From the monitoring and evaluation of these test sections, literature reviews, and the experience and knowledge of the authors, the following guidelines were created. More information about thin maintenance surfaces and their uses can be found in the above-mentioned report.
This research project was initiated in 1988 to study the effectiveness of four different construction techniques for establishing a stable base on a granular surfaced roadway. After base stabilization, the roadway was then seal coated, eliminating dust problems associated with granular surfaced roads. When monies become available, the roadway can be surfaced with a more permanent structure. A 2.8 mile section of the Horseshoe Road in Dubuque County was divided into four divisions for the study. This report discusses the procedures used during construction of these different divisions. Problems and possible solutions have been analyzed to better understand the capabilities of the materials and construction techniques used on the project.
In 1982 the Iowa DOT allowed a successful bidder the option of submitting materials and proportions using fly ash to produce a portland cement concrete (PCC) paving mixture to meet a specified compressive strength. The contractor, Irving F. Jensen, received approval for the use of a concrete mixture utilizing 500 lbs. of portland cement and 88 lbs. of fly ash as a replacement of 88 lbs. of portland cement. The PCC mixture was utilized on the Muscatine County US 61 relocation bypass paved as project F-61-4(32)--20-70. A Class "C" fly ash obtained from the Chillicothe electric generating plant approximately 100 miles away was used in the project. This use of fly ash in lieu of portland cement resulted in a cost savings of $64,500 and an energy savings of approximately 16 billion BTU. The compressive strength of this PCC mixture option was very comparable to concrete mixtures produced without the use of fly ash. The pavement has been performing very well. The substitution of fly ash for 15% of the cement has been allowed as a contractor's option since 1984. Due to the cost savings, it has been used in almost all Iowa PCC paving since that time.
The objective of this research project was to evaluate the construction and service performance of ammonium phosphate/fly ash (APFA) treated base courses of crushed fines and/or unprocessed sand. Specific test results related to construction of the test sections were included in the 1987 construction report by Iowa State University. The performance of the experimental sections is dealt with in this final report. This 1986 project demonstrated that in all cases the control sections utilizing a Type B base experienced dramatically less cracking in the surface than the APFA treated base sections. The cost per mix and subsequent surface maintenance costs for the APFA base sections, especially those having a substantial amount of limestone, were higher than the Type B base control sections. This type of construction may prove to be economical only when petroleum product costs escalate.
Hsp70-Hsp40-NEF and possibly Hsp100 are the only known molecular chaperones that can use the energy of ATP to convert stably pre-aggregated polypeptides into natively refolded proteins. However, the kinetic parameters and ATP costs have remained elusive because refolding reactions have only been successful with a molar excess of chaperones over their polypeptide substrates. Here we describe a stable, misfolded luciferase species that can be efficiently renatured by substoichiometric amounts of bacterial Hsp70-Hsp40-NEF. The reactivation rates increased with substrate concentration and followed saturation kinetics, thus allowing the determination of apparent V(max)' and K(m)' values for a chaperone-mediated renaturation reaction for the first time. Under the in vitro conditions used, one Hsp70 molecule consumed five ATPs to effectively unfold a single misfolded protein into an intermediate that, upon chaperone dissociation, spontaneously refolded to the native state, a process with an ATP cost a thousand times lower than expected for protein degradation and resynthesis.
PURPOSE: To examine the effects of the world's most challenging mountain ultra-marathon (Tor des Géants(®) 2012) on the energy cost of three types of locomotion (cycling, level and uphill running) and running kinematics. METHODS: Before (pre-) and immediately after (post-) the competition, a group of ten male experienced ultra-marathon runners performed in random order three submaximal 4-min exercise trials: cycling at a power of 1.5 W kg(-1) body mass; level running at 9 km h(-1) and uphill running at 6 km h(-1) at an inclination of +15 % on a motorized treadmill. Two video cameras recorded running mechanics at different sampling rates. RESULTS: Between pre- and post-, the uphill-running energy cost decreased by 13.8 % (P = 0.004); no change was noted in the energy cost of level running or cycling (NS). There was an increase in contact time (+10.3 %, P = 0.019) and duty factor (+8.1 %, P = 0.001) and a decrease in swing time (-6.4 %, P = 0.008) in the uphill-running condition. CONCLUSION: After this extreme mountain ultra-marathon, the subjects modified only their uphill-running patterns for a more economical step mechanics.
The objective of this work was to determine the maintenance requirement and the deposition efficiency of lysine in growing pigs. It was used the incomplete changeover experimental design, with replicates over time. Twelve castrated pigs with average body weight (BW) of 52±2 kg were kept in metabolism crates with a controlled temperature of 22ºC. The diets were formulated to supply 30, 50, 60, and 70% of the expected requirements of standardized lysine, and provided at 2.6 times the energy requirements for maintenance. The trial lasted 24 days and was divided into two periods of 12 days: seven days for animal adaptation to the diet and five days for sample collection. The increasing content of lysine in the diet did not affect dry matter intake of the pigs. The amount of nitrogen excreted was 47% of the nitrogen intake, of which 35% was excreted through feces and 65% through urine. The estimated endogenous losses of lysine were 36.4 mg kg-1 BW0.75. The maintenance requirement of lysine for pigs weighing around 50 kg is 40.4 mg kg-1 BW0.75, and the deposition efficiency of lysine is 90%.
Using data from the Public Health Service, we studied the demographic and clinical characteristics of 1,782 patients enrolled in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) during 2001 in the Swiss Canton of Vaud, comparing our findings with the results of a previous study from 1976 to 1986. In 2001, most patients (76.9%) were treated in general practice. Mortality is low in this MMT population (1%/year). While patient age and sex profiles were similar to those found in the earlier study, we did observe a substantial increase in the number of patients and the number of practitioners treating MMT patients, probably reflecting the low-threshold governmental policies and the creation of specialized centers. In conclusion, easier access to MMT enhances the number of patients, but new concerns about the quality of management emerge: benzodiazepine as a concomitant prescription; low rates of screening for hepatitis B, C and HIV, and social and psychiatric preoccupations.
Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien käyttö on muuttanut metsäteollisuuden kunnossapidon työntekijän toimenkuvaa kunnossapidon perustoiminnoista itseohjautuvampaan tietojen käsittelyyn ja jalostamiseen. Työn tavoitteena oliselvittää mobiilin työtilausjärjestelmän vaikutuksia metsäteollisuuden kunnossapidon kenttätyössä. Mobiilin työtilausjärjestelmän käyttö metsäteollisuuden kunnossapidossa mahdollistaa tärkeän kunnossapitotiedon keräämisen ja tarkentamisen kentällä, jossa se usein on ajanmukaisinta ja tarkinta. Haasteellisinta on oikeanlaisen teknologian löytäminen ja standardoiminen kunnossapidon toimintaympäristöihin. Myös organisaation toimintoprosessien on oltava selkeät ennen kuin prosesseja voidaan tehostaa teknologisin keinoin.