995 resultados para lymphatic vessel


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BACKGROUND: Transient balanced steady-state free-precession (bSSFP) has shown substantial promise for noninvasive assessment of coronary arteries but its utilization at 3.0 T and above has been hampered by susceptibility to field inhomogeneities that degrade image quality. The purpose of this work was to refine, implement, and test a robust, practical single-breathhold bSSFP coronary MRA sequence at 3.0 T and to test the reproducibility of the technique. METHODS: A 3D, volume-targeted, high-resolution bSSFP sequence was implemented. Localized image-based shimming was performed to minimize inhomogeneities of both the static magnetic field and the radio frequency excitation field. Fifteen healthy volunteers and three patients with coronary artery disease underwent examination with the bSSFP sequence (scan time = 20.5 ± 2.0 seconds), and acquisitions were repeated in nine subjects. The images were quantitatively analyzed using a semi-automated software tool, and the repeatability and reproducibility of measurements were determined using regression analysis and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), in a blinded manner. RESULTS: The 3D bSSFP sequence provided uniform, high-quality depiction of coronary arteries (n = 20). The average visible vessel length of 100.5 ± 6.3 mm and sharpness of 55 ± 2% compared favorably with earlier reported navigator-gated bSSFP and gradient echo sequences at 3.0 T. Length measurements demonstrated a highly statistically significant degree of inter-observer (r = 0.994, ICC = 0.993), intra-observer (r = 0.894, ICC = 0.896), and inter-scan concordance (r = 0.980, ICC = 0.974). Furthermore, ICC values demonstrated excellent intra-observer, inter-observer, and inter-scan agreement for vessel diameter measurements (ICC = 0.987, 0.976, and 0.961, respectively), and vessel sharpness values (ICC = 0.989, 0.938, and 0.904, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The 3D bSSFP acquisition, using a state-of-the-art MR scanner equipped with recently available technologies such as multi-transmit, 32-channel cardiac coil, and localized B0 and B1+ shimming, allows accelerated and reproducible multi-segment assessment of the major coronary arteries at 3.0 T in a single breathhold. This rapid sequence may be especially useful for functional imaging of the coronaries where the acquisition time is limited by the stress duration and in cases where low navigator-gating efficiency prohibits acquisition of a free breathing scan in a reasonable time period.


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Phosphorylation of transcription factors is a rapid and reversible process linking cell signaling and control of gene expression, therefore understanding how it controls the transcription factor functions is one of the challenges of functional genomics. We performed such analysis for the forkhead transcription factor FOXC2 mutated in human hereditary disease lymphedemadistichiasis and important for the development of venous and lymphatic valves and lymphatic collecting vessels. We found that FOXC2 is phosphorylated in a cell-cycle dependent manner on eight evolutionary conserved serine/threonine residues, seven of which are clustered within a 70 amino acid domain. Surprisingly, the mutation of phosphorylation sites or a complete deletion of the domain did not affect the transcriptional activity of FOXC2 in a synthetic reporter assay. However, overexpression of the wild type or phosphorylation-deficient mutant resulted in overlapping but distinct gene expression profiles suggesting that binding of FOXC2 to individual sites under physiological conditions is affected by phosphorylation. To gain a direct insight into the role of FOXC2 phosphorylation, we performed comparative genome-wide location analysis (ChIP-chip) of wild type and phosphorylation-deficient FOXC2 in primary lymphatic endothelial cells. The effect of loss of phosphorylation on FOXC2 binding to genomic sites ranged from no effect to nearly complete inhibition of binding, suggesting a mechanism for how FOXC2 transcriptional program can be differentially regulated depending on FOXC2 phosphorylation status. Based on these results, we propose an extension to the enhanceosome model, where a network of genomic context-dependent DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions not only distinguishes a functional site from a nonphysiological site, but also determines whether binding to the functional site can be regulated by phosphorylation. Moreover, our results indicate that FOXC2 may have different roles in quiescent versus proliferating lymphatic endothelial cells in vivo.


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DNA ploidy has been shown to be a predictive parameter for prognosis in various solid tumours. The prognostic value of DNA-ploidy in gastric cancers is still a matter of controversy. A possible explanation for the discrepant results reported in the literature could be sampling error in tumours with multiple stemlines differing in DNA-ploidy. In order to determine whether or not such heterogeneity exists in early gastric carcinoma, we have performed DNA cytophotometry on multiple samples of a group of 17 early gastric carcinomas, of which 8 were pure intramucosal and 9 were infiltrating into the submucosa. We found an aneuploid DNA-stemline in 8 (47%) early gastric cancers, more often in tumours invading into the submucosa (5/9) than in purely mucosal tumours (3/8). Multiple DNA-stemlines were found more frequently in submucosally infiltrating tumours (4/5). These results confirm the presence of DNA-aneuploid early gastric carcinoma which are frequently heterogeneous and suggest that heterogeneity occurs more frequently in tumours invading the submucosa. This heterogeneity is best detected by analysing multiple samples of tumours for DNA-ploidy.


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Though rare, anomalous coronary artery disease is a well-known cause of myocardial ischemia and sudden death among children and young adults. The projectional nature of conventional x-ray angiography often leads to difficulty in the definition of anomalous vessels. Studies have now documented the high accuracy of coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) for the noninvasive detection and definition of anomalous coronary arteries among patients with suspected anomalous coronary arteries of congenital conditions associated with anomalous coronary arteries. With increasing clinical experience, coronary MRA will likely emerge as the gold standard for the diagnosis of this condition.


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Splenic arterial interventions are increasingly performed to treat various clinical conditions, including abdominal trauma, hypersplenism, splenic arterial aneurysm, portal hypertension, and splenic neoplasm. When clinically appropriate, these procedures may provide an alternative to open surgery. They may help to salvage splenic function in patients with posttraumatic injuries or hypersplenism and to improve hematologic parameters in those who otherwise would be unable to undergo high-dose chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy. Splenic arterial interventions also may be performed to exclude splenic artery aneurysms from the parent vessel lumen and prevent aneurysm rupture; to reduce portal pressure and prevent sequelae in patients with portal hypertension; to treat splenic artery steal syndrome and improve liver perfusion in liver transplant recipients; and to administer targeted treatment to areas of neoplastic disease in the splenic parenchyma. As the use of splenic arterial interventions increases in interventional radiology practice, clinicians must be familiar with the splenic vascular anatomy, the indications and contraindications for performing interventional procedures, the technical considerations involved, and the potential use of other interventional procedures, such as radiofrequency ablation, in combination with splenic arterial interventions. Familiarity with the complications that can result from these interventional procedures, including abscess formation and pancreatitis, also is important.


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AIM: Fabry disease is considered primarily as a progressive small vessel disease, with ischaemic degenerative lesions involving the kidneys, brain and heart. Macrovascular involvement in male patients includes an accelerated wall hypertrophy of the radial artery and a thickening of the intima-media of the common carotid artery. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence and severity of carotid artery atherosclerosis in hemizygous and heterozygous patients with Fabry disease, compared with a matched control population. METHODS: The common carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) of 53 patients with Fabry disease (24 men, 29 women) was measured by high-definition ultrasonography, and the presence or absence of atherosclerotic plaques reported. Results were compared with those of 120 age-matched healthy individuals (83 men, 37 women). RESULTS: The common carotid artery IMT was increased to the same extent in male and female patients with Fabry disease (706+/-211 microm and 749+/-395 microm, respectively) compared with that of the control population (614+/-113 microm). In the Fabry population, IMT did not correlate with either systolic blood pressure or with renal function (plasma creatinine). In the control population, only systolic blood pressure was positively and significantly correlated with IMT. Atherosclerotic plaques in the common carotid artery were not observed in any patient with Fabry disease, whereas 34% of the control population had carotid artery plaques, as evidenced by focal non-homogeneous intima-media thickening greater than 1.2 mm. CONCLUSION: This study presents evidence of a major increase in common carotid artery IMT, both in hemizygous and heterozygous patients with Fabry disease, in the absence of focal atherosclerotic plaques. These results suggest that the conduit arteries may be protected from atherosclerosis in Fabry disease.


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To compare the efficacy of chemoendocrine treatment with that of endocrine treatment (ET) alone for postmenopausal women with highly endocrine responsive breast cancer. In the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) Trials VII and 12-93, postmenopausal women with node-positive, estrogen receptor (ER)-positive or ER-negative, operable breast cancer were randomized to receive either chemotherapy or endocrine therapy or combined chemoendocrine treatment. Results were analyzed overall in the cohort of 893 patients with endocrine-responsive disease, and according to prospectively defined categories of ER, age and nodal status. STEPP analyses assessed chemotherapy effect. The median follow-up was 13 years. Adding chemotherapy reduced the relative risk of a disease-free survival event by 19% (P = 0.02) compared with ET alone. STEPP analyses showed little effect of chemotherapy for tumors with high levels of ER expression (P = 0.07), or for the cohort with one positive node (P = 0.03). Chemotherapy significantly improves disease-free survival for postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer, but the magnitude of the effect is substantially attenuated if ER levels are high.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of a real-time adaptive trigger delay on image quality to correct for heart rate variability in 3D whole-heart coronary MR angiography (MRA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve healthy adults underwent 3D whole-heart coronary MRA with and without the use of an adaptive trigger delay. The moment of minimal coronary artery motion was visually determined on a high temporal resolution MRI. Throughout the scan performed without adaptive trigger delay, trigger delay was kept constant, whereas during the scan performed with adaptive trigger delay, trigger delay was continuously updated after each RR-interval using physiological modeling. Signal-to-noise, contrast-to-noise, vessel length, vessel sharpness, and subjective image quality were compared in a blinded manner. RESULTS: Vessel sharpness improved significantly for the middle segment of the right coronary artery (RCA) with the use of the adaptive trigger delay (52.3 +/- 7.1% versus 48.9 +/- 7.9%, P = 0.026). Subjective image quality was significantly better in the middle segments of the RCA and left anterior descending artery (LAD) when the scan was performed with adaptive trigger delay compared to constant trigger delay. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that the use of an adaptive trigger delay to correct for heart rate variability improves image quality mainly in the middle segments of the RCA and LAD.


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BACKGROUND: A relative inability to capture a sufficiently large patient population in any one geographic location has traditionally limited research into rare diseases. METHODS AND RESULTS: Clinicians interested in the rare disease lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) have worked with the LAM Treatment Alliance, the MIT Media Lab, and Clozure Associates to cooperate in the design of a state-of-the-art data coordination platform that can be used for clinical trials and other research focused on the global LAM patient population. This platform is a component of a set of web-based resources, including a patient self-report data portal, aimed at accelerating research in rare diseases in a rigorous fashion. CONCLUSIONS: Collaboration between clinicians, researchers, advocacy groups, and patients can create essential community resource infrastructure to accelerate rare disease research. The International LAM Registry is an example of such an effort. 82.


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INTRODUCTION: Partial splenectomy in children is a good surgical option for hematological diseases and focal splenic tumors because it allows the preservation of the spleen's immunological function. Furthermore, it can be performed by laparoscopy in children as it is a safe procedure, offering the benefits of a minimally invasive approach. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The software VR-render LE version 0.81 is a system that enables the visualization of bidimentional 3D images with magnification of anatomical details. We have applied this system to five cases of non-parasitic splenic cysts before laparoscopic partial splenectomy. RESULTS: The images obtained with VR rendering software permitted the preoperative reconstruction of the vascularization of the splenic hilum, allowing the surgeon safe vessel control during laparoscopic procedures. All five partial splenectomies were carried out with no complications or major blood loss. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic partial splenectomy should be a first choice procedure because it is feasible, reproducible, and safe for children; furthermore, it preserves enough splenic tissue thereby preventing post-splenectomy infections. Volume rendering provides high anatomical resolution and can be useful in guiding the surgical procedure.


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Neutrophil NETosis is an important element of host defense as it catapults chromatin out of the cell to trap bacteria, which then are killed, e.g., by the chromatin's histone component. Also, during sterile inflammation TNF-alpha and other mediators trigger NETosis, which elicits cytotoxic effects on host cells. The same mechanism should apply to other forms of regulated necrosis including pyroptosis, necroptosis, ferroptosis, and cyclophilin D-mediated regulated necrosis. Beyond these toxic effects, extracellular histones also trigger thrombus formation and innate immunity by activating Toll-like receptors and the NLRP3 inflammasome. Thereby, extracellular histones contribute to the microvascular complications of sepsis, major trauma, small vessel vasculitis as well as acute liver, kidney, brain, and lung injury. Finally, histones prevent the degradation of extracellular DNA, which promotes autoimmunization, anti-nuclear antibody formation, and autoimmunity in susceptible individuals. Here, we review the current evidence on the pathogenic role of extracellular histones in disease and discuss how to target extracellular histones to improve disease outcomes.


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Ischaemic stroke and myocardial infarction often result from the sudden rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque. The subsequent arterial thrombosis occluding the vessel lumen has been widely indicated as the crucial acute event causing peripheral tissue ischaemia. A complex cross-talk between systemic and intraplaque inflammatory mediators has been shown to regulate maturation, remodeling and final rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic enzymes (released by several cell subsets within atherosclerotic plaques), which favour atherogenesis and increase plaque vulnerability. Thus, the assessment of intraplaque levels and activity of MMP might be of pivotal relevance in the evaluation of the risk of rupture. New imaging approaches, focused on the visualisation of inflammation in the vessel wall and plaque, may emerge as tools for individualised risk assessment and prevention of events. In this review, we summarize experimental findings of the currently available invasive and noninvasive imaging techniques, used to detect the presence and activity of MMPs in atherosclerotic plaques.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to establish a standardized procedure for postmortem whole-body CT-based angiography with lipophilic and hydrophilic contrast media solutions and to compare the results of these two methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Minimally invasive postmortem CT angiography was performed on 10 human cadavers via access to the femoral blood vessels. Separate perfusion of the arterial and venous systems was established with a modified heart-lung machine using a mixture of an oily contrast medium and paraffin (five cases) and a mixture of a water-soluble contrast medium with polyethylene glycol (PEG) 200 in the other five cases. Imaging was executed with an MDCT scanner. RESULTS: The minimally invasive femoral approach to the vascular system provided a good depiction of lesions of the complete vascular system down to the level of the small supplying vessels. Because of the enhancement of well-vascularized tissues, angiography with the PEG-mixed contrast medium allowed the detection of tissue lesions and the depiction of vascular abnormalities such as pulmonary embolisms or ruptures of the vessel wall. CONCLUSION: The angiographic method with a water-soluble contrast medium and PEG as a contrast-agent dissolver showed a clearly superior quality due to the lack of extravasation through the gastrointestinal vascular bed and the enhancement of soft tissues (cerebral cortex, myocardium, and parenchymal abdominal organs). The diagnostic possibilities of these findings in cases of antemortem ischemia of these tissues are not yet fully understood.