981 resultados para linear induction machines


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Climate change in response to a change in external forcing can be understood in terms of fast response to the imposed forcing and slow feedback associated with surface temperature change. Previous studies have investigated the characteristics of fast response and slow feedback for different forcing agents. Here we examine to what extent that fast response and slow feedback derived from time-mean results of climate model simulations can be used to infer total climate change. To achieve this goal, we develop a multivariate regression model of climate change, in which the change in a climate variable is represented by a linear combination of its sensitivity to CO2 forcing, solar forcing, and change in global mean surface temperature. We derive the parameters of the regression model using time-mean results from a set of HadCM3L climate model step-forcing simulations, and then use the regression model to emulate HadCM3L-simulated transient climate change. Our results show that the regression model emulates well HadCM3L-simulated temporal evolution and spatial distribution of climate change, including surface temperature, precipitation, runoff, soil moisture, cloudiness, and radiative fluxes under transient CO2 and/or solar forcing scenarios. Our findings suggest that temporal and spatial patterns of total change for the climate variables considered here can be represented well by the sum of fast response and slow feedback. Furthermore, by using a simple 1-D heat-diffusion climate model, we show that the temporal and spatial characteristics of climate change under transient forcing scenarios can be emulated well using information from step-forcing simulations alone.


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This paper analyses deviated linear cyclic pursuit in which an agent pursues its leader with an angle of deviation in both the continuous- and discrete-time domains, while admitting heterogeneous gains and deviations for the agents. Sufficient conditions for the stability of such systems, in both the domains, are presented in this paper along with the derivation of the reachable set, which is a set of points where the agents may converge asymptotically. The stability conditions are derived based on Gershgorin's theorem. Simulations validating the theoretical results presented in this paper are provided.


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This paper demonstrates light-load instability in a 100-kW open-loop induction motor drive on account of inverter deadtime. An improved small-signal model of an inverter-fed induction motor is proposed. This improved model is derived by linearizing the nonlinear dynamic equations of the motor, which include the inverter deadtime effect. Stability analysis is carried out on the 100-kW415-V three-phase induction motor considering no load. The analysis brings out the region of instability of this motor drive on the voltage versus frequency (V-f) plane. This region of light-load instability is found to expand with increase in inverter deadtime. Subharmonic oscillations of significant amplitude are observed in the steady-state simulated and measured current waveforms, at numerous operating points in the unstable region predicted, confirming the validity of the stability analysis. Furthermore, simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model is more accurate than an existing small-signal model in predicting the region of instability.


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This paper investigates possible reduction of pulsating torque in open-loop and vector-controlled induction motor drives through deployment of certain advanced bus-clamping pulsewidth modulation (ABCPWM) method. Toward this goal, a simple and machine-independent method is proposed to analyze the torque harmonic spectrum of a voltage source inverter fed induction motor, operated with any real-time pulsewidth modulation (PWM) method. The analytically evaluated torque harmonic spectra, pertaining to conventional space vector PWM (CSVPWM), bus-clamping PWM (BCPWM), and ABCPWM, are validated through simulation and experimental results. Theoretical and experimental studies bring out the superiority of the ABCPWM in terms of torque harmonics over CSVPWM and BCPWM. The magnitude of the dominant torque harmonic with the ABCPWM scheme is shown to be significantly lower than that with CSVPWM, over a wide range of speed. The rms torque ripple (i.e., total rms value of all harmonic torques) is lower with ABCPWM than with BCPWM over the entire range of speed.


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A split-phase induction motor is fed from two three-phase voltage source inverters for speed control. This study analyses carrier-comparison based pulse width modulation (PWM) schemes for a split-phase motor drive, from a space-vector perspective. Sine-triangle PWM, one zero-sequence injection PWM where the same zero-sequence signal is used for both the inverters, and another zero-sequence injection PWM where different zero-sequence signals are employed for the two inverters are considered. The set of voltage vectors applied, the sequence in which the voltage vectors are applied, and the resulting current ripple vector are analysed for all the PWM methods. Besides all the PWM methods are compared in terms of dc bus utilisation. For the same three-phase sine reference, the PWM method with different zero-sequence signals for the two inverters is found to employ a set of vectors different from the other methods. Both analysis and experimental results show that this method results in lower total harmonic distortion and higher dc bus utilisation than the other two PWM methods.


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This letter presents an alternate proof for the steady-state equivalent circuit of a doubly fed induction machine operating at supersynchronous speeds. The spatial orientation of rotating magnetic fields is used to validate the conjugation of rotor side quantities arising in supersynchronous mode. The equivalent circuit is further validated using dynamic simulations of a stand-alone machine.


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Measurement of out-of-plane linear motion with high precision and bandwidth is indispensable for development of precision motion stages and for dynamic characterization of mechanical structures. This paper presents an optical beam deflection (OBD) based system for measurement of out-of-plane linear motion for fully reflective samples. The system also achieves nearly zero cross-sensitivity to angular motion, and a large working distance. The sensitivities to linear and angular motion are analytically obtained and employed to optimize the system design. The optimal shot-noise limited resolution is shown to be less than one angstrom over a bandwidth in excess of 1 kHz. Subsequently, the system is experimentally realized and the sensitivities to out-of-plane motions are calibrated using a novel strategy. The linear sensitivity is found to be in agreement with theory. The angular sensitivity is shown to be over 7.5-times smaller than that of conventional OBD. Finally, the measurement system is employed to measure the transient response of a piezo-positioner, and, with the aid of an open-loop controller, reduce the settling time by about 90%. It is also employed to operate the positioner in closed-loop and demonstrate significant minimization of hysteresis and positioning error.


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Computational and experimental tools have been used to understand the linear cluster plug nozzle flowfield for a range of pressure ratios. The experimental cluster configuration is arrived at from a linear plug nozzle by introducing splitter plates in the primary nozzle, and computational analysis of corresponding geometry is also carried out. The flow development on the plug surface has been analyzed for two different cluster module spacings. The interactions between the cluster module jets is a complex one with a three-dimensional shock structure because of the differential end condition the shock experiences on the plug wall and freejet boundary. A prominent streamwise vorticity resulting from curvature of the shock is also seen along the length of the plug downstream of the module junctions. The out-of-phase wave interactions occurring along the module centerline and the splitter plate centerline, resulting in a wavy surface-limiting streamline pattern, particularly at lower pressure ratios, is explained.


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A low-order harmonic pulsating torque is a major concern in high-power drives, high-speed drives, and motor drives operating in an overmodulation region. This paper attempts to minimize the low-order harmonic torques in induction motor drives, operated at a low pulse number (i.e., a low ratio of switching frequency to fundamental frequency), through a frequency domain (FD) approach as well as a synchronous reference frame (SRF) based approach. This paper first investigates FD-based approximate elimination of harmonic torque as suggested by classical works. This is then extended into a procedure for minimization of low-order pulsating torque components in the FD, which is independent of machine parameters and mechanical load. Furthermore, an SRF-based optimal pulse width modulation (PWM) method is proposed to minimize the low-order harmonic torques, considering the motor parameters and load torque. The two optimal methods are evaluated and compared with sine-triangle (ST) PWM and selective harmonic elimination (SHE) PWM through simulations and experimental studies on a 3.7-kW induction motor drive. The SRF-based optimal PWM results in marginally better performance than the FD-based one. However, the selection of optimal switching angle for any modulation index (M) takes much longer in case of SRF than in case of the FD-based approach. The FD-based optimal solutions can be used as good starting solutions and/or to reasonably restrict the search space for optimal solutions in the SRF-based approach. Both of the FD-based and SRF-based optimal PWM methods reduce the low-order pulsating torque significantly, compared to ST PWM and SHE PWM, as shown by the simulation and experimental results.


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Constant-volts-per-hertz induction motor drives and vector-controlled induction motor drives utilize pulsewidth modulation (PWM) to control the voltage applied on the motor. The method of PWM influences the pulsations in the torque developed by the motor. A space-vector-based approach to PWM facilitates special switching sequences involving the division of active state time. This paper proposes a space-vector-based hybrid PWM technique, which is a combination of the conventional and special switching sequences. The proposed hybrid PWM technique results in a lower peak-to-peak torque ripple than conventional space vector PWM(CSVPWM) at high speeds of an induction motor drive. Furthermore, the magnitude of the dominant torque harmonic due to the proposed hybrid PWM is significantly lower than that due to CSVPWM at high speeds of the drive. Experimental results from a 3.75-kW sensorless vector-controlled induction motor drive under various load conditions are presented to support analytical and simulation results.


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A state-based peridynamic formulation for linear elastic shells is presented. The emphasis is on introducing, possibly for the first time, a general surface based peridynamic model to represent the deformation characteristics of structures that have one geometric dimension much smaller than the other two. A new notion of curved bonds is exploited to cater for force transfer between the peridynamic particles describing the shell. Starting with the three dimensional force and deformation states, appropriate surface based force, moment and several deformation states are arrived at. Upon application on the curved bonds, such states yield the necessary force and deformation vectors governing the motion of the shell. By incorporating a shear correction factor, the formulation also accommodates analysis of shells that have higher thickness. In order to attain this, a consistent second order approximation to the complementary energy density is considered and incorporated in peridynamics via constitutive correspondence. Unlike the uncoupled constitution for thin shells, a consequence of a first order approximation, constitutive relations for thick shells are fully coupled in that surface wryness influences the in-plane stress resultants and surface strain the moments. Our proposal on the peridynamic shell theory is numerically assessed against simulations on static deformation of spherical and cylindrical shells, that of flat plates and quasi-static fracture propagation in a cylindrical shell. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We perform global linear stability analysis and idealized numerical simulations in global thermal balance to understand the condensation of cold gas from hot/virial atmospheres (coronae), in particular the intracluster medium (ICM). We pay particular attention to geometry (e.g. spherical versus plane-parallel) and the nature of the gravitational potential. Global linear analysis gives a similar value for the fastest growing thermal instability modes in spherical and Cartesian geometries. Simulations and observations suggest that cooling in haloes critically depends on the ratio of the cooling time to the free-fall time (t(cool)/t(ff)). Extended cold gas condenses out of the ICM only if this ratio is smaller than a threshold value close to 10. Previous works highlighted the difference between the nature of cold gas condensation in spherical and plane-parallel atmospheres; namely, cold gas condensation appeared easier in spherical atmospheres. This apparent difference due to geometry arises because the previous plane-parallel simulations focused on in situ condensation of multiphase gas but spherical simulations studied condensation anywhere in the box. Unlike previous claims, our non-linear simulations show that there are only minor differences in cold gas condensation, either in situ or anywhere, for different geometries. The amount of cold gas depends on the shape of tcool/tff; gas has more time to condense if gravitational acceleration decreases towards the centre. In our idealized plane-parallel simulations with heating balancing cooling in each layer, there can be significant mass/energy/momentum transfer across layers that can trigger condensation and drive tcool/tff far beyond the critical value close to 10.


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We derive a relationship between the initial unloading slope, contact depth, and the instantaneous relaxation modulus for indentation in linear viscoelastic solids by a rigid indenter with an arbitrary axisymmetric smooth profile. Although the same expression is well known for indentation in elastic and in elastic-plastic solids, we show that it is also true for indentation in linear viscoelastic solids, provided that the unloading rate is sufficiently fast. Furthermore, the same expression holds true for both fast loading and unloading. These results should provide a sound basis for using the relationship for determining properties of viscoelastic solids using indentation techniques.