1000 resultados para ionic transports


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In the 1960s, Jacob Bjerknes suggested that if the top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) fluxes and the oceanic heat storage did not vary too much, then the total energy transport by the climate system would not vary too much either. This implies that any large anomalies of oceanic and atmospheric energy transport should be equal and opposite. This simple scenario has become known as Bjerknes compensation. A long control run of the Third Hadley Centre Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere General Circulation Model (HadCM3) has been investigated. It was found that northern extratropical decadal anomalies of atmospheric and oceanic energy transports are significantly anticorrelated and have similar magnitudes, which is consistent with the predictions of Bjerknes compensation. ne degree of compensation in the northern extratropics was found to increase with increasing, time scale. Bjerknes compensation did not occur in the Tropics, primarily as large changes in the surface fluxes were associated with large changes in the TOA fluxes. In the ocean, the decadal variability of the energy transport is associated with fluctuations in the meridional overturning circulation in the Atlantic Ocean. A stronger Atlantic Ocean energy transport leads to strong warming of surface temperatures in the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian (GIN) Seas. which results in a reduced equator-to-pole surface temperature gradient and reduced atmospheric baroclinicity. It is argued that a stronger Atlantic Ocean energy transport leads to a weakened atmospheric transient energy transport.


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Dialysis and ultrafiltration were investigated as methods for measuring pH and ionic calcium and partitioning of divalent cations of milk at high temperatures. It was found that ionic calcium, pH, and total soluble divalent cations decreased as temperature increased between 20 and 80°C in both dialysates and ultrafiltration permeates. Between 90 and 110°C, ionic calcium and pH in dialysates continued to decrease as temperature increased, and the relationship between ionic calcium and temperature was linear. The permeabilities of hydrogen and calcium ions through the dialysis tubing were not changed after the tubing was sterilized for 1h at 120°C. There were no significant differences in pH and ionic calcium between dialysates from raw milk and those from a range of heat-treated milks. The effects of calcium chloride addition on pH and ionic calcium were measured in milk at 20°C and in dialysates collected at 110°C. Heat coagulation at 110°C occurred with addition of calcium chloride at 5.4mM, where pH and ionic calcium of the dialysate were 6.00 and 0.43mM, respectively. Corresponding values at 20°C were pH 6.66 and 2.10mM.


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This paper describes the use of pH and calcium ion electrodes for investigating factors affecting the heat stability of UHT milk with added calcium chloride. Calcium chloride was added to raw milk to manipulate ionic calcium and pH to within the range that may be typically encountered in raw milk of different compositions and microbial quality. Addition of only 5 mM calcium chloride was sufficient to induce considerable changes in pH, ionic calcium and ethanol stability and alter its stability to UHT treatment. There was a strong relationship between pH decrease and increase in ionic calcium when pH was reduced, whether by addition of calcium chloride or by acidification. Calcium chloride addition was found to increase sediment formation in UHT treated milk. However, sediment could be reduced by addition of stabilizers. Those most effective were ones which decreased ionic calcium and increased pH, such as trisodium citrate and disodium hydrogen phosphate. Sediment formation following UHT treatment was only slight for milk samples whose ethanol stability was greater than 80%.


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Gel diagrams based on tube inversion and oscillatory rheometry are reported for Pluronic copolymers F127 (E98P67E98) and P123 (E21P67E21) in mixtures with anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Total concentrations (e, SDS+copolymer) were as high as 50 wt% with mole ratios SDS/copolymer (mr) in the ranges 1-5 (F127) a lid 1-7 (PI 23). Temperatures were its high as 90 degrees C. Determination of the temperature dependences of the dynamic moduli served to confirm the gel boundaries from tube inversion and to reveal the high elastic moduli of the gels, e.g., compared at corn parable positions in the gel phase, a 50 wt% SDS/P123 wit h mr = 7 had G' three times that of a corresponding gel of P123 alone. Sin all-angle X-ray scattering (SAX S) was used to show that the structures of all the SDS/F127 gels were bee and that the structures of the SDS/P123 gels with mr = I were either fcc(c = 30 wt%) or hex (c = 40 wt%). Assignment of structures to SDS/P123 gels with values of mr in the range 3-7 was more difficult, as high-order scattering peaks Could be very weak, and at the higher values of c and mr, the SAXS peaks included multiple reflections.


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A series of multicarboxylic acid appended imidazolium ionic liquids ( McaILs) with chloride [ Cl](-) or bromide [ Br](-) as anions have been synthesized and characterized. Deprotonation of these ionic acids gives the corresponding zwitterions. Re-protonation of the zwitterions with strong Bronsted acids gives a series of new ionic acid-adducts, many of which remained as room-temperature ionic liquids. A new catalytic system, McaIL/PdCl2 for the selective catalytic oxidation of styrene to acetophenone with hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant has been attempted. In the presence of McaILs, it is found that the quantity of palladium chloride PdCl2 used can be greatly reduced while the activity ( TOF) and selectivity towards acetophenone are enhanced sharply. It is also shown that the catalytic properties of this system could be finely tuned through the molecular design of the McaILs. The best TOF value obtained so far is 146 h(-1) with 100% conversion of styrene at 93% selectivity to acetophenone. In addition, the catalytic activity has been maintained for at least ten catalytic cycles.


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A highly efficient process for oxidative degradation of 1,3-dialkylimidazolium ionic liquids in hydrogen peroxide/acetic acid aqueous medium assisted by ultrasonic chemical irradiation is, for the first time, described. It is shown that more than 93% of the 1,3-dialkylimidazolium cation with the corresponding Cl-, Br-, BF4- and PF6- counter-anions at a concentration of 2.5 mM can be degraded at 50 degrees C within 12 h while at 72 h the conversions approach 99%. A tentative mechanism for the degradation of these ILs is for the first time proposed through a detailed kinetic analysis of several characteristic transients and/or immediate products, which are identified during the ILs degradation using GC-MS. The results clearly indicate that three hydrogen atoms in the imidazolium ring are the first sites preferably oxidized, followed by cleavage of the alkyl groups attached to the N atoms from the ring. The nature of the alkyl chain length on the imidazolium ring and the type of counter anion do not seem to affect the degradation process. Further, selective fragmentations of C-N bonds of the imidazolium or derived ring lead to ring opening, forming degraded intermediates. It is also shown that acetoxyacetic acid and biurea are the final kinetically stable degraded products from the ILs under the degradation conditions.


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There are many reports in the literature regarding the effects of ionic calcium on reactions related to casein micelle stability, such as heat stability, ethanol stability and susceptibility to gelation, sediment formation and fouling. However, experimental evidence supporting these assertions is much less readily available. This paper evaluates three selective ion electrode systems for measuring ionic calcium directly in milk as well as looking at the effects on pH reduction and addition of calcium chloride. The best electrode system was the Ciba Corning 634 system, which was designed for blood but has been modified for milk. This was found to be reproducible and stable when calibrated daily and allowed direct measurements to be taken on milk in 70 s. This has been found to perform well now for 3 years. The other systems were not so useful, as they took longer to stabilize, but may be useful for higher ionic calcium concentrations, which are found in acidified milk products. Reducing the pH increased ionic calcium and reduced ethanol stability. Calcium chloride addition reduced pH, increased ionic calcium and reduced the ethanol stability. Readjusting the pH to its value before calcium addition reduced the ionic calcium, but not back to its original value. Milks from individual cows showed wide variations in their ionic calcium concentrations. This establishes the methodology for a more detailed investigation on measurement of ionic calcium in milks from individual cows and from bulk milks, to allow a better understanding of its role in casein micelle stability.


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Colloidal gas aphrons (CGA), which are surfactant stabilised microbubbles, have been previously applied for the recovery of proteins from model mixtures and a few studies have demonstrated the potential of these dispersions for the selective recovery of proteins from complex mixtures. However there is a lack of understanding of the mechanism of separation and forces governing the selectivity of the separation. In this paper a mechanistic study is carried out to determine the main factors and forces influencing the selectivity of separation of whey proteins with CGA generated from ionic surfactants. Two different separation strategies were followed: (i) separation of lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase by anionic CGA generated from a solution of sodium bis-(2-ethyl hexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT); (ii) separation of beta-lactoglobulin by cationic CGA generated from a solution of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). Separation results indicate that electrostatic interactions are the main forces determining the selectivity however these could not completely explain the selectivities obtained following both strategies. Protein-surfactant interactions were studied by measuring the zeta potential changes on individual proteins upon addition of surfactant and at varying pH. Interestingly strongest electrostatic interactions were measured at those pH and surfactant to protein mass ratios which were optimum for protein separation. Effect of surfactant on protein conformation was determined by measuring the change in fluorescence intensity upon addition of surfactant at varying pH. Differences in the fluorescence patterns were detected among proteins which were correlated to differences in their conformational features which could in turn explain their different separation behaviour. The effect of conformation on selectivity was further proven by experiments in which conformational changes were induced by pre-treatment of whey (heating) and by storage at 4 degrees C. Overall it can be concluded that separation of proteins by ionic CGA is driven mainly by electrostatic interactions however conformational features will finally determine the selectivity of the separation with competitive adsorption having also an effect. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In response to increasing atmospheric con- centrations of greenhouse gases, the rate of time- dependent climate change is determined jointly by the strength of climate feedbacks and the e�ciency of pro- cesses which remove heat from the surface into the deep ocean. This work examines the vertical heat transport processes in the ocean of the HADCM2 atmosphere± ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) in experi- ments with CO2 held constant (control) and increasing at 1% per year (anomaly). The control experiment shows that global average heat exchanges between the upper and lower ocean are dominated by the Southern Ocean, where heat is pumped downwards by the wind- driven circulation and di�uses upwards along sloping isopycnals. This is the reverse of the low-latitude balance used in upwelling±di�usion ocean models, the global average upward di�usive transport being against the temperature gradient. In the anomaly experiment, weakened convection at high latitudes leads to reduced diffusive and convective heat loss from the deep ocean, and hence to net heat uptake, since the advective heat input is less a�ected. Reduction of deep water produc- tion at high latitudes results in reduced upwelling of cold water at low latitudes, giving a further contribution to net heat uptake. On the global average, high-latitude processes thus have a controlling in¯uence. The impor- tant role of di�usion highlights the need to ensure that the schemes employed in AOGCMs give an accurate representation of the relevant sub-grid-scale processes.


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Recent studies have found contradicting results on whether tropical atmospheric circulation (TAC) has intensified or weakened in recent decades. We here re-investigate recent changes in TAC derived from moisture transports into the tropics using high temporal and spatial resolution reanalyses from ERA-interim. We found a significant strengthening of both, the lower level inward transports and the mid level outward transports over the recent two decades. However the signal in the total budget is weak, because strengthening of the in and outflow neutralize each other, at least to some extent. We found atmospheric humidity to be relatively stable, so suggest that the intensification is mainly caused by an intensification of the wind related circulation strength. The exact quantitative values were found to heavily depend on whether the calculations are based on mean or instantaneous values. We highlight the importance for using the instantaneous ones for transport calculations, as they represent the coincidence of high wind speeds and high atmospheric humidity.


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Large-scale ocean transports of heat and freshwater have not been well monitored, and yet the regional budgets of these quantities are important to understanding the role of the oceans in climate and climate change. In contrast, atmospheric heat and freshwater transports are commonly assessed from atmospheric reanalysis products, despite the presence of non-conserving data assimilation based on the wealth of distributed atmospheric observations as constraints. The ability to carry out ocean reanalyses globally at eddy-permitting resolutions of 1/4 ° or better, along with new global ocean observation programs, now makes a similar approach viable for the ocean. In this paper we examine the budgets and transports within a global high resolution ocean model constrained by ocean data assimilation, and compare them with independent oceanic and atmospheric estimates.