963 resultados para information technology research


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Trata da apresentação e discussão de um modelo de previsão de demanda de médicos para atendimentos de pacientes internados pelo SUS, com estudo de caso para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O modelo é baseado nos dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do SUS (SIH/SUS) e nas alterações esperadas de tamanho e composição da população, segundo o IBGE. Descreve a trajetória e a motivação que levaram à construção do modelo, a partir da ideia de maior utilização do enorme potencial das bases de dados brasileiras para o planeamento e gestão dos RHS. Faz também comentários sobre conceitos da Tecnologia da Informação, que são de interesse para uma melhor compreensão das bases de dados, incluindo a utilização de padrões. Apresenta e comenta os resultados da aplicação do modelo, para o período de 2002 a 2022, para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Propõe sugestões de pesquisas com objetivo de melhorar a integração entre as bases de dados estudadas, a discussão da construção e utilização de indicadores, assim como uma proposta de evolução para o apoio à decisão na área de RHS.


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A expansão industrial e o desenvolvimento territorial na porção oeste do Município do Rio de Janeiro trazem inúmeras modificações no cenário socioeconômico da região e adjacências. O destaque de investimentos na indústria de transformação é a implantação da Companhia Siderúrgica do Atlântico (CSA), que se mostra como o maior empreendimento privado em realização no país. Investimentos públicos e privados no setor de infraestrutura estão previstos, considerando as características naturais e a localização geográfica privilegiada da região. A influência do porto de Itaguaí e a construção do Arco Metropolitano configuram um corredor de desenvolvimento com reflexos positivos logísticos e socioeconômicos, não só para o estado do Rio de Janeiro, mas também para outros estados brasileiros. Os impactos da reordenação do espaço urbano, com a possibilidade de incremento populacional nas proximidades do novo eixo rodoviário e industrial, tende a gerar um aumento da demanda por serviços no setor terciário. Dessa forma, o planejamento territorial se faz obrigatório, apoiado por geotecnologias. O objetivo da pesquisa foi atender às necessidades do setor habitacional, analisando fatores relevantes e condições favoráveis à implantação de novas construções habitacionais. Baseando-se em dados provenientes do censo do IBGE de 2010 e do Instituto de Urbanismo Pereira Passos (IPP), a Tecnologia da Informação integrada com os dados de mapas digitais e imagens de satélite de alta resolução (World View-2), permitiram uma análise geral do contexto do crescimento regional. Além da análise das variáveis existentes nos dados socioeconômicos, outras variáveis de pesquisa foram empregadas em ambiente SIG, tais como: segurança, proximidades de logradouros principais, existências de escolas e hospitais municipais e estaduais, distância dos centros industriais e de shopping. Após as análises multicriteriais de dados socioeconômicos e bases cartográficas, relatórios na forma de mapas foram emitidos, com a finalidade de orientar o poder público e as construtoras nas tomadas de decisões.


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A presente pesquisa objetiva verificar a contribuição da tecnologia da informação na previsão de indicadores de desempenho da Empresa Alfa. Para a realização deste estudo, foi realizado um estudo de caso único a fim de aprofundar na pesquisa de forma exploratória e descritiva. As técnicas utilizadas para tal foram análise documental e entrevista, que deram suporte à pesquisa quantitativa atendendo ao objetivo proposto no estudo e na fundamentação teórica. A pesquisa teve como base principal os resultados dos indicadores de desempenho dos anos de 2012 e 2013 descritos no planejamento estratégico referente ao ano de 2013. Através desses resultados foi possível prever os resultados dos indicadores para 2014 utilizando o software Weka e assim realizar as análises necessárias. Os principais achados demonstram que a Empresa Alfa precisará antecipar ações para maximizar seus resultados evitando que impactem negativamente na rentabilidade, além de ter a necessidade de manter uma base de dados sólida e estruturada que possa subsidiar previsões confiáveis e alimentar futuramente o programa a fim de realizar novas previsões. O resultado da pesquisa aponta que o sistema de informações Weka contribui para a previsão de resultados, podendo antecipar ações para que a organização possa otimizar suas tomadas de decisões, tornando-as mais eficientes e eficazes.


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A evolução tecnológica tem feito as empresas se modificarem, e para acompanhar o mercado elas buscam opções que possam ajudar melhor nas tomadas de suas decisões, uma delas é a utilização de tecnologias. A presente pesquisa objetiva analisar a contribuição da tecnologia da informação no orçamento da indústria Alfa. Esta pesquisa é descritiva e exploratória, pois busca descrever a realidade da organização, identificando as características do orçamento da mesma, é quantitativa, pois busca através de métodos estatísticos realizar previsões para o ano de 2013 das demonstrações de resultados advindos dos anos anteriores (2010 a 2012), é também, qualitativa, pois foi elaborado um questionário que pôde auxiliar na interpretação dos dados quantitativos, possibilitando melhores informações sobre o objetivo proposto. Concluiu-se que a tecnologia pode ajudar a melhorar a qualidade da previsão do orçamento da indústria Alfa e o método que melhor se adequou para as estimativas foi a suavização exponencial que demonstrou maior confiabilidade para os resultados.


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In this paper we examine the use of electronic patient records (EPR) by clinical specialists in their development of multidisciplinary care for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. We develop a practice theory lens to investigate EPR use across multidisciplinary team practice. Our findings suggest that there are oppositional tendencies towards diversity in EPR use and unity which emerges across multidisciplinary work, and this influences the outcomes of EPR use. The value of this perspective is illustrated through the analysis of a year-long, longitudinal case study of a multidisciplinary team of surgeons, oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, and nurse specialists adopting a new EPR. Each group adapted their use of the EPR to their diverse specialist practices, but they nonetheless orientated their use of the EPR to each others' practices sufficiently to support unity in multidisciplinary teamwork. Multidisciplinary practice elements were also reconfigured in an episode of explicit negotiations, resulting in significant changes in EPR use within team meetings. Our study contributes to the growing literature that questions the feasibility and necessity of achieving high levels of standardized, uniform health information technology use in healthcare.


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Global information is considered the primitive of visual perception in Gestalt psychology. Further, L. Chen ( 2005) proposed a new theory of topological visual perception. According to this theory, the perception of topological difference is faster than o


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Effective data communications between the project site and decision making office can be critical for the success of a construction project. It allows convenient access to centrally stored information and allows centrally located decision makers to remotely monitor the site and collect data in real-time. However, high bandwidth, flexible data communication networks, such as wired local area networks, can often be time-consuming and costly to deploy for such purposes especially when project sites (dams, highways, etc.) are located in rural, undeveloped areas where networking infrastructure is not available. In such construction sites, wireless networking could reliably link the construction site and the decision-making office. This paper presents a case study on long-distance, site – office wireless data communications. The purpose was to investigate the capability of wireless technology in exchanging construction data in a fast and efficient manner and in allowing site personnel to interact and share knowledge and data with the office staff. This study took place at the University of Michigan’s campus where performance, reliability, and cost/benefit tests were performed. The indoor and outdoor tests performed demonstrated the suitability of this technology for office-site data communications and exposed the need for more research to further improve the reliability and data handling of this technology.


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Several studies have highlighted the importance of information and information quality in organisations and thus information is regarded as key determinant for the success and organisational performance. At the same time, there are numerous studies, frameworks and case studies examining the impact of information technology and systems to business value. Recently, several studies have proposed maturity models for information management capabilities in the literature, which claim that a higher maturity results in a higher organizational performance. Although these studies provide valuable information about the underlying relations, most are limited in specifying the relationship in more detail. Furthermore, most prominent approaches do not or at least not explicitly consider information as important influencing factor for organisational performance. In this paper, we aim to review selected contributions and introduce a model that shows how IS/IT resources and capabilties could be interlinked with IS/IT utilization, organizational performance and business value. Complementing other models and frameworks, we explicitly consider information from a management maturity, quality and risk perspective. Moreover, the paper discusses how each part of the model can be assessed in order to validate the model in future studies.


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Sociomateriality has been attracting growing attention in the Organization Studies and Information Systems literatures since 2007, with more than 140 journal articles now referring to the concept. Over 80 percent of these articles have been published since January 2011 and almost all cite the work of Orlikowski (2007, 2010; Orlikowski and Scott 2008) as the source of the concept. Only a few, however, address all of the notions that Orlikowski suggests are entailed in sociomateriality, namely materiality, inseparability, relationality, performativity, and practices, with many employing the concept quite selectively. The contribution of sociomateriality to these literatures is, therefore, still unclear. Drawing on evidence from an ongoing study of the adoption of a computer-based clinical information system in a hospital critical care unit, this paper explores whether the notions, individually and collectively, offer a distinctive and coherent account of the relationship between the social and the material that may be useful in Information Systems research. It is argued that if sociomateriality is to be more than simply a label for research employing a number of loosely related existing theoretical approaches, then studies employing the concept need to pay greater attention to the notions entailed in it and to differences in their interpretation.


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Microorganisms play an important role in removing pollutants from constructed wetlands. We investigated the microbial characteristics in a novel integrated vertical-flow constructed wetland (IVCW), which has been in operation in Wuhan, China since 1998. We used phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and amoA gene to analyze the structure and diversity of the microbial community within the IVCW. PLFA results suggested that the amount of bacterial PLFA was significantly higher than that of fungal PLFA, but the total microbial biomass represented by PLFA index was low in the system. Microbial spatial distribution showed significantly higher bacterial (both G(+) and G(-)) and fungal biomass in the surface than in the subsurface layers. The ratios of monounsaturated to branched PLFA demonstrated that an anaerobic layer sandwiched by two aerobic layers existed in the IVCW, consistent with the redox potential results. Analysis of the amoA revealed the presence of Nitrosomonas-like sequences in the surface substrate of the downflow chamber and apparent diversities of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in the system. These results suggest that microorganisms, despite their relatively low biomass, have inhabited the IVCW, and the results will offer some valuable information on microbe to system designers and managers.


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Organisms living in water are inevitably exposed to periods of hypoxia. Environmental hypoxia has been an important stressor having manifold effects on aquatic life. Many fish species have evolved behavioral, physiological, biochemical and molecular adaptations that enable them to cope with hypoxia. However, the molecular mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance in fish, remain unknown. in this study, we used suppression subtractive hybridization to examine the differential gene expression in CAB cells (Carassius auratus blastulae embryonic cells) exposed to hypoxia for 24 h. We isolated 2100 clones and identified 211 differentially expressed genes (e-value <= 5e-3; Identity > 45%). Among the genes whose expression is modified in cells, a vast majority involved in metabolism, signal transduction, cell defense, angiogenesis, cell growth and proliferation. Twelve genes encoding for ERO1-L, p53, CPO, HO-1, MKP2, PFK-2, cystatin B, GLUT1, BTG1, TGF beta 1, PGAM1, hypothetical protein F1508, were selected and identified to be hypoxia-induced using semi-quantitive RT-PCR and real-time PCR. Among the identified genes, two open reading frames (ORFs) encoding for CaBTG1 and Cacystatin B were obtained. The deduced amino acid sequence of CaBTG1 had 94.1%, 72.8%, 72.8%, 72.8%, 68.6% identity with that of DrBTG1, HsBTG1, BtBTG1, MmBTG1 and XIBTG1. Comparison of Cacystatin B with known cystatin B, the molecules exhibited 49.5 to 76.0% identity overall. These results may provide significant information for further understanding of the adaptive mechanism by which C. auratus responds to hypoxia. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Information visualization can accelerate perception, provide insight and control, and harness this flood of valuable data to gain a competitive advantage in making business decisions. Although such a statement seems to be obvious, there is a lack in the literature of practical evidence of the benefit of information visualization. The main contribution of this paper is to illustrate how, for a major European apparel retailer, the visualization of performance information plays a critical role in improving business decisions and in extracting insights from Redio Frequency Idetification (RFID)-based performance measures. In this paper, we identify - based on a literature review - three fundamental managerial functions of information visualization, namely as: a communication medium, a knowledge management means, and a decision-support instrument. Then, we provide - based on real industrial case evidence - how information visualization supports business decision-making. Several examples are provided to evidence the benefit of information visualization through its three identified managerial functions. We find that - depending on the way performance information is shaped, communicated, and made interactive - it not only helps decision making, but also offers a means of knowledge creation, as well as an appropriate communication channel. © 2014 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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The discipline of Artificial Intelligence (AI) was born in the summer of 1956 at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. Half of a century has passed, and AI has turned into an important field whose influence on our daily lives can hardly be overestimated. The original view of intelligence as a computer program - a set of algorithms to process symbols - has led to many useful applications now found in internet search engines, voice recognition software, cars, home appliances, and consumer electronics, but it has not yet contributed significantly to our understanding of natural forms of intelligence. Since the 1980s, AI has expanded into a broader study of the interaction between the body, brain, and environment, and how intelligence emerges from such interaction. This advent of embodiment has provided an entirely new way of thinking that goes well beyond artificial intelligence proper, to include the study of intelligent action in agents other than organisms or robots. For example, it supplies powerful metaphors for viewing corporations, groups of agents, and networked embedded devices as intelligent and adaptive systems acting in highly uncertain and unpredictable environments. In addition to giving us a novel outlook on information technology in general, this broader view of AI also offers unexpected perspectives into how to think about ourselves and the world around us. In this chapter, we briefly review the turbulent history of AI research, point to some of its current trends, and to challenges that the AI of the 21st century will have to face. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.