959 resultados para improvement of turbine efficiency


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The supercritical Rankine power cycle offers a net improvement in plant efficiency compared with a subcritical Rankine cycle. For fossil power plants the minimum supercritical steam turbine size is about 450MW. A recent study between Sandia National Laboratories and Siemens Energy, Inc., published on March 2013, confirmed the feasibility of adapting the Siemens turbine SST-900 for supercritical steam in concentrated solar power plants, with a live steam conditions 230-260 bar and output range between 140-200 MWe. In this context, this analysis is focused on integrating a line-focus solar field with a supercritical Rankine power cycle. For this purpose two heat transfer fluids were assessed: direct steam generation and molten salt Hitec XL. To isolate solar field from high pressure supercritical water power cycle, an intermediate heat exchanger was installed between linear solar collectors and balance of plant. Due to receiver selective coating temperature limitations, turbine inlet temperature was fixed 550ºC. The design-point conditions were 550ºC and 260 bar at turbine inlet, and 165 MWe Gross power output. Plant performance was assessed at design-point in the supercritical power plant (between 43-45% net plant efficiency depending on balance of plantconfiguration), and in the subcritical plant configuration (~40% net plant efficiency). Regarding the balance of plant configuration, direct reheating was adopted as the optimum solution to avoid any intermediate heat exchanger. One direct reheating stage between high pressure turbine and intermediate pressure turbine is the common practice; however, General Electric ultrasupercritical(350 bar) fossil power plants also considered doubled-reheat applications. In this study were analyzed heat balances with single-reheat, double-reheat and even three reheating stages. In all cases were adopted the proper reheating solar field configurations to limit solar collectors pressure drops. As main conclusion, it was confirmed net plant efficiency improvements in supercritical Rankine line-focus (parabolic or linear Fresnel) solar plant configurations are mainly due to the following two reasons: higher number of feed-water preheaters (up to seven)delivering hotter water at solar field inlet, and two or even three direct reheating stages (550ºC reheating temperature) in high or intermediate pressure turbines. However, the turbine manufacturer should confirm the equipment constrains regarding reheating stages and number of steam extractions to feed-water heaters.


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El hormigón autocompactante (HAC) es una nueva tipología de hormigón o material compuesto base cemento que se caracteriza por ser capaz de fluir en el interior del encofrado o molde, llenándolo de forma natural, pasando entre las barras de armadura y consolidándose únicamente bajo la acción de su peso propio, sin ayuda de medios de compactación externos, y sin que se produzca segregación de sus componentes. Debido a sus propiedades frescas (capacidad de relleno, capacidad de paso, y resistencia a la segregación), el HAC contribuye de forma significativa a mejorar la calidad de las estructuras así como a abrir nuevos campos de aplicación del hormigón. Por otra parte, la utilidad del hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero (HRFA) es hoy en día incuestionable debido a la mejora significativa de sus propiedades mecánicas tales como resistencia a tracción, tenacidad, resistencia al impacto o su capacidad para absorber energía. Comparado con el HRFA, el hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero (HACRFA) presenta como ventaja una mayor fluidez y cohesión ofreciendo, además de unas buenas propiedades mecánicas, importantes ventajas en relación con su puesta en obra. El objetivo global de esta tesis doctoral es el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones estructurales utilizando materiales compuestos base cemento autocompactantes reforzados con fibras de acero. La tesis presenta una nueva forma de resolver el problema basándose en el concepto de los materiales gradiente funcionales (MGF) o materiales con función gradiente (MFG) con el fin de distribuir de forma eficiente las fibras en la sección estructural. Para ello, parte del HAC se sustituye por HACRFA formando capas que presentan una transición gradual entre las mismas con el fin de obtener secciones robustas y exentas de tensiones entre capas con el fin de aplicar el concepto “MGF-laminados” a elementos estructurales tales como vigas, columnas, losas, etc. El proceso incluye asimismo el propio método de fabricación que, basado en la tecnología HAC, permite el desarrollo de interfases delgadas y robustas entre capas (1-3 mm) gracias a las propiedades reológicas del material. Para alcanzar dichos objetivos se ha llevado a cabo un amplio programa experimental cuyas etapas principales son las siguientes: • Definir y desarrollar un método de diseño que permita caracterizar de forma adecuada las propiedades mecánicas de la “interfase”. Esta primera fase experimental incluye: o las consideraciones generales del propio método de fabricación basado en el concepto de fabricación de materiales gradiente funcionales denominado “reología y gravedad”, o las consideraciones específicas del método de caracterización, o la caracterización de la “interfase”. • Estudiar el comportamiento mecánico sobre elementos estructurales, utilizando distintas configuraciones de MGF-laminado frente a acciones tanto estáticas como dinámicas con el fin de comprobar la viabilidad del material para ser usado en elementos estructurales tales como vigas, placas, pilares, etc. Los resultados indican la viabilidad de la metodología de fabricación adoptada, así como, las ventajas tanto estructurales como en reducción de costes de las soluciones laminadas propuestas. Es importante destacar la mejora en términos de resistencia a flexión, compresión o impacto del hormigón autocompactante gradiente funcional en comparación con soluciones de HACRFA monolíticos inclusos con un volumen neto de fibras (Vf) doble o superior. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an important advance in the concrete technology in the last decades. It is a new type of high performance concrete with the ability of flowing under its own weight and without the need of vibrations. Due to its specific fresh or rheological properties, such as filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance, SCC may contribute to a significant improvement of the quality of concrete structures and open up new field for the application of concrete. On the other hand, the usefulness of steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) in civil engineering applications is unquestionable. SFRC can improve significantly the hardened mechanical properties such as tensile strength, impact resistance, toughness and energy absorption capacity. Compared to SFRC, self-compacting steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SCSFRC) is a relatively new type of concrete with high flowability and good cohesiveness. SCSFRC offers very attractive economical and technical benefits thanks to SCC rheological properties, which can be further extended, when combined with SFRC for improving their mechanical characteristics. However, for the different concrete structural elements, a single concrete mix is selected without an attempt to adapt the diverse fibre-reinforced concretes to the stress-strain sectional properly. This thesis focused on the development of high performance cement-based structural composites made of SCC with and without steel fibres, and their applications for enhanced mechanical properties in front of different types of load and pattern configurations. It presents a new direction for tackling the mechanical problem. The approach adopted is based on the concept of functionally graded cementitious composite (FGCC) where part of the plain SCC is strategically replaced by SCSFRC in order to obtain laminated functionally graded self-compacting cementitious composites, laminated-FGSCC, in single structural elements as beams, columns, slabs, etc. The approach also involves a most suitable casting method, which uses SCC technology to eliminate the potential sharp interlayer while easily forming a robust and regular reproducible graded interlayer of 1-3 mm by controlling the rheology of the mixes and using gravity at the same time to encourage the use of the powerful concept for designing more performance suitable and cost-efficient structural systems. To reach the challenging aim, a wide experimental programme has been carried out involving two main steps: • The definition and development of a novel methodology designed for the characterization of the main parameter associated to the interface- or laminated-FGSCC solutions: the graded interlayer. Work of this first part includes: o the design considerations of the innovative (in the field of concrete) production method based on “rheology and gravity” for producing FG-SCSFRC or as named in the thesis FGSCC, casting process and elements, o the design of a specific testing methodology, o the characterization of the interface-FGSCC by using the so designed testing methodology. • The characterization of the different medium size FGSCC samples under different static and dynamic loads patterns for exploring their possibilities to be used for structural elements as beams, columns, slabs, etc. The results revealed the efficiency of the manufacturing methodology, which allow creating robust structural sections, as well as the feasibility and cost effectiveness of the proposed FGSCC solutions for different structural uses. It is noticeable to say the improvement in terms of flexural, compressive or impact loads’ responses of the different FGSCC in front of equal strength class SCSFRC bulk elements with at least the double of overall net fibre volume fraction (Vf).


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Los sistemas transaccionales tales como los programas informáticos para la planificación de recursos empresariales (ERP software) se han implementado ampliamente mientras que los sistemas analíticos para la gestión de la cadena de suministro (SCM software) no han tenido el éxito deseado por la industria de tecnología de información (TI). Aunque se documentan beneficios importantes derivados de las implantaciones de SCM software, las empresas industriales son reacias a invertir en este tipo de sistemas. Por una parte esto es debido a la falta de métodos que son capaces de detectar los beneficios por emplear esos sistemas, y por otra parte porque el coste asociado no está identificado, detallado y cuantificado suficientemente. Los esquemas de coordinación basados únicamente en sistemas ERP son alternativas válidas en la práctica industrial siempre que la relación coste-beneficio esta favorable. Por lo tanto, la evaluación de formas organizativas teniendo en cuenta explícitamente el coste debido a procesos administrativos, en particular por ciclos iterativos, es de gran interés para la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de inversiones en TI. Con el fin de cerrar la brecha, el propósito de esta investigación es proporcionar métodos de evaluación que permitan la comparación de diferentes formas de organización y niveles de soporte por sistemas informáticos. La tesis proporciona una amplia introducción, analizando los retos a los que se enfrenta la industria. Concluye con las necesidades de la industria de SCM software: unas herramientas que facilitan la evaluación integral de diferentes propuestas de organización. A continuación, la terminología clave se detalla centrándose en la teoría de la organización, las peculiaridades de inversión en TI y la tipología de software de gestión de la cadena de suministro. La revisión de la literatura clasifica las contribuciones recientes sobre la gestión de la cadena de suministro, tratando ambos conceptos, el diseño de la organización y su soporte por las TI. La clasificación incluye criterios relacionados con la metodología de la investigación y su contenido. Los estudios empíricos en el ámbito de la administración de empresas se centran en tipologías de redes industriales. Nuevos algoritmos de planificación y esquemas de coordinación innovadoras se desarrollan principalmente en el campo de la investigación de operaciones con el fin de proponer nuevas funciones de software. Artículos procedentes del área de la gestión de la producción se centran en el análisis de coste y beneficio de las implantaciones de sistemas. La revisión de la literatura revela que el éxito de las TI para la coordinación de redes industriales depende en gran medida de características de tres dimensiones: la configuración de la red industrial, los esquemas de coordinación y las funcionalidades del software. La literatura disponible está enfocada sobre todo en los beneficios de las implantaciones de SCM software. Sin embargo, la coordinación de la cadena de suministro, basándose en el sistema ERP, sigue siendo la práctica industrial generalizada, pero el coste de coordinación asociado no ha sido abordado por los investigadores. Los fundamentos de diseño organizativo eficiente se explican en detalle en la medida necesaria para la comprensión de la síntesis de las diferentes formas de organización. Se han generado varios esquemas de coordinación variando los siguientes parámetros de diseño: la estructura organizativa, los mecanismos de coordinación y el soporte por TI. Las diferentes propuestas de organización desarrolladas son evaluadas por un método heurístico y otro basado en la simulación por eventos discretos. Para ambos métodos, se tienen en cuenta los principios de la teoría de la organización. La falta de rendimiento empresarial se debe a las dependencias entre actividades que no se gestionan adecuadamente. Dentro del método heurístico, se clasifican las dependencias y se mide su intensidad basándose en factores contextuales. A continuación, se valora la idoneidad de cada elemento de diseño organizativo para cada dependencia específica. Por último, cada forma de organización se evalúa basándose en la contribución de los elementos de diseño tanto al beneficio como al coste. El beneficio de coordinación se refiere a la mejora en el rendimiento logístico - este concepto es el objeto central en la mayoría de modelos de evaluación de la gestión de la cadena de suministro. Por el contrario, el coste de coordinación que se debe incurrir para lograr beneficios no se suele considerar en detalle. Procesos iterativos son costosos si se ejecutan manualmente. Este es el caso cuando SCM software no está implementada y el sistema ERP es el único instrumento de coordinación disponible. El modelo heurístico proporciona un procedimiento simplificado para la clasificación sistemática de las dependencias, la cuantificación de los factores de influencia y la identificación de configuraciones que indican el uso de formas organizativas y de soporte de TI más o menos complejas. La simulación de eventos discretos se aplica en el segundo modelo de evaluación utilizando el paquete de software ‘Plant Simulation’. Con respecto al rendimiento logístico, por un lado se mide el coste de fabricación, de inventario y de transporte y las penalizaciones por pérdida de ventas. Por otro lado, se cuantifica explícitamente el coste de la coordinación teniendo en cuenta los ciclos de coordinación iterativos. El método se aplica a una configuración de cadena de suministro ejemplar considerando diversos parámetros. Los resultados de la simulación confirman que, en la mayoría de los casos, el beneficio aumenta cuando se intensifica la coordinación. Sin embargo, en ciertas situaciones en las que se aplican ciclos de planificación manuales e iterativos el coste de coordinación adicional no siempre conduce a mejor rendimiento logístico. Estos resultados inesperados no se pueden atribuir a ningún parámetro particular. La investigación confirma la gran importancia de nuevas dimensiones hasta ahora ignoradas en la evaluación de propuestas organizativas y herramientas de TI. A través del método heurístico se puede comparar de forma rápida, pero sólo aproximada, la eficiencia de diferentes formas de organización. Por el contrario, el método de simulación es más complejo pero da resultados más detallados, teniendo en cuenta parámetros específicos del contexto del caso concreto y del diseño organizativo. ABSTRACT Transactional systems such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have been implemented widely while analytical software like Supply Chain Management (SCM) add-ons are adopted less by manufacturing companies. Although significant benefits are reported stemming from SCM software implementations, companies are reluctant to invest in such systems. On the one hand this is due to the lack of methods that are able to detect benefits from the use of SCM software and on the other hand associated costs are not identified, detailed and quantified sufficiently. Coordination schemes based only on ERP systems are valid alternatives in industrial practice because significant investment in IT can be avoided. Therefore, the evaluation of these coordination procedures, in particular the cost due to iterations, is of high managerial interest and corresponding methods are comprehensive tools for strategic IT decision making. The purpose of this research is to provide evaluation methods that allow the comparison of different organizational forms and software support levels. The research begins with a comprehensive introduction dealing with the business environment that industrial networks are facing and concludes highlighting the challenges for the supply chain software industry. Afterwards, the central terminology is addressed, focusing on organization theory, IT investment peculiarities and supply chain management software typology. The literature review classifies recent supply chain management research referring to organizational design and its software support. The classification encompasses criteria related to research methodology and content. Empirical studies from management science focus on network types and organizational fit. Novel planning algorithms and innovative coordination schemes are developed mostly in the field of operations research in order to propose new software features. Operations and production management researchers realize cost-benefit analysis of IT software implementations. The literature review reveals that the success of software solutions for network coordination depends strongly on the fit of three dimensions: network configuration, coordination scheme and software functionality. Reviewed literature is mostly centered on the benefits of SCM software implementations. However, ERP system based supply chain coordination is still widespread industrial practice but the associated coordination cost has not been addressed by researchers. Fundamentals of efficient organizational design are explained in detail as far as required for the understanding of the synthesis of different organizational forms. Several coordination schemes have been shaped through the variation of the following design parameters: organizational structuring, coordination mechanisms and software support. The different organizational proposals are evaluated using a heuristic approach and a simulation-based method. For both cases, the principles of organization theory are respected. A lack of performance is due to dependencies between activities which are not managed properly. Therefore, within the heuristic method, dependencies are classified and their intensity is measured based on contextual factors. Afterwards the suitability of each organizational design element for the management of a specific dependency is determined. Finally, each organizational form is evaluated based on the contribution of the sum of design elements to coordination benefit and to coordination cost. Coordination benefit refers to improvement in logistic performance – this is the core concept of most supply chain evaluation models. Unfortunately, coordination cost which must be incurred to achieve benefits is usually not considered in detail. Iterative processes are costly when manually executed. This is the case when SCM software is not implemented and the ERP system is the only available coordination instrument. The heuristic model provides a simplified procedure for the classification of dependencies, quantification of influence factors and systematic search for adequate organizational forms and IT support. Discrete event simulation is applied in the second evaluation model using the software package ‘Plant Simulation’. On the one hand logistic performance is measured by manufacturing, inventory and transportation cost and penalties for lost sales. On the other hand coordination cost is explicitly considered taking into account iterative coordination cycles. The method is applied to an exemplary supply chain configuration considering various parameter settings. The simulation results confirm that, in most cases, benefit increases when coordination is intensified. However, in some situations when manual, iterative planning cycles are applied, additional coordination cost does not always lead to improved logistic performance. These unexpected results cannot be attributed to any particular parameter. The research confirms the great importance of up to now disregarded dimensions when evaluating SCM concepts and IT tools. The heuristic method provides a quick, but only approximate comparison of coordination efficiency for different organizational forms. In contrast, the more complex simulation method delivers detailed results taking into consideration specific parameter settings of network context and organizational design.


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An important technology in model organisms is the ability to make transgenic animals. In the past, transgenic technology in zebrafish has been limited by the relatively low efficiency with which transgenes could be generated using either DNA microinjection or retroviral infection. Previous efforts to generate transgenic zebrafish with retroviral vectors used a pseudotyped virus with a genome based on the Moloney murine leukemia virus and the envelope protein of the vesicular stomatitis virus. This virus was injected into blastula-stage zebrafish, and 16% of the injected embryos transmitted proviral insertions to their offspring, with most founders transmitting a single insertion to approximately 2% of their progeny. In an effort to improve this transgenic frequency, we have generated pseudotyped viral stocks of two new Moloney-based genomes. These viral stocks have titers up to two orders of magnitude higher than that used previously. Injection of these viruses resulted in a dramatic increase in transgenic efficiency; over three different experiments, 83% (110/133) of the injected embryos transmitted proviral insertions to 24% of their offspring. Furthermore, founders made with one of the viruses transmitted an average of 11 different insertions through their germ line. These results represent a 50- to 100-fold improvement in the efficiency of generating transgenic zebrafish, making it now feasible for a single lab to rapidly generate tens to hundreds of thousands of transgenes. Consequently, large-scale insertional mutagenesis strategies, previously limited to invertebrates, may now be possible in a vertebrate.


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Glutathione S-transferases (EC in mammalian cells catalyze the conjugation, and thus, the detoxication of a structurally diverse group of electrophilic environmental carcinogens and alkylating drugs, including the antineoplastic nitrogen mustards. We proposed that structural alteration of the nonspecific electrophile-binding site would produce mutant enzymes with increased efficiency for detoxication of a single drug and that these mutants could serve as useful somatic transgenes to protect healthy human cells against single alkylating agents used in cancer chemotherapy protocols. Random mutagenesis of three regions (residues 9-14, 102-112, and 210-220), which together compose the glutathione S-transferase electrophile-binding site, followed by selection of Escherichia coli expressing the enzyme library with the nitrogen mustard mechlorethamine (20-500 microM), yielded mutant enzymes that showed significant improvement in catalytic efficiency for mechlorethamine conjugation (up to 15-fold increase in kcat and up to 6-fold increase in kcat/Km) and that confer up to 31-fold resistance, which is 9-fold greater drug resistance than that conferred by the wild-type enzyme. The results suggest a general strategy for modification of drug- and carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes to achieve desired resistance in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic plant and animal cells.


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The continuous improvement of management and assessment processes for curricular external internships has led a group of university teachers specialised in this area to develop a mixed model of measurement that combines the verification of skill acquisition by those students choosing external internships with the satisfaction of the parties involved in that process. They included academics, educational tutors of companies and organisations and administration and services personnel in the latter category. The experience, developed within University of Alicante, has been carried out in the degrees of Business Administration and Management, Business Studies, Economics, Advertising and Public Relations, Sociology and Social Work, all part of the Faculty of Economics and Business. By designing and managing closed standardised interviews and other research tools, validated outside the centre, a system of continuous improvement and quality assurance has been created, clearly contributing to the gradual increase in the number of students with internships in this Faculty, as well as to the improvement in satisfaction, efficiency and efficacy indicators at a global level. As this experience of educational innovation has shown, the acquisition of curricular knowledge, skills, abilities and competences by the students is directly correlated with the satisfaction of those parties involved in a process that takes the student beyond the physical borders of a university campus. Ensuring the latter is a task made easier by the implementation of a mixed assessment method, combining continuous and final assessment, and characterised by its rigorousness and simple management. This report presents that model, subject in turn to a persistent and continuous control, a model all parties involved in the external internships are taking part of. Its short-term results imply an increase, estimated at 15% for the last course, in the number of students choosing curricular internships and, for the medium and long-term, a major interweaving between the academic world and its social and productive environment, both in the business and institutional areas. The potentiality of this assessment model does not lie only in the quality of its measurement tools, but also in the effects from its use in the various groups and in the actions that are carried out as a result of its implementation and which, without any doubt and as it is shown below, are the real guarantee of a continuous improvement.


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The Iterative Closest Point algorithm (ICP) is commonly used in engineering applications to solve the rigid registration problem of partially overlapped point sets which are pre-aligned with a coarse estimate of their relative positions. This iterative algorithm is applied in many areas such as the medicine for volumetric reconstruction of tomography data, in robotics to reconstruct surfaces or scenes using range sensor information, in industrial systems for quality control of manufactured objects or even in biology to study the structure and folding of proteins. One of the algorithm’s main problems is its high computational complexity (quadratic in the number of points with the non-optimized original variant) in a context where high density point sets, acquired by high resolution scanners, are processed. Many variants have been proposed in the literature whose goal is the performance improvement either by reducing the number of points or the required iterations or even enhancing the complexity of the most expensive phase: the closest neighbor search. In spite of decreasing its complexity, some of the variants tend to have a negative impact on the final registration precision or the convergence domain thus limiting the possible application scenarios. The goal of this work is the improvement of the algorithm’s computational cost so that a wider range of computationally demanding problems from among the ones described before can be addressed. For that purpose, an experimental and mathematical convergence analysis and validation of point-to-point distance metrics has been performed taking into account those distances with lower computational cost than the Euclidean one, which is used as the de facto standard for the algorithm’s implementations in the literature. In that analysis, the functioning of the algorithm in diverse topological spaces, characterized by different metrics, has been studied to check the convergence, efficacy and cost of the method in order to determine the one which offers the best results. Given that the distance calculation represents a significant part of the whole set of computations performed by the algorithm, it is expected that any reduction of that operation affects significantly and positively the overall performance of the method. As a result, a performance improvement has been achieved by the application of those reduced cost metrics whose quality in terms of convergence and error has been analyzed and validated experimentally as comparable with respect to the Euclidean distance using a heterogeneous set of objects, scenarios and initial situations.


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Blends of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) plasticized with a lactic acid oligomer (OLA) added at three different concentrations (15, 20 and 30 wt% by weight), were prepared by an optimized extrusion process to improve the processability and mechanical properties of these biopolymers for flexible film manufacturing. Morphological, chemical, thermal, mechanical, barrier and migration properties were investigated and formulations with desired performance in eco-friendly films were selected. The efficiency of OLA as plasticizer for PLA_PHB blends was demonstrated by the significant decrease of their glass transition temperatures and a considerable improvement of their ductile properties. The measured improvements in the barrier properties are related to the higher crystallinity of the plasticized PLA_PHB blends, while the overall migration test underlined that all the proposed formulations maintained migration levels below admitted levels. The PLA_PHB blend with 30 wt% OLA was selected as the optimum formulation for food packaging, since it offered the best compromise between ductility and oxygen and water vapor barrier properties with practically no migration.


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This paper presents a new mathematical programming model for the retrofit of heat exchanger networks (HENs), wherein the pressure recovery of process streams is conducted to enhance heat integration. Particularly applied to cryogenic processes, HENs retrofit with combined heat and work integration is mainly aimed at reducing the use of expensive cold services. The proposed multi-stage superstructure allows the increment of the existing heat transfer area, as well as the use of new equipment for both heat exchange and pressure manipulation. The pressure recovery of streams is carried out simultaneously with the HEN design, such that the process conditions (streams pressure and temperature) are variables of optimization. The mathematical model is formulated using generalized disjunctive programming (GDP) and is optimized via mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP), through the minimization of the retrofit total annualized cost, considering the turbine and compressor coupling with a helper motor. Three case studies are performed to assess the accuracy of the developed approach, including a real industrial example related to liquefied natural gas (LNG) production. The results show that the pressure recovery of streams is efficient for energy savings and, consequently, for decreasing the HEN retrofit total cost especially in sub-ambient processes.


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Thermally driven liquid-desiccant air-conditioners (LDAC) are a proven but still developing technology. LDACs can use a solar thermal system to reduce the operational cost and environmental impact of the system by reducing the amount of fuel (e.g. natural gas, propane, etc.) used to drive the system. LDACs also have a key benefit of being able to store energy in the form of concentrated desiccant storage. TRNSYS simulations were used to evaluate several different methods of improving the thermal and electrical coefficients of performance (COPt and COPe) and the solar fraction (SF) of a LDAC. The study analyzed a typical June to August cooling season in Toronto, Ontario. Utilizing properly sized, high-efficiency pumps increased the COPe to 3.67, an improvement of 55%. A new design, featuring a heat recovery ventilator on the scavenging-airstream and an energy recovery ventilator on the process-airstream, increased the COPt to 0.58, an improvement of 32%. This also improved the SF slightly to 54%, an increase of 8%. A new TRNSYS TYPE was created to model a stratified desiccant storage tank. Different volumes of desiccant were tested with a range of solar array system sizes. The largest storage tank coupled with the largest solar thermal array showed improvements of 64% in SF, increasing the value to 82%. The COPe was also improved by 17% and the COPt by 9%. When combining the heat recovery systems and the desiccant storage systems, the simulation results showed a 78% increase in COPe and 30% increase in COPt. A 77% improvement in SF and a 17% increase in total cooling rate were also predicted by the simulation. The total thermal energy consumed was 10% lower and the electrical consumption was 34% lower. The amount of non-renewable energy needed from the natural gas boiler was 77% lower. Comparisons were also made between LDACs and vapour-compression (VC) systems. Dependent on set-up, LDACs provided higher latent cooling rates and reduced electrical power consumption. Negatively, a thermal input was required for the LDAC systems but not for the VC systems.


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At the present time there is a high pressure toward the improvement of all the production processes. Those improvements can be sensed in several directions in particular those that involve energy efficiency. The definition of tight energy efficiency improvement policies is transversal to several operational areas ranging from industry to public services. As can be expected, agricultural processes are not immune to this tendency. This statement takes more severe contours when dealing with indoor productions where it is required to artificially control the climate inside the building or a partial growing zone. Regarding the latter, this paper presents an innovative system that improves energy efficiency of a trees growing platform. This new system requires the control of both a water pump and a gas heating system based on information provided by an array of sensors. In order to do this, a multi-input, multi-output regulator was implemented by means of a Fuzzy logic control strategy. Presented results show that it is possible to simultaneously keep track of the desired growing temperature set-point while maintaining actuators stress within an acceptable range.


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To contribute to the important debate on EU institutional reform in the run-up to the European Parliament elections and the start of a new Commission, CEPS formed a High-Level Group on EU Institutional Reform under the leadership of Danuta Hübner MEP and member of the CEPS Board of Directors. The report of this distinguished group of MEPs, former and current EU institutional members and leading scholars on EU law and institutional affairs focuses on reforms that could be taken within the framework of the current treaties to build a more responsive and accountable Union. The report analyses the main inter- and intra-institutional weaknesses in terms of efficiency, democracy and differentiation and puts forward a number of recommendations addressing issues such as the reorganisation of the College of Commissioners, the promotion of strategic legislative planning, the enhancement of the role of the EP and the rotating Presidency of the Council, the improvement of the democratic accountability of the European Council and the adequate engagement of the national parliaments.


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY All observers agree that energy efficiency must be the cornerstone of any serious EU energy strategy. In this general context, the EU building sector is critical. It represents about 40% of EU final energy consumption (residential houses, public/private offices, commercial buildings, etc.) and approximately 36% of EU CO2 emissions. This is massive. The EU has certainly not been inactive in this field. The Energy Performance in Buildings Directive 2002/91/EC (EPBD) was the first and the main instrument to address the problem of the energy performance of buildings. It has established numerous principles: a reliable methodology which enables the calculation and rating of the energy performance of buildings; minimum energy performance standards for new buildings and existing buildings under major renovation; energy performance certificates; regular inspection of heating and air-conditioning systems; and, finally, quality standards for inspections and energy performance certificates. They were strengthened in 2010 by the recast Directive 2010/31/EU. This directive also introduces a decisive concept for the development of the building sector: ‘nearly zeroenergy buildings’. In 2012, the new Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU dealt with other aspects. In the building sector, three of them are particularly important. They concern: (1) the establishment of long-term strategies for mobilizing investment in the renovation of the national building stocks; (2) the introduction of energy saving schemes for ‘designated’ energy companies with a view to reducing consumption among ‘final consumers’ by 1.5% annually; and (3), as an option, the setting up of an Energy Efficiency National Fund to support energy efficiency initiatives. This paper also briefly examines the different instruments put in place to disseminate information and consultation, and the EU funding for energy efficiency in buildings. Results, however, have remained limited until now. The improvement of the energy performance of buildings and the rhythm of renovation remain extremely weak. Member States’ unwillingness to timely and properly transpose and implement the Directives continues despite the high degree of flexibility permitted. The decentralized approach chosen for some specific aspects and the differentiation in the application of EPBD standards between Member States do not appear optimal either. Adequate financial schemes remain rare. The permanent deficit of qualified and trained personnel and the inertia of public authorities to make the public understand the stakes in this domain remain problematic. Hence the need to take new initiatives to reap the benefits that the building sector is meant to bring.


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The research work presented in the thesis describes a new methodology for the automated near real-time detection of pipe bursts in Water Distribution Systems (WDSs). The methodology analyses the pressure/flow data gathered by means of SCADA systems in order to extract useful informations that go beyond the simple and usual monitoring type activities and/or regulatory reporting , enabling the water company to proactively manage the WDSs sections. The work has an interdisciplinary nature covering AI techniques and WDSs management processes such as data collection, manipulation and analysis for event detection. Indeed, the methodology makes use of (i) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for the short-term forecasting of future pressure/flow signal values and (ii) Rule-based Model for bursts detection at sensor and district level. The results of applying the new methodology to a District Metered Area in Emilia- Romagna’s region, Italy have also been reported in the thesis. The results gathered illustrate how the methodology is capable to detect the aforementioned failure events in fast and reliable manner. The methodology guarantees the water companies to save water, energy, money and therefore enhance them to achieve higher levels of operational efficiency, a compliance with the current regulations and, last but not least, an improvement of customer service.


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This paper examines the functioning of energy efficiency standards and labeling policies for air conditioners in Japan. The results of our empirical analysis suggest that consumers respond more to label information, which benchmarks the energy efficiency performance of each product to a pre-specified target, than to direct performance measures. This finding provides justification for the setting, and regular updating, of target standards as well as their use in calculating relative performance measures. We also find, through graphical analysis, that air conditioner manufacturers face a tradeoff between energy efficiency and product compactness when they develop their products. This tradeoff, combined with the semi-regular upward revision of minimum energy efficiency standards, has led to the growth in indoor unit size of air conditioners in recent years. In the face of this phenomenon, regulatory rules were revised so that manufacturers could adhere to less stringent standards if the indoor unit size of their product remains below a certain size. Our demand estimates provide no evidence that larger indoor unit size causes disutility to consumers. It is therefore possible that the regulatory change was not warranted from a consumer welfare point of view.