924 resultados para high-strength and high-modulus fibres


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A liofilização - ou secagem a frio (freeze drying em inglês) - é um complexo processo multiestágios, onde o produto é primeiramente congelado e sua secagem feita através de sublimação. Devido a esta forma de secagem a liofilização se torna um processo atrativo particularmente importante para a estabilização de componentes orgânicos hidratados e lábeis, de origem biológica. O processo de liofilização é amplamente empregado na indústria farmacêutica, porém em termos de gestão de processo, deve-se evitar a liofilização a todo custo, pois o processo possui diversas desvantagens como: equipamentos de alto investimento, alta demanda energética, processo que demanda tempos longos e produtos com facilidade de hidratar e frágeis, necessitando ser cuidadosamente embalados e armazenados. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a diminuição do ciclo de liofilização de uma vacina viral e analisar a possibilidade de carregamento desse produto no liofilizador a temperaturas negativas, de forma a possibilitar o aumento de produtividade. Para tal, foram realizados três experimentos com ciclos de liofilização com 17 e 20h a menos que o ciclo de liofilização da vacina comercial. Os experimentos foram realizados com a mesma formulação do lote comercial e utilizando um liofilizador piloto. As modificações foram realizadas nas propriedades físicas do ciclo de liofilização atual (temperatura, pressão e tempo) e na temperatura de carga do produto, sem alteração na formulação da vacina ou embalagem primária. Amostras do produto liofilizado experimental foram analisadas quanto ao seu aspecto, desempenho, umidade residual, potência e termoestabilidade acelerada segundo os Mínimos Requerimentos da Organização Mundial da Saúde. Todos os resultados analisados estiveram dentro das especificações e próximos ou melhores quando comparados aos lotes comerciais de origem


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Partículas nanoestruturadas têm sido amplamente utilizadas como carga de reforço em matrizes elastoméricas, sendo substitutos eficazes das cargas convencionais, já consagradas, como o negro de fumo, mica, sílica. Em especial, as argilas têm mostrado grande potencial ao que se refere a melhor dispersão na matriz polimérica, em função de sua elevada razão de aspecto. Dentro do vasto universo de argilominerais, as argilas aniônicas, também conhecidas hidróxido duplo lamelar (HDL), apresentam como vantagem a possibilidade de ser projetada estruturalmente para as mais diversas finalidades, ao se modificar os ânions ou os cátions, ou até mesmo combiná-los na estrutura lamelar. E dentre os métodos existentes para se preparar compósitos a base de elastômero/argila, a co-coagulação do látex, é uma forma bastante eficaz e economicamente viável, uma vez que a borracha obtida após processo de coagulação já contém a carga incorporada. Este trabalho se dedicou a avaliar o processo de co-coagulação do látex de NBR e HDL, visando a obtenção de nanocompósitos. Para tanto HDL de composição Mg/Al-CO3 foi modificado com ânions DS, DBS e ST e foram preparadas suspensões aquosas, utilizando como ferramentas de dispersão ultraturrax e ultrassom de ponteira. As variáveis de processo avaliadas foram tipo e teor de HDL, tempo de mistura látex/suspensão aquosa de HDL, quantidade de coagulante e velocidade de agitação. Por fim, os coágulos obtidos foram formulados para avaliar a influência dos HDL na cinética de vulcanização e também para determinação das propriedades mecânicas convencionais. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que a metodologia de dispersão de hidrotalcita ao látex nitrílico de modo prévio ao processo de coagulação é uma alternativa viável para a obtenção de nanocompósitos. O uso do ultrassom de ponteira como ferramenta na dispersão aquosa de HDL contribuiu para maior estabilidade da suspensão e o ajuste nos parâmetros do sistema de coagulação, levaram a obtenção de grumos uniformes do ponto de vista macroscópico e microscópico. As micrografias dos coágulos não vulcanizados obtidas por MEV-FEG confirmaram as informações apuradas a partir dos difratogramas de raios-X que apontou a formação de um sistema parcialmente esfoliado, em função da ausência dos picos característicos da hidrotalcita, além de indicarem a coexistência de partículas em dimensões micrométrica a nanométricas em uma mesma estrutura. A composição química do HDL, com a presença de átomos de magnésio e alumínio combinados com grupos hidroxila favoreceu a redução tanto o tempo de indução como de pré-cura. As propriedades mecânicas que se mostraram mais sensíveis ao grau de dispersão da carga foram a dureza, a deformação permanente à compressão (DPC) e o módulo de tração a 300% de deformação (E300), em especial para os compósitos contendo 10% m/m de HDL natural e modificado com estearato. A resistência à chama dos nanocompósitos de NBR-HDL vulcanizados apresentou um ligeiro aumento quando comparados à NBR pura, visto que esta é uma característica própria da hidrotalcita, decorrente da sua composição química


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The advantages of timber in wind turbine blade construction are discussed, and its properties emphasized. The use of timber/epoxy construction enables a high technical specification to be achieved. Tables are given for specific compressive strengths, fatigue strengths and flexural modulus for wind epoxy and glass reinforced polyester composites. Cost ratios are also discussed for the two materials and the cost advantage for wood is emphasized. (A.J.)


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Influence of moisture and specific gravity on the strength of mango wood is discussed. The co-efficient of correlation between specific gravity and breaking strength was found to be non-significant. The relation of strength and moisture was found to be highly significant. The mean strength values indicated a reduction in strength when the moisture increased from 8.5 to 18.8%. However no appreciable difference in strength values could be observed when moisture increased above 37%. The strength-moisture relationship is a straight line, passing approximately through the fibre saturation point. By using the exponential formula, the breaking strength corresponding to any moisture level between zero and fibre saturation can be determined.


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This paper describes the conceptual ideas, the theoretical validation, the laboratory testing and the field trials of a recently patented fuel-air mixing device for use in high-pressure ratio, low emissions, gaseous-fueled gas turbines. By making the fuel-air mixing process insensitive to pressure fluctuations in the combustion chamber, it is possible to avoid the common problem of positive feedback between mixture strength and the unsteady combustion process. More specifically, a mixing duct has been designed such that fuel-air ratio fluctuations over a wide range of frequencies can be damped out by passive design means. By scaling the design in such a way that the range of damped frequencies covers the frequency spectrum of the acoustic modes in the combustor, the instability mechanism can be removed. After systematic development, this design philosophy was successfully applied to a 35:1 pressure ratio aeroderivative gas turbine yielding very low noise levels and very competitive NOx and CO measurements. The development of the new premixer is described from conceptual origins through analytic and CFD evaluation to laboratory testing and final field trials. Also included in this paper are comments about the practical issues of mixing, flashback resistance and autoignition.


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The low frequency vibrational spectrum of cluster beam deposited carbon films was studied by Brillouin light scattering. In thin films the values of both bulk modulus and shear modulus has been estimated from the shifts of surface phonon peaks. The values found indicate a mainly sp2 coordinated random network with low density. In thick films a bulk longitudinal phonon peak was detected in a spectral range compatible with the value of the index of refraction and of the elastic constants of thin films. High surface roughness, combined with a rather strong bulk central peak, prevented the observation of surface phonon features. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Portland cement (PC) is the most widely used binder for ground improvement. However, there are significant environmental impacts associated with its production in terms of high energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Hence, the use of industrial by-products materials or new low-carbon footprint alternative cements has been encouraged. Ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS), a by-product of the steel industry, has been successfully used for such an application, usually activated with an alkali such as lime or PC. In this study the use of MgO as a novel activator for GGBS in ground improvement of soft soils is addressed and its performance was compared to the above two conventional activators as well as PC alone. The GGBS:activator ratio used in this study was 9:1. A range of tests was performed at three curing periods (7, 28 and 90 days), including unconfined compressive strength (UCS), permeability and microstructure analysis. The results show that the MgO performed as the most efficient activator yielding the highest strength and the lowest permeability indicating a very high stabilisation efficiency of the system. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite sandwich panels with hybrid foam filled CFRP pyramidal lattice cores have been assembled from a carbon fiber braided net, 3D woven face sheets and various polymeric foams, and infused with an epoxy resin using a vacuum assisted resin transfer process. Sandwich panels with a fixed CFRP truss mass have been fabricated using a variety of closed cell polymer and syntactic foams, resulting in core densities ranging from 44-482kgm-3. The through thickness and in-plane shear modulus and strength of the cores increased with increasing foam density. The use of low compressive strength foams within the core was found to result in a significant reduction in the compressive strength contributed by the CFRP trusses. X-ray tomography led to the discovery that the trusses develop an elliptical cross-section shape during pressure assisted resin transfer. The ellipticity of the truss cross-sections increased, and the lattice contribution to the core strength decreased as the foam density was reduced. Micromechanical modeling was used to investigate the relationships between the mechanical properties and volume fractions of the core materials and truss topology of the hybrid core. The specific strength and moduli of the hybrid cores lay between those of the CFRP lattices and foams used to fabricate them. However, their volumetric and gravimetric energy absorptions significantly exceeded those of the materials from which they were fabricated. They compare favorably with other lightweight energy absorbing materials and structures. © 2013.


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This work was aimed at the study of some physical properties of two current light-cured dental resin composites, Rok (hybrid) and Ice (nanohydrid). As filler they both contain strontium aluminosilicate particles, however, with different size distribution, 40 nm-2.5 mum for Rok and 10 nm-1 mum for Ice. The resin matrix of Rok consists of UDMA, that of Ice of UDMA, Bis-EMA and TEGDMA. Degree of conversion was determined by FT-IR analysis. The flexural strength and modulus were measured using a three-point bending set-up according to the ISO-4049 specification. Sorption, solubility and volumetric change were measured after storage of composites in water or ethanol/water (75 vol%) for 1 day, 7 or 30 days. Thermogravimetric analysis was performed in air and nitrogen atmosphere from 30 to 700 degrees C. Surface roughness and morphology of the composites was studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The degree of conversion was found to be 56.9% for Rok and 61.0% for Ice. The flexural strength of Rok does not significantly differ from that of Ice, while the flexural modulus of Rok is higher than that of Ice. The flexural strengths of Rok and Ice did not show any significant change after immersion in water or ethanol solution for 30 days. The flexural modulus of Rok and Ice did not show any significant change either after immersion in water for 30 days, while it decreased significantly, even after 1 day immersion, in ethanol solution. Ice sorbed a higher amount of water and ethanol solution than Rok and showed a higher volume increase. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that Rok contains about 80 wt% inorganic filler and Ice about 75 wt%.


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Hydrogels, three-dimensional hydrophilic polymer networks, are appealing candidate materials for studying the cellular microenvironment as their substantial water content helps to better mimic soft tissue. However, hydrogels can lack mechanical stiffness, strength, and toughness. Composite hydrogel systems have been shown to improve upon mechanical properties compared to their singlecomponent counterparts. Poly (ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) and alginate are polymers that have been used to form hydrogels for biological applications. Singlecomponent and composite PEGDMA and alginate systems were fabricated with a range of total polymer concentrations. Bulk gels were mechanically characterized using spherical indentation testing and a viscoelastic analysis framework. An increase in shear modulus with increasing polymer concentration was demonstrated for all systems. Alginate hydrogels were shown to have a smaller viscoelastic ratio than the PEGDMA gels, indicating more extensive relaxation over time. Composite alginate and PEGDMA hydrogels exhibited a combination of the mechanical properties of the constituents, as well as a qualitative increase in toughness. Additionally, multiple hydrogel systems were produced that had similar shear moduli, but different viscoelastic behaviors. Accurate measurement of the mechanical properties of hydrogels is necessary in order to determine what parameters are key in modeling the cellular microenvironment. © 2014 The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Vertical climbing on a variety of flat surfaces with a single robot has been previously demonstrated using vacuum suction, electrostatic adhesion, and biologically inspired approaches, etc. These methods generally have a low attachment strength, and it is not clear whether they can provide satisfactory attachment on vertical terrains with richer 3D features. Recent development of a climbing technology based on hot melt adhesives (HMAs) has shown its advantage with a high attachment strength through thermal bonding and viability to any solid surfaces. However, its feasibility for vertical climbing has only been proven on flat surfaces and with external energy supplies. This paper provides quantitative measurements for vertical climbing performance on five types of surfaces and terrains with a self-contained robot exploiting HMAs. We show that robust vertical climbing on multiple terrains can be achieved with reliable high-strength attachment. © 2012 IEEE.


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Ultrasonic solvent extraction combined with solid-phase microextraction (SPME) with calix[4]arene/hydroxy-terminated silicone (C[4]/OHTSO) oil coated fiber was used to extract phthalate acid esters (PAEs) plasticizers in plastic, such as blood bags, transfusion tubing, food packaging bag, and mineral water bottle for analysis by gas chromatography (GC). Both extraction parameters (i.e. extraction time, extraction temperature, ionic strength) and conditions of the thermal desorption in a GC injector were optimized by analysis of eight phthalates. The fiber shows wonderful sensitivity and selectivity to the tested compounds. Owing to its high thermal stability (380 degreesC), the carryover effect that often encountered when using conventional fibers can be reduced by appropriately enhancing the injector temperature. The method showed linear response over two to four orders of magnitude with correlation coefficients (r) better than 0.996, and limits of detection (LOD) ranged between 0.006 and 0.084 mug l(-1). The relative standard deviation values obtained were less than or equal to 10%. bis-2-Ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) was the sole analyte detected in these plastics and recoveries were in the ranges 95.5-101.4% in all the samples. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fourier transformation (FT) has been used in the theoretical line shape analysis of Franz-Keldysh oscillations (FKOs) in detail by numerical simulations. FKOs from the surface-intrinsic-n(+) GaAs structure were obtained in photoreflectance (PR) measurements with various modulation light intensities and with different strengths of bias light illumination, which were used to change the static electric field in the intrinsic layer of the sample. The FT spectra of the PR spectra, including the real part, imaginary part, and the modulus, were very consistent with the theoretical line shapes. The ratio of the square root of the reduced mass (root mu (L)/root mu (H)) and the ratio of transition strength of the electron heavy hole to the electron light hole were obtained from the PT spectra. In addition, the electric field in the intrinsic layer of the sample without and with bias illumination and the modulation field induced by photomodulation were also obtained. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)02123-X].


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Based on the comprehensive interpretation and study of the Neogene fracture system and diapiric structure, it can be concluded that the diapiric structures, high-angle fractures and vertical fissure system are the main gas-bearing fluid influx sub-system for gas hydrate geological system in Shenhu Area, northern South China Sea. The Neogene fractures widely developed in the study area may be classed into two groups: NW (NNW)-trending and NE (NNE)-trending. The first group was active in the Late Miocene, while the second one was active since the Pliocene. The NE (NNE)-trending fractures were characterized by lower activity strength and larger scale, and cut through the sediment layers deposited since the Pliocene. Within the top sediment layers, the high-angle fracture and vertical fissure system was developed. The diapiric structures display various types such as a turtle-back-like arch, weak piercing, gas chimney, and fracture (or crack, fissure). On the seismic profile, some diapiric structures show the vertical chimney pathway whose top is narrow and the bottom is wide, where some ones extend horizontally into pocket or flower-shaped structures and formed the seismic reflection chaotic zones. Within the overlying sediment layers of the diapiric structure, the tree branch, flower-shaped high-angle fractures and vertical fissures were developed and became the pathway and migration system of the gas-bearing fluid influx. In the study area, the diapiric structures indicate a high temperature/over pressure system ever developed. Closely associated and abundant bright-spots show the methane-bearing fluid influx migrated vertically or horizontally through the diapiric structures, high-angle fractures and vertical fissures. In the place where the temperature and pressure conditions were favor for the formation of gas hydrate, the hydrate reservoir deposition sub-system was developed.


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A theoretical surface-state model of porous-silicon luminescence is proposed. The temperature effect on the PhotoLuminescence (PL) spectrum for pillar and spherical structures is considered, and it is found that the effect is dependent on the doping concentration, the excitation strength, and the shape and dimensions of the Si microstructure. The doping concentration has an effect on the PL intensity at high temperatures and the excitation strength has an effect on the PL intensity at low temperaturs. The variations of the PL intensity with temperature are different for the pillar and spherical structures. At low temperatures the PL intensity increases in the pillar structure, while in the spherical structure the PL intensity decreases as the temperature increases, at high temperatures the PL intensities have a maximum for both models. The temperature, at which the PL intensity reaches its maximum, depends on the doping concentration. The PL spectrum has a broader peak structure in the spherical structure than in the pillar structure. The theoretical results are in agreement with experimental results.