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Basement rocks from the Ontong Java Plateau are tholeiitic basalts that appear to record very high degrees of partial melting, much like those found today in the vicinity of Iceland. They display a limited range of incompatible element and isotopic variation, but small differences are apparent between sampled sites and between upper and lower groups of flows at Ocean Drilling Program Site 807.40Ar-39Ar ages of lavas from Site 807 and Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 289 are indistinguishable about an early Aptian mean of 122 Ma (as are preliminary data for the island of Malaita at the southern edge of the plateau), indicating that plateau-building eruptions ended more or less simultaneously at widely separated locations. Pb-Nd-Sr isotopes for lavas from Sites 289, 803, and 807, as well as southern Malaita, reflect a hotspot-like source with epsilon-Nd(T) = +4.0 to +6.3, (87Sr/86Sr)T = 0.70423-0.70339, and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.245-18.709 and possessing consistently greater 208Pb/204Pb for a given 206Pb/204Pb than Pacific MORB. The combination of hotspot-like mantle source, very high degrees of melting, and lack of a discernible age progression is best explained if the bulk of the plateau was constructed rapidly above a surfacing plume head, possibly that of the Louisville hotspot. Basalt and feldspar separates indicate a substantially younger age of ~90 Ma for basement at Site 803; in addition, volcaniclastic layers of mid-Cenomanian through Coniacian age occur at DSDP Site 288, and beds of late Aptian-Albian age are found at Site 289. Therefore, at least some volcanism continued on the plateau for 30 m.y. or more. The basalts at Site 803 are chemically and isotopically very similar to those at the ~122 Ma sites, suggesting that hot plume-type mantle was present beneath the plateau for an extended period or at two different times. Surviving seamounts of the Louisville Ridge formed between 70 and 0 Ma have much higher 206Pb/204Pb than any of the plateau basalts. Thus, assuming the Louisville hotspot was the source of the plateau lavas, a change in the hotspot's isotopic composition may have occurred between roughly 70 and 90 Ma; such a change may have accompanied the plume-head to plume-tail transition. Similar shifts from early, lower 206Pb/204Pb to subsequently higher 206Pb/204Pb values are found in several other oceanic plateau-hotspot and continental flood basalt-hotspot systems, and could reflect either a reduction in the supply of low 206Pb/204Pb mantle or an inability of some off-ridge plume-tails to melt refractory low 206Pb/204Pb material.


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The Lower Cretaceous tholeiitic basalt cored at Site 738, on the southernmost part of the Kerguelen Plateau, shows anomalous Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions compared to other lavas from Kerguelen Island and the Kerguelen Plateau. The strongly negative value of eNd (- 8.5) and high 207Pb/204Pb ratio (15.71) reflect a long-term evolution in a source high in Nd/Sm and µ. These geochemical properties, not observed in the Indian Ocean mantle plumes (St. Paul, Kerguelen Islands), have been reported for alkali lavas erupted in East Antarctica, thus suggesting that they originate from the Gondwana subcontinental lithosphere.


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Basalts recovered from Sites 595 and 596 on Mesozoic crust in the southwest Pacific range from olivine-bearing tholeiites to ferrobasalts. Despite having undergone extensive low-grade alteration, which has raised K and Rb abundances, the basalts have consistent interelement ratios of Ti, Zr, Hf, rare-earth elements, Y, Th, Ik, and Nb. La/Ta (-18), Lan/Ybn (0.6), Ti/Zr (115), Zr/Nb (20), and Th/Hf (0.08) ratios all fall within the range of N-type mid-ocean-ridge basalt. The basalts from Sites 595 and 596 indicate that the Mesozoic Pacific crust was derived from a mantle source by processes similar to those operating at the present-day East Pacific Rise.


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New and published analyses of major element oxides (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, FeO*, MnO, MgO, CaO, K2O, Na2O and P2O5) from the central Izu Bonin and Mariana arcs (IBM) were compiled in order to investigate the evolution of the IBM in terms of major elements since arc inception at ~49 million years ago. The database comprises ?3500 volcanic glasses of distal tephra fallout and ?500 lava samples, ranging from the Quaternary to mid-Eocene in age. The data were corrected to 4 wt% MgO in order to display the highly resolved temporal trends. These trends show that the IBM major elements have always been "arc-like" and clearly distinct from N-MORB. Significant temporal variations of some major element oxides are apparent. The largest variations are displayed by K4.0. The data support a model wherein the K2O variability is caused by the addition of slab component with strongly differing K2O contents to a fairly depleted subarc mantle; variable extents of melting, or mantle heterogeneity, appear to play a negligible role. The other major element oxides are controlled by the composition and processes of the subarc mantle wedge. The transition from the boninitic and tholeiitic magmatism of the Eocene and Oligocene to the exclusively tholeiitic magmatism of the Neogene IBM is proposed to reflect a change in the composition of the subarc mantle wedge. The early boninitic magmas originate from an ultra-depleted subarc mantle, that is residual to either the melting of E-MORB mantle, or of subcontinental lithospheric mantle. During the Eocene and Oligocene, this residual mantle is gradually replaced by Indian MORB mantle advected from the backarc regions. The Indian MORB mantle is more radiogenic in Nd isotope ratios but also more fertile with respect to major and trace elements. Therefore the Neogene tholeiites have higher Al2O3 and TiO2 contents and lower mg# numbers at given SiO2 content. After the subarc mantle replacement was complete in the late Oligocene or early Miocene, the Neogene IBM entered a "steady state" that is characterized by the continuous advection of Indian MORB mantle from the reararc, which is fluxed by fluids and melt components from slab. The thickness of the IBM crust must have grown with time, but any effects of crustal thickening on the major element chemistry of the IBM magmas appear to be minor relative to the compositional changes that are related to source composition. Therefore next to the processes of melting, the composition of the mantle sources must play a major role in creating substantiative heterogeneities in the major element chemistry of the arc crust.


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The book deals with behavior of phosphorus and its concentration in oceanic phosphorites. The major stages of marine geochemical cycle of phosphorus including its supply to sedimentary basins, precipitation from sea water, distribution and speciation in bottom sediments, diagenetic redistribution, and relation to other elements are under consideration. Formation of recent phosphorites as a culmination of phosphate accumulation in marine and oceanic sediments is examined. Distribution, structure, mineral and chemical compositions of major phosphorite deposits of various age on continental margins, as well as on submarine plateaus, uplifts and seamounts and some islands are described. A summary of trace element abundances in oceanic phosphorites is presented. Problems of phosphorite origin are discussed.


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The sediments collected at Sites 1150 and 1151 during Leg 186 included many tephra layers and volcaniclastic detritus. In order to identify these tephras, the major oxide compositions of individual glass shards were determined by electron probe microanalyzer. The uppermost four tephras in sediments from Hole 1150A are correlated with the Towada-Hachinohe tephra (To-H; Tohoku district), Shikotsu Daiichi (1st) tephra (Spfa-1; Hokkaido district), Narugo-Yanagisawa tephra (Nr-Y; Tohoku district), and Aso-4 tephra (Kyushu district), respectively. The uppermost tephra in Hole 1151C is correlated with To-H tephra. To-H, Spfa-1, and Aso-4 tephras are also present in piston core KH94-3, LM-8, collected between Sites 1150 and 1151. Eruptive ages of To-H and Spfa-1 estimated from the oxygen isotopic Stages of core KH94-3, LM-8 are between 14.9-15.3 and 39.5-40.1 ka.


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Major element geochemical composition was established for 59 tephra horizons from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1150 and 1151, located in the Japan forearc. These data, encompassing typically between 15 and 30 individual shard analyses per tephra horizon, were used to investigate the degree to which sediment reworking, postdepositional geochemical alteration, and geochemical uniqueness of individual eruptives facilitate or impede the potential for establishing a tephrostratigraphical framework for the Japan Trench, as well as usage of the tephra record to document arc evolution. Evidence was found that hydration (termed phase 1 alteration) of glass shards increases with age in the Pliocene-Pleistocene, but there is no indication that element leaching (phase 2 alteration) has occurred. Post- or syn-depositional differences in preservational style are shown to have no significant bearing on tephrogeochemical homogeneity and suitability for tephrostratigraphical analysis. Overall, therefore, the volcaniclastic record is suitable for investigating medium- to long-term changes in arc geochemistry and, provided consideration is given to the potential for nonunique geochemical signatures, is suitable for erecting tephrochronological frameworks. A limited number of Pleistocene tephra correlations are suggested in furtherance of this framework goal.


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The ~46-m.y.-old igneous basement cored during Leg 200 in the North Pacific represents one of the few cross sections of Pacific oceanic crust with a total penetration into basalt of >100 m. The rocks, emplaced during the Eocene at a fast-spreading rate (~14 cm/yr; full rate) are strongly differentiated tholeiitic basalts (ferrobasalts) with 7-4.5 wt% MgO, relatively high TiO2 (2-3.5 wt%), and total iron as Fe2O3 (9.1-16.8 wt%). The differentiated character of these lavas is related to unusually large amounts of crystallization differentiation of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and olivine. The lithostratigraphy of the basement (cored to ~170 meters below seafloor) is divided into three units. The deepest unit (lithologic Unit 3), is a succession of lava flows of no more that a few meters thickness each. The intermediate unit (lithologic Unit 2) is represented by intermixed thin flows and pillows, whereas the shallowest unit (lithologic Unit 1), comprises two massive flows. The rocks range from aphyric to sparsely clinopyroxene-plagioclase-phyric (phenocryst content = <3 vol%) and from holocrystalline to hypohyaline. Chilled margins of pillow fragments show holohyaline to sparsely vitrophyric textures. Site 1224 oxide minerals present a type of alteration not previously seen, where titanomagnetite is only partially destroyed and the pure magnetite component is partially removed from the mineral, leaving, in the most extreme case, a nearly pure ulvöspinel residuum. As a result of this dissolution, iron, mainly in the oxidized state, is added to the circulating solvent fluids. This means that a considerable metal source can result from low-temperature reactions throughout the upper ocean crust. The coarsest-grained lithologic Unit 1 rocks have interstitial myrmekitic intergrowths of quartz and sodic plagioclase (~An12), roughly similar in mineralogy and bulk composition to tonalite/trondhjemite veinlets in abyssal gabbros from the southwest Indian Ocean and Hess Deep, eastern equatorial Pacific. Based on idiomorphic relationships and projections into the simplified Q-Ab-Or-H2O granite ternary system, the myrmekitic intergrowths formed at the same time as, or just after, the oxide minerals coprecipitated and at low water vapor pressure (~0.5 kbar). Their compositions correspond to SiO2-oligoclase intergrowths that are considerably less potassic than dacitic glasses that erupt, although rarely, along the East Pacific Rise or that have been produced experimentally by partial melting of gabbro. Based on the crystallization history and comparison to experimental data, the original interstitial siliceous liquids resulted from late-stage immiscible separation of siliceous and iron-rich liquids. The rare andesitic lavas found along the East Pacific Rise may be hybrid rocks formed by mixing of these immiscible siliceous melts with basaltic magma.


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This study was aimed at reconstructing a sequence of events in the magmatic and metamorphic evolution of peridotites, gabbroids, and trondhjemites from internal oceanic complexes of the Ashadze and Logachev hydrothermal vent fields. Collections of plutonic rocks from Cruises 22 and 26 of R/V "Professor Logachev", Cruise 41 of R/V "Akademik Mstislav Keldysh", and from the Serpentine Russian-French expedition aboard R/V "Pourquoi pas?" were objects of this study. Data reported here suggest that the internal oceanic complexes of the Ashadze and Logachev fields formed via the same scenario in these two regions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. On the other hand, an analysis of petrological and geochemical characteristics of the rocks indicated that the internal oceanic complexes of the MAR axial zone between 12°58'N and 14°45'N show pronounced petrological and geochemical heterogeneity manifested in variations in degree of depletion of mantle residues and in Nd isotopic compositions of rocks from the gabbro-peridotite association. Trondhjemites from the Ashadze hydrothermal field can be considered as partial melting products of gabbroids under influence of hydrothermal fluids. It was supposed that presence of trondhjemites in internal oceanic complexes of MAR can be used as a marker for the highest temperature deep-rooted hydrothermal systems. Perhaps, the region of the MAR axial zone, in which petrologically and geochemically contrasting internal oceanic complexes are spatially superimposed, serves as an area for development of large hydrothermal clusters with considerable ore-forming potential.


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Zircons from the oldest magmatic and metasedimentary rocks in the Podolia domain of the Ukrainian shield were studied and dated by the U-Pb method on a NORDSIM secondary-ion mass spectrometer. Age of zircon cores in enderbite gneisses sampled in the Kazachii Yar and Odessa quarries on the opposite banks of the Yuzhnyi Bug River reaches 3790 Ma. Cores of terrigenous zircons in quartzites from the Odessa quarry as well as in garnet gneisses from the Zaval'e graphite quarry have age within 3650-3750 Ma. Zircon rims record two metamorphic events around 2750-2850 Ma and 1900-2000 Ma. Extremely low U content in zircons of the second age group indicates conditions of the granulite facies metamorphism in Paleoproterozoic within the Podolia domain. Measured data on orthorocks (enderbite-gneiss) and metasedimentary rocks unambiguously suggest existence of the ancient Paleoarchean crust in the Podolia (Dniester-Bug) domain of the Ukrainian shield. They contribute in our knowledge of scales of formation and geochemical features of the primordial crust.


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The book deals with results of complex geological and geophysical studies in the Doldrums and Arkhangelsky Fracture Zones of the Central Atlantic. Description of the main features of bottom relief, sediments and crustal structure, geomagnetic field, composition of igneous and sedimentary rocks are given in the book. The authors made conclusions on tectonic delamination of the oceanic crust and existence of specific rock complexes forming non-spreading blocks


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Major and trace element composition as well as Sm-Nd isotopes of whole-rock samples and clay fractions (<2 µm) of bentonite layers and U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from the Paleogene Basilika Formation (Svalbard) and Mount Lawson Formation (Ellesmere Island).