991 resultados para forest type


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Processing and instability maps using a dynamic materials model have been developed for stainless steel type AISI 316L in the temperature range 600-1250-degrees-C and strain rate range 0.001-100 s-1 with a view to optimising its hot workability. Stainless steel type AISI 316L undergoes dynamic recrystallisation, with a peak efficiency of 35% at 1250-degrees-C and 0.05 s-1, which are the optimum parameters for hot working this material. The material undergoes dynamic recovery at 900-degrees-C and 0.001 s-1. The increase in the dynamic recrystallisation and dynamic recovery temperatures in comparison with stainless steel type AISI 304L is attributed to the presence of a backstress caused by the molybdenum additions. These results are in general agreement with those reported elsewhere on stainless steel type 316 deformed in hot extrusion and hot torsion. At temperatures < 850-degrees-C and strain rates > 10 s-1, the material exhibits flow localisation owing to adiabatic shear band formation, whereas at higher temperatures (> 850-degrees-C) and strain rates (> 10 s-1) mechanical twinning and wavy slip bands are observed. (C) 1993 The Institute of Materials.


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We make an assessment of the impact of projected climate change on forest ecosystems in India. This assessment is based on climate projections of the Regional Climate Model of the Hadley Centre (HadRM3) and the dynamic global vegetation model IBIS for A2 and B2 scenarios. According to the model projections, 39% of forest grids are likely to undergo vegetation type change under the A2 scenario and 34% under the B2 scenario by the end of this century. However, in many forest dominant states such as Chattisgarh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh up to 73%, 67% and 62% of forested grids are projected to undergo change. Net Primary Productivity (NPP) is projected to increase by 68.8% and 51.2% under the A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively, and soil organic carbon (SOC) by 37.5% for A2 and 30.2% for B2 scenario. Based on the dynamic global vegetation modeling, we present a forest vulnerability index for India which is based on the observed datasets of forest density, forest biodiversity as well as model predicted vegetation type shift estimates for forested grids. The vulnerability index suggests that upper Himalayas, northern and central parts of Western Ghats and parts of central India are most vulnerable to projected impacts of climate change, while Northeastern forests are more resilient. Thus our study points to the need for developing and implementing adaptation strategies to reduce vulnerability of forests to projected climate change.


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Due to large scale afforestation programs and forest conservation legislations, India's total forest area seems to have stabilized or even increased. In spite of such efforts, forest fragmentation and degradation continues, with forests being subject to increased pressure due to anthropogenic factors. Such fragmentation and degradation is leading to the forest cover to change from very dense to moderately dense and open forest and 253 km(2) of very dense forest has been converted to moderately dense forest, open forest, scrub and non-forest (during 2005-2007). Similarly, there has been a degradation of 4,120 km(2) of moderately dense forest to open forest, scrub and non-forest resulting in a net loss of 936 km(2) of moderately dense forest. Additionally, 4,335 km(2) of open forest have degraded to scrub and non-forest. Coupled with pressure due to anthropogenic factors, climate change is likely to be an added stress on forests. Forest sector programs and policies are major factors that determine the status of forests and potentially resilience to projected impacts of climate change. An attempt is made to review the forest policies and programs and their implications for the status of forests and for vulnerability of forests to projected climate change. The study concludes that forest conservation and development policies and programs need to be oriented to incorporate climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation.


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Climate change is projected to impact forest ecosystems, including biodiversity and Net Primary Productivity (NPP). National level carbon forest sector mitigation potential estimates are available for India; however impacts of projected climate change are not included in the mitigation potential estimates. Change in NPP (in gC/m(2)/yr) is taken to represent the impacts of climate change. Long term impacts of climate change (2085) on the NPP of Indian forests are available; however no such regional estimates are available for short and medium terms. The present study based on GCM climatology scenarios projects the short, medium and long term impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems especially on NPP using BIOME4 vegetation model. We estimate that under A2 scenario by the year 2030 the NPP changes by (-5) to 40% across different agro-ecological zones (AEZ). By 2050 it increases by 15% to 59% and by 2070 it increases by 34 to 84%. However, under B2 scenario it increases only by 3 to 25%, 3.5 to 34% and (-2.5) to 38% respectively, in the same time periods. The cumulative mitigation potential is estimated to increase by up to 21% (by nearly 1 GtC) under A2 scenario between the years 2008 and 2108, whereas, under B2 the mitigation potential increases only by 14% (646 MtC). However, cumulative mitigation potential estimates obtained from IBIS-a dynamic global vegetation model suggest much smaller gains, where mitigation potential increases by only 6% and 5% during the period 2008 to 2108.


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This paper reviews integrated economic and ecological models that address impacts and adaptation to climate change in the forest sector. Early economic model studies considered forests as one out of many possible impacts of climate change, while ecological model studies tended to limit the economic impacts to fixed price-assumptions. More recent studies include broader representations of both systems, but there are still few studies which can be regarded fully integrated. Full integration of ecological and economic models is needed to address forest management under climate change appropriately. The conclusion so far is that there are vast uncertainties about how climate change affects forests. This is partly due to the limited knowledge about the global implications of the social and economical adaptation to the effects of climate change on forests.


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Vanhat ja ontot puut ovat tärkeä elinympäristö monelle lahopuusta riippuvaiselle eliölajille. Onttoihin puihin on erikoistunut suuri määrä myös vaarantuneita ja harvinaisia hyönteislajeja, jotka elävät puun onkalon seinämillä tai onkalon pohjalle kerääntyvässä orgaanisessa aineksessa, ns. mulmissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mikä kolmesta pyydystyypistä (ikkuna-, vuoka- ja kuoppapyydys) soveltuu parhaiten onttojen puiden lahopuukovakuoriaisten pyyntiin. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli kartoittaa hyönteisnäytteiden ensimmäiseen laboratoriokäsittelyyn vaadittua aikaa. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana vanhoja rungostaan onttoutuneita lehmuksia, tammia ja vaahteroita pääkaupunkiseudun puisto- ja kartanoalueilta. Puiden onkaloiden sisään aseteltiin ikkuna-, vuoka- ja kuoppapyydyksiä, kaksi kutakin tyyppiä ja ne tyhjennettiin kolmen viikon välein touko-heinäkuussa 2006. Pyydyksiä oli siis yhteensä 90 per pyyntijakso. Kun näytteistä eroteltiin halutut hyönteislahkot (mukaanlukien kovakuoriaiset) niiden käsittelyyn käytetty aika kirjattiin ylös. Aineistosta tunnistettiin yhteensä 3825 kovakuoriaisyksilöä ja 212 lajia, joista lahopuusta riippuvaisia oli yhteensä 3398 yksilöä ja 121 lajia. Ikkunapyydyksissä esiintyi yhteensä 1639 yksilöä ja 140 lajia, vuokapyydyksissä 1506 yksilöä ja 134 lajia, kuoppapyydyksissä 680 yksilöä ja 111 lajia. Näytteiden käsittelyaikojen keskiarvot olivat 48,3 minuuttia ikkunapyydykselle, 65,5 minuuttia vuokapyydykselle ja 34,1 kuoppapyydykselle. Lajistokoostumuksen huomioiva ?-diversiteetti erosi huomattavasti pyydysten välillä, se oli 36,5 % ikkuna- ja vuokapyydysten välillä, 13,1 % ikkuna- ja kuoppapyydysten välillä ja 14,2 % vuoka- ja kuoppapyydysten välillä. Ikkuna- ja vuokapyydysten välillä ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa saproksyylilajien (p<0,05), -yksilöiden (p<0,05) tai käsittelyaikojen (p<0,05) keskiarvoissa. Ikkuna- ja vuokapyydyksillä saatiin keskimäärin selvästi enemmän saproksyylilajeja ja –yksilöitä kuoppapyydykseen verrattuna. Kuoppapyydyksellä saatiin kokonaisyksilömäärään verrattuna suhteellisesti vähemmän saproksyylejä (59 %) kuin ikkuna- (69 %) ja vuokapyydyksillä (71 %). Ikkunapyydykset olivat tehokkain pyydystyyppi vertailtaessa pyydysten keräämää saproksyyliyksilömäärää suhteessa aineiston käsittelyn vaatimaan aikaan. Tehokkuus (yksilöä minuutissa) ikkunapyydykselle oli 0,74, vuokapyydykselle 0,43 ja kuoppapyydykselle 0,21. Ikkunapyydyksiä ei ole aikaisemmin käytetty puun onkalon sisällä hyönteisiä pyydettäessä vaan ne ovat aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa roikkuneet onkalon ulkopuolella. Ikkunapyydykset kuitenkin toimivat erinomaisesti myös onkaloiden sisällä. Ikkuna- sekä vuokapyydys toimivatkin selkeästi paremmin lahopuukovakuoriaisten pyynnissä verrattuna kuoppapyydykseen, jonka poisjättäminen olisi kuitenkin tuottanut huomattavasti lajiköyhemmän aineiston. Mahdollisimman monimuotoisen onttojen puiden lahopuukovakuoriaislajiston keräämiseksi tulisi käyttää ikkuna- tai vuokapyydyksiä yhdessä kuoppapyydysten kanssa.


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We study t-analogs of string functions for integrable highest weight representations of the affine Kac-Moody algebra A(1)((1)). We obtain closed form formulas for certain t-string functions of levels 2 and 4. As corollaries, we obtain explicit identities for the corresponding affine Hall-Littlewood functions, as well as higher level generalizations of Cherednik's Macdonald and Macdonald-Mehta constant term identities.


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A structural investigation of cubic oxides (space group I23) of the formula Bi(26-x)M(x)O(40-delta) (M = Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Pb) related to the Y-Bi2O3 phase has been carried out by the Rietveld profile analysis of high-resolution X-ray powder diffraction data in order to establish the cation distributions. Compositional dependence of the cation distribution has been examined in the case of Bi26-xCoxO40-delta (1 < x < 16). The study reveals that in Bi(26-X)M(X)O(40-delta) with M = Ti, Mn, Fe, Co or Pb, the M cations tend to occupy tetrahedral (2a) sites when x < 2 while the octahedral (24f) sites are shared by the excess Co or Ni cations with Bi atoms when x > 2. Also experimental magnetic moments of Mn, Co and Ni derivatives have been used to establish the valence state and distribution of these cations.


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Scheelite type solid electrolytes, Li(0.5)Ce(0.5-x)Ln(x)MoO(4) (x = 0 and 0.25, Ln = Pr, Sm) have been synthesized using a solid state method. Their structure and ionic conductivity (a) were obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction and ac-impedance spectroscopy, respectively. X-ray diffraction studies reveal a space group of I4(1)/a for Li(0.5)Ce(0.5-x)Ln(x)MoO(4) (x = 0 and 0.25, Ln = Pr, Sm) scheelite compounds. The unsubstituted Li0.5Ce0.5MoO4 showed lithium ion conductivity similar to 10(-5)-10(-3) Omega(-1)cm(-1) in the temperature range of 300-700 degrees C (sigma = 2.5 x 10(-3) Omega(-1) cm(-1) at 700 degrees C). The substituted compounds show lower conductivity compared to the unsubstituted compound, with the magnitude of ionic conductivity being two (in the high temperature regime) to one order (in the low temperature regime) lower than the unsubstituted compound. Since these scheelite type structures show significant conductivity, the series of compounds could serve in high temperature lithium battery operations.


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The neuronal sodium channels are responsible for the rising phase of action potential and are composed of three subunits, of which the alpha-subunit has been shown to be adequate for most of its functional properties. We have stably expressed the rat brain type IIA sodium channel alpha-subunit in CHO cell tine using a CMV promoter-based vector. The expression was confirmed by detecting a 6.5 kb RNA corresponding to sodium channel alpha-subunit using Northern hybridization. The cells stably expressing the alpha-subunit, yield isolated sodium currents of amplitudes greater than 4nA when studied in whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The sodium currents are characterized by activation and inactivation properties similar to neuronal sodium channels, and are blocked by the voltage gated sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX).


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The chemical modifications of structure, reactivity and catalytic properties of layered triple perovskite oxides, related to the YBa2Cu3O7-delta (123) system, have been briefly reviewed. These oxides form a versatile family of materials with wide-ranging chemical and physical properties. The multiple sites available for chemical doping, and the ability to reversibly intercalate oxygen at the defect sites have rendered these oxides important model systems in the area of oxide catalysis. An attempt has been made to comprehend the hitherto known catalytic reactions and correlate them to various factors like structure, oxygen diffusional limitations, different geometries adopted by various substituents, oxidative non-stoichiometry and activation energy for oxygen desorption. In particular, results on the enhanced catalytic activity of cobalt-substituted 123 oxide systems towards the selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia to nitric oxide and carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide are presented.