958 resultados para flow injection analysis (FIA)


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Background:Cervical compressive myelopathy, e.g. due to spondylosis or ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament is a common cause of spinal cord dysfunction. Although human pathological studies have reported neuronal loss and demyelination in the chronically compressed spinal cord, little is known about the mechanisms involved. In particular, the neuroinflammatory processes that are thought to underlie the condition are poorly understood. The present study assessed the localized prevalence of activated M1 and M2 microglia/macrophages in twy/twy mice that develop spontaneous cervical spinal cord compression, as a model of human disease.Methods:Inflammatory cells and cytokines were assessed in compressed lesions of the spinal cords in 12-, 18- and 24-weeks old twy/twy mice by immunohistochemical, immunoblot and flow cytometric analysis. Computed tomography and standard histology confirmed a progressive spinal cord compression through the spontaneously development of an impinging calcified mass.Results:The prevalence of CD11b-positive cells, in the compressed spinal cord increased over time with a concurrent decrease in neurons. The CD11b-positive cell population was initially formed of arginase-1- and CD206-positive M2 microglia/macrophages, which later shifted towards iNOS- and CD16/32-positive M1 microglia/macrophages. There was a transient increase in levels of T helper 2 (Th2) cytokines at 18 weeks, whereas levels of Th1 cytokines as well as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), nerve growth factor (NGF) and macrophage antigen (Mac) -2 progressively increased.Conclusions:Spinal cord compression was associated with a temporal M2 microglia/macrophage response, which may act as a possible repair or neuroprotective mechanism. However, the persistence of the neural insult also associated with persistent expression of Th1 cytokines and increased prevalence of activated M1 microglia/macrophages, which may lead to neuronal loss and demyelination despite the presence of neurotrophic factors. This understanding of the aetiopathology of chronic spinal cord compression is of importance in the development of new treatment targets in human disease. © 2013 Hirai et al.


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Vascular insufficiency and retinal ischemia precede many proliferative retinopathies and stimulate secretion of various vasoactive growth factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and placenta growth factor (PlGF). It is unclear, however, how PlGF, which is elevated in proliferative diabetic retinopathy and is a VEGF homolog that binds only to VEGF receptor (VEGFR)-1, promotes pathological angiogenesis. When primary microvascular endothelial cells were grown on collagen gels, PlGF-containing ligands upregulated Bcl-2 expression and stimulated the formation of capillary-like tube networks that were retained for up to 14 days in culture. The inhibition of VEGFR-1 results in a dramatic decrease in the number of capillary connections, indicating that VEGFR-1 ligands promote branching angiogenesis. In contrast, VEGF-induced tube formations and Bcl-2 expression were significantly decreased at the end of this period. Flow cytometry analysis of annexin-V/propidium iodide-stained cells revealed that PlGF and PlGF/VEGF heterodimer inhibited apoptosis in serum-deprived endothelial cells. These two growth factors stimulated a survival signaling pathway phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), as identified by increased Akt phosphorylation and because blocking PI3K signalling by adenovirus-mediated overexpression of wild-type phosphatase and tensin homolog on chromosome 10 (PTEN) disrupted angiogenesis and decreased Bcl-2 expression by PlGF and PlGF/VEGF heterodimer, whereas a dominant-negative PTEN mutant enhanced endothelial sprout formation and Bcl-2 expression. Together, these findings indicate that PlGF-containing ligands contribute to pathological angiogenesis by prolonging cell survival signals and maintaining vascular networks.


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Background: Recent attention on chemotherapeutic intervention against cancer has been focused on discovering and developing phytochemicals as anticancer agents with improved efficacy, low drug resistance and toxicity, low cost and limited adverse side effects. In this study, we investigated the effects of Curcuma C20-dialdehyde on growth, apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in colon and cervical cancer cell lines. Materials and Methods: Antiproliferative, apoptosis induction, and cell cycle arrest activities of Curcuma C20-dialdehyde were determined by WST cell proliferation assay, flow cytometric Alexa fluor 488-annexin V/propidium iodide (PI) staining and PI staining, respectively. Results: Curcuma C20 dialdehyde suppressed the proliferation of HCT116, HT29 and HeLa cells, with IC50 values of 65.4±1.74 μg/ml, 58.4±5.20 μg/ml and 72.0±0.03 μg/ml, respectively, with 72 h exposure. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that percentages of early apoptotic cells increased in a dose-dependent manner upon exposure to Curcuma C20-dialdehyde. Furthermore, exposure to lower concentrations of this compound significantly induced cell cycle arrest at G1 phase for both HCT116 and HT29 cells, while higher concentrations increased sub-G1 populations. However, the concentrations used in this study could not induce cell cycle arrest but rather induced apoptotic cell death in HeLa cells. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the phytochemical Curcuma C20-dialdehyde may be a potential antineoplastic agent for colon and cervical cancer chemotherapy and/or chemoprevention. Further studies are needed to characterize the drug target or mode of action of the Curcuma C20-dialdehyde as an anticancer agent.


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Background: Esophageal cancer is the eighth most common cancer seen worldwide and is the sixth most common cause of death from cancer. The UK alone has over 8,000 new cases of esophageal cancer every year. Epidemiological studies have shown that low-dose daily intake of aspirin can decrease the incidence of esophageal cancer. However, its use as an anti-cancer drug has been restrained because of its side effects exerted through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes. In our study, we have investigated the effects of a number of novel aspirin analogs on esophageal cancer cell lines. Methods: The effects of aspirin and its analogs on the viability of esophageal cancer cell lines were tested using the MTT assay. ApoSense and flow cytometric analysis were performed to examine whether aspirin analog-mediated tumor cell death is due to apoptosis or necrosis. Colorimetric assays measuring peroxidase component of cyclooxygenases were employed to screen aspirin analogs for COX inhibition. Results: Our data suggests that the anti-proliferative property of certain aspirin analogs is greater than that of aspirin itself. Benzoylsalicylates and fumaroyl diaspirin were more effective than aspirin against the oe21 squamous cell carcinoma cells and oe33 esophageal adenocarcinoma cells. Flo-1 esophageal adenocarcinoma cells showed resistance to aspirin and most of the aspirin analogs other than the benzoylsalicylates. Both diaspirin and benzoylsalicylates inhibited metabolic activity in all these esophageal cells. However, apoptosis was induced in only a small proportion. We have also shown that these aspirin analogs do not appear to inhibit COX enzymes. Conclusion: We have synthesized and characterized a number of novel aspirin analogs that are more effective against esophageal cancer cell lines than aspirin. These compounds do not exert their anti-proliferative effect through induction of apoptosis. Moreover, these analogs inability to inhibit COX enzymes suggests that they may cause fewer or no side effects compared to aspirin.


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HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) is characterized by development of cognitive, behavioral and motor abnormalities, and occur in approximately 50% of HIV infected individuals. Our current understanding of HAND emanates mainly from HIV-1 subtype B (clade B), which is prevalent in USA and Western countries. However very little information is available on neuropathogenesis of HIV-1 subtype C (clade C) that exists in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Therefore, studies to identify specific neuropathogenic mechanisms associated with HAND are worth pursuing to dissect the mechanisms underlying this modulation and to prevent HAND particularly in clade B infection. In this study, we have investigated 84 key human synaptic plasticity genes differential expression profile in clade B and clade C infected primary human astrocytes by using RT2 Profile PCR Array human Synaptic Plasticity kit. Among these, 31 and 21 synaptic genes were significantly (≥3 fold) down-regulated and 5 genes were significantly (≥3 fold) up-regulated in clade B and clade C infected cells, respectively compared to the uninfected control astrocytes. In flow-cytometry analysis, down-regulation of postsynaptic density and dendrite spine morphology regulatory proteins (ARC, NMDAR1 and GRM1) was confirmed in both clade B and C infected primary human astrocytes and SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells. Further, spine density and dendrite morphology changes by confocal microscopic analysis indicates significantly decreased spine density, loss of spines and decreased dendrite diameter, total dendrite and spine area in clade B infected SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells compared to uninfected and clade C infected cells. We have also observed that, in clade B infected astrocytes, induction of apoptosis was significantly higher than in the clade C infected astrocytes. In conclusion, this study suggests that down-regulation of synaptic plasticity genes, decreased dendritic spine density and induction of apoptosis in astrocytes may contribute to the severe neuropathogenesis in clade B infection.


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The pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a critical unsolved question, and while recent studies have demonstrated a strong association between altered brain immune responses and disease progression, the mechanistic cause of neuronal dysfunction and death is unknown. We have previously described the unique CVN-AD mouse model of AD, in which immune-mediated nitric oxide is lowered to mimic human levels, resulting in a mouse model that demonstrates the cardinal features of AD, including amyloid deposition, hyperphosphorylated and aggregated tau, behavioral changes and age-dependent hippocampal neuronal loss. Using this mouse model, we studied longitudinal changes in brain immunity in relation to neuronal loss and, contrary to the predominant view that AD pathology is driven by pro-inflammatory factors, we find that the pathology in CVN-AD mice is driven by local immune suppression. Areas of hippocampal neuronal death are associated with the presence of immunosuppressive CD11c+ microglia and extracellular arginase, resulting in arginine catabolism and reduced levels of total brain arginine. Pharmacologic disruption of the arginine utilization pathway by an inhibitor of arginase and ornithine decarboxylase protected the mice from AD-like pathology and significantly decreased CD11c expression. Our findings strongly implicate local immune-mediated amino acid catabolism as a novel and potentially critical mechanism mediating the age-dependent and regional loss of neurons in humans with AD.

There is a large interest in identifying, lineage tracing, and determining the physiologic roles of monophagocytes in Alzheimer’s disease. While Cx3cr1 knock-in fluorescent reporting and Cre expressing mice have been critical for studying neuroimmunology, mice that are homozygous null or hemizygous for CX3CR1 have perturbed neural development and immune responses. There is, therefore, a need for similar tools in which mice are CX3CR1+/+. Here, we describe a mouse where Cre is driven by the Cx3cr1 promoter on a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgene (Cx3cr1-CreBT) and the Cx3cr1 locus is unperturbed. Similarly to Cx3cr1-Cre knock-in mice, these mice express Cre in Ly6C-, but not Ly6C+, monocytes and tissue macrophages, including microglia. These mice represent a novel tool that maintains the Cx3cr1 locus while allowing for selective gene targeting in monocytes and tissue macrophages.

The study of immunity in Alzheimer’s requires the ability to identify and quantify specific immune cell subsets by flow cytometry. While it is possible to identify lymphocyte subsets based on cell lineage-specific markers, the lack of such markers in brain myeloid cell subsets has prevented the study of monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells. By improving on tissue homogenization, we present a comprehensive protocol for flow cytometric analysis, that allows for the identification of several cell types that have not been previously identified by flow cytometry. These cell types include F4/80hi macrophages, which may be meningeal macrophages, IA/IE+ macrophages, which may represent perivascular macrophages, and dendritic cells. The identification of these cell types now allows for their study by flow cytometry in homeostasis and disease.


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Natural IgM (nIgM) is constitutively present in the serum, where it aids in the early control of viral and bacterial expansions. nIgM also plays a significant role in the prevention of autoimmune disease by promoting the clearance of cellular debris. However, the cells that maintain high titers of nIgM in the circulation had not yet been identified. Several studies have linked serum nIgM with the presence of fetal-lineage B cells, and others have detected IgM secretion directly by B1a cells in various tissues. Nevertheless, a substantial contribution of undifferentiated B1 cells to nIgM titers is doubtful, as the ability to produce large quantities of antibody (Ab) is a function of the phenotype and morphology of differentiated plasma cells (PCs). No direct evidence exists to support the claim that a B1-cell population directly produces the bulk of circulating nIgM. The source of nIgM thus remained uncertain and unstudied.

In the first part of this study, I identified the primary source of nIgM. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISPOT) assay, I determined that the majority of IgM Ab-secreting cells (ASCs) in naïve mice reside in the bone marrow (BM). Flow cytometric analysis of BM cells stained for intracellular IgM revealed that nIgM ASCs express IgM and the PC marker CD138 on their surface, but not the B1a cell marker CD5. By spinning these cells onto slides and staining them, following isolation by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), I found that they exhibit the typical morphological characteristics of terminally differentiated PCs. Transfer experiments demonstrated that BM nIgM PCs arise from a progenitor in the peritoneal cavity (PerC), but not isolated PerC B1a, B1b, or B2 cells. Immunoglobulin (Ig) gene sequence analysis and examination of B1-8i mice, which carry an Ig knockin that prohibits fetal B-cell development, indicated that nIgM PCs differentiate from fetal-lineage B cells. BrdU uptake experiments showed that the nIgM ASC compartment contains a substantial fraction of long-lived plasma cells (LLPCs). Finally, I demonstrated that nIgM PCs occupy a survival niche distinct from that used by IgG PCs.

In the second part of this dissertation, I characterized the unique survival niche of nIgM LLPCs, which maintain constitutive high titers of nIgM in the serum. By using genetically deficient or Ab-depleted mice, I found that neither T cells, type 2 innate lymphoid cells, nor mast cells, the three major hematopoietic producers of IL-5, were required for nIgM PC survival in the BM. However, IgM PCs associate strongly with IL-5-expressing BM stromal cells, which support their survival in vitro when stimulated. In vivo neutralization of IL-5 revealed that, like individual survival factors for IgG PCs, IL-5 is not the sole supporter of IgM PCs, but is likely one of several redundant molecules that together ensure uninterrupted signaling. Thus, the long-lived nIgM PC niche is not composed of hematopoietic sources of IL-5, but a stromal cell microenvironment that provides multiple redundant survival signals.

In the final part of my study, I identified and characterized the precursor of nIgM PCs, which I found in the first project to be resident in the PerC, but not a B1a, B1b, or B2 cell. By transferring PerC cells sorted based on expression of CD19, CD5, and CD11b, I found that only the CD19+CD5+CD11b- population contained cells capable of differentiating into nIgM PCs. Transfer of decreasing numbers of unfractionated PerC cells into Rag1 knockouts revealed an order-of-magnitude drop in the rate of serum IgM reconstitution between stochastically sampled pools of 106 and 3x105 PerC cells, suggesting that the CD19+CD5+CD11b- compartment comprises two cell types, and that interaction between the two necessary for nIgM-PC differentiation. By transferring neonatal liver, I determined that the early hematopoietic environment is required for nIgM PC precursors to develop. Using mice carrying a mutation that disturbs cKit expression, I also found that cKit appears to be required at a critical point near birth for the proper development of nIgM PC precursors.

The collective results of these studies demonstrate that nIgM is the product of BM-resident PCs, which differentiate from a PerC B cell precursor distinct from B1a cells, and survive long-term in a unique survival niche created by stromal cells. My work creates a new paradigm by which to understand nIgM, B1 cell, and PC biology.